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Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

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    Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

    Good morning friends

    The snowstorm only dumped about 2 inches here yesterday, the sun is out today
    I am feeling much more human, thank goodness for 24 hr viruses :H

    papmom, I haven't heard the snowfall totals for your area yet but I'm sure you got a lot more! Just leave there, OK? Your nephew will help you out

    Not sure what I'm doing today but I always figure it out at some point!
    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

    Hey Lav, thanks for starting us out on a new week. We have at least eight additional inches of snow and it has never stopped. Wild. I feel kind of closed in, slipped and fell, but no serious hurts, just achy. Watching the Bears right now, made soup, went to Lowe's, church and I am staying in for several hours. Later, will go out and get gas in my car.

    Pap, please do not shovel, it will get done. Now you get to be in and stay cosy. Do you have a good book? Hope your day goes well.

    To all, have a great Sunday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

      Hey Lav, thanks for the start! The sun is out here at the moment and it is a welcomed sight. I cannot believe all the winter weather we have had and winter is yet to officially begin. Sigh. The bug has hit our house, too. So far only Kylie has had it.

      Hey Star, I am sorry to hear that you took a fall.:l

      Papmom, That must have been very frightening. I'm glad you are ok and here with us.:h

      We put up our tree today. So far that's it. Just put it up. No lights yet, no ornaments yet. But the hard part is done. We do a live tree so it's usually a pretty big project.

      Happy AF Sunday one and all.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

        Hi All!
        6 inches here and I didn't lift a flake!! 2 neighbors did the snowblowing, my new neighbor's boyfriend shoveled my side walk and stairs and my nephew finally showed up to do the rest of the sidewalk, front steps and doggie yard. He also finished cleaning off my jeep which the neighbor started, took my trash and recycling to the curb and started my car. Sigh. I am such a blessed person!!
        Dad also did an emergency cat litter run. I had bought a new litter a while ago and finally got around to dumping the old litter out yesterday and replacing it with the new very nicely lavendar scented litter. Big Mistake!! Poor Timica did NOT appreciate that at all and would not use it!! So, back to the old litter before any real damage was done. Poor baby girl!!
        I did one round of dishes and was amazed at how fatigued I became! I really need to save up for a dishwasher!!
        This afternoon I had an hour preinterview chat with a woman from UMass who is retiring next December. She remembered me from a few years ago when I applied for a transfer counselor position that was open. Unfortunately it would have meant a $10K + cut in salary and I was heartbroken I had to withdraw my application. She feels I would be a great fit for her position which is Sr. Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions. The salary looks doable, maybe even an increase and many of her functions are things I am doing now or have done in the past. There are aspects of the job I have no experience with so that worries me plus the supervision she exercises is way more than I have ever done. Still, I'm flattered and we had a super conversation. Lots in common. They will go out to search of course and the job won't start until the end of 2014 or even beginning of 2015 so lots can happen in that timeframe. I still have to think seriously about early retirement as well. The big draw about this is moving to Amherst, which as you know has been my dream for years. Oh my, so much to consider!!

        Star-so glad you are oK!! Yak Traks people, Yak Traks!! That is all.

        Lav-happy to hear you are feeling better. Dill-I hope the virus avoids you!

        OK, time to cook up a heart healthy dinner-salmon, sweet potato and broccoli.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

          I remember Sooty talking about Yak Traks :H

          Glad your friends & family gave you a hand today papmom - knew they would
          When does your cardiac rehab start?
          Don't go getting yourself overwhelmed with job offers & thoughts of moving just yet - one thing at a time, OK?

          Star, glad you are OK! Geez - this is going to be one long winter, don't you think?
          I heard something about a little more snow Tuesday morning I think.

          Dill, I love having a live tree for Christmas, haven't done that in many years.
          I'm sure the kids will love helping you decorate it whenever you have time
          I hope everyone in your house stays healthy!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

            Good morning to all...

            Pap, so happy to hear that you had lots of people helping you to move all that snow! Your strength will come back, my friend is getting stronger and feeling more like herself everyday. I can hear it in her voice. My husband wanted to change our kitty litter brand and I said, "NO," knowing they would not like it, at all. Your dinner sounded good, healthy, and relatively simple. You can do it.

            Dill, what fun to have a live tree! Bet is smells good! Hope the grandkids get well soon. Are you having a big Christmas or is it just immediate family? I have already purchased a turkey, ham, and a few cookies from a German store that my family enjoys. Now, I need to get the sides this weekend. I have to make a few things for a Thursday work Christmas potluck. No booze of course at work and I am grateful. I was thinking and wanted your input; alcohol wins, it kicked my butt. AF everything is just so much easier. Hoping you are having an easier time of it this holiday season, especially with everything else going on.

            Lav, are you feeling any better? I hate getting those flu bugs. Little kids always love to share. When I fell it was in my kitchen, on slippery wet floors, I even had boots on. This is a messy time of year. I know this is good for the environment, lots of snow, moisture, but it makes everything else difficult. Any ideas for side dishes at Christmas? Besides the usual mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes?

            Trying to keep up with an exercise routine, feeling lazy, sitting around too much. Does anyone else feel closed in? Hope you have a productive Monday.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

              Good morning friends,

              Chilly out there, of course

              Star, falling in the house is worse than falling outside IMO. Accidents do happen in the home - remember my broken head?
              Glad you are OK!
              I really need to start thinking about food for our holiday gathering(s). The carnivores will eat ham so I will pick up a small one & some kielbasa. I think I'm going to make a big scalloped potato thing & skip the perogies which I love but don't have the energy to produce - we'll see

              I have work, then Curves, then a stop at the supermarket today.
              I'm still not done gift shopping, uh oh :H

              Have a great AF Monday everyone - be well!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                Hello Friends,

                Lav, good luck with your shopping. I honestly never feel like I've got it all nailed down!

                Papmom, please don't push yourself too hard during this period of recovery. I know it is tempting to resume normal activity, but you really must give yourself time to heal.:l The job possibility does sound enticing, but daunting as it includes a move. Still, if you pace yourself it may fall in to place nicely.

                Star, we are having a small Christmas, just us, son and grandkids. Then in January my daughter will come up with her hb and son. She can't come during the Christmas season because she works in retail. So around the 5th of January we will celebrate with them. That coincides with my son getting finished with his inpatient treatment. It will be a special time. As far as your request for input: YES! Alcohol wins if I let it in. I don't like to think of it as being defeated tho, you know? I like to think of it as simply turning my back on alcohol, closing the door and throwing away the key, and I am the winner. You know the old saying, "When one door shuts another opens." I watched a little of the game yesterday. I was disappointed my Brown's lost, but happy for you that your Bears won.

                Tree is up and lights are on. It is adorned so far with candy canes. I'll go up to the attic and pull out the ornaments today. Yes it does smell wonderful! If you don't have a live tree tho, I highly recommend Yankee Candle's Christmas Wreath.

                Have a great AF Monday.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                  Dill - We do the live tree as well but don't have it yet! This is the latest we've ever been! Not sure why other than hubby has been too busy hunting to worry about getting the tree. We are actually leaving on a short trip to Texas with some friends the day after Christmas so we won't even be around to enjoy it that much but I do love the smell . . .

                  Lav - No cooking for me this Christmas (other than a dessert) - I hosted Thanksgiving so I'm off the hook. My shopping isn't completely done either - arghhh!!

                  Star - get a dog!!! I've been walking mine every single day (sometimes twice a day) - even when it's freezing cold out! If I didn't have him as an excuse, I probably wouldn't exercise at all but it really does clear my head and hopefully is doing me some good.

                  Pap - hope you are feeling better! Please take good care of yourself and follow doctors orders - you will be just fine.

                  Had some sad news this morning - heard that a high school classmate of mine died of a heart attack yesterday - 51 years old. So sad for his family. His wife died 3 years ago of cancer and they have 3 children. We can never take life for granted - trying to remember this each and every day.

                  Feeling positive and strong - went to advent vespers at 5:30 yesterday evening - wouldn't have been able to do that a month ago . . . still taking it a day at a time and thanking God every day for this site.

                  Have a great day everyone!
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                    OH Jolie-what sad news! Those poor kids. Prayers to help them in this horrible time. I'm glad to hear you are really seeing the benefits of the AF life. Keep up the great work. You can do this!!

                    Dill-How wonderful you will get to see your daughter even tho it won't be at Christmas. My brother and his family did not join us a couple of years ago and we had a second Christmas in January. It was fabulous!!

                    Star-glad you are OK. I agree with Jolie about getting out no matter the weather. I know you know that is the ticket as well. We can be virtual walking buddies if you want. I'm going to start next week when the snow melts a little. I can share one of my dogs if you'd like.

                    Lav-What ever you decide to serve for Christmas Dinner will be greatly appreciated I'm sure. No need to stress yourself with more work than necessary. I think it all sounds delish. Glad to hear you're still going to Curves. How are the chickens? I often wonder how my neighbors 5 hens are doing in the bitterly cold winter. It's a very small coop and I know he has some kind of DIY organic heating system set up but haven't seen him to find out if it is working. Hope so!

                    Today was my first day driving again. I did some errands and got most of my xmas shopping done between Wally World and Amazon. I did take it very easy and was sooo happy to get home and crawl back into bed. It's going to be a long road but I know it will be a successful one. tomorrow nite I'm hoping to get to Quilting if the weather permits. We're supposed to get another 2-5 inches. Yech.

                    Well, I'm going to finish watching the Voice and then turn in after feeding the pups/cat.

                    Nite all!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                      Running late here, have been busy. I love shopping on Amazon

                      Joile, very sad about your classmate & his family. It's true, we never know what's around the corner for us. We need to get ourselves into gratitude mode & stay there, no matter what!

                      Papmom, glad you were able to get out for a bit! Being cooped up is not good, just ask my chickens :H
                      The chickens are 13 weeks old now which means they are pretty well grown up. Don't know if you know I retired my older flock (they went to the Amish farm) The young ones seem to be coping fine. They have lots of fluffy bedding & I still have a heat lamp going inside the coop. They are enjoying some outside time too provided I get a path cleared in the snow for them. They are OK inside the coop as long as there aren't any drafts. I will be looking for eggs early March or so,

                      I'm still stumped on gifts for my son & daughter-in-law...... I'd better figure it out soon!

                      Dill, it's never really done! How nice that your daughter is visiting next month! Nothing like having Christmas twice

                      Rusty, DTD, cyn & anyone else missing - check in please.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                        Good morning, how nice to find all the fresh posts.

                        Jolie, so sad about your friends, it enforces to me that we just don't know how much time we have, so we need to use it wisely. Hope your journey is progressing and the benefits of being AF are kicking in.

                        Pap, so glad to hear you are feeling better, able to drive and get back to normal. A major illness forces a person to reset their priorities, make changes. I know when my husband was ill, we had to really focus on what is important and letting go of a lot of the unimportant stuff. Still, scary times and focusing on the positive helps.

                        Lav, love your view of staying positive, filled with gratitude. It is the only way to go. Scalloped potatoes sound delicious.

                        Dill, I loved your analogy of shutting the door and turning away from alcohol. I just feel that any interaction for me ends in defeat, complete and total defeat. Focusing on the benefits of feeling well, using all my gifts and abilities, gratitude, being positive, is part of the journey and living a good life. Glad your daughter can come up, and your Christmas will be really blessed with your son home.

                        Drove home in a snowy world, more snow tonight. Hope I am busy at work. Hey Cyn, hope you are doing well. Hello to Rusty, too.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                          Good Tuesday morning friends!

                          Woke to a fresh coating of snow, no big deal but I think it may snow more later on today.

                          Star, staying focused is key for me, regardless of what is going on around me. I have learned to put myself first & that's the way it has to be
                          I've come to understand that's it's not as selfish as it sounds, it's just plain sensible!
                          Hope your commute was OK.

                          Greetings to Dill, Jolie, papmom, cyn, Rusty, DTD & everyone!
                          Have a great AF Tuesday one & all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                            Hi Friends, just dragging myself in here to say a quick hello. Little or no sleep last night because gson was vomiting pretty much on the half hour. Morning came and Mr. D started. I spent the day on laundry patrol and then joined them later in the afternoon. Time to pick up Kylie from daycare and NONE of us have the energy to chase after her. Sigh.

                            Tomorrow will be a better day, and on the up side, I didn't go through any of this while fighting a hangover! LOL!

                            I hope to have more time to visit tomorrow.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

                              Aw Dill - sorry you got the stomach bug at your house too- sucks
                              I am feeling 100% today, it takes a few days to get rid of that beastie!
                              Hope everyone recovers quickly!

                              It's almost 8:30 & I am still in my shop getting caught up. I'm always kinda happy to close it up a few days before Christmas - no more orders
                              Waiting for the last of the predicted snow to fall then I hope to get out to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow - we shall see.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

