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thursday 10 may

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    thursday 10 may

    never started a thread for a new day so hope no one minds anyway not much happening for me today got a driving lesson soon and then going to give my house a right good clean as i have been working so much the house is in a real state can really see it far enough but it has got to get done anyway need to get ready for driving so see ya all soon

    as always maryt:h

    thursday 10 may

    Morning Mary and Everyone else!

    Yup-I'm in clean mode today too. Getting my choppers cleaned as well & dragging my daughter to the dentist too.

    Getting prepared for yet another "phony-in-law" endeavor (daughter's Communion Saturday). I'm not inviting the whole clan as I didn't want to overwhelm myself-getting ready, getting food after-just immediate family. I'm not stressed because a.)I'm not drinking & don't plan on it and b.) I survived my biggest triggers 2 weeks ago that have built up my confidence that I know I don't need the bottle for every little thing (happy or stressful). So I'm enjoying & embracing every moment with open arms. Bring it on!

    Have a great Thursday everyone!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      thursday 10 may

      Some bickering with DH yesterday over having the subliminal CD playing in the car - he's not crazy about sleep learning either. He acts like they're going to implant messages in him like the Manchurian Candidate. Keeps making fun, so we had a heart-to-heart. I REALLY hate being teased, especially about things that are important to me. Usually he's the only one who can tease me and make me laugh, but this felt belittling. He said he does worry about how much I drink, but because his family are pretty much social drinkers, he doesn't really have a referent of how much is too much. Day 11 AF for me. Vivid dreams.
      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


        thursday 10 may

        hey zin-
        this is your journey & it does get lonely because sometimes you feel like your're the only one traveling it. That's why I love making my pit stops here & visit with my fellow travelers & share experiences so it doesn't get lonely. Here I can re-emphasize that I'm not companionless in my journey. Congrats on 11! Keep up the good work!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          thursday 10 may

          Hello again,

          Driving lessons were the highlight of my week back in the day. I hope you enjoyed yours maryt.
          Breez.. I really hope everything goes just as you want it too on Saturday. I've a 25th wedding anniversary on Friday and, like you, I'm all geared up and confident this time.
          zin..Breez put it sooo well.


            thursday 10 may

            Hi Zin....what breez said....

            This really can be a lonely endeavour. Just another reason we have to do this for ourselves and not someone else. Keep your chin up and keep going - you are doing just fine.
            Happy spring cleaning maryt

   this Your 25th anniversary??

            just wanted to say hi ....back to work



              thursday 10 may

              Thanks so much breez, popeye, lisa ... I want so much to be a "normal" social drinker eventually and my (hotly denied) tendency to perfectionism makes me want to do this exactly right, as if there is an exactly right. Drive safely maryt!
              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                thursday 10 may

                It's a friend's 25th.
                I've only been married for 24 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and 3 days.


                  thursday 10 may

                  hey everyone..just checking in..pretty busy at work. I imagine it will be this way until I leave June 1st...funny thing, I seem to be more present to the work at hand! I feel good..11 days AF, 4 days off the topa, and 2 days off some other tummy meds I took that made me feel yukky, I'm hoping by the weekend I'll feel 100%. It's been a while.

                  Yes, this can be a lonely journey..thank God for this truly is a huge part of the healing process, I think. We all need a soul companion though..I'm so grateful to have had a couple of people in my life that I could share my hard times and struggles with over the past few years..if you don't have a real live person, please try to find someone..professional, theological, a woman's group, or a man's group.

                  Have a good nite all, I'm going home to a book and early to bed tonight.


                    thursday 10 may

                    Hey popeye...that made me laugh. Well then, you should get them a really great gift so you will get one in return 5 months , 1 week and 4 days :H



                      thursday 10 may

                      Happy AB-Fab Thursday all! the trade show is finally over so we are able to relax a tad...whew!! so exhausted and the feeling of the "finale" made me think of celebration drinks like everyone else is having down at the hotel bar. Guess I'll meander down there and have my ritualistic NA beer or two and call in early tonight. Dilayne, very true. I'm lucky to have found my soul companion in my lovely Dx. Be well everyone!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        thursday 10 may

                        LOL~good come back Lisa
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          thursday 10 may

                          Wow should I start couting too Pops? That was funny. Good one Lisa.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            thursday 10 may

                            Abs is good for the duck. Why, she is now on a bick! Let's see the duck at the gym.

