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mon 13th

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    mon 13th

    mae everyone...hows things today?is it a manic or mellow monday?was out yesterday...very successful despite the temps being -6 and a wind chill too...Back in the land of normality again today....ok on we go with the show ..tea and coffee on the go as we speak ..or as I write!

    Kradle ..yeehah ..nice to see you recognise Bpool do you ?Uni days?..what one were you at?how are you doing ? always nice to talk to you..what are you up to at the mo?

    TT cherry ice cream?wow you have just jumped to numero uno position in my life!!!!:HNothing better than ice cream ..and also cherry num num..So whats the chinook chaser up to today...More writing?hope you are ambidextrous ..othrwise huge muscles one arm ...nowt on the other!!

    Hiya Lav and hows you today?so thats you loaded up with food again?errmm no I dont hang about beaches at weekends...though chances are might be at another one this Sunday...loved the eloquent way you put it....hanging about beaches .....sounds about 2 steps up from hanging about public toilets...which just in case..the answer is no before you go there!!!Levi is on tonight some nice quiet family viewing!!oops forgot the brew you go...

    Hiya Sam are you?any chance of whizzing the wee yellow ball our way?

    SL..wowee what a positive post ...well done you are you nurse? thats you and Lav on here ..great place to throw a sicky!!!As for the memory loss ..its not neceesarily booze though that does play a part.Yep thats the one haggis tatties and neeps ..will be having that again this year ..but no toast to "the great chieftain o the puddin race!!"Dont know how much it would cost to send some tablet tho or even if you can...Lemon curd that takes me back a long time!!Lemon curd pieces!!!baggsy the crust!:H

    Hiya Det are you doing? glad you got out for a bit of a jaunt before your vegas trip ...dont forget aint all business!!

    Hi Pauly are you?Tablet? its about 100% sugar excellent for business if you are a dentist or run slimming classes ...but it tastes great!!

    hi YAH....haggis ..its great wee bit spice but grand all the same..made famous by Rabbie Burns in his "ode to a haggis"..rates highly amongst those Jock delicacies along with Irn Bru, square sausage ,pudding suppers, fish suppers,Broth, porridge, any type of alcohol,clootie dumpling...and they wonder why Scotland has got the highest rate of heart disease?As for oysters ..nope no thanks ..years ago I was diving for scallops..about 6 of us diving, I cooked the scallops and we all ended up with food poisoning so give that one a miss!!

    Hiya Narilly hows you?wheres your partners in crime from Canadia today?Im sure you would like haggis in Canada ..there must be some jock blood there way back..remember when I was there everyone had some relative from eons back who came from Scotland

    right all you jolly folks ..Monday smiles on off ye go to meet and greet the world ..take care luvvies !!!

    My mate Paddy just told me that he robbed a shop last night.

    "What did you get?" I asked.

    "26 pictures," he smiled, showing me. "The cheapest one is worth over ?180,000."

    I said, "Dude, these are from an estate agents."

    Me and my wife have decided not to have kids.

    The kids are taking it pretty hard.

    Doctors in Israel have officially ended their Ariel surveillance.

    I was stood at the bar having a quiet pint, when a mate walked up and said, "How did your wife's funeral go?"

    I said, "Shit."

    He said, "Was it that bad?"

    I said, "No, I forgot all about it."

    I hate it when a player gets a kick and starts rolling about the floor as if he's been shot.

    Snooker is not like it used to be.

    "You always come home from work in a bad mood." said the missus, "I can't remember the last time you walked through that door with a smile on your face."

    "Of course you can't." I grumbled, "You weren't fu.king living here."

    I've been studying clinical male depression for 7 years now, and I have finally figured out that most have a common trait.

    They got married.

    'The X Men'.

    A group of Marvel super heroes, or a gender change gathering?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    mon 13th

    Nite nite again everyone. Yes been working and tired but enjoyed the ice cream.
    I think we have had enough Scottish delicacies Mick and Robbie Burns.
    Have a great Monday folks. One of these days I will write one of my sagas again.
    Off again to the hairdresser tomorrow but this time taking my daughter. She needs a lift as the salon is out of town.

    No profound thoughts tonight:H:H


      mon 13th

      Good morning Abbers,

      No profound thoughts going on here either TT :H
      Have a good night.

      Mick, my granny used to talk about some way back Scottish relatives but the foods never made it over here. I have never ever seen haggis. Somehow I think that's OK
      Life has been oddly off schedule since Christmas so I'm hoping to get back to my routine today.
      Looking forward to a bit of a warm up for a few days!

      Greetings to all the Abbers & wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        mon 13th

        MAE ALL....

        Mick...thanks for the coffee and the kickoff. Mellow Monday for me. Loved the pic's yesterday, they're fab. So tell me, do your Sunday outings have anything to do with isolated seniors? Interviews went good but there was only 1 out of the 5 that came close to qualifying. We're going to decide today if we carry on or offer the job to that person.

        TT...hope your sleep is restful.

        Lav...I'm with you, I'll pass on the haggis.

        Off to get my second cuppa and read the rest of the jokes. Have a great AF Monday all and all to come.....PPQP


          mon 13th

          hiya ppqp........nope
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            mon 13th

            Mae everybody,ooh yeah ill take the tablet,sweet treat no mystery meat haha,lovely gigantic pics yesterday Mick,i wish i had your life,it looks fun and interesting,finally getting over this ugly cold i swear i havent been this worn out for so many days in awhile,i drank 2 cups of coffee yesterday and 4 pepsis(i know)yesterday just to keep up with the day,and still went to bed early,im kinda sad Bear left us for a bit but i know she does like to take breaks here and there at least she lets us know instead of just dissapearing,hope everybody has a great monday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              mon 13th

              MAE Fabbies, Had a miserable night's sleep last night, was just up and down. Thanks in advance for the coffee, Mick. It is sorely needed. I'm feeling rather upbeat despite the lack of sleep, as Maddie gets back from Denver today, although she might not be as happy to be home. LOL

              I will say it will be a mellow Monday for me, Mick. It won't be too hard of a work day, and I can get other things sorted in between clients. I supposed we will have to keep guessing about your magical mystery Sundays, won't we? I did love the pictures, btw. Sorry about the long ago scallops. Bleech!

              We all love you, whether profound or not TT. I hope you're having a good rest.

              My mom is Scotch-Irish, but no haggis ever appeared on our table. My father was first generation German, however, and once or twice cow's tongue appeared on the table. This DID NOT GO OVER WELL with young American children in the 60's in suburbia, I will tell you. It was a favorite of my dads. Perhaps if mom had taken pains to disguise it, it might have met with more success. Liver was not a hit, either.

              Good luck getting back on track, Lav. Somehow, I think you will get it done!

              Hello, PPQP. I hope you have a great mellow Monday.

              I'm glad you're starting to feel better, Pauly. You've been out of it for a while. It will be good to see you get your dash and verve back. You've hung in with the ride, though, and that's a good thing.

              I too, will miss bear, but I think she needs to march to her own drummer for a bit. She will always be welcome here, but she has to focus on what she needs to get healthy first.

              Anyway, hi's in advance to SF, SL, Det, and all the other fabbies out there. I'm sure I'm missing someone, so forgive me. Off to get another cuppa and wake my sorry ass up.

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                mon 13th

                Morning All,

                Mick, I will try Haggis one day. I do know lots of Scottish people. My best friend is a MacDonald, her husband plays bag pipes and has a kilt. We love the Scots! I husband used to have a shirt that said: "If its nay Scottish it's crrrrap!" which was hilarious! He is Scottish, Irish, English. Isn't everybody? lol!

                Yaya, why the miserable night? Good you are feeling upbeat anyway. That is hilarious about the cows tongue on the table! My parents are from India and we mostly ate chicken and really overcooked beef. We live in a big beef producing area and have really great Alberta Beef. Try it sometime! I am sure the tongue is delicious

                Have a great rest TT.

                PQ- the weather here is NUTS. It is still dark out at 10:00 am and windy and snowing! Holy crrrrap!

                I am sober today and went to my First concert in my whole life on Saturday where I did not have ONE drink of AL. YES!!! It was really fun and a great concert. Blue Rodeo, a Canadian Band. Just amazing and I felt great the next day. I am really happy about that.

                Have a great sober Monday!

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  mon 13th

                  Thats great that you remained AF Narilly, Well done.

                  I am almost all Scottish (OK a wee bit of English but we ignore that:H) in my ancestry - but call myself a 5th generation NZer - so I am not Scottish. Lots of chance to try haggis at special occasions here but I don't - tried it once and yuk - and also now I don't eat meat. Thats probably why:H (sorry Micko!)

                  Think I will stick to avocado for breakfast (as its Tuesday already here)


                    mon 13th

                    YAH - you and me both, don't feel as if I slept at all.
                    Love Hgiis, liver too - but pass on tongue!
                    Mick what about mealie puddings, one of my biggest misses!
                    Supposed to reach 70 here this week, 20 drops of rain on Saturday and that seems to be our years worth
                    Monday blues today - am dragging - back to the grindstone!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      mon 13th

                      SL. - just remember there are many shades of blue and it is a beautiful colour.


                        mon 13th

                        viva lost wages! LOL made it here to the zoo that is Vegas and I'm ready to go home already

                        got into the hotel, headed down to find a cuppa joe and what did I spy by my coworkers all lined up at the bar having marqueritas at 2pm. egad. I sat with them and had a large pellegrino. gotta go back out with them in a couple hours. ommmmm ommmmm. I shall prevail.

                        Narilly, mega kudos on a fun AF concert!

                        someday I must try a real haggis....

                        hopefully I can find a store around here that has marmite. didn't realize how much B1 (thiamine) it contains, wow.

                        wishing you all an ab fab AF snooze everyone and be well
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          mon 13th

                          MAE ALL...hit the wrong "X" and closed out my browser so will try this again.

                 has been snowing all day :wow: Very tricky getting home and into my parking spot. Hope I can get on in the morning.

                          Bear...good luck in your future endeavors. Remember we'll be here.

                          TT....mmmm avocado.

                          I can pm you the recipe if you'd like.

                 be safe out there. Definitely easier to walk than drive today.

                          YahYah...glad you're still able to feel upbeat after the lack of sleep. Hope tonight is better for you.

                          SL....Monday all most over and hopefully so too is your blues. Onto Tuesday Turnaround.

                          Time to start thinking about dinner. I think perhaps chicken tonight. Have a peaceful evening (day...TT) all .....PPQP


                            mon 13th

                            :hallo: Hi Det...xposted with you.

                            Hope Vegas goes fast and you can get home to Dx soon.


                              mon 13th

                              Don't do a Nicholas Cage on us Det!

                              One of the most depressing movies I have seen (leaving Las Vegas).

                              Didn't mean my earlier post to sound like Fifty Shades of Blue

                              I am dealing with a teenage crisis at the moment (her haircut)

