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January 2014 - AA Thread

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    January 2014 - AA Thread


    I'm starting this thread a little early, as there are people in other parts of the world who might have started the new year already.

    I don't have to make a new year resolution not to drink, because staying away from a drink is a one day at a time effort. I love sobriety & won't let anything jeopardize that.

    I feel very grateful on the eve of a new year that I don't need alcohol to cope w/life. I work through whatever needs to be dealt with. I don't have to numb out anymore.

    Take care one & all.

    Happy New Year!

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    January 2014 - AA Thread

    Evening all it is still NYE here .... about half an hour to go. Feel very excited about the year ahead. Happy New Year everyone.....ODAAT we can do it! x
    New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


      January 2014 - AA Thread

      DD: Absolutely! We can do this together. I always try to remember that AA is a fellowship. That implies a commitment to each other as members. There's always help there. I didn't get to a meeting today, though I do plan on going tomorrow to celebrate the first day of the new year.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        January 2014 - AA Thread

        Ret and DD happy new year. It has been and gone here and was just another night but this one was af and i am happy for that. For me MWO has been my AA and for this i am eternally grateful for the love and support of all of these faceless yet supportive people that have gotten me to where I am.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          January 2014 - AA Thread

          Happy New Year, AAers!

          Had a lovely time with friends - no drink needed. Off to bed now.
          Hope you all had a wonderful journey into 2014.
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            January 2014 - AA Thread

            HAPPY NEW YEAR!

            good to see some new faces as well as us "old timers"

            today I am sober and that is what matters! who knows what this year will bring!

            it feels so good to not be hung over today. I went on a trail run and my 15 year old went with! while she isn't quite "into" it, she made the effort and for that, I am grateful!

            here's to our health and I hope every one of you is able to live each day as you wish to. :h



              January 2014 - AA Thread

              Good evening

              Just got back from a 3-hour meeting at the women's shelter. Whew. One participant really needed to talk as she is the only resident at the moment and hasn't seen anyone or been outside in 3 days. And, while our situations and backgrounds may be very different, I can relate to SO much of what she is experiencing.. her fears, etc.

              Someone said to me recently, that no matter how cross they are or how much they don't feel like going, they're ALWAYS glad they went after a meeting. That was me tonight. Feeling very grateful right now.
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                January 2014 - AA Thread

                2 January 2014

                Good morning from a VERY hot Pretoria, SA! 34C today (93F)

                As I don't do NY resolutions, they've never worked in the past, I was surprised when I shared last night that I intend focusing on my attitude towards everything, practice humility to the best of my ability and try to live "in the now".

                My son (19) was admitted to a treatment facility on the 20th of December. I had to fly him back from a holiday with his GF, 1400km away. Picked him up from the airport, and drove him there. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done! Albeit the right thing....

                It is a 12 Step Clinic, rum be people in recovery, I attend meetings there, and got to know the councilors.

                My 17yo son is acting out big time, as "I took his brother away"...

                But? My soul is fine. I am sober. I have hope because, there IS a solution!

                Miracles happen, I am one!!

                I wish us a sober day, everyday, for 2014!

                Sol xxx


                  January 2014 - AA Thread

                  Greetings AAers!!
                  Betty Girl you must be very fit doing a trail run, doe that mean running through hills etc in the countryside? I find it tiring just jogging along the streets!
                  Sunshine GG.... What a long meeting, most of our meetings are an hour or hour and a half. I prefer the hour and a half ones as I find one hour too short, always feel the meeting has ended too soon when it is only one hour!
                  Solitaire What you have done is the best thing ever for your son. Sorry to hear your other son is playing up. It must be a challenge being a mum to children of that age. I think I could be a good mum to someone under 10, but would struggle with older than that!!
                  I am now on day 6!!! Have decided to keep counting as this has helped me stay sober in the past!
                  One of the things I love about AA is the old fashionedness of it. Also love trying new meetings, love that sense of anticipation
                  Thanks again REteacher for starting this thread. I will stick close by, after the holiday when I go back to work I will stick especially close as work has so often been a trigger for me!

                  New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                    January 2014 - AA Thread

                    Sol: My son is now 44 & is a recovering alcoholic. I'm not sure what would have happened to him if it weren't for my recovery in AA & his dad's recovery in Alanon. Somehow through osmosis perhaps, he absorbed the teachings. It's difficult but OK for your 17 year old to act out. He's working through his issues of loss, grief, or whatever. As for your son in treatment, it's for the absolute best. Thank God you are not in denial & are sober...denial would have led to ignoring the whole thing & all that magical, alcoholic thinking: "This will go away if I just don't look at it." Regardless of the outcome, this is for the best. Good luck.

                    Today there is a big 24 hour snowstorm, so the meeting I went to last night was packed. People knew they might not be able to get to a meeting today. I'm so glad I went!

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      January 2014 - AA Thread

                      Hey everyone. I recently discovered there's recovery outside of taking baclofen, and have been enjoying going through the steps and learning about myself. I really shouldn't say I've been "enjoying" it, as seeing how bad my denial and how messed up my thinking is can be terrible.

                      I'm enjoying the moment, though, as I finished my 5th step 2 hours ago. I feel very serene right now and am actually thinking that I can experience life, the way it was meant to be: with joy and gratitude.

                      There's no end to the possibilities!
            [/video]]Information Super Highway :: Jim Carey - YouTube
                      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                      George Santayana


                        January 2014 - AA Thread

                        :l Sol
                        You absolutely did the right thing and your younger lad will eventually see that as well.

                        Welcome Pete!

                        DD.. yes, that was an extraordinarily long meeting... most of our others are 1 1/2-2 hours. I guess we go a little longer in general, because we just don't have as many available as larger communities.

                        Mary... "This will go away if I just don't look at it." So true (for me, at least).

                        Have a serene day, everyone!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          January 2014 - AA Thread

                          Welcome Pete. Yes, there is so much learning when we do the steps. Not facing up to myself was the fuel that drove my drinking. Now, I just have to keep accepting life of life's terms...not so easy for me, an alcoholic.
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            January 2014 - AA Thread

                            morning aaers!

                            welcome to the new folks, good to see someone working the steps...I only did them last year, so it is all fresh in my mind/heart. that is the foundation of the change, admitting we are alcoholics and then that "spiritual" awakening (or just awakening, as I like to call it), that helps us to stay sober and be in recovery for the rest of our lives, if we do the work.

                            I went to a meeting that my sponsor started last night, and normally it is pretty crowded and full of a variety of people, but last night there were only 8 of us, and I was the only woman. I am pretty comfortable with the guys that were there, as they have been going as long or longer than I have, so it was neat to have that intimate of a meeting. we even used the whole hour! a guy I have known since I first started going to the rooms was there and I hadn't seen him for a long time, so it was really cool to catch up. he has M.S, and I always worry that hes ok. it was reassuring to see him doing alright. he is in the right place mentally and spiritually, so that's good.

                            one guy who is full of AA wisdom said an old timer told him, when he asked what he had to do to get sober, "rarely have we seen a person fail who was willing to (I forgot the rest of it!) but you guys know what im saying. he said he grabbed onto that and ran with it. he didn't get to AA willingly, so he said he needed all the help he could get and that stuck with him in the beginning. he's sober 20 years, so it must be good advice :H



                              January 2014 - AA Thread

                              I love small meetings. It's definitely because I'm a shy guy, but they really let you speak your mind. I've had a couple of near panic attacks at the end of large meetings. But I really want to push my comfort zones so I might stick with some large meetings and get to know more people.

                              Betty you're absolutely right about the spiritual awakening. The shift in perspective we get from the steps makes all the difference, IMO.

                              Have a good friday, everyone!
                              Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                              George Santayana

