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af Thursday 9 January

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    af Thursday 9 January

    MAE absteroos

    And it still rains – don’t think the boat will be much use on the hill I live on but I can’t complain. Weather forecasts are no use either – they change as much as NZ’s weather!:H

    I had fun last night doing some monotonous work on the computer and playing old music. Daughter is doing a big make-over of her bedroom and enjoyed the company. We even listened to some music from Woodstock – turned into a bit of a history lesson! Then we crossed the Atlantic and I gave her a lesson about the history of early punk music there.

    A few mentions here of drinking dreams (Mick, PPQP and me). Mick – I was surprised that you posted the names of the whisky you used to cherish. That's unusual for you. Relegate that as a memory – and leave the whisky to others. I could write a personal travel history with the gin bottle – (at some stage I added antioxidants to my poison – with wine). But I won’t because I don’t think its healthy to reminisce about that (thats one of the things I did not like about the few AA meetings I went to). And there are many many horrible bits.

    Sam – how is your calf? I haven’t heard of farmers here bringing calves into the house - even in winter. I thought it was a dog when I first saw your lovely photo.

    Bear – seems like you have a happy Puss – and you are having quite a good week. Not much you can do about your call now to your friend. You tried.

    Narilly – goodness – you were cured quickly! :H I like the optimism. I guess now that your therapist has declared this – there is no going back.

    Lav and SF –I am with you both on not worrying about every little thing that can kill us. And then some more if we watch ‘House’.

    Pauly – you are sounding more upbeat – so that's the spirit(oops wrong word!).:H

    Det – how are you doing in Vegas?

    Sunshine, hope you are keeping warm. We seem to get quite a few Canucks on this thread from time to time.

    Gidday to all others – nice to see you here Dottie.

    Well everyone – enjoy the thrills of Thursday – whatever that may bring. Just stay sober!:beach:

    af Thursday 9 January

    Hi ya everyone!
    I am off to bed now. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Things are good here right now.
    Bed time for me.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      af Thursday 9 January

      TT - you have good music taste,sounds like your daughter is getting a good musical education!

      hey Narilly - sleep tight,glad you're good.

      Sam - so sorry about your calf,very sad,you did your very best and that's all we can do for our animals.

      Didn't get to talk to friend, she texted back to say she missded my call and was I ok,adding she not sleeping/stressed.We ended up texting as she said she not sleeping/stressed and didn't want to talk - she replied saying she majorly stressed and has been for ages - and that we are fine. Least it's not me - but makes it easier for me to challenge when she's 'off' in future - I offered my shoulder if she needs it.Huge relief - not perfect - bit not broken either.I have wasted so many hours that I can't even count them being upset/anxious about this - major lesson - don't over think/stew - just deal with things.

      CBT is really helping me with my ' black and white' thinking - I tend to always think things are always great or awful and CBT is helping me to reform more balanced thoughts/think of the good and bad/realise that everything isn't always 100% my responsibility to sort out.

      I don't fully believe these new balanced thoughts yet but it is progress/re-training my brain. I have also learnt that procrastinating/avoidance makes everything worse. I am keeping going to rollerderby to watch to still be part of group when injured,going to go to parties (driving) even though I feel shy and push through those feelings,as my feelings 'lie'.

      Have a great day everyone.
      one day at a time


        af Thursday 9 January

        mornin all how are we today?ok I hope..went swimming yesterday,did 100 lengths ..yehah..was going to do 70 ..but just kept out about a mile and a half non stop.Checked the rabbit hutch yesterday..saw these not so small slivers of wood lying there .they have scratched through the first layer of ply flooring!!DIY SOS today..!!

        here we go then ..eyes down look in..just like bingo eh?

        Hiya tt ..Woodstock eh? Mathew southern comfort ,Dylan, Creedence Clearwater dodgy ciggy smells emanating from your house dressed in loon pants ,Kaftan n John Lennon glasses!!!:H
        As for the whisky which I noticed you spelt e in it!Nah it doesnt bother me one little nature is that I remember detail well,..but another way to look at it ..if I had a couch and a load of clients!I!is being able to talk about it with no emotive connection is much better than burying it in a drawer in the mind..which in actual fact is a get round to dealing with it pile..and thats how it is with me I liked those ...fact but certainly have no yearning to retry or taste them again ..especially not at ?43 a bottle!!:H ok after all that I get the job and white coat?

        Hiya ok ? glad the friend issue sorted itself out..take it easy on that injury too.

        Hiya Sam..sorry about the calf mate but you gave her the best chance possible

        Mornin Det ..hows you after your sleepless night?why are they called alarms now a days?they might have been that when they first came out and everyone went out to nosey at what the noise was.....nowadays nobody even thinks of looking ..maybe the name should be changed from alarms to irritants!!Be careful driving mate.

        Hiya SL.....welcome to the never actually left but merely moved to the backyou go for it my girl ,,this is your year!!remember the yearly book you are putting together? you can look back in reflection and say wow that was a good for the vino..have you any friends out of work that drink ..give them as pressies...or even just pour them away..despite the jockanese trait of wasting nowt!!!:H

        Hiya Lav ..hows you today?nearest coast to me is about 30 miles that isnt too much of a prob ..trouble is where I live in the dim and distant ,thee hills were mined for coal and other goodies!!and although allegedly filled in etc aint so sure!!Yep helicopter came down in Norfolk ...the ammunition was scattered all over the place so its all cordoned off..Did you manage to get the chicks out and into the yard?Well heres a brew before you start on operation clean up!!

        Morning ppqp are you and heres a brew ..see the poetic twist on words again?:H hows work doing?not so sure that I would rather have the snow ..tends to lie here for ages!!

        Hiya sunshine ..hows you you you you..just stuck my head in your fridge!!!did you manafge to get some bits n bobs ...hows the project doing?

        Narilly youre cured ..hey if thats all it takes ..listening to you probs I can do that half price..also throw in a few umms and ahas and head shakes and nods for nothing :H

        Hi yah how are you feeling?better I hope....special cuppa comin right up for you.

        right peeps time to go so take care and have an absolutely brill day see ya ..that includes you too Pauly!

        I kissed a girl in the club and she said, "Oh my God, you've been smoking. It's just like licking an ashtray."

        "You non-smokers have some funny habits," I replied.

        I think the government cuts have gone a bit too far. Where I live, you wait over an hour for a bus and then none come along at once.

        Worries about the economy grow again after the world's biggest yacht-selling company announce a drop in sails

        So this guy with a premature ejaculation problem comes out of nowhere.

        My wife has kept all her old baby pictures.

        She had to, it's hard throwing away a cave painting.

        I'm watching 24 Hours in A&E.

        I still haven't been seen to.

        I was devastated when I saw my wife in the mental institution.

        Even more so when I found out she was only there to visit me.

        ' Open your eyes when I say wake up Mr Smith and you will no longer be shy, ' said the Hypnotist, ' you will be able to speak your mind.Wake Up! '
        ' How about giving me some of my money back you greedy bastard,' said Mr Smith.

        My therapist keeps saying that I should really stop talking to inanimate objects. But he's a lamp...what does he know.

        Police and customs officials have discovered 140 kilos of cocaine in boxes of bananas at various branches of Aldi in Berlin.

        Typical Aldi, leaving that one out their brochure.

        What type of dancers do Italian Primer Minister's enjoy?


        Even after three months of trying to reduce my overdraft, it's still barely changed.
        I just cant seem to budge it.

        I spent 25 minutes waving to an old lady today,

        Then I realised she was cleaning her Windows.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af Thursday 9 January

          Good morning Abbers,

          Sunny & chilly here in Lav-land
          No snow on the forecast either so I'm happy.

          TT, don't be jealous but I have the complete collections of Jimi Hendrix & Led Zepplin on CD :H :H
          It's the classical music of our youth!

          Hope you're staying warm narilly!

          bear, I understand the problem with 'black & white' thinking, it severely narrows your view on the world. My husband has always been like that & I have begged & pleaded with him to 'open his mind' a little. I think additionally he tends to zero in on the negative. Whatever we can do to open our hearts & minds is a plus

          Mick, I did get the hens outside yesterday afternoon & boy were they ever happy!!!!
          It was still cold out but at least it was dry. I don't even want to think about having to deal with frostbite on 30 pairs of feet & legs! I just heard on the news that another one of our helicopters went down off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia. What the heck is going on???

          Greetings to everyone, hope we all have a great AF Thursday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af Thursday 9 January

            Mae all,not much going on around here lately,just been sick AGAIN,i hope Louie doesnt get it,i feel like i need to squirt my whole house with lysol or something sheesh,i was looking at my calendar last nite to put my sober sticker up and seen it was exactly one month ago that we were all sick yuck,maybe its cuz i work with the public i dont know but its annoying,they need to make a "cold shot"to go along with the flu shot haha,hope everybody has a good thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              af Thursday 9 January

              Lav ..think the second chopper that went down was to assist the first never crashed...but was stuck there for a fair bit of time due to the amount of armaments scattered by the first one..they have just recovered the 4 airmen today from number 1 helicopter ...its Norfolk UK..
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af Thursday 9 January

                Pauly - people pick up colds really easily and there's not much we can do except put domes over our heads and breathe through a tube but I doubt if that look would go down well in a hairdressers!:H
                Actually hairdressers used to have something like that for when they did perms and rollers and people sat under those huge driers! :H

                Guess where I am going today! Hairdressers! Cut and color. Glossy magazines. Coffee. Even a chocolate.
                But I hate the music they play there! And it pongs!

                Sorry about your calf Sam - you must be sad.


                  af Thursday 9 January

                  And Mick -I may be a reformed alkie but I still would never put an 'e' in whisky. :H


                    af Thursday 9 January

                    Well, I get to say afternoon now, as it is just after noon!
                    At work, skiiving a bit!
                    Mick, yup pouring it hurts mae sensibilities....but I will have to do something....Tried to cancle teh subscription, but they said they can't - and they wouldn't donate...
                    I see this is starting to bug me, must not let it get to me - will just ignore until I have to, tehn deal with it appropriately!
                    Found rain on the way to work today - hope it keeps moving east to water my lawn - there is a "possibility of a few rain sprinkles" on Saturday - woohoo!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af Thursday 9 January

                      MAE ALL...

                      Just popping in to say howdy. Work going good. Chinook still around. Now it's time to make dinner. Will check in later.....PPQP


                        af Thursday 9 January

                        Mick - this is the helicopter crash I was talking about -
                        Coast Guard calls off search for missing crew member in deadly Navy helicopter crash | Fox News

                        Really sad that there have been so many lately

                        I probably won't have time to post in the morning. We are heading out for the day for some good old fashioned family fun
                        Pennsylvania Farm Show: Home

                        Have a great AF Friday everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

