Just coffee for you lovely folk here. Looks like folks are busy ? as to be expected at this time of the year. I am hitting the supermarket today ? need to get some Xmas groceries to give to a sole Mum who is as poor as a churchmouse.
Mick ? you must remember what its like falling in love! That's the problem ? we oldies recall it all too well ? including the tears ? and want to protect our kids from this. Plus I can now relate to the feeling of how no-one is good enough for our princesses (or princes!). Look to Shakespeare ? everything to be said about love and lust and lies has been written down there.
SF - hope your princes are doing well at this busy time of the year!
Lav ? no more slippages me hopes. Busy weekend planned? Stay upright.
Bear ? you do sound strong so keep the positive bunnies running through your neural pathways this weekend. Goodness ? that was a dreadful metaphor I produced ? must be the caffeine.

Det ? glad you are home and dry. Keep dry ? in all respects!
Pauly ? how are you this lovely day? Or is it night where you are? Sunny warm day here but won?t make much difference once I am inside a supermarket.
Sam ? good choice of cartoon ? esp for all the worriers out there! Thanks.
Narilly ? look at you counting the AF days ? keep going as you are.
PPQP ?you have a good weekend too. Are you seeing your Dad this weekend?
Patrice ? I think many of us here can relate to the drinking alone pattern ? its what Ann Dowsett Johnson (and many others) write about with regard to women and AL. This was my trap for years and years. I mostly could handle the social occasions and going out to drink held no attraction to me ? esp in my later years. Much easier to just drink alone, potter around the house, do some work ? and I did manage to get a lot done while drinking ? some of which was good work. I also had fun with AL and I am not denying this. I wasn?t always a sloppy drunk. I had an intimate relationship with AL ? it was my companion and we had rules we followed in the game ? but as we know it was AL that was really controlling me. Because it was so embedded in my personal life ? and because I was outwardly ?functioning? ? it was a monster to get finally rid of. And as you say we become very very lonely, sad and cut off. Its taken months but I am emerging from that barrier ? but I am not whizzing around being a social butterfly. I think I have a better handle on socialising again. It's a blessing to not think about ?escaping? early to get home to the bottle. You know, that alcoholic urge that tugs at you ? to get away, go straight to the wine glass and glug. Ahh, relax. Alone.
No ? I still escape, but its different now. I am in control.
So that's my wee rave for the day.:eeew:
Everyone else have a great sober Saturday. Catch you later on!