Tea and coffee on the boil!
Hiya tt..whats all this "get out in the garden stuff in 20 degrees?"Yep I could get out into mine in 20 as well ..but that would be 20 mm of rain!!:H hows the weekend for you? you up to anything?..that is apart from making the rest of us feel rubbish with your ace weather reports!!!

Hiya Sam..how are you?glad theres no more inner debate ..as for the drinking thoughts ..it really just comes down to how you deal with them...the old adage about drink ..a good slave but a lousy master sure rings true!!
Morning bear ...hows you doing?hey no probs with what you are doing ..hope it goes well for you.How did the cat get on at the vets yesterday?Good news?As for the flooding ..well if we flood theres serious probs..I live at the top of a hill!!have a great day.
Hiya Lav ..yoohoo..brew time .I mon big cup number 2 now ..nope still no snow here ..thoo it was mentioned on the forecast last night ..in fact the only thing that want mentioned was sunshine!!Good neighbour clearing the snow from the path for you ...As for the dogs ..you know they are smart whenn you se their names proudly etched in the snow ..in yellow!!:H..No last minute babysitting for you? have a great day
hiya sunshine hows your world today? let me guess mucking out for starters.then mebbe a nap!

Hiya Narilly ..how are you today?what you getting used to ? work ..or being unhungover..think youve invented a word with that one!!Went swimming again yesterday ..65 l. Went for a run later..only about 2 miles ..but itwas across the top of the moors..and the wind and rain.At one point I was running but standing still!!Keep trying to tell myself that its good for me!!be even better if I dint keep shovellin food in my face!!:H.So what are you doing this weekend ?
Oho Mr G ..hows you? another one jumpin in with its only 20 degs today!!Getting all wrapped up then going out ,getting soaked to the skin ,freezing and blown all over the place ..you dont know what you are missing!No I dont think you are crazy ..talking to a little plastic box ..when I was little I had an imaginery friend too..least yours talks back to you!!(big aww from the crowd!!) Have bonzer day mate
Hiya Pauly..hows you today?dust yourself down and jump back on..
Hey SF...how are you ?good post again..as for the quit drinking for cancer research...gets a bit muddled for me.Government doesnt fund cancer research ..which is charitable organisation,yet supports a campaign which is going to deny them a veritable chunk of tax revenue?? boy sure glad Im simple!!
Yes you are right..people on her do write about their own experiences and methods..and thats really what its all about ..what works for you ..tailoring bits of one plan and another to meet your individual needs ..very much like role modelling in life look at lots,but take the best out of each.Does take time but the key is nt to quit quitting.So whats going down in the home of country music today?anything? are you doing anything with the weekend?
right peeps off we go ..take care and have a good one,
What! With all the stress of Christmas and the new year I'm glad it's over and I am really looking forward to going back to unemployment
I got an urgent letter from the Inland Revenue today but I threw it in the bin without opening it.
It can't be anything to do with me, I live on the coast.
Having my ears syringed is one of the most painful things I've ever had done.
I can hear my wife perfectly now.
"I'm only going to say this once."
Said no woman ever.
So.. Scientists examining global warming are stuck on a boat in the antarctic
Love the irony
"So I guess your wife still leaves the house without letting you know then?" I asked my mate Dave.
"Goes without saying." He replied.
Don't you just hate it when you can't get it in? It's the same size as the hole but every time it's difficult. You try forcing it harder, flipping it over and looking at it real close before it finally goes in with ease... F.cking USB sticks!
That's the sixth seagull that has died after smashing into my bedroom window.
I think I should take down my hot dog poster.
My next door neighbours should be expecting the pitter patter of tiny feet any day soon.
I've just put a load of rats in their attic.
My wife and her twin sister were sitting on the sofa when they asked me to decide which was the sexiest.
"Definitely the sofa," I said.
I bumped into my mate and his young daughter earlier:
"And what do you do in your spare time?" I asked her.
"I play othello" she replied.
"Is that the game with black and white counters?" I said.
"No, you tother" she replied, "it'th a thtringed inthrument."
A man goes to see his Psychiatrist.
' Doctor,I feel such a failure. '
' I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about.Anyone who can pay my bills is not a failure. '
I've just been reading James Blunt's Twitter profile.
He isn't the sharpest tool in the box.
If there is one thing that I've learned from children's fairy tales, it's that porridge is one of life's bear essentials.