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mon 20th

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    mon 20th

    pauly, I didn't see your post earlier (we may have cross posted).
    Do you keep a journal? If not maybe you should start one & see if there is a pattern. Hormonal fluctuations, mood swings, weather changes, dietary changes.....make notes about everything. You certainly have the intention, now you just need to address triggers. Keep trying

    The one thing that's made by quit stick is commitment!
    I was so completely, totally sick & tired of myself I wanted to quit drinking more than I wanted to continue. It just had to be!

    Sl, pauly & Det - you can do this too!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      mon 20th

      Hi guys....sorry for not checking in before..boy there has been a lot to catch up with!

      In reply to your question TT, there are a lot of new people and I will have to read a lot to catch up.

      There have been some surprising revelations and sadly a couple gone missing and presumed drinking...but hey...that is alcoholism.

      Not sure how much I will be on.....other activities filled the void and remain important.

      But good to catch up


        mon 20th

        Just saying.....PPQP


          mon 20th

          Lovely day off....60 degrees and sunny. Yoga. Then on an adventure to another part of town with my guys and found the most amazing ice cream place. So glad it is not close to me. Just so good to feel the warm air and sun. It is supposed to flurry tonight!

          Dottie...I am always relieved when I read that it took others as long as it took me to "get it". I was in the slow learner group. I thought I was the only one. I now see it is not all that uncommon for someone to try to quit for 10 freaking years! Now I realize I had that power all along. Just could.not see it.

          Nobody needs to stay on the slow learner path that I did. It truly is up to you. You can journey and soldier on as I did....or you can change in a moment. Someone said that to stuck with me....and it was those simple words that changed my thinking....and changed how I viewed sobriety. I had a choice.

          I no longer "wish" I could drink. Stopping drinking and then continuing to torture yourself with wishes.....always led to drinking in my case.


            mon 20th

            thanks for the input all, I have some thoughts but trying not to overthink at the moment. trying to really just feel myself. be well friends
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              mon 20th

              Det, I feel your pain, buddy. Sending healing vibes to you and Dx.

              Pauly, this subsection is called Monthly Abs. There are a lot of long-term abstainers here, because it is a good and friendly place, but this forum is for people who want to abstain. You have declared your wish to be abstinent. That makes you a rightful member of our crazy little club! Just keep trying.

              Great thread today. I'm tired and won't make individual comments, but hugs to each and every one of you!

              Supposedly big snow coming tomorrow. We'll see......

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                mon 20th

                :l'll be're not called the Determinator for nothing. It's been a rough January for all of us. :angel:PPP:angel:

       YahYah say's the subsection is monthly abs but the section is "Goals" So no matter how long we've been here, or how many times we come back, our goal is still the same.

                Just wanted to say that I've been looking for that "Mistake" quote for awhile and when I found it I just posted it. I truly hope I didn't offend anyone.

                It was a very busy/taxing day and I'm ready for my book and bed. Will check in tomorrow....PPQP


                  mon 20th

                  hiya peeps ..just a quick jump to look at a car ...despite the fact that I can hardly move...Cant put me glasses on ..Julie chewed my ear off for being so stubborn instead of resting...really? me..:H:H

                  Pauly ,Det and anyone else struggling...keep at it need to work on your long as you feel that you want to quit 100% then go for it...otherwise you are wasting your time..I know did the same with smoking ..quitting drink was a dawdle compared to that..right off to see a man aboot a car :H
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

