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friday 17th

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    friday 17th

    Hey a KY sighting. Happy New Year to you too. I was actually thinking of you the other day and how we ended up shortening your name. :H I'm with YahYah...just knew everything was going good for you. Hopefully you can stick around.

    Mick..."man with the can" :H You're killing me. I don't know why I find that so funny but I do. Must be sleep deprived! Hope you get the leak sorted soon. Take care of yourself and rest that back. Hopefully it won't interfere with your Mystery Sunday.

    Narillly...yup you'd think it was April out there. It's just too bad there's still so much ice. Temps above 0 all next week so maybe more of it will go.

    TT...can't help you with the cabbage question as I don't eat curry.

    SL...I was actually going to answer that question till I realized you were being sarcastic. :H

    Pauly...hope you're feeling better soon.

    We have an Xmas party at the centre tonight and the woman organizing it is a real b*tch. The boss actually said to her "go somewhere else if you want". She wanted to know who his boss is and I said that would be the Board. I think the boss got fed up with her saying "I used to do this for a living, I know what I'm talking about." So I appeased her and fixed what was wrong. I do hope they have a good time, they are a bunch of Pediatric Neurologists from the children's hospital.

    Anyways it doesn't matter as the weekend is mine!!! Have a restful sleep all.....PPQP


      friday 17th

      :hallo: Patrice...Xposted with you. Everything ok? You seem to be a little quiet right now.


        friday 17th

        hey Kuya!!! I am so happy to see you! AllanKay just celebrated 500 days so you are right there too! So proud of you! welcome back!!!

        Sorry to pop out of lurkdom. Going back now. Xxoo, all! Love this thread. B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          friday 17th

          Hiya Bryd!!
          PPq - thanks for asking, yes I am ok, just been dealing with this whole relapse thing and getting my head around some different strategies to use, just feeling like I am back at square 1 but that's where I am. I feel better today about everything. My son has been sick so that's also been a preoccupation, he's fine now!!..


            friday 17th

            Hi KY!!!

            Just checked in as I am so frustrated....and yes, I feel like a long playing record here.
            I want wine, and I have a whole litany of reasons why
            sun is out
            three day weekend
            i am happy
            first weekend off this year
            sounds like a good idea.
            The other side of my brain sees these all as reasons NOT to drink, I am so tempted - had some chocolate, drinking ribena, trying to argue with myself, trying to distract myself but it is an on-going buzzing....
            When i think things are settling down, it starts back up again - guys, does this go away - sometimes it seems like such a fight.....wearing me down....

            Good to see y'all on here - thank you for being here - I want to be here tomorrow, so I suppose I need to want than more than I want some wine...
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              friday 17th

              Positive P's on the way Pat....:angel: PPP :angel:

              While your getting your head around some different strategies....try GRATITUDE

              I found when I was dealing with my relapse that I was so down about everything including myself. I went back to the tool box and did some reading. I realized that even though I'd screwed up I was still grateful for a lot in my life since I found MWO.

              The one thing I learned was that if I had an attitude of Gratitude it totally changed my thinking or what I was saying to myself....and that made all the difference.

              :l PPQP


                friday 17th

                SL.....YES :h It's just that bastardo trying to trick you. :stomper:

                Maybe you should make a list of the whole litany of reasons why not to drink. Bet that list is longer than the original one.

                I have never really gotten into meditation, but I truly believe in it. We run several classes at work on it. Maybe that would help quiet the talking going on in your head.

                Remember, there's always the thread and live chat.

                Hang in there....we're here for you.....:l PPQP


                  friday 17th

                  Thank you PPQ!!!
                  And hugs to you Pat:l:l

                  I do have great lists as to why not to drink, and I know that I don't want to - that is why it is so frustrating that I keep feeling this way....
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    friday 17th

                    scottish lass;1614610 wrote: I do have great lists as to why not to drink, and I know that I don't want to - that is why it is so frustrating that I keep feeling this way....
                    You know SL I think we're a lot alike. When I'm feeling blue, down, angry....the thought of a drink would never enter my mind....

                    But...when I was happy, confident, content...etc that's exactly when those thoughts would come. It took me a long time to train my brain to go to different thoughts when I was feeling like that. But it can be done, I know......PPQP


                      friday 17th

                      You are just what I need PPQ - with a tear in my eye, thank you for being here on a friday night - your support means so very very much...:l
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        friday 17th

                        :h Glad I could help. So if you're going to be ok for awhile I'll get dinner on. Have a peaceful night....PPQP


                          friday 17th

                          Just got your PM PPQ - thanks so much, I will go get dinner too - not going to let you down PPQ, won't let myself down either...I want to be happy tomorrow as well
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            friday 17th

                            PPQ - thank you from me too!! Gratitude is indeed one of my new tools and I started slowly practising it this morning.. !! Have a lovely Dinner..
                            Hi Sl !!! - you are doing great


                              friday 17th

                              Hi Patrice - sorry about your son....
                              Sorry you are back at square one, I have been there so very often - stinks doesn't it, but you know that you can move up and that is a good thing...
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                friday 17th

                                Thanks Sl... yes it is a bit depressing but I'm turning it around to be grateful that I can, for sure, move up...and that not too much time passed before I came back to planet reality!!

