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af Sat 11 January

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    af Sat 11 January

    MAE everyone - just a mini quick start.
    I couldn't resist becoming a 'senior' on MWO - might as well add that to my geriatric credentials.
    Nothing more to report than what I posted on the Friday thread but here's some coffee and tea to get you going when Saturday comes.

    af Sat 11 January

    Oh well done on being a senior now, Tree!

    Do I really have to wait until Saturday for your coffee? It'll be all cold then, so I'm just going to help myself to some now:H.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      af Sat 11 January

      Hi Tree,

      I post on the Gentle January thread and I just wanted to pop in and say Congratulations on 1,001 posts! The words "senior member" here at MWO do not mean your vehicle of choice is a wheelchair and your hair color is blue!!!:H:H You are always very supportive of people just starting their AF journeys, sober and happy, and struggling. It is a pleasure to have you here with us.

      Congrats again!

      Rusty from the USA (Wisconsin-the Land of Cheese, America's Dairyland


        af Sat 11 January

        Dream, sorry, cross-post. Great to see you!!!!


          af Sat 11 January

          Evening Rusty - how are you, my dear guilty conscience?
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            af Sat 11 January


            I am doing just great, thanks! I can't tell you how much I love your avatar, and the pretty colors. Pink, my fave. Thank you for staying on our Monthly Abs Thread. You add such welcome and interesting variety to our little group. We were definitely in a slump. How's the editing biz? Staying busy? I am working at home today. My laptop was ravaged by viruses making me unable to do any work yesterday and until early this afternoon, but I am all set now. My new IT is not only 1/2 the price of my old IT guy, but he's twice as fast at getting the job done. I should be working, alas, I find dabbling and lurking on the MWO boards to be far more interesting. Erm, oh, that's a client emailing me. Ah, I better look at it. Hahah! Back in a sec.


              af Sat 11 January

              Rusty, work could be busier, but I've been canvassing (aka harassing) quite broadly, so we'll see what happens. That lazy Friday afternoon feeling - know exactly what you mean. Later!

              Sorry for the hijack, Tree (but you were asleep and we were whispering):H:H:H
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                af Sat 11 January

                mae all ...and how are we today?looked at this thread yesterday and thought wow ..well posted considering its a day ahead ..well glad to report the weather looks ace over here today...firstly this morning it was icy...turned to rain ,now it is sleet /snow..and the forecast for later on is sun!
                The neighbours dil was in the national newspapers yesterday ..described as a very rare condition...they reckon that no more than 200 recorded incidents in every pregnancy in the uk last year...doesnt bring them back tho...
                Right off we go ..time for tea n coffee
                On my travelss tomorrow so will be out early doors ..

                Firstly ...congrats tt..on you becoming a senior member...that is senior on this posts
                any plans for the weekend or more scribing?
                Hiya Rusty are you ?hows the land of cheese today?

                DTD how are you today? hows the harrassing business going? :H

                Hiya ppqp ..ready for the weekend?any plans?that is apart from interviewing people for your old job..well done on being called for jury service...go for guilty ..then work backwards!!!:H heres a brew to take into interview with to have that professional look!!

                Hiya ok?glad the toons went well for you..Yep I know what you mean ..time seems to be getting along and the weather is frustrating the crap out of me ..cant get into the garden!!!

                Hiya Pauly ...hows you ? hey how come you dont wanna see my hair cut? kinda short it is :H..Hope you are feeling better today ..wheeeeee heres some energy to you.

                Hiya Lav you never got to the show?reading between the lines methinks you werent crying all day over that one!!You still got daughter and grand daughter there with you ? all you need is the terrors to land now!!!Going for another brew was going to say do you want one...but the obvious answer is ..yes they do sh.t in the woods!!!have a great day

                Mornin Narilly youve got a chinook there too?..any plans for the weekend? swimming?

                Hiya ..SL.. how are you today? well did you manage to get shot of the alkie voices?I knew you would...well done ..told you that you could do it.

                Hiya YAH .....busy busy over the weekend?time to stop for a cuppa!!!!

                right folksies time to go...take it easy and have a good one.

                I used to tell a lot of jokes when I worked at the kite factory, but they all just went over their heads ..

                Just went in the chemist and asked for something like Germoloids or Preparation H.

                She said, "They're over there on the bottom shelf."

                I had a lot of important things to do today.


                Now I have a lot of important things to do tomorrow.

                Apparently the police are going to have to wear video cameras soon, so that policemen's/women's actions are recorded.

                That's a lot of footage the police are going to have to lose.

                The hole punch was invented in 1886.

                And was banned from Boxing in 1887.

                Joey Essex was bitten by a monkey whilst filming a new TV show in South Africa.

                He's been given the all-clear but Doctors will keep the primate in hospital overnight for observations.

                Growing up my mum would never tell me who my real father was.

                Whoever he is, I hope he's as nice as our old postman. He sends me a birthday card every year without fail.

                Simon Cowell says he will name his child after himself. Seems a bit harsh to call a baby 'Bigheaded Tosspot'

                A heatwave has devastated Australia bats.

                Sadly five test matches too late.
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af Sat 11 January

                  Good morning Abbers,

                  It was kind of a rough night around here - toddler night terrors & all :H
                  To top it off, granddaughter was insisting on having a taco at 2 am. That definitely did not happen :H :H

                  Congrats on the senior status TT!
                  Keep on yakking & you'll catch up to me

                  Greetings DTD & Rusty - nice to see you both!

                  Mick, I really was/wasn't disappointed about missing the Farm Show yesterday. I really just wanted to see the little one's reaction to all the animals, big shiny brand new tractors & the butter sculpture of course :H

                  Hope to sneak out later to restock supplies. Not a drop of milk left in the fridge.
                  Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af Sat 11 January

                    MAE ALL....

                    TT.....:yay: Congrats Senior Member :yay:

                    As for "Chinook 101" Chinook is claimed by popular folk-etymology to mean "eater" of snow. Chinook is a hot wind that blows in winter and therefore raises the temperature in a short time. It blows from the ocean into the interior regions. In southwestern Alberta, Chinook winds can gust in excess of hurricane force [120 km/h (75 mph)]. In Pincher Creek, the temperature rose by 41?C (74?F), from -19 to 22?C (-2 to 72?F), in one hour in 1962. A lot of people complain about Migraine Headaches because of the pressure change but it doesn't affect me so I just enjoy.

                    :hiya: DTD and Rusty....I don't think you woke TT.

                    Mick...thanks for the coffee I could use a refill. This is the first time I've been on this side of the interview table so it should be interesting. All I know is I'm the one who's going to be working with the new guy so I'm looking for certain attributes. It should only last till 1pm so lots of time to get out and enjoy the Chinook.

                    Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come......PPQP


                      af Sat 11 January

                      hey everyone - have decided am off the forum for a while, think I need to focus on CBT and my fitness and diet and see what happens. I've been so up and down for so long and wavering levels of commitment to being totally AF.
                      You're all very special to me and I think of you often - funny how people you've never 'met' can be such a big part of your life. Wishing you love and luck and I can't even begin to say how much I have benefited from being around you all. Lots of love and a wonderful and healthy 2014. xxxx
                      one day at a time


                        af Sat 11 January

                        Good luck Bear. It sounds like you are sorting out your priorities and its probably best fro you to not over-commit.
                        You are always welcome back on site!


                          af Sat 11 January

                          Hi PPQP - thats really fascinating about the Chinook. I can imagine there is lots of mythology and stories about it. I am going to investigate.

                          We tend to get the opposite here - Southerly Blasts that are cold and take away the nice weather. Along the coastline - you can often see trees buckled over - poor things!
                          My daughter went to the beach today - but today its back to huddling indoors. There's a song about our weather that has the line ' Four seasons in one day' - and its so true. actually more like fourteen seasons in one day. I always keep coats, umbrellas (next to useless most of the time with the wind) and sunscreen in the car.

                          Now you have me obsessed about Chinooks. I can add that to my Moose thing. I thought I was over that but my family gave me another Moose trinket at Xmas.


                            af Sat 11 January

                            Morning everyone!
                            Really windy here...and its not just me!

                            Mick- my pool is getting renovated right now so I am not swimming. Actually taking a day off exercising today. Wow, your weather is crazy too.

                            PQ, I didn't know that about Pincher Creek. That is nuts! I would have worn my winter coat to work and then needed shorts for my walk home. It is super windy right now and some sleet coming down. Hope we don't get hail!

                            TT- nice! Senior Member. How cool is that? It probably will take me a year to get there but slowly I will.

                            Have a great sober Saturday folks!

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              af Sat 11 January

                              Mick;1611201 wrote: Hiya ..SL.. how are you today? well did you manage to get shot of the alkie voices?I knew you would...well done ..told you that you could do it.
                              Well now - I made it thru by the skin of my teeeth, and just as well eh? Otherwise I would have had to go hang my head again! After posting the girls got into it - hormones are raging! I was so tired after a carzy day, I just left the house, went to pick up a pzza, and the off license was open next door to the pizza place - I seriously thought hard about it, but did not - so close...and just after I had been saying that things were settling in my brain - it really can sneak up for sure...
                              Took girls to ranch this morning, mangaged a good long walk, felt a couple wet drops and thought yeah, the rain is coming - about 20 drops later it stopped!!!
                              TT - I have to say that your posts are so informative, so important to me, I am pretty amazed that you have only just reached senior status! You do make your posts mean something!

                              Well, one girl has a friend over this after noon and they have asked for my fav Spag Bog - so off to the stove I go...wonder if they will notice the lack of red wine in it:H (or in me for that matter )
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

