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January 2014 - AA Thread

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    January 2014 - AA Thread

    well, I guess i'm chairing next sunday's meeting, but its a good thing I went, so I could get the key and learn where the coffee was. we talked about sweets (the BB recommends keeping chocolate around to stunt cravings), we all laughed about that as we passed the plate of homemade cookies and brownies around. I try not to partake in too many sweets, but I have to say, since I quit drinking, my sweet tooth has emerged and I eat more sweets bow than I ever did before! must be replacing alcohol in my body's eyes. probably not a good thing, but I don't stress about it.

    have a good day all, I am resting my hip (I had a fracture in it this spring), so I am taking the day off running, as it has been sore the past couple days.

    I hope not too many of you are in the polar vortex! sounds frightful. I was whining about temps in the 30's, so ill shut up and be grateful that I don't live in the Midwest anymore!!!



      January 2014 - AA Thread

      BG: Yes, it's hideously cold here in New England...minus temps. My poor mini-poodle has trouble navigating the ice, snow, & frigid temps.

      I think that the alcohol turns to sugar in our system, thus the need for more sweets now that we've stopped. However, for me, w/the extra holiday weight, I have to be careful. Also, I, as an alcoholic, can turn anything into an addiction. I've seen plenty of substitution over my years in AA(food, sex, relationships, co-de, activity, etc.) take the place of alcohol.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        January 2014 - AA Thread

        Morning everyone. Looking at the weather channel, I saw that there were 45 record lows broken today. That's crazy. Speaking of 45, that's the temperature it is here in WA

        BG: Do you go running every day? I tried getting back into jogging, but have been too low energy lately to do it. Although I've noticed I have more energy in the morning so would like to wake up earlier and get a routine going. Lately though, I wake up and just want to lay in bed and keep sleeping...

        I'm working on self-acceptance (it's a continuous process), and I think I'm just going to accept that I don't like big meetings and stick with the small ones. Part of me wants to be able to give a grand ol' speech in front of a million people and have everyone in hysterics, but an even bigger part of me is saying "smaller is better."

        Anywho, have a great day all
        Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
        George Santayana


          January 2014 - AA Thread

          sp, I exercise everyday (mostly), I run about 3-4 days a week. I am working up from an injury from overdoing it last spring. I also swim, do cardio at the gym, hike, walk and use a stationary bike if I watch tv. I do weights about 2 days a week and squats as well. I'd like to start a yoga class someday. keeping busy helps keep me sober.

          I love the feeling of being active after being drunk and hungover for so many years!

          goodnight all! keep warm!


            January 2014 - AA Thread

            also, I find it to be important to listen to your body. if you don't feel like getting out of bed, allow yourself to languish for a while. our bodies tell us what we need. I was going to swim today, and the lap lanes were closed, so I didn't work out at all because I am listening to my sore hip instead of ignoring it and plowing through. it sounds like you need some sleep, nothing wrong with that! and as far as meetings go, I think its great that you know what works for you. whatever works, right?


              January 2014 - AA Thread

              We brought a newcomer to a meeting last night. Actually she's coming back to AA after a relapse. She relapsed after 15 years of sobriety, so again, we cannot take our sobriety for granted or get complacent. This is a mostly men's meeting, but the guys are gentle souls, & they really welcomed her. It was heart-warming. I think she was really happy she went to the meeting even though it was so cold as to make it difficult to go out. I really love that if we do have a relapse, there is no condemnation (at the meetings I go to). Most of us feel really awful when we slip wo/the group being judgemental about it. M
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                January 2014 - AA Thread

                Betty it sounds like you got it going on with the exercise. I've considered going to yoga classes but I think my main motivation is really just to check out the pretty women. I'd like to do some trail running and/or hiking, too. I see you also live in WA, which is a great state to do stuff in nature. Problem for me is I live downtown with no car :upset:

                Ret, I think you're right about the condemnation from AA. I don't really want to find out, personally, though. I came the closest I've been to drinking a couple nights ago, and part of what kept me sober was not wanting to "admit defeat," so to speak. You could call it pride or laziness (not wanting to start over), but it helped keep me from drinking.
                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                George Santayana


                  January 2014 - AA Thread

                  Anything that keeps me from drinking is a good thing. I wouldn't want to have to admit to my groups that I drank. They wouldn't condemn me, but I'd have to come clean. M
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    January 2014 - AA Thread

                    awesome mary! that's what its all about, right! after 15 years of sobriety...that is sobering (literally). we can not rest on our laurels. this is about life and living, and it is something we must work for hard, if not harder than we worked on getting our alcohol everyday. thanks for the reminder.

                    sp, good for you for getting through the craving. it is only a feeling, you don't have to act on every feeling you have. they always pass.



                      January 2014 - AA Thread

                      "This too shall pass" is one of AA's fav sayings. I agree. Regardless of how difficult a situation might seem at the time, time really does heal. I haven't felt the need for a drink in quite a while, but I know that I'm not immune.

                      Yes, my new friend relapsed after 15 sober years. Her dear friend/partner died, & she hadn't been attending meetings during his illness. That's when booze stepped in as a seeming solution. She drank so much that she ended up in detox. When I saw her last Fri., she had just gotten out & was very shaky. Gee, alcohol can take you down pretty low pretty quickly. It's been a lesson to me.

                      I'm watching my g-sons this afternoon but will go to a meeting tonight in spite of the frigid temps.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        January 2014 - AA Thread

                        Hello friends!

                        My son who is in treatment, is doing VERY well I hear!
                        He agreed to stay for a 2nd month!!
                        In the 1st month, they get to work up to Step 3, but now he should be able to get through Step 5.
                        Leaving this fantastic rehab post Step 5 will just give him more tools?
                        Visiting is only on a Sunday, so I can't wait for tomorrow!

                        Tonight we have a social at my house, movie night!
                        Recovery movie and pizza, looking forward!!

                        Big Book just now, 9am on a Saturday in a beautiful garden, I try not to miss it...

                        Hugs xxx


                          January 2014 - AA Thread

                          Solitaire, that's great that your son is doing very well in treatment. I reckon step 5 will help him a bunch, and it's good he's doing it in a safe environment.

                          I'm completely jealous that you get to do BB in a beautiful garden. I'm so sick of rainy Seattle and am planning a move to some tropical paradise. I'll be there shortly, I'm sure!

                          I'm trying to find a morning ritual that'll get me in the right frame of mind. Going back to my paradise fantasy, ideally I'd wake up to the bright sun and light blue ocean, meditate under a coconut tree, and then eat mangoes, pineapples, and sip orange juice in a state of total tranquility. At the moment, I wake up to gray Seattle darkness, often-times negative self-talk, and a nagging feeling that I'm doing things all wrong :upset: Oh well, at least I bought some mangoes to enjoy

                          Have a great Saturday, everyone
                          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                          George Santayana


                            January 2014 - AA Thread

                            Sol: It's quite wonderful that your son has been introduced to AA recovery at such a young age. My son (now 44) is in recovery for almost 6 years. It was a long time coming, but we share it now. We've gone to meetings together which feels pretty special.

                            Pete: I live in New England w/some of the worst winter weather in the world. It's been alternating between freezing, snow, icy rain, & just general yucky weather. I try not to let it restrain me from going about my life, but it's hard. I try to remember that my attitude is everything.

                            Last night's discussion meeting was one of those dramatic & emotional meetings. There were a couple of people coming back to AA after a relapse. Also, there were people trying to figure out how to go through hard times wo/drinking...not on life's terms. It's always comforting to see the acceptance & love when someone comes back into the program. I couldn't be happier to be a member of AA.

                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              January 2014 - AA Thread

                              Beautiful Monday morning here! It's going to be HOT!!! 34Celsius...

                              I spent the day with my son yesterday. He is in a very good space! I am so proud of him! He has completed Step 1, it took 3 weeks and lots of writing...

                              Just when I want to be the "director" of my life, my HP brings me to a situation where surrender is my only option. For that I am grateful.

                              What a humbling experience to see "the lights coming on" for newcomers?!?

                              My youngest sponsee and I worked on her Step 4 on Saturday. Up until now, she was full of stories of the past. Sitting together, she got shiny eyes when she started speaking. Overwhelmed by gratitude... What a honour to be a part of her recovery! It strengthens my own recovery...

                              Tonight we have a 14th birthday! I love listening to those who "work" their programme...



                                January 2014 - AA Thread

                                Sol: What a gift you've been given w/your son's sharing his stepwork w/you. I love hearing about it.

                                I missed a meeting yesterday, as I had other obligations. I did read my "Grapevine" before going to bed. That little magazine is called "a meeting in your pocket." It served as that last night. Tonight I have my last GSR (general service rep) meeting. I bringing my replacement w/me. Time to turn the reins over to someone else.

                                Take care one & all.

                                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                                October 3, 2012

