Mick – congratulations on your 18 months ! I put some thoughts on another thread but we all love you and cherish you most of all here! :h
I wonder if you will venture forth today? You take care as I imagine the roads will be treacherous. You can always stay in and find yet more jokes.
Its been a quiet weekend at home – I may have given the wrong impression about my garden. I can’t say it was satisfying yesterday. It's a huge area (at least by UK standards!) and sometimes feels way way too much for us – esp as we both have daytime jobs. Its on a terraced hill and gets overgrown with weeds (some I like but some are just horrible) and most of all we have to try to keep some of the bush back from the house – as it makes the place very damp. Hellz, I make this sound like a scene from Pioneer House or the movie The Piano! Yesterday – partner broke the weedeater (line trimmer) – that's 3 new ones broken in less than 3 months – so he is off to try to claim for the warranty today).
I’m heading out with daughter for a bit – we have to return some clothes.
So that's today’s Sunday rant :applaud:– has nawt to do with AL or being sober – as far as I can see – unless one can argue that its all bloody distracting and very minor stuff to worry about!
So Yah – there’s your long post which if you are not asleep by now – I am sure my drivel will do the trick. You should see me on a long walk – I can talk endlessly to keep people distracted from boredom/pain/’when will we get there’? Is this an undiscovered life skill? I bet Mick can write it on his cv too(no offense mate as I am in the same boat).:H
Yah – I hope the antibiotics are doing what they should do. They are tricky – with SE and all, but they do save lives. My Mum had her life saved with antibios just after they first came out – she had pneumonia pleurisy, Trouble was that the dose was too much and she became allergic to penicillin. Quite common then.
Bear – how is Mr Puss? He is a Mr isn’t it? How did the call to your friend go? I hate doing those sorts of things. I have to do a lot of this in my work – which is different to your situation with your friend of course – but complicated because where I work many of us will have been together for what seems like centuries. Anyway did the call provide relief for you or any sort of closure?
PPQP – good on you for having some time to relax as ‘you deserve it’ – just like those L’oreal ads. (don't take that the wrong way! :H) Do you know the ones I mean? Anyway you work really hard and need your down time.
Sam - you said on Friday –
“I believe the most absolute best thing in the whole world about deciding to quit drinking PERIOD is not to have to worry about drinking. Around Thanksgiving I felt that urge again and was glad it past. The longer I go without, the more I know I've done the right thing for myself. Now I feel that not worrying about it is a big relief. No more inner debate”
Sage words and I am with you there. It's a liberation to not have the debate or to worry. It took me decades to get here. I also don’t want to have to go back ever to the early days of quitting and all the horrible-ness this can be. Even if there are no DTs etc there can be heaps of anxiety, cravings, mood swings, sleepnessness etc. I was reading some threads here that reminded me of this and I hope I can offer a glimmer of support to those who quitting.
SF – you also posted some great thoughts recently on giving up the inner debate. Hope you Sunday goes well.
Pauly – Lots of support for getting through the weekend OK and you will be OK this coming week. We are here for you and do PM me if you need to. Title of your book can be "I survived Las Vegas'!
Det – the hot springs you describe sound so wonderful. I love soaking (in hot water not booze that is!) but don’t live in the part of NZ where these are. Closest I get is a hot bath – and I make sure I enjoy it. I have passed on this gene to my daughter – from a young age she started reading and drawing in the bath.
Lav – what’s on the agenda today? I bet there is a lot to do after the snow passes. How are the chooks? I can hear my neighbours’ ones cackling away. Silly things!
Narilly – what are your plans today? Sounds like you are doing lots of walking and trudging through the snow. Keep warm.
Hi there Sunshine as well. And all others (Patrice?) and friends and lurkeroos.
Well folks – lots of chatter here but I better get dressed and dusted for my expedition. I have a lot of writing to do this week – it won’t be easy. Is everyone drifting back to work?
Have a super sober Sunday.