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    MAE everyone ...and a merry Christmas to you all...well it snowed last night ...didnt stay but at least we got snow...Dont know about everyone else ,but its the mad season for food never mind booze..We had a big Chrimbo eve dinner last night ...and yes ...finished off with cherry pie and ice cream.Then today off to the outlaws,for more food. Then who knows what happens tomorrow.

    Hiya TT..well you should be half way through Christmas day the sticks are you? things doing ok ?all the best to you

    Hiya Lav...well reckon Rand R hasnt started yet for you ...still be thinking about and preparing food..large coffee to keep you going...Just looking at the telly guide for today...Spartacus,Gone with the Wind,Oklahoma ,Christmas Carol...all tip top brand new programmes :H then 2 hours of Downton Abbey tonight .You have a great day

    Hiya Pauly ...merry Chrimbo to you ..hope all is going well with you.Take it the kids are up and running about now?

    Hiya ppqp ..Merry Xmas to are you doing?As you said ..yep its good to have Amy home despite her trying to rule the house already!!!:HHope you have a great day.

    Byrdie ..merry Christmas to you...hope all is well and you are ok

    Scottish Lass ..a merry Christmas to you ...yep lets see what 2014 brings far as support goes ...well you know we are here to help and support you lets make 14 your year,you deserve it

    Sam ..merry xmas to you too..hope all is well and goes well for video clip!

    Caysea..Merry Christmas to you ...glad you are well...and like you ..the best gift I ever received ...I can write this not feeling ill,rough or anything else..and not dying to get some booze down my neck

    SF...Happy Christmas to you ...despite the fact that you think it may be Santas last visit to your abode!!Dont know about whether any of your friends have noticed the change in you without booze...but even in your posts there has been a massive sea change since you first posted ..You seem a lot more "at peace"with yourself..And as far as eating too much yep think we are all going to be guilty of that one!!!

    Det ..just noticed you jump in there ...have a great day there..glad you enjoyed the movie

    Right folks thats it ...let the madness begin!!!!!have a great day

    Just to cheer the party up you go ..this will bring life and soul to it..amaze your family with all this riveting and useful info

    1. Japanese people traditionally eat at KFC for Christmas dinner, thanks to a successful marketing campaign 40 years ago. KFC is so popular that customers must place their Christmas orders 2 months in advance. ?

    2. We frequently abbreviate Christmas as X-mas because of ancient tradition. X is the Greek letter ?chi? which is an abbreviation for the word ?Christ? in Greek. ?

    3. An artificial Christmas tree would have to be reused for more than 20 years to be ?greener? than buying a fresh-cut tree annually ?

    4. The Nazi party tried to turn Christmas into a nonreligious holiday celebrating the coming of Hitler, with Saint Nicholas replaced by Odin the ?Solstice Man? and swastikas on top of Christmas trees.

    5. The US playing card company ?Bicycle? had manufactured a playing card in WW2. That, when the card was soaked, it would reveal an escape route for POWs. These cards were Christmas presents for all POWs in Germany. The Nazis were none the wiser!

    6. The people of Oslo, Norway donate the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree every year in gratitude to the people of London for their assistance during WWII. ?
    7. During the Christmas of 2010, the Colombian government covered jungle trees with lights. When FARC guerrillas (terrorists) walked by, the trees lit up and banners asking them to lay down their arms became visible. 331 guerrillas re-entered society and the campaign won an award for strategic marketing excellence. ?

    8. Many of Denny?s restaurants were built without locks, which was problematic when they decided to close down for Christmas.

    9. Nearly all of the most popular Christmas songs including ?Winter Wonderland?, ?Chestnuts roasting??, and ?I?m Dreaming of a white Christmas? were written by Jews ?

    10. In 1918 and for the past 40 years, the Canadian province of Nova Scotia has sent the city of Boston a giant Christmas tree as a thank you for their support after the 1917 Halifax explosion ?

    11. During the Christmas of 1914 (World War 1), a truce was held between Germany and the UK. They decorated their shelters, exchanged gifts across no man?s land and played a game of football between themselves. ?

    12. About half of Sweden?s population watches Donald Duck cartoons every Christmas Eve since 1960 ?

    13. In 1867, a Boston industrialist read Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol and was so moved he closed his factory on Christmas Day and gave every one of his employees a turkey ?

    14. Some zoos take donated Christmas trees and use them to feed their animals. ?

    15. Charles Dickens grew up during a ?Little Ice Age? and hence it snowed for each of his first 8 Christmases influencing his writing and hence today?s tradition of a ?White Christmas?.

    16. Mormon missionaries can only call home twice a year: once on Mother?s Day and again on Christmas. ?

    17. Telling ?scary ghost stories? is an old Christmas Eve tradition that has died out in the past century

    18. 95% of all Americans celebrate Christmas (only 75% of the U.S. is Christian), and just 51% of the holiday?s celebrators consider it a ?strongly religious? holiday.

    19. A village in Peru settles their grudges by fist fighting on the Christmas day, then go drinking and start the New Year off on a clean slate.

    20. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen is the only record to get the UK Christmas Singles Chart Number One twice, once in 1975 and again in 1991. ?

    21. During Christmas time in Newfoundland, people called mummers dress up in crude disguises and go from house to house. At each house they visit, they start dancing, playing music, and get wasted drunk while the hosts try to discover their true identities. ?

    22. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December because of the Roman sun god and not the birth of Jesus ?

    23. Engineers designing the Voyager Space mission planned it to avoid planetary encounters over Thanksgiving and Christmas ?

    24. Paul McCartney earns $400,000 a year off his Christmas song, which is widely regarded as the worst song he ever recorded. ?

    25. All letters addressed to Santa in the United States go to Santa Claus, Indiana. ?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    A Merry and Mercifully Addiction Free Christmas To ALL!

    I am so grateful to be living life fully again....this is the 3rd Christmas now free of that crap that once held me so tight I thought it would kill me...sooner than later. Thank you for all your support and friendship over these years.

    For those of you lurking and struggling....please know that YOU can also have the gift of freedom and mind peace and renewed purpose. You start healing the moment you stop putting alcohol in.

    Hugs and hope to all.....
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011



      Merry xmas Turnagain, Mick, and all to come.

      Nice words TA. Some interesting stuff there Mick!

      A peaceful and happy xmas lunch had here with family. Take care everyone. Think positive.

      G bloke. :h

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



        Merry Christmas to my MWO family.



          Merry Christmas Abbers

          Sunny & a frosty 18 degrees here this morning
          We also had a snow shower here just before dinner last evening Mick but it didn't last long!
          I am enjoying my coffee in the peace & quiet while it lasts. My son was at work yesterday & couldn't join us for yesterday's festivities. He's getting leftovers today :H
          Don't eat yourself too silly today

          Greetings Turn, great to see you! This is my 5th AF Christmas - no going back for me now either!

          G, Molly, PQ & everyone - I hope you all have a great day!
          Wishing everyone a peaceful AF Christmas!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            CHRISTMAS DAY

            Merry Christmas my abbin pals! i hear you on the food Mick,i at so much salt and sugar yesteday and thats just christmas eve! everyone have a lovely day
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              CHRISTMAS DAY

              hiya all.;...just jumped in..getting ready for the Christmas 2nd af Chrimbo..Lav ....proggy on 2 hrs today about the Amish in Indiana and Lancaster..will tape it n watch it in the future ..Turn great to see you ..hope everyone else is getting foodfilled too ...hate to be alone !!!:H:H
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                CHRISTMAS DAY

                Merry Christmas, AF thread!
                Thank you to my MWO Family! Keep up the great work! Helping others is part of our continuing recovery! Much love and admiration to each of you! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  CHRISTMAS DAY

                  Merry Christmas dear friends!! Sobriety... what a wonderful gift. Hope each of you enjoys it in your own special way. I am grateful to each one of you. Peace to you all
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    CHRISTMAS DAY

                    Merry Christmas friends!
                    Mick don't you dare give any spoilers about Downton abbey. I will not get to watch the Xmas special for a while. Confession time. I watched all 4 series during the past few months. A new addiction. It's so trashy but so good!


                      CHRISTMAS DAY

                      Merry Christmas all of you folks, this is my third Christmas as well, and I am so grateful to not be fighting with myself and feeling ill. Undoubtedly the smartest thing I did for myself. Keep well, have a great day and year upcoming. Kaslo

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        CHRISTMAS DAY

                        :h Kaslo!
                        So great to see you
                        Glad you are well & enjoying Christmas with a clear head like the rest of us!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          CHRISTMAS DAY

                          Merry Christmas everyone, you all sound good and have a lovely day xxx
                          one day at a time


                            CHRISTMAS DAY

                            Happy Christmas and slightly belated Winter Solstice ABerooooooooos!

                            wow! Turn and Kaslo, hugs to you dear friends xxxxxxxxx

                            thanks for the lovely kickstart Mick. really enjoy the Christmas trivia especially.

                            Lav, quiet day here as well, sipping java with Dx and enjoying the sunshine.
                            I understand our northerly neighbors are have a bit of very cold weather. fires a burnin' I hope!

                            I think this is my 7th sober Xmas although i've certainly had my crashes in between.

                            had an interesting philosophical revelation crawling out of my last binge: I used to think that by seeing 'how bad it can really get' I'd somehow convince myself that AF is the right path. My new mantra is "how good can life get? lets find out!" I think it's a much more enlightened approach.

                            TTops, Sam, Molly, Pauly, Bear, Guitarista, PPQ, ByrdLady and all to come have a stellar AF time and be well
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              CHRISTMAS DAY

                              Kaslo....wowee lovely to see you are you?dont be a stranger
                              Bear hiya are you doing
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

