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af Thursday 16 Jan

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    af Thursday 16 Jan

    Hi folks. It is Thursday here already. Probably my chat here will be out-of-date for those of you in another timezone but never mind.

    Mick - love the curry talk. Actually I hardly ever use coconut milk or yoghurt in my curries. I either make dry ones or use the tomato/onion/garlic base for sauce. Good fresh spices are important.

    Lav- My daughter used to be terrified of Thomas the Tank. She would scream as soon as she saw the train (and heard the voice) - we absolutely couldn?t have anything Thomas in our house.
    Teletubbies and the Wiggles were her TV shows of choice. Only the Aussies and Kiwis will know who the latter are. But last night she and her Dad watched the original Nosferatu (Vampire thing) on DVD. We were in a good mood as she has done very well in her high school exams. She is really pleased and seems motivated for another year of school.

    Patrice ? you and I will both exercise! I need to up the ante for health and the cricks setting in to this old tired body. Trouble is ? I detest gyms and swimming pools (unless watching a movie about them!). I do lots of walking and may try to get back into some light yoga (or kick the towel in ? and take up pilates).

    Lovely photo Sam. Is the house salvageable ? it looks sound from the outside.
    You seem to have a very strong connection to your roots and family history.

    Det ? how is it in Sin City? What you describe there sounds surreal to me (and I don?t mean curry on cabbage ? sorry mate, but I am not so keen on cabbage). I am sure you are being Mr Cool and Sober.

    Narilly ? nice to chat to you yesterday (well on your Tuesday). Hope all is well.

    Welcome Hadit. Yes, I was seeing if any menfolk would respond to my question. I like to do that sometimes ? throw out a question or some thoughts and wait and see if there is any response!

    Here?s todays question ? does anyone know what happened to Roberta Jewell? The info on this site is rather out of date.

    How is work PPQP? Is the snow pretty ? or kind of huge ?or sludgy slush?

    SL ? good also to see you here. Lets make 2014 your year.

    SF ? how?s things your way? Hope its all going well my dear. 2013 was your turning point ? so full steam ahead.

    Greetings to you Yah ? hope work is going well.

    Pauly ? have things settled a bit at home? It must be mid-week for you. My daughter was so upset with her hair-cut.I think it was mostly a hormonal crisis. So daughter did her own job at home on her bangs ? botched up of course. What a waste of money that was!

    OK folks I must away ? things to discover, life to attend to and breakfast to consume. On with the sober revolution ?never a dull moment (lies!!!! Actually lots of them:H) ? be good all!

    af Thursday 16 Jan

    OH my - just signed in for first time today and see tomorrow is already here :H
    Going back to today and will see you all here in about 24 hrs!!:l
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      af Thursday 16 Jan

      Mae all .and how are we all today...and it is today here today ...not like yesterday when I could have signed on today when in actual fact it was the day before it is :H hows that for a head scrambler to start with?
      So what are we all up to on post hump day,pre tgif day?moi off swimming and a bit of ornament moving and furniture polish spraying..and unwrap the hoover lead!!

      ok here we go ...tea and coffee on the go (need to get some more today)

      evening tt ..hows things today avec vous..possibly tu?..been all over tinternet to see if I can find anything out about Roberta Jewell date?nish..last reply I see on the boards is was your day? ok

      SL...hiya how are you doing ..ace job with the ribena..see thats another page in you alcohol ..well done

      Hiya Patrice are you?exercise is pretty important ...especially in the early stages...what happens is your mind starts to wander when you think you need a drink..and eventually if you arent doing anything, there is a good chance that you would cave ...not just you but most people ..if you include exercise..then it channels your energy elsewhere especially cardio vas my early days the main things I did were ..1..had the letters that Mario posted on my phone in my wallet in my car..2 ask myself lots of questions and write it all down when I thought I needed a drink and 3 do exercise whether it be press up squats running walking, anything that makes you work.

      Hiya Lav..pray tell full of what????Levi s on his way!!!!how are you today?no brain drain for you today?Is it a quiet one?Have a cuppa..down to my last dregs here..soon be into the emergency supplies...little sachets of coffee from hotels all over the world that jump into your bag!!so you could be on Spanish coffee soon...or Indian tea!

      Hiya are you today?ok ...gooood..yup tomorrow night is Ruby night for me (Ruby Murray ..slang for curry..dont know what yet..but reckon it will involve chicken,and chick peas anyway..we shall see

      well hardly anyone on here yesterday must be al busy ..not all dossers like me!!take it easy and have a great day.

      Hey Lav ..full of what I hear you say??:H

      Elephants only sleep for two hours each day.
      In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can’t flow.
      Hara kiri is an impolite way of saying the Japanese word seppuku which means, literally, belly splitting.
      An Olympic gold medal must contain 92.5 percent silver
      There are 240 dots on an arcade Pac-Man game
      This entry was posted in Facts of the Day on November 19, 2013 by Useless Facts.
      Interesting Facts Of The Day
      Every time you lick a stamp you consume 1/10 of a calorie.
      The first female guest host of “Saturday Night Live” was Candace Bergen.
      A man’s beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex.
      King Louis XIX ruled France for 15 minutes.
      Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west.
      If a frog’s mouth is held open for too long the frog will suffocate.
      A duck has three eyelids.
      In most watch advertisements the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.
      An American urologist bought Napoleon’s penis for $40,000.
      Antarctica is the only continent that does not have land areas below sea level.

      I was looking at my wife: no teeth in, boobs on her belly, hair a mess and smoking a roll up. Then she cocked her leg and let out a massive fart.

      "You are a mess and I'm disgusted with you," I said.

      "I'm still the woman you love and married," she said. "Sometimes we all let ourselves go a bit."

      "We're on our fucking honeymoon," I replied.
      r />My mate Dave has drunk many weird and wonderful things in his time.

      I asked him if he'd ever drunk cologne.

      "No," he replied. "Always with mates."

      I just heard a gang tried to steal Sigmund Freud's ashes! Whats the matter with Jung people today?

      I can't believe how good this sketch drawing of me was.

      It was that good, they showed it on all the news channels.

      My wife says she is divorcing me because of my obsession with television dramas.

      But will she really leave me...

      ...Find out next week!

      I asked my wife, "Where are my blue underpants?"

      "How am I supposed to know?" she replied, "They'll be wherever you left them."

      "Of course," I said, putting my coat on, "I'll be back in 10 minutes then."

      My wife sent me out to get some milk last night and I came back four hours later.

      "Where the fuck have you been?" she screamed.

      "The shop was out of milk," I replied, "So I went to borrow some from the landlord in the local pub."

      "Well, where is it then?" she asked.

      I said, "He didn't have any either."
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Thursday 16 Jan

        Hi all
        Mick and TT - yes I totally agree in the value of exercise as a major strategy.. it's just getting started!! (like everything with me!). Also to be honest it takes a lot of dedication to exercise in this heat, but I know I must!!


          af Thursday 16 Jan

          Good morning Abbers,

          Another dark & damp day around these parts, oh well. I even saw some snow flurries earlier.

          TT, I know who the WIGGLES are :H :H
          OMG, the kid's show that used to feature them dropped them a while ago. I guess the toddlers of the USA banded together & complained? I don't know :H

          SL, checking in here is the best thing to do when your thinking goes to 'that place'!
          I used to stop whatever I was doing & move on to something else completely different - distraction works

          Mick, I saw a video posted on the 'Only in Lancaster' page on Facebook last night. A guy dressed up in Amish clothing, fake beard & all. He was flagging down real Amish guys on the road saying he was trying to join a mafia Amish gang - it was hysterical. The Amish all told him, in their weird way that there was no such thing, it was fake, a falsehood. I really don't think they have a clue what a phenomenon it is :H

          Patrice, exercise is good for the body & the spirit. Just get started with something, it grows on you!

          Det, good job circumventing the booze hounds last night!

          OK, I am feeding my son & his family tonight so at some point I will get out & buy something to cook. Chicken sounds good!!!
          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af Thursday 16 Jan

            Mae everybody,TT i know the wiggles too it was my 15 year old sons fave show back in the day,it was annoying but wed get up and dance to the songs together to make it tolerable,and i swear everybody trims on their hair at home sometimes its an easy fix,other times not much i can do,hope shes over the drama by now,i like the list you shared from when you first quit Mick,yes excercise is so important! as a matter of fact before i ever started drinking 8 years ago,i was an avid excerciser,it was my personal time to put headphones on and listen to my music and escape,now what have i done when ive drank?put headphones on and escaped,it was probly just the music ive wanted all along haha,i had nothing to add to the curry talk,never had it,actually didnt even know what it was til i came here,i thought it was a spice,im awmp about trying new foods,ive had some bad experiences,well hope everybodys day goes good
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              af Thursday 16 Jan

              Mick, I never heard of Ruby as a slang for curry. That is interesting.

              Pat.- exercise saves my life. I do it everyday. Those endorphins are very helpful to making me feel Great! I walk, play squash, swim, bike ride, roller blade, take classes, whatever I can do to stay active. Just walking is great on its own for sure!

              Have a great sober Thursday everyone!

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                af Thursday 16 Jan

                May I add that I hated the Wiggles but it was entertaining for a child c 13 years ago! G. even took daughter to a Wiggles concert when they came here.
                I used to like the UK programme where adults dressed up as big puppets (was that you MIck?:H) and daughter liked Blue's Clues a lot.
                We all hated Barney - well daughter didnt but her parents did!

                This was only for an hour in the mornings before dashing off to pre-school.

                Currently same daughter is re-discovering the x-Files - you know the Scully/Mulder show.
                She plans to start on Twin Peaks (I used to love that in the 1990s - although cant remember a lot as I was usually well lubricated when I watched it. Thats when i lived alone for some years and drank heavily. Not good years for me - until I met G.).


                  af Thursday 16 Jan

                  tt ..loved the theme tune to Twin peaks..
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    af Thursday 16 Jan

                    Forgot all about Twin Peaks - I wouldn't mind watching those shows again. Hope they're on Netflix
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af Thursday 16 Jan

                      Det, using cabbage instead of rice? Wow, what a great idea! I am going to try it.

                      Yaya, Narilly is a combo of my dad and my husband's dad's name. I tried to change it after I came back this time but couldnt. It's not my favorite name but oh, well.

                      Twin Peaks? I don't remember watching that one. I remember the name though. In Canada we get all the British shows. Right now I am watching Downton Abbey and really like it. I highly recommend it.

                      Mick, I bet you make some awesome curries. I had dahl cooking in the slow cooker right now at home. Lentils with a shwack of spices. After work I will make rice and have the dahl with some yogurt and Sriracha sauce. (I could try cabbage instead of rice)

                      So glad to be on this AF path. Drinking was such a habit to me before and was the first thought that came into my mind when I thought of the weekend or going home after work. Now it is not so much which is a great feeling. I finally feel like I am beating this.

                      Talk soon,

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        af Thursday 16 Jan

                        I know who The Wiggles are....escaped being subjected to them.

                        We have a restaurant franchise..."Twin Peaks". The men may like the waitress staff shots. I prefer my food to be served by people with clothes on

                        Not much going on in my world....being lazy.


                          af Thursday 16 Jan

                          Hi all - busy day yet again - may as well stop saying that as they pretty well all are...
                          Nar - interesting about names, I wish I had chosen something more clever - some I see are really great - but SL has become me I suppose....I have had many thoughst about a differnt name, and especially as I am in such a hugely different place. There are soem thought that I am glad I did not use as I try to move past that part of my life:H I like Nailly, but it obviously does not have the same connotations for me. I do think we probably make assumptions about people that we start to have very meaningful though anonymous relationships here - I know that when people do occasionally post photos, it can be a surprise - a bit in the same way as when a great book is made into a film:H PS - so glad you feel as if you are winning, that is a great feeling!
                          The wiggles - yep, seen them with the kiddies when they were little - now contemplating taking the girls to an Imagine Dragons concert - times are achanging
                          Pot of soup on the stove, got to go tend it.
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

