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af Thursday

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    af Thursday

    hiya are you doing?ok I to the chiro last night..did a load of back manipulation , and it popped twice ...this morning tho ..I am in real pain, cant sit down or anything another session sat morning.. just got to keep doing exercises until it gets sorted!!!
    Tea n coffee on the go , but aint staying on is a bit iffy out there its that sleety snow know the stuff that gets you wet:H:H

    hope you all have a good day...stick at it!!!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af Thursday

    Nite nite. All well but just got home. Now to bed. Had a pleasant dinner at someone's place. See you in the morning


      af Thursday

      Morning all
      been feeling a little on the quiet side, nothing wrong, just not much to say, I must gear up to that time we all know and love so well, tax time. Being the master of procrastination, I got to get going soon on it or it will be on me before I know it. Hope everyone is well. Mick, hope the back gets better.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        af Thursday

        Good morning Abbers,

        Still in frozen territory here!!!!
        No relief in sight either.

        Mick, sorry about the continued back pain
        Take care of yourself!

        Hi there TT - hope you sleep well.

        Sam, thoughts of taxes have been nagging me as well. I am not a fan of tax time, no way.
        Go outside & have a chat with you chickens when you're feeling down. Those dumb birds always make me laugh :H

        Saturday is supposed to bring more snow - they're saying an inch. Better not be any more - I have no where to put a lot more
        Wishing everyone a frosty but good AF Thursday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Thursday

          MAE all! Mick, I'll pick up coffee and tea duties, since your back is acting up. I hope you get some rest today. So sorry about your condition. Take care of yourself. Oh, and the car is a beauty, if you end up getting it.

          Coffee and tea is on, for the rest of you to come!

          I hope you're enjoying your zzzzz's TT.

          Ah, Sam, you've brought up that 3-letter, 4-letter word that all of us who are self-employed loathe--tax. Nothing I ever look forward to either. Unless you have plenty of income, it is darn hard to put away that money to pay your quarterly taxes, and all of us have had our lean times during the year. Ugh! We will all manage, somehow. If we licked drinking, we can deal with taxes.

          I am sure your chickens can bring you some giggles when needed, Lav. We're supposed to get some snow showers here and a little more on Saturday too. Not too much to worry about, I think, unless it suddenly blows up into something at the last minute, like this past one seemed to.

          All quiet here. I put up some chicken stock on snowy Tuesday and made some veggie bean soup yesterday. I froze the rest of the chicken stock. I'm trying to clean out my freezer, as I have a lot of meat and mysteries hidden in there. I want to makeover myself and my house this year, LOL, including the darn freezer.

          At any rate, have a good day to all to come!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            af Thursday

            Yaya, I will be over for tea! Yuk, tax time sucks anywhere you live!

            Our weather is beautiful here right now and very sunny. Lav, I guess it's your turn for the snow.

            Mick, really hope your back gets better. That sucks to have back pain.

            Things are great here. Talk to you soon.
            Happy Sober Thursday!

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              af Thursday

              Tax time - well I guess there is some consolation in being a salary slave after all!

              Hope you perk up Sam. Hug a chicken as Lav says!

              I live with a male who has a PhD in Procrastination. Also my neighbour has this quality. This is part of my dispute with the neighbors. Its over a huge hedge that has blocked our view. I have had promises promises promises. All P words (sorry PPQP!!!:H).
              I am also encountering lots of P's in trying to get some builders organised to give a quote and do repairs.

              And of course alkies have chronic procrastination. But lots of non- alkies have it too and AL addiction is much much more than simply procrastinating.

              I did enjoy last night. Lots of funny conversation, good food (but not fancy). There was some AL but it was not at all a focus of the evening. I would have hated this evening in my drinking days as I would have surreptiously looked at the wine, or possibly pre-loaded - or been wanting to get home to have a 'decent' drink. None of those urges at all now. Long may this last.

              Be good all - its Friday here - another builder supposed to come to look at the repairs. Groan.......:upset:


                af Thursday

                happy evening ABerooos!

                Mick, you probably already know this but ice is much better for back pain than heat. hope you get some relief at any rate.

                busy work day here. making reminders to reinforce my gratitude list and to go over affirmations that every day I say no to AL, is a day of slowly healing my brain. Also started on an experimental supplement regimen designed to stimulate nerve growth factor in the brain. I'm a walking science experiment... how fun!

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  af Thursday

                  No apology needed TT. :H Hope your builder shows up to give you a quote. I've either forgotten or missed what repairs you need to do. Was that around the time Mick discovered his leak?

                  Narlliy...what a gorgeous day out there! Temp up to +8 and our over night low is going to be +7. Sorry Lav but we have had our fair share.

         plan is to makeover my house as well this year. When I moved in with the boys I was "Mom" and all expenses were paid for me. Didn't feel it was my place to make changes around here. Now that I am working full time I have to pay my fair share starting this month. So now I am a "room mate". I do believe a discussion on groceries, laundry and cleaning is now in order.

                  Lav...hope your day was good and it wasn't too cold. I really think it would be boring not to go through the seasons but come on, give us a break.

                  Sam...yup I go through those quiet times too. Usually results in a post from Mick asking if everything's ok. :H I'm glad everything is ok and thanks a lot for reminding me T-Time is soon approaching. Got to admit it's a lot easier not dealing with ranching/farming taxes.

                  Mick...I feel your pain! Well not really but I sure do sympathize. I have suffered from sciatica and there is no pain free position. I have never seen a chiro but I hope your Saturday appoint helps. Just be grateful it's not spring as not being able to get into the garden would just suck! Is tomorrow the day you decide on your new purchase? Good luck with that.

                  Boss let me off early today, had to get out in that sunshine. Groceries to put away and stuff the chicken breasts with ham and swiss cheese. Wishing everyone a peaceful evening.....PPQP

                  Hey Det...sounding so much better and your plan sounds perfect. Can you share your experimental supplement regimen with us? I for one would be very interested.


                    af Thursday

                    PPQP, always happy to share! incidentally this article on childhood abuse and it's frighteningly lucid connection with substance abuse is a must read:

                    The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study — the largest, most important public health study you never heard of — began in an obesity clinic ? ACEs Too High

                    it starts off on the link to obesity, then into addiction.

                    in answer to the supplements I'm doing a nootropic 'stack' of noopept and aniracetam. they are still legal in the US (as of today). here's a site where you can buy them and read more (I'm in no way connected with them)

                    Nootropics | Racetam Supplements

                    the felt effect is quite amazing. just 2 minutes after taking this stack I feel mentally energized like I just 'have to' learn something or do a bunch of work. it's like a huge cup of espresso without the jitters. it's also anxiolytic so it helps to de-stress at the same time. remarkable stuff. will keep you all appraised of my progress
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af Thursday

                      Det...will check out the links tonight. :thanks:

                      Wow that does sound amazing though. Do keep us up to date with your progress.

                      Have a restful night....:lPPQP


                        af Thursday

                        Hi Abbers,

                        Having a trying time at the moment...suddenly a lot of work problems to sort out not leaving a lot of free time.

                        I checked that link Det...very interesting.

                        I was a fostered child so have primary abandonment issues BUT often felt more fortunate than those raised in their bio families since I suffered very little abuse beyond that.

                        Amazing that we continue to reinvent the wheel. The expression ' show me the child of seven and I will show you the man' is older than I am. This article does, however highlight how childhood trauma is not restricted to 'poor, inner city people of colour' ( their words) but drawn from surveying middle class Caucasians.

                        Hope the back is settling down Mick, you poor thing.....back pain is exhausting.


                          af Thursday

                          Hope work is not too stressful Kuya. It never stops does it?

