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af Sun 26th

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    af Sun 26th

    hi all..well as you can see no early trip out for moi..been up pretty much all night with back..took some painkillers which are about as much use as a handbrake on a parachute!!so here we are...about 2.30 this morning 3 foxes fighting in the back field was watching them..well keeping my eye on my rabbits who slept through it all.

    So whos for an early brew then?

    Right orf we go ..hiya Ky ..hows you?whats all these projects on the go then?lets be cant really call hoovering and washing up renovating....can you?:H

    hiya tt ...hows you today?is this one of the pie on ears that you were talking about from Scotland :H

    have a great evening.

    hiya ppqp ..well how did the party go?ok ...was the roof still there too?Yep bought the car..pretty chuffed with it...especially the road tax and you can see I aint overdoing it tho must be honest ,starting to get bored!time for another brew ..want one?

    hiya sl...Hows you today? had a bottle of Irn Bru with the supper..and guess what else..Tunnocks Caramel wafer!!!

    hiya Lav are you today? any plans after this coffee?well did you work out the Telstar cryptic?

    hiya Narilly and Yah ..hows things ?was going to say hows tricks ..but bearing in mind it has different meanings in different places probably not the smartest thing to say :H any plans for today?

    right peeps that was short and sweet..big shout to all yet to surface..

    "I won't be coming in today," I said to my boss, "My doctor says I suffer from selective hearing."

    "That's not even a medical condition you idiot," he replied, "You better get your arse here immediately or else."

    "Thank you so much for understanding. See you tomorrow then!"

    I've just seen the new Batman shampoo in Tesco. I believe they are missing a key market by not producing a conditioner Gordon.

    Ed Balls has vowed to reintroduce the fifty pence tax rate for top earners should Labour win the next election.

    Well, I must say, I'll sleep better on my park bench tonight knowing that.

    I fell asleep behind the wheel once.

    It cost me my job as a Roulette dealer.

    The wife and I are on the January diet.

    There's feck all money left for food.

    After years of being dragged around town by my wife, I've finally found a shop that is guaranteed to make her look fantastic.

    It's called Photoshop. .

    If I had to describe myself with one word it would be "Doesn't understand directions".

    How do you annoy an office worker.

    I'll phone you at ten to five on Friday, and explain it at length.


    Health chiefs have advised that NHS patients in the UK need to be more pushy with their GPs in order to ensure they get the best drugs.

    At my last visit I pinned my Doctor up against the wall, but the tosser still wouldn't give me any magic mushrooms.

    I dropped my keys in the pond at the zoo. Unfortunately one of the fish swallowed them and I dived in to get them back.

    It was in the last plaice I looked.

    I asked myself if I thought I was going mad.

    I got a few varied opinions.

    I was chatting with a woman on Plenty of Fish. "Where do you go clubbing?" she asked

    "The baby seal pond around the corner from my nan's," I replied.

    I never heard from her again.

    Brad, a local beachgoer, couldn't even get a second look from any of the girls on the beach. So he headed over to the lifeguard tower to see if the lifeguard had any advice for him."Dude, it's obvious," said the lifeguard. "You're wearing those gnarly old swimming trunks that make you look like an old geezer. They're years outta style. Your best bet is to get yourself a Speedo?say, two sizes too small?and drop a potato inside it. You'll have all the babes you can handle."
    The following weekend, Brad hits the beach with his brand-spanking-new tight Speedo and his potato, and it's not long before he approaches the lifeguard tower once more.
    "For cryin' out loud," said Brad, "it's worse than before! Everyone on the beach acts disgusted as I walk by?covering their faces, turning away, laughing! What's wrong now?"
    "Jeez, Brad!" said the lifeguard, "The potato goes in front!"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af Sun 26th

    Howdy Mick and all others. I'm having an early night as I woke up early too.
    Went for a long walk today and did some work. But had a headache from lack of sleep
    Hope your back heals soon Mick.


      af Sun 26th

      Good morning Abbers!

      I think I am officially tired of this freezing cold winter weather. Ready to wave the white flag :H

      Hope you are catching some sleep TT
      My younger dog had an early wakeup call today as well - so here I sit.

      Mick, sorry your back is still hurting! Are you going to have any xrays or anything?
      Warmth & rest is a good idea for now.
      I hear the foxes at night around here too - they make some bizarre noise, don't they?
      I have not yet figured out where Sodor is but then again I haven't missed any sleep worrying about it either :H :H
      It's amazing how the whole Thomas thing keeps these kids intrigued - good for their little imaginations I guess.

      Well, my granddaughter is coming for dinner today - bringing her parents along too :H
      Guess I should get myself to the store to buy something for the carnivores.

      Wishing everyone a warm & toasty AF Sunday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af Sun 26th

        A late morning here... muzac till the wee hours last night, haven't done that in awhile. Guess I must have gotten inspired by seeing a really good musician named James Leva the other night.

        Lav, the Thomas thing is of course inspired by seeing Ringo!

        Mick, I have had the back thing as well. I know you must hurt. Hoping you find some relief!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          af Sun 26th

          Mick, have you ever tried acupuncture? That helps me. The needles get in deep and help the muscles to 'let go'. I hope you are feeling better soon.

          Lav, it is cold here today. We had a beautiful +12 yesterday and now its going down to -18C. I have my warm sweater on again. I never really put away my winter clothes. Maybe for 1 or 2 months out of the year but that's it!

          Had some great Thai food last night. Watched everyone drink and enjoyed my green tea. Nice to wake up feeling good.

          Talk to you soon.
          Have a great Sober Sunday.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            af Sun 26th

            happy java time ABeroooos!

            TTops, I'm just pulling your leg on vegemite, i lived in Oz for 9 years so I know the traditional uses. I'm just a fearless (reckless?) foodie

            Mick, a 'good' chiropractor that is also certified in soft tissue manipulation can be a life saver.

            Narrily, I could eat Thai food for breakfast, in fact I just may do so...

            gotta pack up today as I'm on the road Monday morning for another challenging week of hotels all over the San Fran bay. be back to poke around later.

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              af Sun 26th

              Hi - doing good here, up to take one daughter to her volunteering gig at the animal shelter - wonder what whe will be begging me to adopt this afternoon!!!
              Marmite can go on more than toast, I use it a bit in cooking - or it makes a good warm drink too..
              Det - Swede is turnip....yummy, love it with lots of pepper and butter..
              Mick, we can get the caramel wafers at the "world market" Det was mentioning - I get to do a stock up form time to time, but amazon has most stuff cheaper - like salad cream and ribena - thats this weeks order! No haggis though....or only tinned, and won't eat that...
              Grammy's tonight - enjoy watching with the girls, we have fun - didn't really enjoy award shows before, but with two teenager girls (well one almost - will be two on Thursday - feel for me:H) it is good entertainment!

              Det - thinking about packing some thoughts in prepardness for getting home? Seems you are rocking your trips now, just the letting down when you get home safe and sound??
              Happy Sunday Nar, TT, Lav and Sam...
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                af Sun 26th

                SL - make sure your girls know that one of the performers at the Grammy's is a teenager from New Zealand - Lorde.
                I kind of like her attitude - plus her music too.

                Det - I believed you.
                People pull my leg a lot - damn you!!!:H:H


                  af Sun 26th

                  oooh I love turnips! and i love pulling TTops leg xxxx you sweety you.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    af Sun 26th

                    ah yes, how to get home and not collapse into a binge after trying so hard all week in hotels....

                    the key is getting my hard-headed male brain to stop looking at this as a 'fight' and just accept my lifestyle as good and healthy. I had this good mindset for almost 3 years of sobriety and then somehow lost it along the way. I also think I have some kind of morbid fear of success that is tied to a poor self esteem issue. digging, digging deeper into those uncomfortable places every day lately instead of trying to 'power over' them. it takes discipline and time to do this, but if I'm to venture forth with a truly healthy lifestyle then this is what I must do.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af Sun 26th

                      Yes Det - life is not about a "fight". I get fed up with the metaphors of 'battles with cancer', 'the war against drugs' 'my fight against alcohol' etc etc. We are so much more than being winners and losers. Life is not a race.
                      eg Good parenting IMO is not about control or 'having it out' 'asserting our will' over children. Its much more of a process, stops and starts, learning through taking little steps etc.

                      Fighting a battle against our demons leads to denial, repression, pain - and others being hurt. I am not suggesting either that we just surrender ourselves in all our helplessness (sorry thats bordering on heresy for some) but that we actively promote our own healing, better health - with the support of others. I see this as about nurturing but also being proactive.
                      It sounds like thats what you want too.

                      Thats my rant for the week - and just my opinions !!


                        af Sun 26th

                        I like it!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af Sun 26th

                          Determinator;1618715 wrote: ah yes, how to get home and not collapse into a binge after trying so hard all week in hotels....

                          the key is getting my hard-headed male brain to stop looking at this as a 'fight' and just accept my lifestyle as good and healthy. I had this good mindset for almost 3 years of sobriety and then somehow lost it along the way. I also think I have some kind of morbid fear of success that is tied to a poor self esteem issue. digging, digging deeper into those uncomfortable places every day lately instead of trying to 'power over' them. it takes discipline and time to do this, but if I'm to venture forth with a truly healthy lifestyle then this is what I must do.
                          Hi, Det,

                          Patrice shared this quote yesterday in another thread. It resonates with me and seems to speak to your situation, also:

                          If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don't want. ? Kevin Ngo
                          (Sorry if that is a repeat here but maybe it bears repeating if it is )

                          The Chris Kresser talk was really fun! You can get the same information from his blog or book, though.

                          Hi, Abbers! I love your community :h.


                            af Sun 26th

                            Determinator;1618715 wrote: ah yes, how to get home and not collapse into a binge after trying so hard all week in hotels....

                            the key is getting my hard-headed male brain to stop looking at this as a 'fight' and just accept my lifestyle as good and healthy. I had this good mindset for almost 3 years of sobriety and then somehow lost it along the way. I also think I have some kind of morbid fear of success that is tied to a poor self esteem issue. digging, digging deeper into those uncomfortable places every day lately instead of trying to 'power over' them. it takes discipline and time to do this, but if I'm to venture forth with a truly healthy lifestyle then this is what I must do.
                            Oh my Det I can so relate to fear of success is still a major battle for me as to be successful and healthy conflicts with the poor self is as though they cannot exist in the same space!
                            My current battle with smoking is exactly because I KNOW I can......but am I worth the bother?!?!

                            Mick apply two minutes heat ( hot water bottles as hot as you can bear) then two minutes ice pack........repeat this three will unlock the muscle fibres. Heat alone is NOT effective....and the temperatures applied must be greater than a heat lamp as those muscles are thick and deep and under fat.


                              af Sun 26th

                              Yes, we were talking about Lorde last night - she has quite a voice, not bad for a 17yo! I just hope she keeps her head on straight - I look forward to seeing her perform....I also like her music!
                              Det - agree, it bothered me when I get thru what I anticipate the hard times relatively well, then I let my guard down and there it all goes...may be awareness will be all you need? A bit like the thrill of the chase, and then the let down when arriving at the prize??
                              Had to run to store for some school stuff, got home and unpacked and thought "but I forgot the wine" - seriously mind! get lost will you??
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

