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af Day Monday 27 Jan

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    af Day Monday 27 Jan

    MAE abberoosters – how was the weekend? People sounded good – but a few faces missing. Maybe too busy or taking time out. Give us a shout as to how things are lease:

    I was going to start the thread today but we had a power-cut and I didn’t want to waste the battery power on the thingies that connect me to the internet. Couldn’t brew any tea or coffee either so I hopped in the car and had my blood tested. Not that there was any connection there - but I was overdue and I figured that since I had to suffer from caffeine deprivation I might as well make the vampires happy.:H

    Caffeine levels returned to normal, electricity back on when I came home and then I realised – panic – I had the wrong day for an appointment at my daughter’s school – so rush, rush, rush - but she is now all sorted with subjects for the year ahead and she had lots of lovely things said about her by her Dean. Mum is on a high….

    But I had my leg pulled by that Trickster – guess who I will not being playing poker with?? (I never play cards anyway). :H

    I guess Kuya was lolling around the pool today :H– it being a public holiday where she lives.

    Mick –I hope at some point you have seen a specialist about your back? Its been a while now and everyone has theories about treating backs – I don’t on this one – so maybe? Maybe?
    And lay off the haggis? Next thing you will be suggesting we eat thistle soup! (I bet Det gets excited about that too!).

    Well have a great start to the week one and all – sorry I haven’t mentioned everyone this time.

    af Day Monday 27 Jan

    Thistle soup....yum :H

    Can't swim ATM got a leak yesterday and had to turn shit off and we can't find it...really bummed but thankfully weather a bit up and down this summer so not a major.

    Lovely day ...some more little bits and pieces done.....oi Mick....vacuuming is NOT my house it counts as a removal. There is currently more dog on the floor than on the dogs :H:H

    Anyhoos...dinner to cook, uniform to daughter back to school tomorrow so late morning starts are over! :upset:


      af Day Monday 27 Jan

      mae all ..and how are we today?ok I hope ..well never went on me jaunts yesterday....thankfully back doesnt seem as sore just need to take it easy that for me is a pain much to do ..and yet ..still ..made myself a promise if its no better by next chiro sesh ..going to the hozzy to see about it..its just not cricket you know ..thats an English saying ...definitely not one of their games!!!:H
      So how are we today then?alles gut ja?

      ok orf we go tea n coffee on the go

      lets start with Kuya aka the renovator ...Ill be back!!!:H hows you today? ok after a hectic weekend of tidying up..what an excellent idea there ..the good life ..growing vegetables in your pool!!!yep start with leaks!!!..oh and have a great day.... btw ..your post.".as those muscles are thick and deep and under fat.".oi... whos thick and weight this morning 11st there! if I took me clothes off Id be reported missing...

      hiya tt ..and how are you today ?power back on now?have you any candles ...Ive got 4 ...get it ..that sketch with the 2 Ronnies!! already decided about me back....oh and especially for you...

      Thistle Soup Recipe

      1 small onion
      1 small potato
      2 carrots
      4 large thistle stalks
      3 tablespoons olive oil
      2 cloves of garlic, chopped
      5 cups of vegetable broth
      1/2 cup cooked brown rice

      Slice the onion and saut?e it in the olive oil. Add in the potato, carrots, celery and thistle. Saut? these all together for about ten minutes, then stir in the garlic and add the stock. Add in the cooked brown rice stir for just a few more minutes, until carrot and potatoes are cooked through. Remove from heat and enjoy!

      Mornin are you today?ok about dopey ..had to sit and think about that one with the granddaughter and parents!!!duh just for you to mull over wi a a cuppa..ta ra....

      have a great day from Thomas and gang!!!

      Hiya are you today?good on you ....a sing song into the wee small hours ..anything doing today?

      Hi are you today? ok...that world shop sounds ace....its a pity about the postage ..otherwise I would send you costs a fortune to mail out to usa...saw some tablet in the shop the other day..was sorely tempted but Id be on a sugar whizz for days!!!

      hiya NS...just to say hello to you using the rhyme method...take note I said rhyme!!!:H
      So.. big hellos to you,
      Nice that you're here,
      Now what does it feel like,
      In your second year.

      Your life will change,
      As you want it to be,
      No more a booze slave ,
      You're alcohol free

      hiya SF...hows things with you?ok ...glad you had a good night out..yes there are people that can have one drink.. unfortunately or otherwise..with me being Scottish there was a clash of personalities inside...stick with one drink so that I dont have to spend any money..or just get hammered asap..another trait from the north....inevitably number 2 won

      hiya det hows you....nah it isnt a war..its a way of just have to pivot that axis a little bit into acceptance of nae booze.

      hi Narilly how are you ..ok I hope ..not tried acupuncture for the back ,but have previously..
      or maybe I was too impatient!!! go on need some tips on thai food...will be there in just under 5 weeks.

      right big hello to all missing ppqp..pauly et al

      have a great day

      Why are babies so quiet when they're being breast fed?

      Because it's a good idea to shut up when you've got one gun down your mouth and another pointed at your head.

      Doctor, doctor, I can't stop singing the Wheels on the bus song.

      Don't worry, there's something going round and round, round and round.

      You know you're really drunk when you sit down on the toilet and try to put your seat belt on.

      An irrational woman can stay mad longer than a rational man can stay sober.

      The other day I held the door open for a clown.

      I thought it was a nice jester.

      A study has shown that most people couldn't tell the difference between Modern Art and the work of five year olds. Which is an unfair comparison.

      As they were all created by people with the artistic talent of a five year old

      I saw on the news today that people are campaigning to have level crossings removed since 10 people "tragically" died last year after they ignored the flashing light and loud ringing bell, then vaulted over the brightly coloured barrier and were hit by an oncoming train.

      I think they're missing the point. Charles Darwin invented level crossings specifically to rid the world of these fecking idiots.

      "My mother woke up with a stutter this morning and I'm not sure what to do." Said my Jewish neighbour.

      "Try turning on the heating you stingy git" I replied.

      After taking my trousers off and laying down on the bed I said, "I hope you've got a condom."

      "Why?" replied my doctor.

      My favourite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch.

      It's called lunch.

      "I think you've got a drug problem Frank." said one bear to another.

      "You've wandered into town eight times this month to be 'tranquilised'."
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Day Monday 27 Jan

        Good morning Abbers!

        TT, you just reminded me - I need to go visit the vampire myself - maybe next week :H
        Glad to hear your daughter is doing so well, good for her!

        Mick - OMG, thanks for the map - it explains everything :H :H
        Now I feel the need to go rearrange things on the train table!!!!
        I'll have to see if I can print out that map for the kids, thanks!!!
        Give the back some rest & I hope you are fully recovered soon!

        The temp has just gone above freezing for the first time in ages so I need to get outside to witness this event. It's only a one day break though then back to the arctic stuff.
        OK, I shall go to Curves then see what happens today.

        Wishing everyone a good AF Monday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Day Monday 27 Jan

          MAE ALL...

          TT...thanks for kicking us off and here's my SHOUT. Had a wonderful weekend. Outdoors with Dad on Saturday, beautiful sunny day, and then the normal chores and running around on Sunday.

          KY...morning to you. Seems to be the winter of leaks. And not the kind Mick's talking about. He's had his share of leaks too. Hope you have a productive day.

 the Island of Sodor but I think I'll pass on the Thistle Soup. Glad to hear the back is easing up a bit.
          I know it's tough for you to take it easy but don't over do things just cause it's feeling better. Vacuuming is the worst thing to do in your condition.
          The roof is still intact and the Xmas party was good but definitely needs a bit of tweaking. Think I'll organize the next one.

          Lav...just saw you checked in. Glad you're getting a bit of a reprieve today with the weather. We're the opposite, had our reprieve on Saturday. Get out and enjoy.

          Off to get another cuppa and read the jokes. Have a great AF Monday all and all to come....PPQP


            af Day Monday 27 Jan

            Lavande;1618979 wrote:
            The temp has just gone above freezing for the first time in ages so I need to get outside to witness this event. It's only a one day break though then back to the arctic stuff.

            Glad you know not to get too comfortable today :H! I don't know if it gets colder each time or I'm just losing any tolerance I had! We surely will appreciate spring this year!

            Mick;1618951 wrote:

            hiya NS...just to say hello to you using the rhyme method...take note I said rhyme!!!:H
            So.. big hellos to you,
            Nice that you're here,
            Now what does it feel like,
            In your second year.

            Your life will change,
            As you want it to be,
            No more a booze slave ,
            You're alcohol free
            Thanks for the poem, Mick -
            It's a nice piece of work.
            I read almost daily
            But usually just lurk .

            :h NS


              af Day Monday 27 Jan

              Lav, hang in there, it is cold here too. -17 today.

              Hey, gotta go back to work. so I will post later.

              No hangover today! I have had so many hangover Monday's in my life, it is so nice not to have one. I am truly grateful for that.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                af Day Monday 27 Jan

                Well I think I will try the Thistle soup one of these days. None in our garden but I am sure I can find several nearby!

                Sunshine and warmth is here! Yaayyy!!!:rays::rays:
                A taste of summer.

                Kuya - my girl starts back at school on Friday. Enjoy the early starts:H


                  af Day Monday 27 Jan

                  I am absolutely 100% sure there is no where to buy thistle around here. Are you guys really serious?? :H :H
                  I made a pot of roasted chicken noodle soup today
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af Day Monday 27 Jan

                    Thistles grow all over the place in New Zealand. They were introduced by the bloody Scots and now are a noxious weed.


                      af Day Monday 27 Jan

                      hey all
                      got to tell you yesterday was a pretty hard go to keep from drinking. Some winter blues, no money, etc. I didn't and it passed but I wish I could reach out when I get in these funks, but I don't. Instead I become more introverted. And then it's all gone, I don't get it. I really have no desire to drink, the feeling came like an avalanche and then it seems to go once I busied myself. Wondered if any of you still get that smack upside the head?
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        af Day Monday 27 Jan

                        :goodjob: Sam...I'm proud of you. :l

                        Just wanted to reply to you right I'll finish the post.


                          af Day Monday 27 Jan

                          Samstone;1619340 wrote: hey all
                          got to tell you yesterday was a pretty hard go to keep from drinking. Some winter blues, no money, etc. I didn't and it passed but I wish I could reach out when I get in these funks, but I don't. Instead I become more introverted. And then it's all gone, I don't get it. I really have no desire to drink, the feeling came like an avalanche and then it seems to go once I busied myself. Wondered if any of you still get that smack upside the head?
                 is early days and yes it used to come like a bolt outta the blue occassionally.

                          I remember the worst occurred about the same time as you are at now......I had been was truly easy and I thought I would never crave a drink again.

                          I went for my first swim of the summer ( in NZ so that was December ) and WHAM!!!!! I wanted a drink soooo bad I could have cried.

                          I figured it out ..... It was like 'muscle memory' my brain had not yet been challenged with this memory and it went on auto pilot ....swim = drink after.

                          The next day I swam again...association gone.


                            af Day Monday 27 Jan

                            And in answer to the you still get those feelings?.......not any more I can have the thought and it is just that, a thought. It holds no power, no pit of the stomach yearning or fear.

                            It is like finding a photograph of an ex with whom the relationship was intense and the break-up rough.....a day comes when it is simply a photograph, provoking memories but no emotions.....unless you WANT it to!


                              af Day Monday 27 Jan

                              Samstone;1619340 wrote: Wondered if any of you still get that smack upside the head?
                              Yup, but it doesn't happen very often now.

                              Don't know your experience with AA but one saying that made sense was when you felt like having that drink apply H.A.L.T. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) Sounds to me like you were feeling a little lonely and tired. Busying yourself was the best thing to do.

                              Like KY says, we're working on retraining our brain at this time too.

                              Have a peaceful night.....PPQP

