Pap, I'll bet it is tiring going back to work after all that has happened. Good for you taking care of yourself and getting help at rehab. My friend who had stents put in told me she has days where she is just tired. So, it may go with the territory. You have a busy schedule, lots of fun planned, good for you.
Lav, busy as usual. Interesting that you left stuff around for YB and he looked through it when he was ready. We can gain control of our thoughts, and our lives. It takes awareness and practice. I have been noticing when I am getting negative and immediately diluting my mind with positive thoughts. It works, plain and simple. I had somebody say to me, you can't control what you feel. Yes you can. A feeling can pop up, but you can either go with the feeling or not. Sitting around, thinking negatively, getting more upset, a vicious circle. Get up, take control of your environment, your mind. Get good coping skills. (Not drinking).
Dill, hello, thanks for sharing your struggles with you son. I feel so alone sometimes. Yet, he is doing the right thing. So is your son. I know your son is going to need time, lots of time to get a job, save up, till he can move out. I hope my son follows through, I am counting on it. I have even started looking for a new piece of furniture.

Busy day today, looking forward to getting out of the house. Hope you all have a great day.:h