Lav- hope the chooks (well you too my dear!) are safe ? animals (and little kids) are always a worry. My anti-electric blanket stance is primarily because faulty ones ? or ones sometimes left on ? can lead to fires.
Sam ? isn?t that early in the season for a calf to be born? Maybe I don?t know what I am talking about?

Speaking of tough realities ? Bear ? how did the phone-call go? Hope your Puss is well ? and you too. Well done on the sober days that must be adding up.
Mick- how did the charity shop bimble go? Any gems? Does Julie share this passion or are you solo on this one?
PPQP ? are you over your ?what?s next? or ?drink me please? feelings? I guess they never go completely go away but they do get much much less. I still continue to worry that I might have a craving or a mad moment where I drink ? last wek I had one of those drinking dreams ? the ones when you wake up and think, ?WTF ? why did I do that?? I find my vulnerability is when I have really unusual daily patterns ? or when I am very very bored (and usually accompanied with feeling very flat/depressed in a flat not a deep despair way if you know what I mean). I have to watch those feelings of ?is this all there is? or getting overwhelmed with mortality/existence. Fortunately having to think about what to cook for dinner usually grounds me!
Sorry PPQP ? that was about me and not you ? but its an indication of how we reflect off each other.
The latter gem sort of came from SF. Still PPQP, lots of hugs and positive Southern Pole ice-bergs to you!!!:h (and everyone else)
Some of us here on this thread are among the more mature age group. :cheering
I heard this radio interview yesterday and I thought it made sense. Its about extreme ageing ? ie the very senior years- living a long life in general. That's what most of us here want to do. Here goes:
Radio New Zealand : National : Summer Noelle : 07 Jan 2014 : Patricia Edgar - In Praise of Ageing
More rain coming down ? sounds very hypnotic. I will tell this to my partner as he leaves for work (he takes public transport and will get very wet).
Have a good Wednesday everyone else - Narilly, SL, Det, Pauly, Yah, Sunshine, and all others here and to come.
Stay sober through the storms!!!!