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Originally posted by ToMyHealth View Post
Originally posted by Pavati View Post
Originally posted by little beagle View Post, that is what would happen to me with those types of food. Until college, that behavior didn't seem to have any consequences so I didn't see it as a problem. It's interesting how many people that struggle with alcohol addiction have similar issues with sweet carbs and how sugar can substitute for alcohol and vice versa. I'm much happier with both out of my life (and need to do what it takes to remember that!!!).
I am getting ready for an overnight trip to NO tomorrow. Staying on Bourbon Street.
Here lately I too have noticed an increase in the amount of time I spend thinking about alcohol. Glad you mentioned that NS. So as I was pounding the punching bags at the gym tonight I thought of all the reasons I'm ever so glad I don't drink. And also of the terrible consequences if I do drink again. And I've been checking in here more lately. As I am resolved to do now.
I'm so glad this thread is going again.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Hope you enjoy your trip to NO LB, no matter what you're going for, take some time for you!
I know when I was working through my first year of sobriety I thought about alcohol quite a bit. Not that I was missing it, but wondering if I really had it in me to quit for good. Now when I think of drinking, it's in a positive way. Something that happens and I think I'd never get this done if I was drinking. Or pull up to a Check Stop and smile to myself, no drinking for me, so no need to worry about the police. I really enjoy my new way of thinking instead of trying to convince myself that I'm missing out on anything. But I am missing out --- on the hangovers, the empty wallet, and the GSR of the morning after. Just a few of the things I'm happy about missing out on!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Good morning...
Abcowboy, I like that attitude to reframe thinking about alcohol into something so positive. Yeah, they are drinking but I don't have to worry about making an ass out of myself, having regrets and a hangover the next day. I especially liked, there is a cop, no need to worry. Great examples on the positive parts of being AF!
I think it's a big key in making a quit stick Snoopy, always thinking about sobriety in a positive way. I know for a fact that if I kept dwelling on the "missing out" thoughts, I would have started drinking again a long time ago. Being negative about anything doesn't do anyone any good.Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
I definitely an grateful a lot, and have those thoughts about how lucky I am to not be drinking or hungover when... but I am with you, NS. Sometimes I get a pity party going, and I am sorry I am missing out on that "social" beer. Luckily, those thoughts are fewer.
I had my first drinking dream in a long time last week. i guess that constitutes thinking about it more. I'm glad this thread is going again, too.
Off to work. The Olympics are killing me! Since when is midnight Prime Time???
They must double-tape-delay it for you west coasters! It winds up by 10 here, which is really nice, because even I can stay up that late.
I don't think I feel like I'm missing out on anything fun by not drinking but then again by the end, all I was doing was "normalizing" and checking out. There was nothing fun about it. So, now, even when something is going on that I don't like, at least I'm dealing with it and am not besieged later with worry about what I or didn't say or do. Which is relatively much, much better!
1st milestone. Day 7. Yest was my first "off" day. Wrote on Steppers I felt bored. Almost embarrassed to say that. Dh was even testy. Evening got better. And this time I tried sleeping without aid but ending up biting off a bit and that worked fine. Slept, but not too long, and feel good this a.m. Esp since I'm still AF!
NS, goes til midnight here. On East coast. I last til 10 also.
Like those positive thoughts on not drinking. Last Easter on way to church we encountered a slowdown, then stop. Admit I felt a little panicky as I was driving and thought do I still have enough in system to be impaired? Awful feeling! Turned out they were cutting down a tree that must have been in danger of falling on highway.
It's going to be great to go to church tomorrow and not ask God for forgiveness for yet again over imbibing. Instead thank him for the strength to do this (which I have been doing every night).
Oh, and doesn't coffee taste great? Major difference to me.
Tues I mentioned playing better golf but not a better score. After sleeping well Wed nite, Thurs I played well (for 'me) and went from 102 to,91, which is where I want to be to get my handicap below 20 and only have to take a 7. Hope it wasn't a fluke. Will find out today...although we know any given day!
Boy, I'm sorry if it this is all about me. Can you tell I'm a little excited! Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
Congrats on 1 week TMH! And you come and post here about you anytime you want! Your sobriety is all about you! Good luck with the golf today, keep it in the double digits and no snowmen on the card eh!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Way to go, TMH! Don't worry about being all about you. That's what it is for a while. I don't know golf at all, but congratulations on whatever you accomplished!
I'm heading back to bed with a yucky summer cold. I am grateful I have nothing going on today and I can just loll about feeling sorry for myself. Hopefully a day off will help me get better more quickly.
It is great to hear you so positive, TMH! I hope you're still feeling that way today and got to be grateful instead of remorseful at church. Over the years Pav and I have often talked about how wonderful morning coffee is when you can really taste it and aren't adding insult to the injury of a quesy stomach. I think for years it was just my antidote to alcohol - I needed something to get me going each morning. I still enjoy the benefits of caffeine but mostly I enjoy coffee for itself. That's the "vice" I really hope I never have to let go.
Sorry you've got a summer cold, Pav. Those always seem unfair.
Hi. to all other Gloamers and Readers. xx, NS
Hi, All:
NS - I thought of you this morning when I had my coffee. My husband and I are trying to save some money so we tried a cheaper kind of coffee than we usually get - it was DISGUSTING!. I realized that for me it IS the taste (the caffeine is a happy addition, don't get me wrong). I think I'll cut corners somewhere else...
I found old journals today - so full of fear and hopelessness the 8 months before I quit. So grateful to be away from those days.
LB - I have been reading about the flooding in LA and hope you and your family are ok. Check in soon!