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af Sunday 5 Jan

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    af Sunday 5 Jan

    MAE everyone. Tis Sunday morning here and weather is looking OK-ish – not of course the frightful storms that have been lashing the UK or the big snows of NE USA.

    Mick – congratulations on your 18 months ! I put some thoughts on another thread but we all love you and cherish you most of all here! :h
    I wonder if you will venture forth today? You take care as I imagine the roads will be treacherous. You can always stay in and find yet more jokes.
    Its been a quiet weekend at home – I may have given the wrong impression about my garden. I can’t say it was satisfying yesterday. It's a huge area (at least by UK standards!) and sometimes feels way way too much for us – esp as we both have daytime jobs. Its on a terraced hill and gets overgrown with weeds (some I like but some are just horrible) and most of all we have to try to keep some of the bush back from the house – as it makes the place very damp. Hellz, I make this sound like a scene from Pioneer House or the movie The Piano! Yesterday – partner broke the weedeater (line trimmer) – that's 3 new ones broken in less than 3 months – so he is off to try to claim for the warranty today).
    I’m heading out with daughter for a bit – we have to return some clothes.

    So that's today’s Sunday rant :applaud:– has nawt to do with AL or being sober – as far as I can see – unless one can argue that its all bloody distracting and very minor stuff to worry about!

    So Yah – there’s your long post which if you are not asleep by now – I am sure my drivel will do the trick. You should see me on a long walk – I can talk endlessly to keep people distracted from boredom/pain/’when will we get there’? Is this an undiscovered life skill? I bet Mick can write it on his cv too(no offense mate as I am in the same boat).:H

    Yah – I hope the antibiotics are doing what they should do. They are tricky – with SE and all, but they do save lives. My Mum had her life saved with antibios just after they first came out – she had pneumonia pleurisy, Trouble was that the dose was too much and she became allergic to penicillin. Quite common then.

    Bear – how is Mr Puss? He is a Mr isn’t it? How did the call to your friend go? I hate doing those sorts of things. I have to do a lot of this in my work – which is different to your situation with your friend of course – but complicated because where I work many of us will have been together for what seems like centuries. Anyway did the call provide relief for you or any sort of closure?

    PPQP – good on you for having some time to relax as ‘you deserve it’ – just like those L’oreal ads. (don't take that the wrong way! :H) Do you know the ones I mean? Anyway you work really hard and need your down time.

    Sam - you said on Friday –
    “I believe the most absolute best thing in the whole world about deciding to quit drinking PERIOD is not to have to worry about drinking. Around Thanksgiving I felt that urge again and was glad it past. The longer I go without, the more I know I've done the right thing for myself. Now I feel that not worrying about it is a big relief. No more inner debate”
    Sage words and I am with you there. It's a liberation to not have the debate or to worry. It took me decades to get here. I also don’t want to have to go back ever to the early days of quitting and all the horrible-ness this can be. Even if there are no DTs etc there can be heaps of anxiety, cravings, mood swings, sleepnessness etc. I was reading some threads here that reminded me of this and I hope I can offer a glimmer of support to those who quitting.

    SF – you also posted some great thoughts recently on giving up the inner debate. Hope you Sunday goes well.

    Pauly – Lots of support for getting through the weekend OK and you will be OK this coming week. We are here for you and do PM me if you need to. Title of your book can be "I survived Las Vegas'!

    Det – the hot springs you describe sound so wonderful. I love soaking (in hot water not booze that is!) but don’t live in the part of NZ where these are. Closest I get is a hot bath – and I make sure I enjoy it. I have passed on this gene to my daughter – from a young age she started reading and drawing in the bath.

    Lav – what’s on the agenda today? I bet there is a lot to do after the snow passes. How are the chooks? I can hear my neighbours’ ones cackling away. Silly things!

    Narilly – what are your plans today? Sounds like you are doing lots of walking and trudging through the snow. Keep warm.

    Hi there Sunshine as well. And all others (Patrice?) and friends and lurkeroos.

    Well folks – lots of chatter here but I better get dressed and dusted for my expedition. I have a lot of writing to do this week – it won’t be easy. Is everyone drifting back to work?

    Have a super sober Sunday.

    af Sunday 5 Jan sure made up for the short post I find myself reflecting at times, something someone says usually jolts back a memory. Sometimes that life I lived seems so long ago. I have started an observation journal....just to get stuff out of my head when I am having some deep thoughts. Not per say drinking....just about anything. I missed a lot of "thinking" time due to drinking and my brain seems to be wanting to catch up.

    Bear...I too sometimes thought I was making a bigger deal out of it than it needed to be. I guess for me it boils down to "I like my life better without al". There is nothing to debate on that one. But, I really needed to get enough distance from al for me to get to that point. At three months I was ready to take it on again....and so glad I chose the road less traveled for me or I would be in that same cycle again.

    There seems to be this prevailing thought that you have to be in enough pain to stop. At least that is what I was told over and over again. Truth wasn't was just pure exhaustion of the same thoughts about al ALL the FREAKING time. Drink, don't drink.....over and over again. Now I have so much more in my life to think about...that al just doesn't have a room in my head anymore.

    Mick congrats on 18 months! Time just keeps on ticking away! There was a big debate in the states that people needed to get drug tested in order to get food assistance. All over FB and shit. Personally, I thought it was rather inhumane.....and showed the lack of understanding on addiction by the government and its people. Did this indicate that an overwhelming number of people on assistance were drug addicts? Does booze is legal? Anyways one state tried it failed miserably....98% passed the test....and in the end it cost taxpayers more (alot more) to drug test...than it did to give assistance. As if withholding food was going to eradicate drug use....or I am so inhumane that I refuse my tax dollars to be used to feed people and their child because they have a drug problem.

    Which leads me to....I ran across a book today...."Recovery Options, The Complete Guide" by Joseph Volpicelli. I only got to read the introduction on Amazon (which anyone can do)...but, it outlined how out of it the medical community is on addiction. How doctors and rehab centers are not looking at the clear medical evidence of some medications and options for addiction. The frustration of addicts looking for help. Looks to be a good resource for people wanting answers. I have it on hold at the library for me.

    Sam...I so agree...just stopping the debate in the so worth giving up booze. have given me good reason to not start a garden. I really am not the domestic type. My youngest made us lasanga on NYE...they know if I cook it usually comes frozen in a box Sobriety has not kindled the slightest motivation for me to cook.


      af Sunday 5 Jan

      SF - I too ultimately became exhausted with the whole AL thing - not just the will I, won't I - but also appointments with therapists, groups, and trying hypnosis tapes, plans, supplements etc to quit.

      I also became so very bored with drinking and my own company - and bored with talking about my drinking to the recovery people.
      Funny how we worry that it will be boring if we don't drink - but if you wait long enough the reverse can happen


        af Sunday 5 Jan

        Since I am writing a novel here...I wanted to share a cool thing that happened. A few weeks ago I was farting around on a "Spiritual Center" website that is located close to me. I found tucked away a book club that meets on "life beyond addiction". So I called the number for more they did not give the day, time or where it meets. Two weeks later (yesterday) a woman calls me up and is rather evasive as to what I was inquiring about. Apparently, this is a small group that has come together...but, was not to be on the website at all. They read stuff like Tolle, The Four Agreements, Yoga Philosphy....all are in recovery. They came together as they did not fair well in AA or things like Celebrate Recovery.

        Her and I chatted for about an hour and I am going to meet them tomorrow. I do like F2F contact with like minded people in this booze filled world. It seems as if the universe has delivered on what I was looking for.

        I did miss the F2F of the Celebrate Recovery....but, I was lying there....saying I was a "Believer"....meaning that "Jesus is the only path to Heaven"....and all the other fearful shit they would put out. The last time I went....the meeting was good. But, hubby works that night and I would have to take the kids to the childcare. My hair nearly curled on end with the lesson that was taught to the kids. While I could get past some of the things I did not like in my group....I could not have the kids going to the "lessons" they were being exposed to.

        I am hoping this fills the gap. It is tough sometimes to find "like minded people" in the real world. Or to have a F2F conversation with people not asking me..."what freaking step am I on". I felt a void of not having the F2F....but, also not really wanting to be in "program" mentality. I am just rambling


          af Sunday 5 Jan

          TT--I totally get what you are saying. Sometimes I would get bored to tears....and I felt like if this was going to be the other side of life....I would rather drink. When was there going to be a magic supplement to stop the inner al voice....that talked to me endlessly for years. I did not spend too much time with therapists....the ones I went to were rather clueless...even though they thought they knew about addiction. Unless you have freaking walked really have no idea. This thing really is beyond explanation.

          That is why I am interested in this group....its for people who have already quit. People looking to expand themselves after recovery. Not rehashing the same old shit. But, also not having to hide their past.

          I had watched an interesting interview with India.Arie.....she is not in recovery....but, she was talking about speaking her truth. Not being ashamed of who you are or where you have been. It struck a cord with me.


            af Sunday 5 Jan

            Morning TT and SF - lots and lots to think about there that I really need to read,I went out last night to rollerderby birthday bash and drove - I felt awkward and on edge of group - TBH I would have felt like that drinking too.It's because of my thinking patterns and being drunk would have meant I would have had ' did i say something stupid' layered on top of it.
            Therapist says I need to not avoid things - e.g. conflict,social situations etc etc

            You know what though - I did it, I didn't hide from a situation that makes me nervous and stay home with my cold pretending that was the reason why,half of the people weren't drinking - driving,training today or one girl just doesn't drink - I want to get to know her better - she is so full of life!!

            I need to accept that I will feel on the edge of the group for a while because - I AM - I haven't been around hardly at all for last 6 months and I need to be patient/rebuild my friendships. CBT is helping me with extreme thinking - I would've looked for signs I wasn't wanted/disliked/seen as dull. What I see now is some people like me well enough, I'm not Queen B - but I don't want to be deep down.

            Soo what I am saying in a rambling way is - I would've had a worse time drinking!!!
            I loved the point one of you made about the waste of energy of the 'do I don't I drink'.
            I feel EXACTLY the same,but forever scares me - and also about my depressive thinking. I waste so much time worrying about what people think of me/worrying about people pleasing that I forget what do I want to do with my life,what goals do I want to reach,who can I reach out to,what can I just go and do right now?

            Phew!Have a great day everyone - I bottled out of phonecall yesterday so that is on the list for tonight - I'm not having another day stewing over it.
            one day at a time


              af Sunday 5 Jan

              Good morning Abbers,

              Just hanging out with my blanket & a pot of coffee watching the weather change, minute to minute here :H
              Glad to see the icy rain has turned to just plain old rain. I sent my dog out & watched her slide all the way across the deck - poor thing.

              Greetings TT, SF & bear!
              Nothing super special on my plan for today, maybe a little more house cleaning, who knows? :H
              My young hens are holding up well so far in this winter mess - bless them

              I am grateful that my connection with the wonderful folks of MWO & my efforts to remain positive & out of depression-ville have been enough to keep me on my path! We have a whole lot more power & strength within ourselves than I ever could have imagined. Resurrecting belief in myself was probably the biggest self-help action of all

              Wishing everyone a wonderful & safe AF Sunday!
              I'm staying put until the temps rise above freezing - not risking a fall out in these icy condition!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af Sunday 5 Jan

                What an energizing discussion this morning! SF, I am looking for a group such a you describe, too. I hope your meeting goes well. I just hate doctrine of any sort! A healthy discussion of meaning and the sharing of feelings and support goes a lot farther toward growth and healing in my book! Let us know what you discover!

                Morning, TT. Yes, I did enjoy your long post this morning. In fact, I read it last night.That's amazing that your mom was saved by anti-biotics!

                Exhaustion was my bottom, too. I was fortunate enough to never have a DUI or hurt anyone ( a few unexplained bruises, but nothing serious), but I was more and more aware that that stuff COULD happen to me. I was also aware that I couldn't escape the health consequences forever. It just became easier to stop.

                good for you, bear! I'm glad you faced your fears and found it was not as bad as you thought! Don't think about forever, really. What a waste of time! Forever isn't here yet! I'd have never been able to stop if I worried about forever. Day-by-day is the best way to go, and develop your strategies to deal with specific situations that are hard for you.

                Morning, Lav. Ain't this weather grand? I feel bad for your doggie. I'm glad your chooks are hanging in there well. It's supposed to go down to 3F tonight. What about you?

                Well, I'm a happy woman. My Saints pulled it out last night. Next week, Seattle.

                Anyway, have a great day all.

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  af Sunday 5 Jan

                  boy Yah Yah, did they ever pull it out!
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    af Sunday 5 Jan

                    OK YahYah & Sam....
                    I know you're both laughing that the Eagles lost in the last 5 seconds of the game ~ as usual :H :H
                    They actually had a pretty good year considering the coach & QB changes
                    There's always next year!!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af Sunday 5 Jan

                      MAE ALL...

                      TT...yup I know the ad's you're talking about. The leisure time must have worked cause I was nothing but energy yesterday. Didn't make it to my Dads but boy does the house look great. :H

                      SF...thanks for the tip on the book. Haven't heard about that one yet. I have been thinking of starting a journal as well so you've helped me make up my mind. Thanx The group sounds interesting waiting to hear more.

                      Bear..."Phew!Have a great day everyone" "Phew! You too.

                      Lav..."I sent my dog out & watched her slide all the way across the deck - poor thing."
                      :H Sorry, just found that funny.

                      YahYah..."Exhaustion was my bottom, too. I was fortunate enough to never have a DUI or hurt anyone ( a few unexplained bruises, but nothing serious), but I was more and more aware that that stuff COULD happen to me. I was also aware that I couldn't escape the health consequences forever. It just became easier to stop."
                      I could have written that.

                      -25 right now so off to make a hot breakfast. Will check in later....PPQP


                        af Sunday 5 Jan

                        Happy happy there PQ!!!
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          af Sunday 5 Jan

                          I have/chose to listen to all the Redskin stuff, now there's real laughter!
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            af Sunday 5 Jan

                            Good reading here - thank you as always!
                            Got yet another week done....feeling good about it too,
                            I will succeed, I know I am taking my own warped path, but i think I am getting there slowly but surely - and slowly but surely wins the race does it not?
                            Stay warm and safe everyone and continue enjoying your AF life as great role models to us who are hanging onto your coattails...
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af Sunday 5 Jan

                              Lav, no disrespect to the Eagles. I like them as a team. The fans in the stadium, not so much. I like young Foles, and I think he will get the team far. I'm just happy to see my Saints get past round 1 of the playoffs. Sam is so right, the Redskins are the biggest joke around, so I'm in no position to look down on the Eagles.

                              Good to see you, PPQP. Sounds like you've been very productive!

                              Well, I'm so glad to have Maddie home. She spun out on the way home from an overnight at a friend's down the road and ended up in a ditch. Fortunately, neither she nor her car were the worse for wear, but it scared her (and me!). I think it is finally above freezing here. Whew!

                              Anyway, I am really going to try to get some paperwork done.

                              More hugs,
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

