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af Day Saturday 25 Jan

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    af Day Saturday 25 Jan

    Hi Absters

    I wrote Thursday on the Title of today's thread - sorry - oops :l so have reposted the message here.

    Well he did it!! Yes, the neighbour has cut the hedge and I have a view again. The hedge will grow back but in the meantime I can enjoy the vista. Hedge is on his property which is why I can?t touch it.

    Det ? I am not sure if the pork liked the vegemite. You are weird! And you were ripped off with that price. I think I will start an export business ? with an instruction manual on how to use the stuff.

    Lav ? what a cutie your grandson is. Although there is definitely a wee gleam of naughtiness there.:H

    Narilly ? hope you enjoyed your dinner. Yep, Ma?am you don?t drink anymore. My trip to the farmers market was a success ? lots of fruit, vege, fresh fish and some delicious pies made with organic things that my visitors enjoyed. And some cheese to die for. But best of all, some lovely flowers. Sweet peas. Heaven.

    PPQP ? how did the ice melting on the community centre go? Did the roof take the weight? Any plans to see your Dad this weekend?

    Mick- any relief with your back? Did you buy the car? Would be frustrating to go and check it and then not buy it.

    Hope work is not too stressful for you Kuya. I guess, it being Sat ? you are busy today.

    Hi there Sam. Hope the weekend is not too chilly. It will be lovely though when spring starts peeking through the ground.

    If you are peeking Yah :H ? hi there too. Also big hellos to SF and SL. And Byrdie of course!

    Well I am tired after my social activities today. Plan to retreat with some of my own work, reading and maybe a DVD. Still recovering from my Christmas special.

    Have a super Saturday and remember to eat your greens! :H

    af Day Saturday 25 Jan

    TT, good news about the hedge!
    Yum, fresh veggies, pies, cheese and sweet peas? Sounds perfect! I love ALL that stuff!

    Anyway, it's bed time.

    Hello everyone- it's still Friday here. Have a great AF Saturday

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      af Day Saturday 25 Jan

      mae all..Happy Burns Day....well went up and got the car...pretty nippy..back really played me up on the way there..was actually driving side on to the steering wheel trying to relieve the pain....supposed to be out tomorrow..we shall see ..and its my turn to drive ..thats a no no...back at the chiro at 930 this morning...

      tea n coffee on the go..

      Hiya tt ...well pleased as punch are you? now you have got your view back..great news..if you had the Chrimbo spesh then you are bang up to date with us..I know at one stage Canadia was a wee bit behind....have a grand weekend

      morning Narilly..hows you today?ok ..? any plans for the weekend?No you dont drink ..hoe the meal was a success..

      hiya ppqp are you?ok?hows your dad? nah Julie was working so I went on my own...its only about 120 miles there and back...but I felt it! So what happened with the melting ice on the roof? bet that was interesting..watching it melt :H have a cuppa and a great day.

      Hiya Lav.....yeehah Sodor....the goods line ,the china clay line ,the branch line ..they are all sad am I that the fat controller just next to the carton?on the left.Ta for putting up the pic..also thanx for the moist heat advice...need to work that out moist heat?any clues as to how....hope all is well with Telstar.....cryptic...have a brew while you work it out

      Sam have lost your way in life you should have been a weather girl!!!:H mean bloody freezin!
      slight breeze.....nail yer roof down
      may be damp later on....its gonna piss down
      reduced visibity...cant see bugger all cos of the fog
      God will be moving the furniture...thunder and lightning
      Sunshine...the mans mad ..what is this???:H

      Hiya Det ...You time a biggy!!!!when you get stressed ,fed up what do you do?take time out or go for the bottle...reduce your options my mate! sounds like a good weekend ..enjoy

      Hiya Byrdie ..thanks for the nonymouse for the back ....hey theres always painkillers! So what are you up to this weekend?Staying at home?youve had a fair bit o travellin recently...whatever you choose have a good one.

      right peeps tis time to go and see ..Backman..have good weekend

      Exam question
      If Tyrone gets three melons, a new bike and a hat, what shop needs better security?

      Believing in superstition is just pure bad luck.

      Plastic bags carry warnings of risk of suffocation to infants and animals.

      This is a waste of time.

      They can't read.

      A man with a stutter is visiting the doctor.

      "How's the stutter?", asks the doctor.

      "It's g-getting better. My mate calls me D-Donkey," replies the man.

      "Any idea why?" The doctor asks.

      "No, but he aw he aw he aw he always calls me that."

      My neighbour knocked on my door, at two o'clock in the morning, and told me I was making too much noise.

      Then he got back in his tractor and drove home.

      Earlier, my wife choked to death on a chicken McNugget.

      I always wondered why they called it a 'Happy Meal'.

      I'm addicted to my ipad, nexus, and kindle fire. But I've started to just use my nexus.

      I'm down to one tablet a day now.

      I got one of those rowing machines last week.

      A wife.

      My wife's a feminist, so I stay home and watch soaps while she goes to work.

      I also do the cooking, cleaning and raising the kids during commercials.

      Water always leaks out of my house phone for some reason.

      I think its been tapped.

      My wife says that I am useless in the kitchen.
      Well she's wrong because sometimes when I can't find my cigarette lighter I use the cooker to light my fags.

      I've been very lucky with my wife and four kids.

      They don't know where I live.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Day Saturday 25 Jan

        Good morning all & happy Saturday

        Dark, overcast, freezing & about to snow here - not fabulous :H

        TT, I think I want to spend a day with you
        This winter is wearing me out! Hope you are resting well.

        Hey there narilly, PQ & other dwellers of the north
        I've seen reports on the news about that massive fire in Quebec - very sad.

        Mick, the train table is at my house because I have the room for it. It was given to my son & daughter-in-law by friends whose kids had outgrown the thing. The little guy is still fascinated with it, the older one has his own kiddie iPad now that keeps him busy

        About the moist heat for your back - the easiest thing to do is warm a wet towel briefly in the microwave (not too hot), put it on your back & cover it with a plastic bag (trash bags work), leave in place for twenty minutes. Works great, no special equipment to buy. I actually have a tub in my bathroom with spa jets & I never use the thing. The kids love it though - makes huge mountains of bubbles
        Good luck with your car & your chiro appointment today!

        Greetings to everyone, hope we all have a fantastic AF day!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Day Saturday 25 Jan

          Join Date: Jan 2014
          Posts: 1
          Gallery: 0
          Recipes: 1
          Default Order Baclofen without recipt
          I get my Baclofen from Silk Road,
          which comes from Germany and there are no problems with customs.
          It is not in tablet form, but powder, but it is the same as in the baclofen how in tablets. The price is as in the pharmacy, even a little cheaper.

          Do not need a recipe, just the Tor Browser


          Search: Baclofen

          Name of vendor: codenamefuture

          Please say it far


          Hiya..just back from doesnt half ease it ..pity it doesnt last tho..lie on my left side in the recovery position...he then pushes and pulls my top and bottom halves in opposite directions ...cracks into position very easily.....?33 thank you very much..thanks for the tip on moist heat Lav..lets repackage that ...not a wet towel and bin bag...home use muscle relaxant kit!!! kerching!!!:H
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            af Day Saturday 25 Jan

            Mick, I got the same PM. Weird eh? Some spammer on MWO I guess.

            Ya Lav. That fire in Quebec. So so terrible. So many elderly perished in the fire, they had no chance.
            Your weather is brutal for sure, hang in there!

            We have a beautiful day here in Calgary, going up to +12. I am happy about that. Super sunny out too. Tomorrow...-19C (WTF?) how crazy is that?

            Anyway, I went out with hubs for supper last night and it was great. Had coffee and dessert. YUM!
            Tonight, it is Thai food and Green Tea. Another weekend AF. Perfect.

            Have a great sober Saturday everyone.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              af Day Saturday 25 Jan

              Mick, with that heat lamp, you could also put a damp towel on your back and just lay there with the heat lamp on it, too. Glad you got the car. Now will you REST, please?

              What are you talking about with the PM, is that for real? Ugh!

              Well more drama in my family. One sister is now suing the other for rent on the house that 2nd sister occupies that belongs to both of them. That would seem fair, except the sister who lives there is paying the taxes, which in NY, practically equals my mortgage payment including taxes! So sad. I'm so glad I'm not directly involved with this shit......hearing about it second hand is bad enough, but I have my own life to live, and whatever my problems, I feel lucky not to be involved.

              Tonight, I dance. Going soon to set up the venue, as I host tonight.

              Hugs to all, as I don't have much time to say hi individually.

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                hiya yah ..the pm about baclofen was real..just letting everyone know..think its a spam...well like you say have got your own life to lead...this aint no rehearsal..enjoy the dancing whos for some haggis tatties and swede?just made it..ate it and suitably full..couple of years ago several Scotches would have been sunk too!!:H

                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                  Oh Mick - you actually have made my mouth water! Only post I have read so far - I want some please!!! Wait for me!!!!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                    Ok - checked in with everyone else.
                    Sweetpeas TT - love the smell, reminds me of my mothers garden, she always has a big showing.
                    Hi everyone else - this weather is crazy - England is too wet, Canada is too cold, Austrailia is too hot and we (Ca) are too dry....officially in a drought, everywhere is midsummer brown...
                    I had a crazy week, did nip in and read but not posting much - trying to dodge a cold, and work seemed hell bent on making up for an extra day off on holiday monday
                    Good to see you YAH, Nar and Lav.
                    And hi Det, PW, Sam, PPQP, SF and everyone else still to come...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                      OOPs - one more....Det - use Amazon - Marmite 1000gms for $27 (and Vegemite 220gms for $5....) thats where I get my MARMITE...
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                        MAE All....

                        TT....thanks for the kickoff. Good job getting your view back. Been a busy day so just posting now. The ice presumably is still up there cause the roof is still intact. But it was +13 today so I'll check it out tonight.

                        Narilly...gorgeous day out there today. I think 90% of MWO got that email. It's one thing to get "spam" posting, but "spam" PM's is crossing the line. IMHO Enjoy your Thai and Tea tonight.

                        YahYah...and I thought my sisters were rough. Positive is your not directly involved. Hope the event is a success and enjoy your dancing.

                        Mick...that looks good but I know where it came from Glad your trip was safe, so did you buy the car? I'm glad you got some relief with the Chiro, are you scheduled to go back? It's our Xmas Staff Party tonight. Potluck, so just cooking up some carrots & onions to take. I like my recipe, chop it all up, put in a roaster and bake at 350 for 1 hour. No need for water. The party starts in an hour so hopefully the roof is still there. Don't overdo things.

                        SL...I hear ya. Sometimes I think it's not worth taking time off. Hope you get some me time this weekend.

                        Off to stir the carrots. Have a peaceful night all.....PPQP


                          af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                          I may be descended from Scots pioneers but I have no love of swede. My sister gets really excited about it - proof we have very different tastes!


                            af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                            MAE Abbers

                            Have a long weekend here...auckland anniversary TT so you don't get this break ...sorry

                            Have been renovating a lot this last few months so have lots of projects on the go. The place is starting to look good again after a few years of mild neglect.

                            Hard work though but is keeping me fit.

                            Hope the relief for your back lasts Mick.


                              af Day Saturday 25 Jan

                              a very late hidy ho ABerooos!

                              had a fab day with the boys and home relaxing. Every day of saying 'no' to AL is a day of healing, repair, and the reinforcement of healthy habits.

                              Scottish Lass, thanks for the amazon tip on vegemite and marmite!
                              PPQ is it true that Canada is banning Marmite? must be a joke?

                              TTops you'll be just thrilled to hear i tried vegemite on banana tonight ok, it wasn't as good as it sounded.

                              Mick, what kind of food is 'swede'? looks like a hearty plate! sure hope that back gets worked out. I know how much 'fun' long drives are with a cranky back.

                              Narrily, I just love Thai food, enjoy!

                              I better zonk out.

                              be well everyone!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

