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af Sat 14 December

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    af Sat 14 December

    Ahoy landlubbers! I am back on land but it was fun on the ship yesterday. Not my lifestyle at all ? afraid I would find it very boring. But so lovely to catch up with my friend and the girls came with me and enjoyed it too.

    Just coffee for you lovely folk here. Looks like folks are busy ? as to be expected at this time of the year. I am hitting the supermarket today ? need to get some Xmas groceries to give to a sole Mum who is as poor as a churchmouse.

    Mick ? you must remember what its like falling in love! That's the problem ? we oldies recall it all too well ? including the tears ? and want to protect our kids from this. Plus I can now relate to the feeling of how no-one is good enough for our princesses (or princes!). Look to Shakespeare ? everything to be said about love and lust and lies has been written down there.

    SF - hope your princes are doing well at this busy time of the year!

    Lav ? no more slippages me hopes. Busy weekend planned? Stay upright.

    Bear ? you do sound strong so keep the positive bunnies running through your neural pathways this weekend. Goodness ? that was a dreadful metaphor I produced ? must be the caffeine.

    Det ? glad you are home and dry. Keep dry ? in all respects!

    Pauly ? how are you this lovely day? Or is it night where you are? Sunny warm day here but won?t make much difference once I am inside a supermarket.

    Sam ? good choice of cartoon ? esp for all the worriers out there! Thanks.

    Narilly ? look at you counting the AF days ? keep going as you are.

    PPQP ?you have a good weekend too. Are you seeing your Dad this weekend?

    Patrice ? I think many of us here can relate to the drinking alone pattern ? its what Ann Dowsett Johnson (and many others) write about with regard to women and AL. This was my trap for years and years. I mostly could handle the social occasions and going out to drink held no attraction to me ? esp in my later years. Much easier to just drink alone, potter around the house, do some work ? and I did manage to get a lot done while drinking ? some of which was good work. I also had fun with AL and I am not denying this. I wasn?t always a sloppy drunk. I had an intimate relationship with AL ? it was my companion and we had rules we followed in the game ? but as we know it was AL that was really controlling me. Because it was so embedded in my personal life ? and because I was outwardly ?functioning? ? it was a monster to get finally rid of. And as you say we become very very lonely, sad and cut off. Its taken months but I am emerging from that barrier ? but I am not whizzing around being a social butterfly. I think I have a better handle on socialising again. It's a blessing to not think about ?escaping? early to get home to the bottle. You know, that alcoholic urge that tugs at you ? to get away, go straight to the wine glass and glug. Ahh, relax. Alone.
    No ? I still escape, but its different now. I am in control.

    So that's my wee rave for the day.:eeew:

    Everyone else have a great sober Saturday. Catch you later on!

    af Sat 14 December

    Well I am hitting the sack now. Awesome post TT.
    I really like what you said to Patrice. I can totally relate to that.
    Anyway, I am a little sick so am going to sleep.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      af Sat 14 December

      TT - well you have just described my relationship to Al perfectly, as it has been over the last 3 years...
      Feel like i am learning though and understanding it a lot more than even 6 months ago. In a way I haven't wanted to delve into that aspect too much but seems like delving into it is integral to healing... I always just thought I drink too much and too often therefore I must stop. Too simple right?
      Have a great MAE everyone!


        af Sat 14 December

        Morning all,up early ready for bikini line hair lasering,so much fun! Need to breakfast and shower in next 30 mins and leave the house, full of a cold, but above the neck so am going to still run today,tomorrow is my 5K.

        Apart from that need to get OH a Christmas card and may get myself a nice lunch in town.House needs tidying/putting in order and planning next week in terms of shopping and.Floor should be finally finished tomorrow so back to normal then. Having a miserable defeatist train of thought today BUT am just getting on with my day,one thing I have noticed from keeping diary is busy is good for me mood wise,with breaks - but hours spent with nothing to do I tend to ruminate.Exercise helps me hugely as well.

        Tonight is festive drinks for OH's band and friends - some will be v boozy,others not so much,and others will be driving like me. Therapist said it's important I keep doing things, so I am going - otherwise world gets smaller for me.That's just me though, I am learning to show myself that I can enjoy myself without alcohol in social situations.Anyway -am driving and have 5k tomorrow as my excuse if there is any pressure.

        Happy Saturday everyone,have a good one.
        one day at a time


          af Sat 14 December

          mae all...and how are we this wonderful windy wet weekend?..well it is here..apart from the weather how is everyone?ok I hope ...Well I started a thread yesterday called CVhristmas crackers ..just to get some interest going in say it was as much use as tits on a fish would be an understatement !!no interest at all ..oh well not to worry..madam came home last night and said ..those houses down the street have got Christmas lights and trees outside ...shall we do it? had a quick look ..dont know if anyone has seen the film National Lampoon ...but the houses looked like the fkn Grizwolds had attacked them!!!:H.Back to me norm tomorrow ..out early doors doing me fing.Went swimming yesterday and went for a run...since I came back from hols ..last Monday I have lost 7lb...all that plum pudding gorn!!Isuspect quite a bit of the weight was fluids .
          Right on with the show.. eer wi go tea and coffee now available in all strengths and sizes..oh and guess what ...found another pound shop yesterday ..yeeehah!!:H

          Evening tt and how are you today? I really loved your post about getting the groceries...if you were here now would get a big hug...oh no she says!!!I agree wholeheartedly about what you say re drinking ...the only thing I have found is yes it changed my life,and its too easy to turn into a "preacher John "for want of better words.

          Morning Narilly how are you today are you feeling any better? hope so have a cuppa thatll sort you out

          Hiya Patrice hows things with you today?Yes it is really seemples to understand about drinking ,but a lot harder to put into practice, but once you do then its a lot easier to get on with life .No al isnt a panacea to cure lifes issues,but it helps you to see things from a different perspective rather than through a bottle bottom.You will get there ,you have the courage we will give you the support

          Morning bear hows things with you?..ok? as long as you let those thoughts keep dancing in and out and not for the boot camp..why dont you do your own one on here ?Sure if we all got our heads together we could come up with something?

          Hiya sam..well here we are Friday 13th been and gorn and we are still here!!Are you up to anything this weekend? deed hunting ,fiddling?(as in music ..not a real estate merchant!!:H) and yes time is only relative!

          SL..bloody hell long time ..hows you doing?ok I hope.what are /have you been up to?Cmon spill the beans time!seriously tho .hope you are ok?

          Morning ppqp ...hows you today? lie in time ..weekend no work .no scrapee just relax n have a brew or two .Have you plans fro the weekend?Enjoy..and as you say nothing changes if nothing changes

          Morning Lav ...well sounds like you had a busy week yesterday ..time for feet up today and you time..Just me ...but is there some lateral connection between him fixing a broken lavvy and you making dinner???:H

          Hiya Pauly ..hope all is well with you and yours today.

          right folks thats it ..the missal for today over ..feenished so take care and see you all .have a good one

          I got a call from a doctor today telling me my wife was critical in hospital.


          "Yes, she don't like the food, she doesn't think it's clean enough and the visiting hours don't suit her, other than that she's fine."

          Why did God create women?

          Because hopes and dreams won't crush themselves.

          I called my boss this morning and said, "I won't be coming in today, my brother died last night."

          "How many brothers do you have?" he asked.

          "6." I replied.

          "Gotcha!" he said, "You've used this excuse 7 times now, how is this possible???"

          I said, "I used to have 13 brothers."

          I just saw my neighbour digging three separate swimming pools in his back garden.

          I'm sure his wife and two kids will love it.

          Daily Mail online: Michael Le Vell puts a tough year behind him as he parties with his Coronation Street co-stars at Christmas party.

          "I've not had this much fun since Rosie's ninth."

          There can't be a worse feeling than seeing the one you love walking away with another man.

          My wife's a sh.t for making me get rid of my dog.

          Just been on a diabetes awareness website and it asked me if I accept cookies.

          Is that a trick question??

          not sexist but funny!

          I noticed two lesbians kissing in the bar and thought it would be a good chance to answer my query.

          I asked, "What exactly is it about dicks that you don't like?"

          One of them replied, "They ask stupid fucking questions."

          I was on the way to the local shops with the wife earlier to get some chocolate and she said,
          "I don't half fancy a Double Decker".

          So I pushed her in front of a bus.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af Sat 14 December

            Good morning Abbers,

            I think my grandsons brought a virus with them when they arrived here Thursday. I've been up since 4 am with major aches & pains, yuck They were apparently both sick last weekend so now it's my turn ~ swell.

            Greetings TT, Patrice, bear, narilly, PQ & everyone!

            Mick - isn't it nice to know after 40 years of marriage YB is still taking care of my needs & I am still filling his stomach? :H :H What the hell more could I possibly want? :H :H

            OK, off to feed hungry animals & do what I can to make myself feel a little more human!
            Have a great AF Saturday everyone.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Sat 14 December

              Morning here and hello all
              TT, good post re Patrice and it seems to me very pertinent to me as well. Al was "my friend" and we did shit together all the time, he/she/it just came with a hell of a price tag of health, friends, and family. Glad he's no longer around. Now I'm actually able to enjoy, see, and be without being influenced by my slurring demon!

              Mick, gotta start cramming for my fiddle lesson today. I swear, it never fails to wait till the last minute, but I drive everybody nuts here if I practice the way I'd like to, I love to play first thing in the am with my a good cup of coffee.

              Have a good one everybody... looking like we might get a little weather today.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                af Sat 14 December

                Dang Lav
                hope you don't get too ill
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  af Sat 14 December

                  Mae everybody,too bad more people werent into your christmas thread mick would have been fun if it took off oh well,we were dropping louie and kellie off the other nite and i was excited to see all the lights on the houses,the brighter the better! our house only has one strand across the garage because the style of it is weird,just a big garage and driveway,no street facing windows,its kinda weird,well off to get ready for work(reluctantly)have a nice sturday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    af Sat 14 December

                    what Xmas thread?... I missed something, obviously. Guess I need to take a look see.
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      af Sat 14 December

                      oh no....!!!!just had the dreaded phone call!!!Julie ...."just been getting Christmas presents,and they are playing Christmas carols if you get the tree and decs out of the loft we can put them up ...there was me going to sit on me R Send and have a lazee evening ...ho fkn ho :H
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        af Sat 14 December

                        Dang mick you guys put your tree up late!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          af Sat 14 December

                          When I was a kid the tree went up Christmas eve & came down again New Years day. My Mom did not mess around :H :H

                          I hope you got the tree done Mick
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            af Sat 14 December

                            well crap. I took a wrong turn last night so to speak and drank. not happy. not feeling well today either, but I'm home and regrouping. not seeking sympathy, just want to be honest and open. I'll be better tomorrow.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              af Sat 14 December

                              Best to be honest. Especially with yourself. Try not to enter right into the abyss because its bloody hard to climb out of. Sweet dreams instead.

