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AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

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    AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

    Well good morning Abbers

    I haven't started the thread in quite a while, I'm honored!

    Hope you are OK car shopping with your painful back Mick

    Thinking of you Det & pauly & sending you both strength.
    It's all about making the right decisions, the right choices you guys :l

    Well, I am not so thrilled to hear that a foot of snow or more is due here today. Why?
    I don't want it, need it or anything

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!
    I'll check in later with actual accumulation totals

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

    Morning Lav....thanks for starting the thread. We too are expecting snow tonight into tomorrow but only looking at about 2 inches. Do keep us up to date with the snow storm.

    Hope everyone who's struggling had a peaceful night. Just remember to never quit quitting.

    Mick...anxiously awaiting new car pic. Mind you I did like Lav's choice. :H

    Have a great AF Tuesday everyone.....PPQP


      AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

      Mae all,hope Mick gets a cool car,i love car shopping but im pretty indecisive and even though the kids are grown i still need something that seats 8 but no more minivans for me,so we bought a s.u.v,kinda sux on gas though,i like the quote about the mistakes PPQ from yesterdays thread and dang its the truth,hi to everybody gotta run my son to school,have a great tuesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

        hiya all..well bummer on the road ,then the garage phoned to say that they had not completely finished servicing and valeting it up cant pick it up until Friday ...but as compo they are putting ?25 worth of diesel in how is everyone?ok I hope...Lav good start on the thread but bit parched ..if you get my drift..and that aint snow Im talking about..

        hiya pauly ok ..keep at it ..nah this car wont take 8 ..well it would if you jammed them in!!!!:H:H:H the cost difference in running it has sold the job for me!!

        hiya ppqp up ok?
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

          I have already started the Wed thread and I know its confusing to many - but it really is Wed here - sorry I missed the yesterday but Lav did a great job:goodjob:

          Pauly - I detest car shopping! hate it, hate it hate it!!!!!! I would rather go to the dentist.


            AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

            Morning everyone!

            It's sure nice to have a new car. But ya, I am with you TT, car shopping kinda sucks.

            Thanks for starting the thread Lav. Hope you have a great sober day also.

            Talk to you all later,

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

              Geez, I'm confused. It took me a while to remember what day it is! At least here.....

              Quiet day. I only have two phone sessions, as the rest of my clients have rescheduled to another day because of the snow. I just put on a pot of chicken stock to simmer. The house will smell great in an hour or so. Mmmmmm....

              How much snow are you expecting, Lav? They're saying 8-12" here. That won't happen unless it starts snowing much heavier than it is now.

              Thinking of you today, Det and Pauly.

              That's a nice little bonus of getting the diesel fuel, Mick. Maybe makes waiting until Friday worth it. I guess you'll have to accept that no one does coffee and tea quite like you do! Lav just lets us shift for ourselves! :H

              Two inches of snow sounds about right to me, PPQP. I hope you have a great day. I would imagine that 2" does even slow anyone down in your neck of the woods.

              Good to see you TT, and I hope you are enjoying being MUCH warmer than we are. Not that I'm bitter.

              Waves to you, Narilly.

              Well, back to work. My daughter had a doctor's appointment this morning and a very slippery, harrowing ride back home. She is home now and teleworking. I am happy to have her safe and sound, which leaves me at peace to get things done for myself today.

              Have a good sober day, all!

              :l to everyone and all to come later!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                Oh shit - I forgot the coffee this morning :H :H
                Sorry everyone!!!!

                Snow prediction is the same here YahYah & it is snowing hard. I'll step out & measure later

                Greetings Mick - I'll take a complimentary tankful anytime!!! Good for you

                Greetings TT - still Tuesday afternoon here but I'm sure you know that. Have a great day - whatever day it is!

                Hi there narilly & PQ!
                Hope your day is going well pauly.

                I made a fresh batch of black bean burgers for lunch - yum! I'll have to feed the YB because he will be helping me clear snow later
                I have dough for oat bread rising, will bake later.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                  Lav - I love black bean burgers!
                  Think I will make the peach ice cream later today as the peaches are ripening too fast!


                    AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                    Morning I in the right day??

                    While I was away I was very aware of how real PAAWS is and before I forget wanted to share in case anyone else is experiencing it without realising.

                    Whilst it never made me want to drink I found the periodic inability to focus really frustrating. I think it kicked in bad about September as I hit a year sober. I was tired and cranky and weepy for no reason, thought processes jumped around like epileptic rabbits. Ten intentions would come into my mind and I couldn't choose one to do, or would start one then stop and start another. It would last for days, stop and be followed by days of feeling numb.

                    It is easing now but apparently can last until around two years sober so I am prepared for more. Because it is caused by healing of brain chemistry it can be temporarily alleviated by alcohol....which is why many repeatedly relapse ......

                    Just wanted to put it out happens, it is unpredictable, it is annoying BUT it is not hard to ride through if you know what is happening.

                    It actually made me all the more determined to remain sober forever.....imagine undoing all this work for a single drink!?!?! No thanks


                      AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                      Kuya, thank you for posting about PAAWS. I know what it is, but forget exactly what the acronym stands for. It certainly does describe me at times, however, and I wonder WTF is wrong with me.

                      Lav, you know I was teasing, right? Black bean burgers sound yummy.

                      Snow seems to be tapering off for now. We'll see what happens later.

                      It is so good to see you here again, Kuya. :l

                      :l all,
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                        Kuya I am af since 9/1/2013 and right now I feel just like u described. That explains it combined with the cold weather and my inability to get out and do will pass..
                        Thanks for posting this.

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                          Kuya,you should start a thread posting your paws experience,i think thats why alot of us say f-it at 30 or so days,think your cured then wammo! what the hells up
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                            Dottie Belle;1616592 wrote: Kuya I am af since 9/1/2013 and right now I feel just like u described. That explains it combined with the cold weather and my inability to get out and do will pass..
                            Thanks for posting this.
                            First of all....congratulations on getting sober! :l

                   acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome is very real and can cause relapse if the person doesn't realise what is happening.

                            Just as you think you are safely sober and out of the woods wham! You feel awful again.

                            Like everything in life how you deal with it depends on how you perceive it. With the benefit of reading many articles on the subject I could view it as a sure sign I was healing, rather than as unfair after all the work.

                            The hardest aspect is those around you can't relate and wonder why you are moody, sad and vague their eyes for no reason.

                            Eat well, sleep well, exercise and, for me the most important, remember how long you drank for ( 25 years in my case) so one year sober is nothing in comparison.

                            What many fail to realise is the biochemical basis of our addiction and recovery. When we drank we altered our chemistry to allow our cells and liver to detoxify alcohol quickly to protect themselves against being poisoned. New pathways were set up and reinforced over time. When we stopped these pathways did not disappear, they only change slowly over time.

                            It would appear that the changes are not gradual but occur in a series of small jumps. At each 'jump' other systems are thrown out of sync and we feel 'wrong'...... This is PAAWS. If we drink ANY amount of alcohol the system reboots the old pathways in readiness for the old is a VERY clever system designed to protect us from ourselves. This is why recovering alkies can go on benders for days and drink quantities that would kill a non- alcoholic person. It is also why, biochemically speaking, recovery has to restart. Behavioural and emotional changes have occurred but biochemically we have reset the clock.

                            When you experience PAAWS try to embrace it......each episode is a train stop to the destination of freedom from addiction.


                              AF Daily ~ Tuesday Jan 21

                              I wouldn't dare mess with my chemistry ever again kuya!!!!
                              I've been pretty damn sure all along that THIS quit IS my last quit - no more messing around for me
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

