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24th jan..

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    24th jan..

    mae all are we today?ok I hope...lying horizontal typing this so its kind of slow!!Back is still playing up but feels a wee bit better ...gotta go to Wakefield today to look at new car..Made up a contraption yesterday so that I could lie and get some heat on my back in the spare room..had a hand held heat rigged it up.

    Right t n cawfee.

    Hiya Kuya ..hows you today mate?getting any where with the work issues?? hope so.

    PPQP...sunshine??? whatcha talkin about Willis (Happy Days)..hows you today ...yumm that chicken sounds nice ..any room there?So you are doing a house makeover? dont forget the piccys!!have a brew while you are pondering

    Hiya Det you sound chirpy mate excellent..yep I know ice is good ..but I tend to mix them up a got any plans for the weekend?

    Hiya tt ..hows you today..procrastinating away!!..has Bob turned up yet?as for the hedge ..hmm dont think I would be waiting quite so long!!sore back or not!

    hiya Narilly thanks for the thoughts ..hows you today?judging by what ppqp is saying youve got grand weather ..bbq time???

    Hiya are you today?ok ? sound pretty and the house getting a make over? pics please ..of both!!!Cleaned our freezer out last week...definitely some guess what I ams in there!!hope you have a great weekend.

    Hiya Lav well lets start with a brew to defrost you!!!started snowing here last night but glad to report never stayed..ahh tax time comment!!so what are your plans for today? tornado watching?have a good one.

    Hiya Sam hows things my friend?that is apart from tax returns!you still getting out and about or is the weather holding you up?

    right peeps time to go..dreading this drive but...take care all and have a good weekend.

    my heatlamp contraption!!fully adjustable

    Last year, at work,, we trapped a flea in a container. Now all we do is watch it grow mouldy.

    I blame the tick in the box culture.

    I went to a vegetarian restaurant last night and when I'd finished the waiter asked, "How was your meal, sir?"

    "It was very nice," I replied. "My compliments to the gardener."

    Just been watching the new series of Embarrassing Bodies..

    There's these two dudes on who've been spraying WD-40 on their chests and
    knees as they say it quickly relieves their arthritic and chest pains..

    Who would of thought...
    an aftershave could have so many uses!

    Apparently if your girlfriend or wife ever says "if anything happens to me, I want you to meet someone new...."

    "anything" doesn't include getting stuck in traffic.

    I always have a plastic bag with me when I take my dog for a walk.

    He still won't shit in it though

    I've just opened a new shop and named it 'Toilets R Us.'

    It's a convenience store.

    I lost my job as an MP and applied for a job as a clown. I got the job and my employers were very impressed, as they had never had anyone with training apply before.

    A guy woke up to find himself in the back of an ambulance speeding through the streets. He panicked, and asked one of the two doctors sitting next to him : "Oh my God! Where are we going?"

    "To the morgue" one doctor replies.

    "But I'm not dead yet!", gasps the man.

    "We haven't got there yet, either", replies the other doctor.

    Our marriage counsellor advised my wife to try sharing my interests.

    She wasn't too happy when I knocked her out in the first round though.

    I saw a man sobbing on my way to work this morning.
    "What's the problem, mate?" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Got problems at home?"

    "Fuck off!" he replied. "Do you want a Big Issue or fucking not!"

    Someone in my local library called me inappropriate.

    "How am I inappropriate?" I asked, through my megaphone.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    24th jan..

    Morning Mick...thanks for the coffee. You are one resourceful fella. How far is it to Wakefield? Hope Julie is going with you. You take it slow & easy. We have about a foot of ice on the roof at the community centre and with all this melting there is a concern about the weight. Could make for an interesting day. :H

    Going to enjoy this coffee and read the jokes. Hope everyone has a Fantastic AF Friday....PPQP


      24th jan..

      Morning all, quite chilly for this part of the world, but it is "refreshing". Thanks for the java and jokes Mick, always a treat. Hope your back continues to get better. Pq, hope you avoid any ice catastrophe.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        24th jan..

        Good morning Abbers,

        I happen to have two little tornados in the next room at the moment :H
        Thank goodness on On Demand TV shows

        Mick, wow buddy!
        I know that heat lamp probably feels good but the best heat is moist heat. The dry heat will make your muscles contract even more. Try 20 minutes with an ice bag followed by 20 minutes moist heat four times a day or so
        Hope your day goes well & your chiropractic visit helps tomorrow!!!

        PQ, that sounds like way too much ice on the roof there - be careful!!!

        Sam, I think I have to admit that this winter is getting to be a bit too much for for us east coasters The bums are predicting 3 inches of snow tomorrow too, boo hiss.

        OK, back to kiddie duty. Have a great AF Friday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          24th jan..

          MAE all - I don't know much about backs - so no advice there. You take care Mick.
          Quick dash as its Saturday morning and I am off to the farmer's market. I have my niece, her hubby and their twins coming here for lunch. Hubby is super-critical so I hope he has changed.
          Good to see that Mick started the thread and that PPQP, Sam and Lav have been able to chip in.

          Its going to be a long day for me......


            24th jan..

            Aloha Friday ABeroooooooooos!

            a very fine sunny, AF morning it is.

            thanks for the kickstart Mick, you could get moist heat by covering your back with vegemite, then using the heat lamp!

            TTops, I just love farmers markets... enjoy!

            be warm and safe all you peeps stuck in the mighty frozen weather

            did a very long and excellent binaural hypno last night (thanks for the reminder Kuya)

            Mick, in answer to weekend plans I'm attending an emergency medicine class tomorrow morning (the things I do for fun) then probably a hike/shoot with friends. looking back to the previous couple months I've been really denying myself my 'fun time' which is not good for stress management. stress is a mind-killer literally. chronic levels of cortisol are proven highly toxic to the brain and body.

            off to run some errands

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              24th jan..

              Heya Mick, Hope your back is starting to feel a bit better. Do whatever it takes!

              Det, TT, I went to the farmers market this morning. I bought some fresh hummus, pitas and baklava which is made Fresh at the Turkish booth. YUMMMMMY! I love Farmers markets.

              Det, I thought for a sec that you were saying you were going to shoot AT friends, I had to read that again!
              Lav, I know the cold sucks, and then Snow again...who needs that?

              I am going out for supper with hubs tonight and plan on NO AL. Because I don't drink. Right?!

              Well, off to the seamstress to get some alterations.

              Have a great AF Friday everyone.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                24th jan..

                Just wanted everyone to be reassured -
                Will had everything under control this morning on the Island of Sodor :H :H :H :H

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  24th jan..

                  Love it! What a cutie

                  I remember my son playing with Thomas the Tank.

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    24th jan..

                    Mick;1617663 wrote: mae all are we today?ok I hope...lying horizontal typing this so its kind of slow!!Back is still playing up but feels a wee bit better ...gotta go to Wakefield today to look at new car..Made up a contraption yesterday so that I could lie and get some heat on my back in the spare room..had a hand held heat rigged it up.

                    Right t n cawfee.

                    Hiya Kuya ..hows you today mate?getting any where with the work issues?? hope so.

                    PPQP...sunshine??? whatcha talkin about Willis (Happy Days)..hows you today ...yumm that chicken sounds nice ..any room there?So you are doing a house makeover? dont forget the piccys!!have a brew while you are pondering

                    Hiya Det you sound chirpy mate excellent..yep I know ice is good ..but I tend to mix them up a got any plans for the weekend?

                    Hiya tt ..hows you today..procrastinating away!!..has Bob turned up yet?as for the hedge ..hmm dont think I would be waiting quite so long!!sore back or not!

                    hiya Narilly thanks for the thoughts ..hows you today?judging by what ppqp is saying youve got grand weather ..bbq time???

                    Hiya are you today?ok ? sound pretty and the house getting a make over? pics please ..of both!!!Cleaned our freezer out last week...definitely some guess what I ams in there!!hope you have a great weekend.

                    Hiya Lav well lets start with a brew to defrost you!!!started snowing here last night but glad to report never stayed..ahh tax time comment!!so what are your plans for today? tornado watching?have a good one.

                    Hiya Sam hows things my friend?that is apart from tax returns!you still getting out and about or is the weather holding you up?

                    right peeps time to go..dreading this drive but...take care all and have a good weekend.

                    my heatlamp contraption!!fully adjustable

                    Last year, at work,, we trapped a flea in a container. Now all we do is watch it grow mouldy.

                    I blame the tick in the box culture.

                    I went to a vegetarian restaurant last night and when I'd finished the waiter asked, "How was your meal, sir?"

                    "It was very nice," I replied. "My compliments to the gardener."

                    Just been watching the new series of Embarrassing Bodies..

                    There's these two dudes on who've been spraying WD-40 on their chests and
                    knees as they say it quickly relieves their arthritic and chest pains..

                    Who would of thought...
                    an aftershave could have so many uses!

                    Apparently if your girlfriend or wife ever says "if anything happens to me, I want you to meet someone new...."

                    "anything" doesn't include getting stuck in traffic.

                    I always have a plastic bag with me when I take my dog for a walk.

                    He still won't shit in it though

                    I've just opened a new shop and named it 'Toilets R Us.'

                    It's a convenience store.

                    I lost my job as an MP and applied for a job as a clown. I got the job and my employers were very impressed, as they had never had anyone with training apply before.

                    A guy woke up to find himself in the back of an ambulance speeding through the streets. He panicked, and asked one of the two doctors sitting next to him : "Oh my God! Where are we going?"

                    "To the morgue" one doctor replies.

                    "But I'm not dead yet!", gasps the man.

                    "We haven't got there yet, either", replies the other doctor.

                    Our marriage counsellor advised my wife to try sharing my interests.

                    She wasn't too happy when I knocked her out in the first round though.

                    I saw a man sobbing on my way to work this morning.
                    "What's the problem, mate?" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Got problems at home?"

                    "Fuck off!" he replied. "Do you want a Big Issue or fucking not!"

                    Someone in my local library called me inappropriate.

                    "How am I inappropriate?" I asked, through my megaphone.
                    Dear Mick,
                    I have admired you from afar for don't know me...but I have been reading your jokes forever and I always get a chuckle. You always come thru with 'good stuff'. I'm glad this is an anonymous forum so I don't have to show my name, cause I think you are ALL THAT and a bag of fries, too!!

                    Your Secret Admirer
                    (he'll never guess who this is!!!)
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      24th jan..

                      Lavande;1617886 wrote: Just wanted everyone to be reassured -
                      Will had everything under control this morning on the Island of Sodor :H :H :H :H

                      ..........but what's the snack in the bowl?


                        24th jan..

                        That is actually an embroidered lace bowl filled with goldfish crackers PQ. And an apple juice box PQ - what else?? :H :H

                        Byrdie, it's not nice to put the moves on Mick when he's hurting so bad :H
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          24th jan..

                          uh oh Mick, you better take some aspirin and get ready...when lady asks you to dance you gotta do your thang!

                          Lav, great pic. that looks like a fun game.

                          I actually found vegemite today out of the blue at a 'world market' while looking for something else. for dinner I had organic pork liver sausage with vegemite on it, raw kale and raw macadamia nuts. yes yes..... you all knew i was a freaking weirdo already!

                          ps... the little 220gram jar is 9 bucks here. yowch.

                          Narrily, enjoy your sober night out! no guilt, no thousands of empty calories and all memories intact. good stuff.

                          off to prep for tomorrows day of adventure and intrigue....

                          be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            24th jan..

                            Determinator;1618008 wrote: I actually found vegemite today out of the blue at a 'world market' while looking for something else.
                            News headline tonight was "Marmite" banned in Canada....The Marmite contains vitamins that are not permitted to be added to spreads under this country?s regulations. :H

                            Wonder if there'll be a "Vegemite" ban next. :H

                            Enjoy your "adventure and intrigue"

