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Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

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    Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

    Good morning friends,

    Looks like some warm weather is on the way for a few days, nice. Of course that means it will be mud city around here!

    I had a nice day yesterday with one small incident. My granddaughter managed to cut her top lip open with a pair of scissors EB had been using them for something & left them in reach of the younger ones. Lots of screaming & carrying on but she was OK. My daughter was near tears as well, it's hard too see your kid hurt like that. We ALL learned a lesson, oh boy!

    Star, yesterday was but one example of why I am so damn grateful to be clear headed. I was able to jump right in & manage the situation without hesitation!!!!

    I have work to do today then I am closing up the shop for the holidays!
    That is my gift to myself
    I have fulfilled all the wishes I possibly can for others & now I need to focus on getting the holiday together for my family.

    Greetings to Dill, Rusty, papmom, cyn!
    I need to feed animals, get to Curves, then get that work done.
    Have a great AF Friday one & all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

      hello all!

      Lav-glad you had such a nice b-day celebration despite the scissor incident! Also glad you are balancing work/personal life obligations/choices. Its something I think we all need to strive for.

      Star- nice post. You are always so thoughtful and thought provoking. About the fudge-I was such a sugar addict 11 days ago. I wonder now if I'll ever eat things like chocolate again. Right now everything that goes in my mouth gets tracked and if I have calories/fat/carbs etc left over, I know it isn't good to fill them up with empty calories. But right now I have no desire. Kind of sad.
      I'm glad your friend is healing and feeling more herself. I haven't experienced the depression, fear etc yet. Waiting for it to hit as everyone says it will. What is really bugging me right now is not getting to the housework!! I'm not having any luck tracking down a volunteer org that might send someone to do a one time cleaning and I can't afford to hire anyone.

      Dill-hope your jury duty went OK and that everyone is feeling better.

      Jolie-how goes it? I'm also trying to focus on gratitude.

      Today my dad took me to Trader Joe's where I found zero sodium bread and peanut butter. Whoo hoo!! I didn't get too tired either but resisted the urge to continue on to Stop and Shop to fill in the blanks. I'll do that tomorrow after the oil company comes to clean the furnace. I was able to get out and clean up the potty yard for the pups. The warm temps melted the poopsicles! :H

      I heard a stat today: 48% of women who suffer an MI don't make it. I prefer to thing of it this way: More than half of us do. Glass half full? Like I said, I don't have any strong emotions regarding this even one way or the other and I'm kind of concerned about that. I know on a congnitive level that I've suffered a major physical injury and that my life in some way will/has changed but I can't see it clearly. I know that I get tired easily and that I have to rest but I feel like it hasn't hit me yet. I know I don't want to go back to work and would like to retire early but there is also that other position that is a possibility and that would mean not retiring. I guess I feel like I have to make decisions right now and that's just silly. but I'm also scared to go back to work because my heart literally won't be in it.
      Just kind of thinking out loud. Got to feed the kids now.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

        Hello All, sorry for my absence. You know how things can get hectic tho at this time of the year and I have just been pulled along in the strong current. The children had Christmas activites yesterday at school and daycare for which I provided food and some other supplies, so there was extra activity there and other seasonal things. For one, I had a lunch with some former colleagues yesterday. That was quite nice. I can't believe how fast the time can go when with friends having fun!

        Papmom, I think you will be one of the survivors. Just follow your doctors orders, rest, and give your heart time to heal. You may not get back to your full physical activity level but who knows? Maybe you will and then some! Either way, you can still live life and every moment in it to the fullest. My brother had a heart attack in his forties and came back from it and lived to 65 in reasonably good physica condition until the end. He would probably have lived longer too if he hadn't clung to his cig habit. His lungs were so compromised, but he did that to himself.

        Happy belated, Lav old girl!! Now we are BOTH in our sixties. I'll be 62 when April rolls around. Who knows where the time goes?

        Rusty, your mom must be an exceptional woman. I wish I could meet the two of you. What a force you are for good!:h I remember reading about Helen Keller when I was in grade school. I taught myself the finger spelling alphabet back then I was so moved by the story.

        Star, Jolie, Cyn, et al, please have a lovely af Saturday.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

          Good morning friends on this first day of winter!
          Temps are supposed to be 60-70 degrees today & tomorrow - odd but quite acceptable

          papmom, I really think your cardiac rehab is going to help you a lot. For now, rest & healing are important as well as educating yourself on necessary dietary changes. Isn't it shocking when you start really reading food labels? Sodium is everywhere!!! I often use a handful of (Bob's Redmill) oats to bind together a turkey meatloaf instead breadcrumbs. That eliminates gluten & reduces the sodium to practically nothing. I know all kinds of tricks :H Staying away from the canned food & frozen prepared food aisles is a big help in reducing sodium intake. It's OK to buy frozen veggies & no salt added canned tomatoes - that's all I buy from those aisles.
          Keep your thoughts positive, makes a huge difference

          Dill, times does move quickly!
          Those busy few days before Christmas break when the kids were in school - remember them like they were yesterday. HECTIC :H

          Star, Rusty, cyn & everyone else - greetings!

          I have lots to do today in the baking, gift wrapping & cleaning departments. No times for me to get into trouble!
          Have a great day one & all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

            Good morning to all...

            Well, seems like a lot of us are so busy with the holidays, we don't have a whole lotta time to post. That's ok as long as we are AF. I have a list a mile long today of things to do. It's exhausting. I keep it simple too and it is still a loooooong list. Hope everyone is doing well.

            Dill, great you had some time to mingle with your friends. Interacting at school with the grandkids sounds like a really special time. Hope your pre-Christmas and Christmas are loving and a great time spent with family. Is there anything special you are asking for for Christmas? All of our snow has melted, and I was really hoping for a white Christmas. Funny, we have had tons of snow, to have it gone now.

            Lav, know you are busy too, and looking forward to the holidays. Amazing what focusing on gratitude and blessings does for your attitude and outlook. I am practicing and find it helps, a lot. Thanks for sharing your helpful cognitive strategies. You are a warrior and have been so successful in staying AF.

            Pap, there are statistics and then there is your own personal experience. I have faith you are serious about the changes in lifestyle the medical people are encouraging you to make. You became AF a few years ago and DID IT, successfully, looking forward and working through the hard times. Diet and exercise are the final frontiers, eh? Me too. When I exercise and eat well I can feel the change right away...and the opposite. As we get older it is all about health and feeling good. What things are you doing today to take care of yourself? Isn't it awesome and wonderful to have weeks off? It is really a time for reflection and change. Hope you get a change to go to the library and get some good books. I only have time to do that when I am off. So grateful you are on the road to recovery.

            Looking forward to a holiday that is AF. Thinking of how wonderful it is to be there fully, knowing it is OK to be who you are without any chemical in your system to change your perception. The thing is, we all seem to like ourselves when AF, just not under the influence. That is a good thing. We need to keep going with that. Have a good Sunday before Christmas. I am going to go read Mick's jokes.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Delightful December AF ~ Week 3

              Good morning winter friends!

              Yep, it's winter even though it hit 67 degrees yesterday & doing the same today. The snow is gone, the mud has arrived as predicted The jet stream will be dropping by soon though with cold temperatures.

              Doing more of the same (as I did yesterday) today but also making the trek to the cemeteries. I have put together 2 small cemetery blankets using fresh greens, holly clippings, pinecones, etc from around my yard. YB will be going along to visit his family plot as well.
              We will stop to see our granddaughter & set up a new fish tank for her bedroom. She has a couple of very fat goldfish outgrowing their bowl.

              Star, I have made a practice of waking up each morning & running over my gratitude list while I have my first cup of coffee - sets me up for a positive day

              Greetings to papmom, Dill, Rusty, cyn & anyone else lurking!
              Have a great AF Sunday one & all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

