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22nd very early

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    22nd very early

    Greetings one and all 5.20 am and off on me travels ..just had me porridge so quick scribe afore I go...pouring down here ...nuts going out or what..2 hr drive ahead!!!

    Yah glad all went you can get back to holiday chill mode!!

    Sam well done on the no booze ceilidh

    Lav ...da life is complete..Downton Abbey Chrimbo ....wait for it ......

    A new series of Amish Mafia ...!!!! see how easily the simple are pleased??:H:H

    PPQP you ok ? that you finshed with stroppy building supervisors and cashiers for a bit?

    Pauly you finished the chaotic Chrimbo shop?

    hiya little beagle ...glad you like ..things ok with you

    tt ..if you are there ...yoo hoo:wavin:

    right folks thats me off .have a good one

    A Male Fairy Tale:Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess "Will you marry me?" The Princess said "NO !!!" And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and humped skinny long-legged big titted girls and hunted and fished and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank whisky, beer and never heard bitching and never paid child support or divorce settlement and kept his house and guns and ate egg and chips and beans and blew enormous farts and all his friends and family thought he was a cool bugger and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and pissed outside when he wanted.The End.

    Just seen a dwarf @ the asda struggling to carry a plasma tv to his car so i shouted over to him " can you manage with that tv mate"? He replyed " its a kindle" ya bastard !

    Top Tip; Moths dipped in lighter fuel and put in a room with suspended candles, makes an inexpensive yet effective indoor firework display.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    22nd very early

    Good morning Abbers!

    Hope you are having a safe day out on those wet roads Mick!
    Heading out myself a little later & hope to return before the rain arrives here. It's incredibly warm, probably hitting 70 degrees today!
    I was out yesterday & came upon a horse & buggy driving rather 'recklessly'. I usually just pass them & go on my way but this guy had the horse nearly galloping, they hit curbs turning corners & blew right through a stop sign I think that possibly could have been a DUI if he had been stopped. Freaky :H

    I am about to head out myself so I'll wish everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
    Glad your sister is OK YahYah
    Have a wonderful AF Sunday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      22nd very early

      Morning Mick and Lav....

      Yup that's me done with work for 15 days. :yay:

      Great visit with my Dad yesterday, I swear he's getting younger every day.

      The weather is supposed to stay nice for awhile, glad we got the worst of it over with.

      Off to make breakie....have a great AF Sunday.....PPQP


        22nd very early

        Hope all are sober and happy. Great walk we had yesterday. Crazy story Lav! I had better get on with enjoying my holiday. So hard!


          22nd very early

          Morning everyone! Went for a swim this am in chilly Calgary, -20c this morning.
          Heading to Banff tonight. Plan to have a fun AF evening there.
          Lav, 70 above? Lucky you
          PQ, nice you could visit your dad. I miss mine.
          Mick, your sure up early,. I did 28 lengths this am, not like your gazillion!
          TT, top of the morning to you.
          Glad to be hangover free this am!

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            22nd very early

            Narilly have great time...I can vaguely remember Banff
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              22nd very early

              Happy Sunday! So warm here last night I had to open the windows and turn the fans on. Storm system is still here....colder now with a lack of sun.

              Stayed up until the wee hours last night....but, every present is done and wrapped.

              I was reading around the boards and it is a stark reminder of how I used to think. How could I ever survive the holidays without a drink? Now I cannot imagine how I survived while drinking. How did all the presents ever get bought and wrapped? Glass in hand, feeling sick, full of anxiety and depressed....what a glorious way to spend a holiday.

              I see myself now and that person I used to be as two different people. Sometimes I need to be reminded..."that was me", so that I don't let my guard down. So glad that other person is not around anymore. Life is easier and happier without al.

              I know many people lurk....and when I would read these things....I would think it was something I could never attain. It is hard in the beginning. Things don't magically happen in 1-2 days.....but, as you pursue a life without is uncanny how much better life gets. Wasting your life glued to al is sad....there is so much waiting for you on the other side. The grass truly is greener in an af life.


                22nd very early

                You are right SF the grass is greener af,unfortunatly for me i seem to keep forgetting that,i drank last nite i hate it and myself,no real trigger really just stupidity.
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  22nd very early

         reason to hate yourself. I used to do the same thing over and over again. Reason or no reason. Your brain cells want you to drink.....the more I read up on how much they have to do with drinking, I really see how much it had to do with my failures. The supplements are vital. If it were purely a willpower game....we all would have gotten sober much sooner.

                  A mindset to change and be willing to do whatever it takes. After 3 months I knew I was close to relapse and went to a recovery group. Honestly I think it was purely having a face2face connection and good laughs with people who got me. It was then I got religious about L-Glut. It really seemed to be the only supplement that did anything for me. So much so....I really had forgotten how key was.

                  Some people can white knuckle it through the tough times. For me, I could one fail the next. It was quite the quest to find what worked for me.

                  So many times I hear....think about the trigger, how are you going to handle it next time....I think this is all well and good....but, for me it was a much bigger than just "thinking" my way through it. Now I equate drinking with feeling ill. No buzz. But, I think it is because my brain cells have created new pathways and repaired with the help of supplements....and no booze.

                  I hope this helps.


                    22nd very early

                    Look at it this way.....for several years you have injured your brain chemical system by consuming booze. You need to repair the injury.

                    Several people look at it as a disease. I look at it as a self-inflicted injury to my body/brain that needed to be healed.

                    Like a broken needs to heal....and one has to be careful with that leg forever....because it is prone to re-injury. And you would not go jumping around on a broken leg until it was by putting al back in your are causing re-injury. As with a leg that needs to be set in order to have to find what tools you need to care for yourself.

                    You are too important to be poisoning yourself. As a matter of are pretty darn awesome to admit you have a problem and have the motivation to fix it....even if feels daunting and has setbacks.

                    Not everyone is as a person who has recovered or trying to recover from al addiction. We are near superheros


                      22nd very early

                      Thats an awesome post SF belongs in the toolbox
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        22nd very early

                        Morning here and hello all
                        soupy sloppy mess here. Been raining hard for a couple of days. This kind of weather makes me feel a little groggy and hard to get my butt in gear. Chickens and cows are hollering "where the hell are you". Got a tree yesterday, I was hoping to avoid that this year, but was vetoed rather vehemently by the female persuasion. So now I guess they'll want to decorate or something like that.... sheesh.
                        Off to do the do. Be happy, friends
                        Liberated 5/11/2013

