Papmom checking in!!
I've caught up on all the posts of the past week. Yowza!
Star-I had no idea things were that bad at work! You had told us you were looking-so happy you were able to find something so quick and so much closer! I truly hope it turns out to be a blessing and a good change. I so understand about needing to get out of a bad situation that has become unbearable. Great job with staying AF throughout. Takes guts and resolve. Good luck with your son moving out as well and CONGRATS to your daughter! How exciting!!!
Dill-you son sounds like he's making good progress. May he continue to appreciate and be grateful for this second chance. I love reorganizing when I have the time. Last week I reorganized the pet food/staples cabinet. My biggest reorganizing accomplishment this month was the livingroom/dining room. I love my new sewing space (need more storage but that will come) and how decluttered everything looks! I've been spending more and more time in the LR watching TV with the electric heater on and bundled up in my quilt. Here's a pic of my homemade "fireplace" within my old entertainment center. I'm quite proud of my creativity (and frugality-the heater was bought 5 years ago and put in the basement never to be used) LOL!!
I am so sorry to here about your former coworker. Very sad. I'm glad you were able to stay AF tho. So important!

Rusty-Canada next huh? Well maybe it will be warmer than the lower 48!! I'm glad you were able to reconnect with family although it would have been better under happier circumstances. I wish you luck with your new doc. It's always so stressful making this kind of change. Yes, please keep me apprised about your trip to Methuen!! Can't wait to meet you!!
Cyn-so sorry to hear about your friend who had the stroke in July. May he continue to improve. Glad you made it through Philly. Hope your journey continues to go smooth.
Lav- that pic of Will (EB?) is so cute!! Love your basement! I've always wanted a raised ranch with a walk out finished basement. I have the old fashioned basement and I hate it. At least part of it is partly finished but it's just used as storage. And the laundry room is not the finished part!! Yuck!!
It's been a busy week. I decided to drop out of the behavioral medicine part of the bariatric program. 2 hours every Monday nite was just too much. Plus, I really feel like my whole outlook on eating has changed. I no longer feel like the sugar addictions are with me and I understand the importance of getting more fruits and veggies in. Plus, I'm not trying to sabotage myself anymore. Of course, the steady weight loss helps but the best tool of all has been my tracking of what I eat and my workouts. I am still having trouble getting the calories/protein/fat in but I'm working with my nutritionist on that. She wants me to be a little less laser focused on the sodium intake-feels that is a big part of the problem. Today was better. It was a relief to drop the sessions, a big one.
By friday I was wiped out!! Could barely keep my eyes open at work even tho I had no evening commitments all week(quilting got cancelled due to the storm that wasn't). I took it easy this weekend. cleaned a little, laundry and a trip to Lowe's for a toilet repair kit that my dad helped me with. Today all I really did was a Trader Joe's shopping spree to the tune of $28. Can't beat those prices.
It has been so freaking cold here!! No real snow-just dustings but the poor dogs won't stay out more than 3 minutes even with coats on. Lots of messes to clean up inside. I finally put down poop pads which they are using thank goodness.
I'm wondering if I should talk to my boss about taking Friday's off as sick days for the next couple of months. I seem to have the sick time plus personal and vacation time. I'm only going back to the demo job 2 days in Feb-this sat and the last sat of the month. I just wonder if going back to work full time was wise. I just don't seem to have a lot of energy (despite my schedule last weekend!

Speaking of being tired, I could fall asleep right now but too much to do to get ready for tomorrow so I'll sign off now. Sweet dreams everyone!