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January 2014 - AA Thread

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    January 2014 - AA Thread

    Also, Betty, I think you handled it with your daughter beautifully. Perfectly. She will admire you for your strength and honesty!



      January 2014 - AA Thread

      Thanks for the advice to calm down, everyone. I try, but the perfectionist and worrier in me is still alive, although that part of me is getting smaller.

      Betty, I wouldn't worry about it too much. My sponsor gets confused a lot and mixes up the times we're suppsoed to meet and doesn't always answer my texts or calls. And the temporary sponsor I had didn't return a few of my calls. And some other people in AA didn't return calls, either. I had to remember that it's not about me, they probably just had something else going on and forgot.

      Some fun info on benzos: One of the few drugs that can kill you off the withdrawals alone are benzos and alcohol. I think barbiturates are the others. Not even heroin withdrawal by itself will kill you. Good times!

      I haven't been to a meeting since Wednesday, and I got into a little funk last night that I haven't gotten out of yet. I'm going to one tonight, and going to see my sponsor in a few minutes, so hopefully that will get me out of it. I might just get bummed out on the weekends when I don't have a lot of plans. There's a large part of me that assumes that everyone works Mon-Fri 9-5 and then goes out Friday and Saturday night, and I'm missing out on some great adventures. It's a shitty mentality to have, and it fills me with self-pity. Either I have to start going out more on the weekends or come to the conclusion that I'm not missing anything, but rather living my own life and navigating recovery.
      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
      George Santayana


        January 2014 - AA Thread

        thanks ann!

        hope everyone is ok...ive been off the puter this week...needed a break!



          January 2014 - AA Thread

          Hi Everyone: My husband & I were on a trip from Massachusetts to Texas to visit our son, so I was off this thread for a while. I loved the discussion about the whole drinking/hiding issue. My husband didn't have any idea about how much I drank. It was only when I was taken to the ER (sound familiar?) that he found out. Now that it's all out in the open, I feel like I'm really living life instead of fitting some kind of life around my drinking.

          As I said, my daughter is still in some denial about my drinking life, but that is not my problem. I've admitted it to her, & now I don't drink. That's the important thing.

          I went on line & found the meetings for this area. I'll be going to my first meeting tomorrow. I find it so comforting that I can walk into an AA meeting anywhere & find the same feeling of belonging. It's why we have the traditions in AA.

          Take care one & all. mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012

