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Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

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    Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

    Greetings friends!

    I'm typing on my phone, had to hand my iPad over to my grandson to keep him occupied watching videos. I needed the peace

    Cyn, sending you all the Lavanitude you need today

    I'll be back later, have to ho pick up the other one from preschool soon.
    Wishing everyone a great AF Hump day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

      Late check-in here today. It's been kind of busy for some reason in my world.

      Tomorrow we need to start week 3.

      Lav, do you use your Ipad all the time for internet? Do you have a wireless keyboard with it? I find I am using my Ipad more and more now that I have the wireless keyboard. I hardly ever seem to use my laptop. I don't own a desktop anymore, do you?

      Cyn, your visit with your friend sounded great! It is good for the soul to have that kind of time with a girlfriend. Was Mr. Cyn there?

      Star, I hope your day wasn't too hard.:h

      DTD, congrats on your 90! That's awesome!

      Have a peaceful AF evening everyone.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

        Well, where in the heck did the time go and where have I been?????

        Such happenings here in AB land!

        DTD-great pics! Thank you! And CONGRATS on 90 days! Such a huge milestone!! Keep up the great work!

        Dill-hope it won't be too much longer for your son and GKs to move out. I'd hate to see any thing happen between you and Mr. D that couldn't be fixed. I can't even imagine how stressfull all this has been.

        Star-good news about your son moving out! I wish him all the luck in the world!!

        Lav- you are so funny in regards to YB. Best attitude evah!!

        Rusty-safe travels to you this week. Great job on managing the Skyclub!! You rock!

        Cyn-oh god. Poopsicles!! My dogs don't do that thank god but I dog sat one who did and it was GROSSSS!!!!!! I was so disgusted because not only did he eat them but then pooped them out again INSIDE!!!! I know you'll figure out how to stop this behavior in good time-some good behavior mod is on the menu I guess. Good luck!!!

        So I'm halfway through my first week back at work. It's been pretty grueling, mentally speaking. lots of meetings and catching up. Huge deadline at the end of the month too. Monday I had my first group session after rehab so didn't get home until 8:30. Yesterday I was so tired I had to leave work an hour early so I could rest before meeting the quilting group at a local restaurant for our annual holiday celebration. Was able to order a maple glazed salmon, baked potato and yummy mixed veggies. Did the best I could tracking the meal. Got home at 8:30 again and this morning was 10 min late to work. Damn.
        Left at 12:30 to go to rehab and the class. I was sooooo tired during the class I thought I was going to puke. They took my BP and it was quite high compared to what it has been. I got scared and thought they would tell me not to work out but nope-said it was the best remedy and they were right! I felt much better afterwards and my BP went down 10 points on both ends. Even tho I have to work full days tomorrow and Friday I don't have anything planned tonite or the next two nites so should be able to rest and relax. So glad the staff was there to monitor me tho! Felt so safe!!
        Saturday I'm going to meet a couple of agility friends in Boston and go to the huge RV show at the Expo Center, then lunch. Really looking forward to it! Sunday is a day out in W. MA watching my nephew play hockey(first real game I will have seen! He's in Mites) and then dinner at my brother's. Busy weekend but fun! Monday is a day off except for rehab and group.
        I think what is also contributing to the fatigue is not getting enough calories, protein and fat into me. I've been way below all my goals almost everyday. Thankfully I meet with my nutritionist on Thursday so I'm sure she can help me figure out how to up my nutrition and still keep the sodium low. So far I've lost 15 lbs!!
        At least now I know that a little exercise will pep me up.
        Have a great nite everyone and East coast friend, enjoy the almost spring like weather!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

          What a goofy day.......
          Fog, rain, no fog, more rain, temps in the high 40's. Kids, Insanity Twins, much, much mud :H

          Cyn, back to your question about the tools I've used to help drag YB out of his chronic depressive pit......
          I can't say that any one thing really helped. I think it was the sheer volume of stuff I tossed at him, some of it was bound to sink in I suppose.
          I read a book when I was just starting here by Daniel Amen called 'Change Your Brain Change Your Life'. It really spoke to me, made a huge difference in my thinking. So naturally I handed it over to YB. He said he read it but I can't be sure. I forwarded the best messages from the DailyOm - I know some of them sunk in because he told me so.
          I also bought a whole program for him by Dr. Friederman Schaub who works very effectively with fear & anxiety. I don't know if he ever used the program, maybe. Overcome Fear and Anxiety with Dr. Schaub | Fear & Anxiety Solution

          Basically, I've known for decades that when a stubborn person doesn't want to listen to anything you have to say the best thing to do is write it down & leave it where he'll see it
          Then sit back & hope for the best.

          Dill, I bought a wireless keyboard for my iPad but never could get it to work. I use my laptop a lot but I do like the iPad. I do have two desktops in my shop, one runs the embroidery machines & the other is just for business stuff. In other words, I am ALWAYS in front of one screen or the other

          DTD, you do know that in 10 days we will be dragging you officially into the 100 day club

          Papmom, I'm glad the folks at the rehab are keeping a sharp eye on you!
          Great job on the weight loss lady :wd:
          I hope you get your nutritional stuff straightened out soon - no need to starve yourself.
          I found a good low sodium meatloaf recipe today. I made it with turkey instead of beef so mine had fewer calories & less fat - it was very good: Low Sodium Meatloaf Recipe - - 440966

          Good night wishes to one & all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

            wow Lav, that looks really good! It's a keeper!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Gentle January ~ AF Week 2

              Happy thursday all -

              Thanks Lav for the ideas, i really appreciate it. I'm just now reading The Brain that Changes Itself, so I look forward to the book you mentioned, and of course Buddha's Brain is on my list. I hear you about the mud - I'd rather go back below 32 degrees - less mess!

              PMom - I too am glad that you are being closely monitored. Wow, 15 lbs - be sure to fuel yourself, girl - your schedule made me tired just reading it!

              Star - are you OK? Sending you and Dill big light and energy today.

              I worked late last night getting a proposal ready - too much 'screen time' yesterday, so the headaches have I'll sign off for now, but wishing everyone well for today -
              to the light

