Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Star-I know things look bleak and its very high stress right now but please focus on the fact that your son FINALLY got appropriate medical care. And, it's all because of you!! You did it!! You've still got a huge fight in front of you but you are strong and you will help your son get it done. I am so glad to hear how important staying AF is to you right now. You are so right and when this is over, you will be so happy you did. You know we are with you to the end. I pray your son will not lose any sight and will recover fully. Good luck with everything! :l :h Oh, and I can't wait to hear how the acorn squash dish goes!!
Lav-thank you. I feel I have to look to the future because things have to be planned. I can't just call in on the 13th and say "I'm not coming back, I'm retiring". I did call the Retirement Board today and had a lovely chat with a very nice young man (or maybe not so young

I assume we're all staying in tonite??? I know I am!! It's freezing out there anyway. I've never been a fan of NYE to be honest. As far as the snow goes, my nephew understands I need to be shoveled out by noon on Friday. He's a good kid.
today all I managed to do was get an oil change and pick up some pee pads for the storm. No energy for the rest of the day. Guess yesterday was too much. 1 step forward and 2 steps back I guess.
I guess I should rustle up something to eat. I'm low on calories/protein today but high on fat. Hmmm. Only lost another pound the past week. Sigh.
Stay safe everyone and lets all try to think about what we ARE grateful for this past year. Might make the bad times a bit less painful.