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af Saturday 18 Jan

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    af Saturday 18 Jan

    Hi everyone. I expect Mick will be along soon with the tea and coffee and such like but its evening here and I am one tired possum. We went on a long drive and had a hike today ? it was lovely ? we all needed to get some space away from the house. Back to trying to do some writing tomorrow.

    Well I see another possum Kuya ? has returned. Welcome back! :welcome:Its fantastic that you have remained sober ? and I am sure the smoking will be addressed at some stage.

    Lots has happened here ? let?s see;

    Mick has redecorated a complete Yorkshire village and learned how to pack six months in advance

    Lav seduced me into buying an ice-cream maker ? she wants me to join Curves:H

    PPQP gets people asking her questions about the snow everyday (and it must drive her bonkers)??

    Narilly is one of our regulars ? she and I are unconvinced about cabbage as a substitute for rice (this is the kind of important question that so important in this new sober life:H)

    Det is completely to blame for starting the curry cabbage wars

    And lots more news from SunFlower, Scottish Lass, Patrice, and others old and new..

    Sorry guys that I wasn?t much use yesterday with SL?s drink craving. Remember that old Stones song ? ?Time time time is on my side? ? the sober transition is a bit like those words- the longer you can get from your last quit ? the easier it is likely to be ? to live and do amazing and boring things without the association of a drink. I once didn?t think it was in me. Even simple stuff like cooking a meal ? I couldn?t imagine I would ever feel enthusiastic about that unless I was sipping (haha we know what a 'sip' is!) wine at the same time. Now I do feel enthusiastic ? and of course I have many days when I don?t want to cook. How I feel about cooking is not dependent upon what I drink.

    Silly example ? but its simple. Actually really silly example as the Stones were not exactly role models of sobriety

    OK that's me folks ? I have some reading to do but you all have a lovely Saturday. Get the bloody water boiled Mick!

    af Saturday 18 Jan

    mornin all are we today?all good I the mo my back is all strapped up,covered in voltarol and every other potion known to man....I tried to get up earlier but struggling this rate wont be going anywhere tomorrow!!trying to get an appt with the chiro today ..but....

    Welcome back Kuya ..its great to see you again mate ..and well done on the no booze :goodjob: hopefully the machine will have forgotten you!

    Right the great cabbage debate...curry for me last night consisted of curry laid on a bed of raw cabbage ..spring cabbage ..not any of the others...also report that there are no side effects ..if you get my drift!!from the raw veg you dont have to go lookin for a dog to blame :H

    ok tea n coffee on the go...

    PPQP ....hiya ...good answer from your boss..go shove oops I mean have your party somewhere else!!Big cuppa for you today ...and well done on helping SL out..thats what makes this place so spesh.

    hIYA your post re the holidays ..and you know me and the wanderlust ..Im always away..first holiday I went af..I thought shit how is this going to work..but once I had got my head was great..ok the first couple of times I had af beer, but now I dont even bother with that..tho there is a Spanish beer San Miguel 0% sin alkohol that I love the taste of..simply for the taste not as a substitute..No more do I throw it down my neck on holiday as much as I can,or have to plan how to sneak a few more drinks in, or go to the bar and order plus a couple of doubles before getting noticed..or making excuses why I am slabbering rubbish,I can actually enjoy what I am doing without the duck on the water syndrome..

    SL well done you for sticking with it..really the choice is yours I dont I ..another page in this years book that you can write"NAE BOOZE" have just proved to yourself that it is poss ..

    Hiya Pauly ...same goes to you ..a big well done on winning the consequences game if I drink I will feel ok now ..but the upshot is ...feel crap later, waste a day recoverin,less money and all the rest of it good choice ma'am.

    Hiya narilly ...hows you?ok ..thats a pretty good steady cardio routine..just over 24hrs since I hurt me back and apart from the pain its annoying me that I cant do nowt

    Hiya Patrice ..glad you are getting it turned round

    Hi Lav...hows you today?whats the weekend going to bring for you or hen watching?
    Heres a brew to start the day with

    Hiya byrdie and hows you today?

    ok ..on a better note...passports have just come back with Vietnam and Cambodia visas yeehah!! that promptly started the Ive got more stamps in my passport than you saga!!mine has been renewed ,but Julies runs out end of this year so she has got most of the stamps in one passport...Russia,China ,Croatia,Turkey ,Egypt,India,Vietnam Cambodia....pretty expensive hobby this collecting entry visas!!!:H

    right thats me to put me happy face on before Amy and co turn up ..have a great day ..and once again nice to see you again KY..

    What's the difference between a sheep and a dog?

    A sheep wears a woolly jumper, a dog just pants.

    I thought my wife was joking when she said she wanted to go to a Monkees' concert in Switzerland.

    Then I saw her face, now I'm in Geneva.

    I saw a sign on the motorway saying, 'Tiredness Can Kill'.

    It's true, I got tired of my first wife.

    I went to a dyslexic barbecue today.

    We all stood in a line and waited to get our hair cut.

    A Scotsman walked into a police station in Edinburgh.

    "There is a massive search on at the moment for a wee boy, isn't there?"

    "Yes," said the police officer, "Why, have you any information?"

    "No," replied the Scot, "but I lost a bottle of scotch last night and I thought, while you were looking..."

    My wife put my dinner on the table tonight and I said, "What the is this crap"

    "I'm sick of you complaining about my meals," she screamed, "next time you can fry your own fkn salad."

    My wife planted some seeds in the garden a while back and just recently they've pushed through the soil.

    She said to me today, "What do you think they are?"

    I replied, "I don't know, but they've definitely grown hyacinth we last looked at them."

    "Sorry I'm late home," I said as I arrived back from work.

    "Some bloke had lost a ?20 note in Tesco."

    "Were you helping him look for it?" asked my wife.

    "No, I was standing on it."

    My wife said, "You've fallen out of love with me since I put weight on."

    I said, "Don't be silly, darling. I stopped loving you long before you got fat."

    I went to see a marriage guidance counsellor with my wife today. She asked, "So what seems to be the problem?"

    "My wife says I'm obnoxious." I mumbled.

    She said, "Sorry, what was that?"

    "I said, my wife thinks I'm obnoxious, are you f.cking deaf or something?"

    I went up to a girl at a bar.

    I said, "How about you come back to my place later?"

    "I think you should ask my boyfriend first." she laughed.

    I said, "No thanks, I'm not gay."

    When I married my wife I promised her the earth.

    And true to my word the day after I went down to the council and got an allotment for her.

    My dentist told me I need to start taking better care of my teeth.

    I wouldn't mind but it's the first set of dentures that I've lost.

    I've been trying to think of a good joke about Ikea.

    I just can't seem to put one together.

    bottom right of the window pane is the dodgy bit.

    And finally ....STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY!!! Tinned animals...whatever next :H

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af Saturday 18 Jan

      Good morning Abbers!

      Sunny but very chilly here this morning
      I'm wrapped in a blanket & drinking coffee, not moving yet!

      TT, great job on the thread summary for kuya
      Just so you know - I haven't made any ice cream since it's gotten so cold here. That could become a very nasty addiction too, have to keep my guard up!

      Mick, sorry about your back - that sounds painful!
      Hope you can get in to see someone today for an adjustment.
      That 'meat in a can' does not look appetizing at all buddy - just sayin :H

      I have to go to the feed store later - running out of chicken feed!!!!!
      I don't pick up those 50 pound bags so I have to wait for YB to make an appearance. It's the least he can do for all the kindness I've shown him :H
      I think a quick trip to Lancaster County is in order today as well Mick. I'll keep my camera ready!!!

      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af Saturday 18 Jan

        Quick check in - early in day for me, and running late as slept thru my alarm!
        Was just singing in shower - would not have happened if IT would have won yesterday!! So many thanks PPQ, and Pat for knowing you are not alone helps...
        Wish I could bottle this feeling for this eveniong!
        Thanks Lav - it is good to know that the feelings subside as it would be a real struggle to fight like this forever.
        Well off to do girl running around, hopefully get a walk in and really reflect on the joy of not drinking...
        see you all later!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          af Saturday 18 Jan

          MAE ALL...

          TT...thanks for kicking us off. Hope you're sound asleep in never never land.

          Mick..."ouch"...hopefully you can get seen today. Actually that little chit chat with SL and Patrice made the world of difference to me too. It's just amazing how similar we all are.

          Speaking of SL and Pat....I hope you both had restful sleeps I know I did. I was glad I was online last night. Seems people post early in the day (well except for TT) and when you really need someone to talk to no-one's around. Things just aligned right for all of us.

's sunny here too but we're going to warm up. Plan on getting my Dad outside today, it's been awhile since he's been able to go outdoors. Enjoy your trip to Lancaster and have a fab Saturday.

          Just finished breakie so it's time to get organized to head out. Hope everyone has a super AF Saturday. Will check in later today.....PPQP


            af Saturday 18 Jan

            Morning all thanks for the welcome back.

            Can't believe it is seven months since I was posting. The good thing is that life is good and just filled in the space......drinking again was never even under, let alone on, the table.

            Now to give the same focus to smoking!!!!

            Hmmmmm ....ANOTHER forum?!?!?!

            Shredded cabbage? Isn't that coleslaw???


              af Saturday 18 Jan

              Yes kuya - shredded cabbage is coleslaw :H :H
              I don't spend a lot of time on the Quitnet forum like I do here. I check in each morning to pledge my 'smokefreeness' for the day & that's about it. I like that they count your days for you - today I am 1705 days smoke free.

              PQ, hope the weather was mild enough to get your Dad out for a bit today. We had sun, a few snow flurries & bitterly cold wind today. Didn't stop me from getting to Lancaster though

              SL, there is no struggle for me, honestly & you will get there too.

              Mick, hope the back is getting better!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af Saturday 18 Jan

                It's good to see you back KY. Yup had that feeling that you're way past the "maybe just one stage". Shredded cabbage is NOT coleslaw until it's coated in oil and sugar. I couldn't believe the amounts called for in a recipe I was using. Wish I was at the stage of quitting smoking so I could join you on your journey...but I'm not. :H

                Lav...unfortunately the old adage is true..."best laid plans" down to my Dad's and they were in quarantine. Respiratory outbreak cancelling visitation. They won't stop you from visiting but with my COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) wasn't taking the chance.

                Mick...hope you found some relief with either a chiro visit or just rest. Can't wait to her about Amy's visit. Oh, and do you still have that leak? Don't push tomorrow's mystery trip.

                Off to snuggle into some reading. Have a peaceful AF Saturday night.....PPQP


                  af Saturday 18 Jan

                  how do all
                  been a pretty productive day; went to town got some feed, changed water pump in the Volvo, got all my hay unwrapped for next 7 days, farrier came back and trimmed horses feet, got firewood loaded on the porch, piddled around outside till the sun went down, and called it day. Perfect working weather, 30's and sunny and the ground frozen so it is not all mud! Hope all is good for everyone.
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    af Saturday 18 Jan

                    I seem to have just bunkered down....the cold is starting to irritate me....geez....when I lived in the North I would have loved 35 degree days....not so much now.

                    SL...congrats on getting through last night. It is amazing how that al can seem to be just jabbing at you....then in the morning you are singing in the shower. Some things just trigger your brain. As TT said...the more distance you get the easier it becomes. I like to think it just took time for my brain to rewire itself. Yet, once in awhile a trigger will happen....but, due to rewiring it never gets very far.

                    I had sort of a drinking dream a few nights ago. In my dream I was angry.....and I thought..."that is it, I am having a drink". Then my dream went into a mode of having a really hard time finding a drink.....until in my dream I thought...."this is nuts"....and I woke up. I find it odd that in a dream.....I can think that being angry is a reason to have a drink. As they say....being angry at someone is only poison to yourself. In my former self....I actually really did poison myself

                    Back to son took his old Wii and hooked it up to the TV. I was always lazy about hooking up the computer to it. I only have 48 more episodes of Breaking Bad to watch. I recently read that binge drinking was out and binge watching was in. Guess I am just following the trend

