Right t n cawfee.
Hiya Kuya ..hows you today mate?getting any where with the work issues?? hope so.
PPQP...sunshine??? whatcha talkin about Willis (Happy Days)..hows you today ...yumm that chicken sounds nice ..any room there?So you are doing a house makeover? dont forget the piccys!!have a brew while you are pondering
Hiya Det ..wow you sound chirpy mate excellent..yep I know ice is good ..but I tend to mix them up a bit..you got any plans for the weekend?
Hiya tt ..hows you today..procrastinating away!!..has Bob turned up yet?as for the hedge ..hmm dont think I would be waiting quite so long!!sore back or not!
hiya Narilly thanks for the thoughts ..hows you today?judging by what ppqp is saying youve got grand weather ..bbq time???
Hiya yah...how are you today?ok ? sound pretty busy...you and the house getting a make over? pics please ..of both!!!Cleaned our freezer out last week...definitely some guess what I ams in there!!hope you have a great weekend.
Hiya Lav well lets start with a brew to defrost you!!!started snowing here last night but glad to report never stayed..ahh tax time ..no comment!!so what are your plans for today? tornado watching?

Hiya Sam hows things my friend?that is apart from tax returns!you still getting out and about or is the weather holding you up?
right peeps time to go..dreading this drive but...take care all and have a good weekend.
my heatlamp contraption!!fully adjustable

Last year, at work,, we trapped a flea in a container. Now all we do is watch it grow mouldy.
I blame the tick in the box culture.
I went to a vegetarian restaurant last night and when I'd finished the waiter asked, "How was your meal, sir?"
"It was very nice," I replied. "My compliments to the gardener."
Just been watching the new series of Embarrassing Bodies..
There's these two dudes on who've been spraying WD-40 on their chests and
knees as they say it quickly relieves their arthritic and chest pains..
Who would of thought...
an aftershave could have so many uses!
Apparently if your girlfriend or wife ever says "if anything happens to me, I want you to meet someone new...."
"anything" doesn't include getting stuck in traffic.
I always have a plastic bag with me when I take my dog for a walk.
He still won't shit in it though
I've just opened a new shop and named it 'Toilets R Us.'
It's a convenience store.
I lost my job as an MP and applied for a job as a clown. I got the job and my employers were very impressed, as they had never had anyone with training apply before.
A guy woke up to find himself in the back of an ambulance speeding through the streets. He panicked, and asked one of the two doctors sitting next to him : "Oh my God! Where are we going?"
"To the morgue" one doctor replies.
"But I'm not dead yet!", gasps the man.
"We haven't got there yet, either", replies the other doctor.
Our marriage counsellor advised my wife to try sharing my interests.
She wasn't too happy when I knocked her out in the first round though.
I saw a man sobbing on my way to work this morning.
"What's the problem, mate?" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Got problems at home?"
"Fuck off!" he replied. "Do you want a Big Issue or fucking not!"
Someone in my local library called me inappropriate.
"How am I inappropriate?" I asked, through my megaphone.