Really tempted to drink,thoughts of cava and 'maybe I could just have one' etc etc - so glad I made myself drive - I know this thinking is BS.I am going to drive to friends next Friday - much as I love them I find it really tempting to drink with them, used to always get hammered and I think they miss me getting hammered with them.It's that thing - am I living my life to please others or for me?Also focusing back on today and trying to just ' watch' those thoughts rather than start debating that really bad idea.I may look out some AF cava though,marks and spencer had some that was ok when really cold.
Walk/run was very slow and I didn't have a lot of energy yesterday - but I stuck it out and just did more walking than I had planned rather than give up. Next one will be better, today I am off to skating after work,a skills session rather than a full contact sesh - looking forward to it.
Have a great day everyone, floor almost complete - this Sunday it should all be done.
Woo hoo!