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af Day Sunday 19 Jan

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    af Day Sunday 19 Jan

    MAE everyone.

    Lousy Sunday here but don?t let that dampen your spirits (oops that word again! ) The rain has come back and its cold. Frustrating writing day or should I say non-writing day. What I am trying to do will come- its just so bloody slow. Add in neighbour problems ? and you get the picture. But cooking was fun ? tried a new recipe for mint and onion roti (Indian bread). No cabbage you see ? but lots of mint around!

    How?s the back Mick? Are you staying at home today? How did the young gentleman?s visit go?

    SF ? binge watching! Haha. :H I am not a binge watcher. I am a moderator ? I space my allocated views out over the week and don?t over-indulge too much in one evening. I even have TV-free nights. Pity that recipe didn?t apply to my past form of liquid consumption.

    Sam ? you always amaze me at how you can pack so much into so few words. Tolstoy could spin a few novels out of what you do. Have a great Sunday.

    PPQP- pity about your cancelled visit but seems the best. I never put sugar in home made mayo. Another reason to avoid cabbage! :H

    Kuya ? how?s it feel to back on the boards? Has it changed much or is it same-old? Except here ? we all got younger while you were away! :H

    SL ? did you find Sat night easier than Friday? You sounded chirpy yesterday. You take care.

    Hi Pauly ? you still in the rut? Are you working on Sunday? I?m not Mary Poppins and I can?t think of magical answers ? but hope you are feeling a little more happy this weekend.

    Patrice ? long weekend with the boy. I bet there are lots of holidays where you live. Stay strong and do something you enjoy - except you know what.

    Lav ? I am with you on the haggis in a can. Where does Mick come up with these from? I am contemplating my next ice-cream experiment. I might do peach ice-cream ? since peaches are in season at the moment. Peach is a fairly subtle flavour ? so I need to scout out some recipes. No haggis ice-cream!

    Det ? are you still in Vegas or home with your darling? Well done on surviving the drink-fests.

    Yah ? good post you wrote about holidays and AL. I could write several books about the reality of AL in the tropics ? as that is where I really started to hit the booze many many years ago. But don?t worry I am not going to do a Graham Greene. Just watch a Bette Davis movie to see a booze-raddled lady in the tropics if you want to cringe.

    So folks ? you all have a great Sunday ? sober and all.

    af Day Sunday 19 Jan

    Narilly - I meant to say hi too! Sorry I missed you. What you up to this weekend?


      af Day Sunday 19 Jan

      mae all.....well as you can see aint playing out today....can hardly move,tho the thought did cross my mind about 4 this morning..cant get a chiro visit till tomorrow,but this is killing me!!apart from the pain, think the fact that I cant do anything doesnt help..oh well.Last nights visit with Amys boyfriend went ok...jeez makes you feel old tho...he was just a shy wee boy...eventually he came out of his shell and managed to utter a couple of words..still early days...pretty obvious who is the boss in that relationship..and it aint him!!we shall see..

      Tea coffee n painkillers on the go!!:H

      Hiya tt how are you?ok ..hope the inspiration finally came to you...actually,I thought Our man in Havana was a good you into ice cream making ..yep peach is a very "quiet "flavour...why not put something in it to give it some know how you used to get gelatin in tutti frutti ice cream, or did the bread go?

      Hiya Lav hows you? well any pics from your gadding about yesterday?Yep admit..doesnt look too appetizing in the tin..but its ok..definitely better when you catch your own tho! big brew time..any plans for today?

      Hiya SL......or Gene that was singin in the rain not the shower!!keep fightin girl Lav says they do subside

      Hiya ppqp ...hows you?hope all is well with your dad and you get a visit in soon....yes the visit avec Amys bf....I had been warned!!Funny start ..usual lines etc Amy introduces us etc..and says "come in he doesnt bite" reply .."they lie..I do" could have swung the convo either way :H went did for me anyway..tho at 21 sitting drinking cups o tea instead of a beer was probably a Dutch courage there then!!

      hiya Sam wow sounds like you had a bit of work on...hope the piddling outside wasnt literally ...yellow!!

      hiya SF ..35 degrees ..thats the middle of summer!!!glad you got through the drinking dream..tho in effect thats all it is a dream..its trying to re enact it thats an issue!

      Hiya KY..and hows you today then?ok nah coleslaw is when you put all the guff on it....weekend ..are you working today?hows business doing...

      right folksies time to go and do what???been instructed to just lie and do nothing mmm not a great chance o that happning....take care and have a great day everyone..including those that arent here ..Pauly sunshine et al

      My wife said to improve our sex life and make it more passionate, we should try and refrain from having it for as long as possible, and it worked a treat.

      It's three years and counting.

      I told my pedantic 10-year-old son to make sure he's back home by twelve.

      "Where the have you been for two years?" I shouted.

      Imagine a world without cameras, i just can't picture it.

      I dont care what people claim, prison standards aregetting harsher. for starters we are no longer sending prisoners to a huge tropical island and teaching them to beat us at cricket

      With China looking to put a man on the moon, before long the man in the moon will start to look like every other man in the moon.

      I keep getting bombarded with emails about penis enlargement.

      I wish my wife would stop it.

      My wife really likes doing puzzles.

      She cooked me three last week.

      More floods in the South West today.

      If this carries on, my house will be closer to water than American beer.

      I sat next to a tramp on a park bench today. "It was only last week that I had it all," he said, "A chef to cook my food, cleaners to do my cleaning and wash my clothes and a nice warm roof over my head."

      "What happened?" I replied, "Drugs? Gambling? A woman?"

      "No, I was let out of prison."

      So the media are reporting the French president is having an affair.

      What next - will it also turn out he likes bordeaux and soft cheese?
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Day Sunday 19 Jan

        Good morning Abbers,

        Well below freezing here & not exactly thinking about ice cream TT :H
        I love peach ice cream, think I'll go with a vegan version when the peaches are back in season here.
        Here's what the southerner's do with their peaches here:
        Peach-and-Toasted Pecan Ice Cream Recipe |

        Mick, sorry you are still hurting
        Make a big bowl of popcorn & plant yourself in front of the TV to pass the time.
        Glad you didn't scare the young man to death

        I was sad to hear yesterday that my nephew's wife just had a stroke at the age of 42! She's a healthy young woman, non-smoker, healthy eater & avid runner. It just came out of no where!
        She's stable & going to rehab to work on some residual weakness on her right side & speech difficulties. We all need to say thanks every single day for our own good health

        Today is my daughter's 37th birthday, hard to believe but true!!!! Her husband turns 40 in just three days. SO, we are having dinner & cake here today - yay!
        I baked a gluten free & dairy free pound cake yesterday & it looks good

        Hello to everyone, have a wonderful AF Sunday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Day Sunday 19 Jan

          nice brisk morning here and the sun is out and I'm looking forward to an action packed day full of the mundane chores that keep it all going...that is piddling, my favorite pastime, not to be confused with the yellowing of snow! Every day I learn to appreciate Mick's humor!

          Lav, so sorry to hear of your nephew's wife. Hopefully she regains all her movement and speech.

          TT, Lav all this talk about peaches..reminds me when I was in my 20's some friends and I built a still. Peaches was the best tasting of our "products". Those days I recall as one of the worst of hangovers that would ever exist. Reminds that my love hate affair with AL has been a long road. Glad I've reached my destination.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            af Day Sunday 19 Jan

            Checking in - its Monday here - sunny but drizzle later. Mick - you must feel really grouchy - and in pain. Your account of the boyfriend rings true- either quiet as anything with the parents or too cocky!
            Lav - thanks for the yummy recipe.
            I am also going to work on cashew nut ice-cream - thats a winter plan. I love eating ice-cream when its cold.
            very sad about your niece but I am sure she will recover.My Mum had a stroke around the same age - paralysed down half her body and slurred speech. All mobility and brain function recovered in 6 mths and that was decades ago.

            Sam - I know what piddling is:H - but we call it pottering (as in around the house/garden) here. Nothing to do with making pots!


              af Day Sunday 19 Jan

              Lav...Im sorry about your nephews wife and the stroke...Having been there I can only offer a couple of pieces of advice.....NEVER EVER give in to it and think you are beat....I lost speech ,co-ordination,paralysed left side couldnt write..and now I am probably about 90% back to normal......also if poss keep a daily diary.....and be totally honest in read back is a great medicine..dont know what kind of stroke it was ..theres a tia and haemorrhagic..mine was the latter..if I can help in any way please just ask
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af Day Sunday 19 Jan

                Hey all. Checking in. Hope everyone is well. Entertaining myself while getting over a nasty head cold. Trying to read back a bit. PM with with any pertinent news. Missed you!
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  af Day Sunday 19 Jan

                  hi checking in - one of my 15yr olds friend was killed yesterday in car accident - no AL involved thank goodness, but he was not wearing seat belt - girl driving car lost control - he was ejected and she is fine - my heartbleeds for his family, the girl driving and my daughter - he was a good kid...I am so glad alcohol was not involved - but such a waste...he planned to go to law school...trying to teach a young girl about death stinks....
                  all i can manage for now...

                  so sorry about your relative Lav, but as Mick says - all is not lost, stroke care is so very much better than when i was in the wards - hopefully she can make a full recovery..

                  Off back try to help my munchkin know that there is no answer to "why"
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af Day Sunday 19 Jan

                    Sorry to hear all the bad news. Life is so precious.

                    Mick glad to hear that the boyfriend event went well. He sounds smart already....does the man ever really wear the pants in any relationship? Climbed up to 50 degrees today!

                    A friend asked me to go to an Angel reading workshop today. I really thought it was a bunch of baloney until she made her way to me:wow: Nearly fell out of my seat. Then I was thinking real hard...."shut up, shut up! Don't reveal too much!" Anyways it was fun.


                      af Day Sunday 19 Jan

                      Ah, so sad for your daughter and her friends, SL. There are no answers to the why, but hopefully, she will always remember to wear her seatbelt!

                      Sorry as well about your nephew's wife, Lav. I hope she makes a full recovery. If Mick is any example, there is much to hope for.

                      Quiet day here. Watching the playoffs and then off to bed.

                      A friend of mine suggested that after football season, we can start going to Sunday afternoon "tea dances" at a venue near Baltimore. Sounds like that will be a good thing for me to deal with the football withdrawal blues.

                      See you all tomorrow!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        af Day Sunday 19 Jan

                        Very sorry about your daughter's friend SL. Your daughter will need you more than ever. XX


                          af Day Sunday 19 Jan

                          Very sorry about your daughter's friend SL.
                          Your daughter is lucky to have you fully present to comfort her at this time.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

