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Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

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    Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

    OK, 'less is more', and 'one cabinet at a time'. Very good advice frome each of you! I need to take it slow and at a pace I can handle. Thank you Cyn and Rusty. I have done just that.

    But, I have a pile of stuff here that I could dispatch if it were just me. However, I must let Mr. D have his look, so it will be a few days.

    Anyway, a pretty productive day in spite of the weather. Thanks!

    Hi Lav! Keep warm.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

      Sitting by the fire Dill, try to stay warm
      There's at least a foot of snow out there 7 the temp is dropping to 2 or 3 degrees tonight - geez.

      I just handed a loaf of freshly baked oat flour bread to my neighbor as he was plowing my driveway for the second time - bless him

      Glad your day was calmly productive Dill!

      Where's Star??
      Papmom has been on Facebook today, so has Kaslo with her fabulous pictures!
      Where's Jolie?

      Hi Rusty, you have been busy traveling back & forth. Glad your family 'reunion' went well.

      cyn, I hope you can try some of those supplements that my daughter found. She's getting some welcome relief from them.

      Hoping my chickens are OK, I'm sure they are. Although it's too early, I've gotten 2 mini eggs over the past few days. One of them is developing faster than the others :H
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

        Good Morning, Friends!

        I am at home for the third day in a row as I was supposed to be on jury duty all this week so I couldn't book any work. I am getting so much work wonderful to be productive every moment of the day...even when I'm relaxing, I still feel productive.:H It also feels great to wake up in the morning and know where I am. Hahah!

        Star-I'm worried about you. You haven't posted in a few days, and that is so unlike you. Hope you're ok.

        Dill-I'm glad you had a successful day yesterday, too. You were in my mind and my step yesterday as you and I were doing the same thing.

        Lav-which one of those supplements would you recommend for me to replace the Flexeril I take for my neck? I have a potential scary situation on my hands. My doctor does not pay or treat her CNAs and receptionists well and her whole staff quit. Her office has been closed for almost 3 weeks. I take the Flexeril at night because it makes me sleepy and relieves the spasms. I plead guilty to one count of using you for your nurse's experience.:H. Thanks, also, for keeping us up to date on Kas and Pap. I am also today wearing my favorite canary sweatshirt with "Friends" on it. I haven't gotten dressed up all week.:H

        Ok, big hellos to everyone else....Pap, Cyn, Dream, Jolie, and anyone I may have missed, have a lovely AF Hump Day.


          Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

          Good morning friends!

          It's the morning after & it appears to be a bit of a disaster area out there & it's only 3 degrees :H
          I haven't been out yet to measure but I just heard on the news that Philly got 13.5 inches. My dogs don't even want to go out :H

          Rusty, glad you are cozy at home this week
          My daughter claims that the malic acid & magnesium help with the pain associated with FM. Take a look at this: Malic Acid and Magnesium for Fibro Pain | FibroCare Center

          Your doc must be a bitch on wheels for her entire staff to walk out like that. I've never actually heard of that happening before
          I have turned down unsolicited offers to work for certain docs - they all have personality disorders

          Today will be all about clearing some pathways & making my way to the chicken house to check on the girls. I hope the missing friends check in soon!!!!!

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

            Good morning to all...

            I have had a bad time of it and resigned from my job, found another. I have been so stressed it is unbelievable, unable to sleep or even to know what to say to my friends here. But, no alcohol and just trying to deal with things with all my good judgement and sanity. I have to finish out my notice, but if I find that it is too much, I WILL just leave. For my health. So, that is where have been. Not a good place. I have support from family and friends, so am OK.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

              Star, so sorry you've been going thru such a rough time.:l Thank you for taking the time to check in and catch us up. I've been concerned about your absence and was on the verge of PMing you. I'm very glad you are removing yourself from an uncomfortable work place. Are you happy with the new job? When do you begin?

              Hey Rusty, Good for us, making headway on our de-cluttering projects! I really did take on too much yesterday so was glad for the reminder to pace myself.

              Lav, I woke up to minus 10 degrees this morning which was 12 degrees colder than what the TV weatherman predicted. YUCK! It's too much!!

              Cyn, are you a professional organizing coach? I need you in my life! I have a good friend who is natural at organizing. I'm so jealous!

              Things are chilly here, but good. Have a nice AF Hump Day everyone.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                Hey, good for you Star!
                Everything is going to be OK, deep breaths, gratitude & all that

                I've been outside for two 15-20 minute periods & that's all I can take! Even with two pairs of gloves on, my fingers go numb, ugh.
                I've baked 3 banana breads (just to get rid of the pile of over ripe bananas). One 'regular recipe' I promised to my son, one dairy free for me & one gluten & dairy free I'll save for my daughter. Bet you never knew bananas could be repurposed in such a caring/sharing way :H

                Dill, this is way too cold for me....I must be turning into a real weenie :H
                I hope you stay warm
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                  Good Morning All,

                  Alas, I did not escape jury duty. I have to report at 12:30 p.m.:upset: I think I will just make this easy and tell the judge that I know the defendant so then I will disqualify myself.:H

                  Star-good for you for ditching your job and finding another one. I have done the same thing several times. Never regretted it. Onward and upward. Kudos for remaining AF. AL would have made a bad situation worse. Hope your new job is everything you wanted it to be.

                  Lav- thanks again for the pain mgt. info. and link. You're our resident nurse on this thread. We are lucky.

                  Dill-It feels good to organize but on the other hand, it feels like it will never end, right? I am glad we both accomplished herculean tasks.

                  Big hellos to Cyn, DTD, Jolie, and anyone I've missed, happy AF Thursday.


                    Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                    Good morning frozen friends
                    Honestly, enough is enough!!!!

                    Good luck today Rusty - jury duty, yuck.

                    Greetings Dill, Star & everyone!
                    Not planning anything super exciting for myself today but I always find something to do

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                      Hello from frigid Ohio. There appears to be no relief in sight!

                      Hey Rusty, too bad you have the jury duty today. Try to enjoy it if you can. As far as organizing goes, it is definetly never ending. One of my books on organzing says it must be done constantly: continual weeding just like a garden.

                      Lav, I have no plans for today except to keep warm!!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                        Good Late Morning Friends,

                        Just got a call from the court. The case was settled out of court so I don't even need to show up....I'm good for 4 years! WHOO HOO!!!!

                        Dill-you are right on the organizing....I always feel like I am trying to catch up....I should spend the time maintaining instead. I liken the organizing to quitting drinking. Someone else at MWO said it first....while drinking, we were always trying to catch up with our work, family responsibilities, etc., because drinking took up a lot of our time. When AF, we can maintain our lives rather than constantly being behind. As far as jury duty, I have no interest in it whatsoever. I was an investigative news reporter for 6 years and I covered cops 'n courts...and if I'm ever inside a courtroom again, it will be too soon.

                        Lav- Re: my doctor: I used to think she was the best doctor I've ever far, she's been the best listener and truly does have a passion for her work. BUT, I think she got greedy. The last 1.5 years, she has been booking patients for appts. at 9:00 AM when she doesn't even arrive until 10:00 a.m. or after. Her office also messed up my script for Flexeril big time. Oh well. I have a recommendation for a new doctor.

                        Star-hope you are ok.

                        Cyn-I hope you are relaxing....or are somewhere warm.:l

                        Back later. It's a lovely AF day here in Rustyland.


                          Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                          Made it to Curves & back in one piece this morning
                          Once I made my way to the main roads, driving was easy.

                          Rusty, great on the jury duty cancellation.
                          I recommended this book to cyn & I think you would benefit from it too. My daughter has the Kindle version & sent it to me to read:
                          Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now: Jacob Teitelbaum: 9780071464574: Books

                          Flexeril is good for short term use, definitely loosens up tensed muscles r/t to injury. I've used it myself 2 or 3 times, taking it for 10 days each episode.
                          Chronic pain responds better when you address & eliminate the source of the pain. Therapeutic massage, Reiki, etc. work wonders. This doc addresses all that in his book, glad my daughter found it in her search for natural relief.

                          Mushroom barley soup on the stove - yum
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                            Hi there!

                            Lav-Thank you thank you thank you for the book recommendation on chronic pain. I printed it out and will order it on Amazon. I appreciate so many ways, and on so many levels.

                            Pap-come out, come out. You must be busy. Yikes...need to get you all my info on my trips to Methuen. You're not going to argue, huh? Are you feeling ok?:H

                            Cyn-are you still seeing the acupuncturist?

                            Back to work here. I'll be back tomorrow, that I have extra time.


                              Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                              Hey guys,

                              I am finally settling down, made up my mind about a few things and that is that. It is scary as I am starting over, but I have faith that I will be successful. I am taking a few weeks off to get myself together after all the drama and stress. Wish I could tell you about it but you wouldn't believe it anyway it is so stupid and just unbelievable. I have not been perfect in my life but to deliberately make really poor judgements over and over again? There was no drinking involved either.

                              Weather report: Wow it is sooooo cooooold. I have driven through blizzards several times this week, living in a place where it has been snowing constantly. And the blowing snow. Whew. I am baking this morning so when my husband wakes up he can have hot coffee and irish soda bread, warm. Plus, it smells so good.

                              Lav, your mushroom barley soup sounds amazing. Did you get the recipe from fatfree vegan? I want to make some. Meeting my new employers this am and getting my hair done later. Then home to relax. Tomorrow I will be home alone and will clean, laundry, etc. The book on pain sounds interesting. I have read that pills for long term pain relief are not proven to be effective. I am not a doctor though, but believe in massage and exercise or yoga. Hope it helps Rusty.

                              Rusty, thanks for your support, it is difficult to switch jobs, the time leading up to the decision and the drama is just exhausting. I hate drama, I just want to live my life and do my work. Jury duty would be ok if I was retired, but to miss work would be hard. My son is supposed to move out next weekend, keep your fingers crossed. It is funny, now that he is moving, I have mixed feelings. I must be crazy. I'll miss his quirkiness, but want and need him to be independent.

                              Dill, thanks for taking the time to let me know you were worried. I was just beside myself, in a panic, and did not even get on the internet. I unreasonably blame myself, but it is not my fault at all. I just hate drama, lies, and fighting. I am so glad to hear your son is on the road to remaking his life. Hopefully, as he feels better and better, he will cherish his new life even more. We all have our fights, and my son was telling me, again, of the cruel and mean things people say to him at work about being gay. He has come up with some zingers, but it still hurts. You know who are the worst? the fundamentalist Christians. He sets limits, tells them he does not believe in Christianity (can you blame him) and if they persist, he files a grievance. I guess we all have our battles to fight. It hurts to see our kids struggle through. Hope you are doing well. This weather is really scary, I know you are getting the extremes, too.

                              hello to Cyn, Pap, Dream and glad to be back.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Gentle January ~ AF Week 3

                                Good morning all,
                                I think I am actually freezing my a$$ off - geez :H :H

                                I'll check back in a little later. My grandsons are being dropped off shortly, must prepare.
                                Glad everything is OK Star.

                                Have a great AF Friday everyone!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

