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af pre Chrimbo eve

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    af pre Chrimbo eve

    mae all and how are we today?ok I hope the pre chrimbo eve day.did a belter the other night Got a friend who lives on a farm not too far away but its in the wilds so went up to see him ..on the way back suddenly went a bit crappy to drive...yep a puncture!!so off out I pops to change it for the spare ....ermmmm no wheel brace to undo the wheel nuts..or tire lever as I think you call it..had taken it out when I was cleaning the car and didnt put it back ...phoned Julie...asked if she could look in the garage for not being sexist...but in the majority of cases woman /tire lever ? its like asking me about perfume!!!In the end phoned the breakdown..they were there before she found it!!!Motto ...dont clean the soddin car!!Yesterday wasnt so great caught in a storm ..and didnt succeed in my early doors mission..came home empty handed.
    Right on with the show..tea n cawfee on the go.

    Morning Pauly are you today?bit shit about the drinking really...keep trying tho ..for me there are 2 types of people ..the ones who have to keep at it and eventually for some reason the penny drops...and the others who just say it ..its happening irrespective of what..fortunately I was one of the latter!! Keep going tho ...never stop believing in yourself
    you can and will do it..seriously next time you want to drink ask yourself the why question...

    Mornin ppqp well how are you now that you are in holiday mode? Glad that the weather has turned ..Pleased that your visit with your dad went well..ask him for some of that elixir of life for me!! are you doing? hows the walking going ? any piccies?glad you are enjoying yourself..

    Hiya Narilly did the night in Banff go ?was it ok?Well done on your 28 lengths in the pool you go on a regular basis?

    Hiya Lav are you today...well yesterday for me wasnt too successful..we were going down the motorway at 0615 am and suddenly we were in a jam ..we were probably 100 yds from an accident..2 lorries and a was completely squashed and one of the lorries had hit the concrete central barrier and smashed it to bits ...Sadly there were 2 fatalities .Motorway was closed for 11 hrs so the diversion took us another 2 hrs.on the way home this car nearly pulled into the side of us ..TWICE!!!at 70 mph..the woman driving just waved as if to say oops as if it was a 70 it aint no joke!!So you all set for Chrimbo now? your chickens are so pleased thay aint turkeys!!!:H

    Hiya are you ?Reading your posts..I recall yor earlier times ...and can I say that you are a prime example of not giving up!!!yes you did it...and look where you are now all I would say to Pauly is ..that for me you are a shining example of dont quit quitting!!!

    righty ho folks ...gotta go and get my tyre fixed..well ..replaced the wall of it is smashed so cant be repaired ..ho hum all take care and have a great day

    My wife said I was a "Lazy Bastard"

    I was so angry, I made my son punch her in the face.

    My son asked me if we could have a tree this Christmas.
    I told him I didn't want to pay for a tree and that's that.
    He wouldn't stop asking though, every five minutes he wanted to know why we couldn't have a tree.
    In the end I grabbed my axe and stormed out of the house.
    Ten minuted later I returned with an eight foot Christmas tree.
    "Wow," said my son. "You cut that down quick."
    "Son," I replied, "I didn't cut it down, I got it from the local shop."
    He looked puzzled and said, "Why did you take the axe then?"
    "I told you, I didn't want to pay for a Christmas tree."

    Got the mother-in-law a great Christmas present. A trip to London, a ride on a London bus and tickets to a West End Show...fingers crossed

    Great news. My boss told me today I don't have to come in to work at all over the festive season!

    Or as he put it, "You're sacked".

    "Can you write me a CV for a job?" my son asked. "And don't forget to include my school awards!"

    "OK," I agreed. "But are you sure 'Most likely to die choking on a Big Mac' and 'Most likely to be still living at home at 40' will get you on the shortlist?"

    I opened my door this morning and there were 10 boxes on my doorstep with the word 'Threat' written on the front.

    I couldn't believe it when I opened them. They were all empty.

    I was shocked to see a postman in full uniform making his rounds on a Sunday.*

    I said to him "It's about time the Royal Mail stepped up and took care of us during the busy holiday season."*

    "Oh, I'm not on duty," He replied "I'm just on my way home from last week's Christmas party."

    Smoking weed doesn't make me feel in the least bit paranoid. I've got bigger things to worry about.

    Like all those people following me.

    Happy holidays, Glasgow!

    The time of year when even the shoplifters complain about the pickpockets.
    As I came downstairs on my fortieth birthday, I remembered my wife joking, the night before, about me looking out for signs of dementia.

    I also seem to remember going to bed in a bungalow.

    I walked through a pine forest today and thought,*

    Wow, this smells like air fresheners.

    Dappy was recently hospitalised after being kicked in the head by a horse.

    Music industry leaders are considering giving the 'Outstanding Contribution to Music Award' to the horse.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af pre Chrimbo eve

    Good morning Abbers!

    Sounds like you had a real crappy day yesterday Mick, sorry about that!
    I encountered a few road idiots myself yesterday but no accidents, thank goodness
    Had fun setting up a new fish tank in my granddaughter's bedroom. Her two fat goldfish are much happier now
    Gloomy & raining here but still mild outside. The normal cold temps are due to return tomorrow. It has been a nice break!

    pauly, my past quits were rather haphazard, not well thought out & I wasn't committed to quitting & staying quit. When I first came here & read people's stories & thoughts I realized that had to do the same. More than anything I just didn't want to disappoint myself any longer. You need to choose what you really & truly want & make a plan & commitment for yourself.

    I have a million things to do so I'll get going, will check in later.
    Wishing all the Abbers a wonderful AF Monday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af pre Chrimbo eve

      kkMae everybody,Lav its not like im not serious about quitting i wouldnt be here if i didnt want/need to stop,and i do have a plan and goal,i just stupidly get sidetracked,sort of zone out you know?so stupid really SF had a wonderful post on yesterdays thread about how she could white knuckle it one day then relapse the next,kinda how i am too,i should try aa again but some of the people there were skeevy,and some just court ordered to go,maybe i should find one in a better side of town,i dont know,all i know is we have a good crew rite here and i truly care about each of you,and i love how we support each otheri think after the holidays are over too it wont be so darn stressful,reminiscent,thank you guys for just being here,lets have a good monday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        af pre Chrimbo eve

        Pauly you are not stupid! Everyone's journey is different. Sometimes I wish I could have been one of the ones to just say screw it....but, I wasn't. I am not alone in that process and neither are you. The only way al wins is if you give up and let him win.

        All recovery groups are different. I remember attending one in a better part of town and a man stands up and says...."as a poor black man, I wanted to see how rich white people did recovery....I found out rich white people are just as screwed up as us poor black people". For me there is a great benefit to finding people who just "get you" on the spot. It takes time to find the ones you connect to. I recently did attend my recovery group again.....and realized how much I missed them.

        It was a hard fought battle.....but, I consider myself rather lucky to get out of the al trap at such a young age. Today I am calling myself the "Super Warrior Ninja Princess"

        Recently picked up a book about another women's journey. She got on the topic of friends. While I have several friends....there are only about 10 I would reveal the cold hard truth to. And mainly because they have been through it too and are at varying stages of recovery....some have not quit drinking yet.

        I very much cherish our on-line group. But, I also value the other component I have in my life. Being able to look someone in the eye, tell the God's honest truth to and connecting on a level that so many people never have the opportunity to. Only so many get to go to Hell and come out the other side. People who have never been there....just don't truly understand. Anyways....ex-drunks are much more interesting and dynamic people. Going through Hell....really gives one a new perspective on life.

        I think of my grandfather who never quit drinking. Heavy drinker his whole simply never occurred to him to quit drinking. Once he had his stroke and had to quit due to medications....I saw the soft, gentle, caring person he was. Such a big heart inside of him. I decided to choose his birthday as my sobriety date. Something about honoring him, makes me not want to throw this away for anything.


          af pre Chrimbo eve

          whew, exhausted but AF greetings ABeroooos.

          i didn't expect to be working so much today, surprise!

          great post SF, great stuff.

          Pauly, I've been at this a long, painful time and still don't have it dialed in. all I know is AF is my happy place and I'm not done fighting that's for sure.

          hope everyone is stuggled up at home with loved ones.

          be well
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            af pre Chrimbo eve

            MAE ALL....

            Mick...I can not believe how UN-Worried I am about everything.
            Dad elixir on sale on ebay....code name ODAT!

            We here in "Canadia" call it a Lug Wrench to undo the Lug Nuts. :H

            ...."got caught in a storm ..and didnt succeed in my early doors mission..came home empty handed?.....don't you just hate it when those lock picks freeze up :stomper:

  's unbelievable how "idiotic" people can be while driving. Chinook gave us +9 today which turned everything to foot deep slush.

            Pauly...ditto what Lav and SF are saying.

            Det...hope you're snuggled up with Dx by now too.

            Finally met me newest great niece (6 months). They flew in from Nova Scotia just before the ice storm hit the east. Relaxing evening, to be honest watching Xmas shows. Have a peaceful evening all.......PPQP

