Dill-you sound better already!!
the only resolution I'm making this year is to stay alive! Sorry for the gallows humor. Seriously tho, that one resolution incorporates a lot of little ones:
1. Keep to my low sodium, low cholesterol diet
2. Exercise according to Dr's instructions. Right now that means strolling for 30 min every other day. Later it will incorporate Cardiac Rehab
3. Choose a lifestyle that will make me happy in terms of work and activities. This could mean early retirement and it definitely means getting well enough to get back to agility and continuing with my fiber crafts.
Today I was a bit tired-probably overdid it yesterday. Still went with my sis and dad to Lowe's to look at blinds, closet organizers and a cabinet to replace the pantry he had in his condo. His kitchen has about half the cupboard space the condo did so we have to be creative about storage. Also went to Target to look at shower curtains. No luck anywhere and I think he was really overwhelmed at the blinds and organizer options so we'll figure it out later. My sister went to Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up all the bath things he needs for the new place so that is done. I think I got my exercise for the past 2 days LOL!!
Will continue with the decluttering and reorganizing tomorrow. I'll try to get out for a walk before the rain hits (if I'm up in time!

Nice job with the recycling Lav!! Perfect timing for your neighbor and her friends I'd say! Go get them stinkbugs!!