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Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

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    Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

    Good morning to all...

    Pap, a lot has happened on the thread. Things kind of exploded at work quickly, I have to get out or I will be sick. Lots of conflict ( not me) and it makes it crazy and horrible to work there. Sorry you are so tired, sounds like my friend. She is doing OK, but is able to take lots of time to rest. Some days she does not even want to talk for more than a few minutes. Probably what Lav suggested, listen to your body. I need to take that advice too. Lucky you have options at work, good to hear it.

    Dill, really sorry about your friend, we never expect someone's passing, even when we know they are sick. It would be difficult to get that news buzzed. Waking up and wondering if you heard correctly, the guilt and shame of not really being there 100%. So great to hear you are AF and able to get through all these life events without alcohol.

    Rusty, my son is supposed to move out this weekend. We looked at his actual apartment and it is nice, close to work and school. He is very excited and hopeful, really wanting it to work out. This time feels different. No anger or negative feelings. Telling him we will miss him, laughing and watching favorite TV shows together. He is actually very funny and always laughing, he views the world in his own unique way. Sometimes it is OK. Thanks for asking. Your day sounded calm and peaceful. We all need days like that.

    Lav, your granddaughter sounds so funny. I am sure her parents corrected her. We have a niece who super outspoken when she was young. We laughed so hard and her parents had her in private talks, constantly. Oh, the memories. I bet that one will stay with you for a long time.

    Blow Blow thou bitter wind. We are in for it up here. We had over two feet of snow this weekend and nobody even mentions it on the news. I have lots of strong muscles from shoveling. Now for the bitter cold. Yes, I am whining and complaining. I want spring. So happy it is the LAST week of January. Have a good day.:h
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

    Good morning frosty friends!!!!

    January seems to be drawing to a close - GOOD!
    I am tired of winter as I am sure you are star!! Two feet of snow this weekend? That's absolutely terrible, sorry to hear that!
    I hope your son enjoys himself & settles into his new place with ease

    Dill, thinking of you & sending you strength today.

    papmom, the last few years at the hospital I was able to work a four day week. They offer it when they see you teetering on the edge of collapse :H
    They prorate the benefits a bit but it works out fine. I hope you can get something worked out for yourself.

    OK, I'm dragging a bit here this morning, no reason really. I'm trying to prevent myself from going into hibernation until the end of winter. I will go to Curves, that helps!

    Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a good AF Monday for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

      Star-it really does sound so positive this time for your son and his moving out. I sure hope this is the magic one. You so deserve peace and happiness right now. I'm really sorry to hear about work but again, how lucky you found something else so quickly. How did meeting your new employers go?

      Lav-I spoke with the CR folks about being so tired all weekend and today. They said it can take up to a month to stop feeling exhausted when first returning to work but it will get better. They definitely recommend getting at least 1 hour more sleep at night and I know that will probably make a difference. I only get about 6 1/2 during the week. All my favorite show are on at 10pm! Yet another thing I have to give up I guess. Jeez, will it ever stop?
      The good news is that I did perk up during rehab so the tiredness is reversible. I guess I could see about working 3/4 time but that request probably wouldn't go over very well knowing I'm also doing a second job on the weekends!! Plus I don't think I could afford the decrease in pay and it would affect my retirement time accumulation. I know, I can't earn money if I'm dead or disabled. Catch 22.
      I'll try getting more sleep first and if that doesn't work, I'll see what I can do about taking more time off.
      going back down to the teens tomorrow. LM is now wearing a sweater full time-in or out. If Mom is cold, so is he! :H Seriously, even with the thermostat at 65 I am freezing despite multiple layers, the electric heater on, a fleece throw and quilt over my lap. Makes me want to crawl into bed at 6:30!!
      Hello to Rusty, Dill (how are you today?), Cyn and all the AWOL friends.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

        I'm sure it will all work out for you papmom. Sometimes we just have to have a little faith in the universe, right?
        I meant to tell you that my nephew's wife is in the hospital in your home town. She was doing well in rehab post stroke & suddenly got very sick again. No one knows what's wrong with her, very disturbing for a 42 year old otherwise healthy young woman
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

          oh no!! do you know which hospital? If it were appropriate I would go visit her but I suppose that not the thing to do. Please keep us updated.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

            UMass Memorial I think papmom. My nephew was just a bit overexcited when he called.
            The whole situation is rather perplexing.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

              Good Evening, All,

              My trip was rescheduled due to the weather....another 2 days at home. Ooh la la.

              Lav-your granddaughter's comment just cracked me up. She must have heard it on TV.:H So sorry to hear of your nephew's wife. How sad....she's so young.

              Pap-I think your doctor's suggestion you get 7 1/2 hrs. of sleep per night is a good one. When I was in the automotive industry, like you, I got by with 6 or 6 1/2 hrs. of sleep. Now I realize that I really do need more and feel better if I get it. I admire you for working, following your CR, and making sure all the pups are comfortable. You leave your thermostat at 65??? I'd be freezing, too. I leave it at between 68-70 when I'm home. Looking forward to our visit.

              Star-you are always so positive.:goodjob: You are making the most of your son's time while he is still at home by creating family time watching favorite TV shows together, etc. I think that's wonderful. Fingers crossed that this job is satisfying.

              I'm fading fast here, so will close for the night. See you in the morning.


                Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                Good morning ladies...

                Whew, really cold today, second day off work. Now I will finish up later, darn it. I wanted to be done with my current job sooner, but there must be a reason.

                Lav, I want to hibernate too, but then feel really isolated and starting to feel depression. I struggle when I can't be outside. Lucky you have Curves to get you out and exercising. Sad about your nephew's wife and scary.

                Pap, giving up TV shows is hard, but well worth it. It may just be for a time. Do you have on Demand or TVO or whatever to watch stuff later? I am starting to sleep almost 7 hours and feel better, peaceful and calm. We keep our heat on 65 and just have blankets and sweaters or sweatshirts. Our bills will be higher, that is for sure. Change is hard regarding your jobs, and we seem to second guess ourselves no matter what choices we make. Except for AF.

                Rusty, hope you enjoy your time at home. It is dangerous out, but will let up soon.

                Have a great day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                  Good morning frosty friends!!!!

                  This whole weather thing is getting to be a bit of a bore
                  My thermostat is programmed to keep the house pretty darn cold overnight. Explains why I sit wrapped in a blanket to drink coffee & come here in the mornings. It takes a while to warm up too. It's currently 63 degrees :H
                  I switched OTC sleep aids last week but am still dealing with waking several times during the night. Sometimes hot flash related, sometimes not. Ho hum.

                  I actually have some work to do today. This is a quiet time of the year for my biz. I really should be gathering tax info too.

                  papmom, I hope you can alter your schedule to get more sleep

                  Star, I can't stay home two days in a row - drives me crazy!
                  I have to have some short change of scenery, helps keep me out of my head, if you know what I mean. Being alone with my thoughts....can be a dangerous thing :H
                  Distraction is the best medicine for me! I hope to get to Longwood Gardens one day this week, they just started their Orchid Extravaganza which is always awesome.

                  Greetings to Rusty - yay for more home time for you!
                  Wind chill is -5 here this morning. I just heard a lot of flights out of Philly have been cancelled due to weather.

                  Greetings Dill, DTD & where is Jolie?
                  Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                    Good morning...

                    Brrrrr, it is so cold. A Friend who is also off work called me yesterday and we went out and lo and behold her store was open. However, it was so cold it took our breath away. Hard to breathe. It was good to get out for a while. I am so tired from the cold, now I just want to sleep.

                    Hey Lav, I agree, I struggle with being inside too much. Our wind chills yesterday were -30 or so. Way too cold. It is getting to me. I want spring, warmer weather, green. Longrove sounds perfect.

                    Hello to everybody, hope you are keeping warm. Have a great day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                      Greetings, Everyone,

                      This is my last day off before I jump into work tomorrow and then it is go, go, go through March. I've had some very productive days here at home, with a mix of exercise and going to the spa afterward to sit in the hot tub. Yesterday, it was sunny, and 12 below zero with a windchill of 35 below. It didn't keep me inside, though. I enjoyed being in the fresh air and being in the sun.

                      Star and Lav-so sorry the cold weather is getting you down. Star-I hope you can finish up with your job soon, and be done with it, so you can move on to greener pastures, to use a tired clich?.

                      Lav-a trip to Longwood sounds perfect. I wish we had a Longwood near my house.

                      Dill-thinking of you today, and I lit the candle for your friend who passed away. I know her friends and family will be glad you can be fully present for them. Your friend was lucky to have a friend like you.

                      Big hellos to everyone else....must get my day started. Hope everyone has a happy AF Hump Day!


                        Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                        Hello AF friends,
                        Star, thank you for getting us started on the fourth and final week of this dreadfully cold month. I sure will be glad to see this weather go! It was 17 below yesterday morning and never got above 5 all day. Today we get up to 17. That will feel warm after all this! I am so happy your son will be moving out while you are all on good terms. That's so important.

                        Rusty, I'm glad you had some time at home. I appreciate you lighting a candle for my friend Carol. Her memorial service is tomorrow. I had to chuckle yesterday when I saw her obit. Yes, I chuckled. Carol never ever let anyone know her age. She guarded that like it was top secret information. But, there it was in the obit, her name and her age immediatley after it. I hope she doesn't read the papers! LOL!

                        Lav, I bet your hens have just about had enough of this weather! Do you have any problems with the eggs freezing before you get out to gather them? So sorry to hear about your nephew's wife. I hope she gets better.

                        Papmom, can you record your favorite shows and watch them the next day? That's what we do. I can't stay up to watch a 10 pm show anymore. I am an early-to-bed-early-to-rise person. I like at least 7-8 hours of sleep. During all this cold weather I've actually been sleeping 8-9 hours a night just because bed is the warmest spot in the house! I turn the electric blanket on high and let it warm up before I get in. It's heavenly!

                        Yesterday I came across some pumpkin I had cooked and frozen last fall. I decided it was a very good excuse to turn on the oven and heat up the kitchen. MMMM, that pumpkin pie was good!

                        Happy AF humpday all!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                          Good morning & Happy Hump day everyone!!!

                          9 degrees at the moment but it's headed up to a balmy 25 degrees this afternoon :H
                          Yes, this winter is getting seriously tiresome.

                          Safe travels Rusty!
                          Sounds like the rest of the winter is going to go quickly for you, that's great!

                          Star, glad to hear you got out & connected with a friend
                          I don't care one bit for this outrageous weather & really dislike the feeling of isolation. I'm trying to stay positive & keep my hands & mind busy. That's the plan!!!

                          Greetings to Dill, papmom, DTD & everyone!
                          Wishing a great AF day for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                            Cross posted Dill!
                            Good to see you this morning
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                              Dill:l Thank you for popping in. I had been thinking about you so often during the day. I laughed when you told me your friend was so secretive about her age and then it shows up in her obit!!:H Well, that was one final wish she had that didn't go her way. Was she married? Did she have children? How are they holding up.

                              You guys are probably wondering why I am so darned cheerful with all this winter weather. Well, I've been taking 5-HTP twice a day (it's a mood stabilizer) and I must tell you, it has worked wonders!!! My doctor is into holistic and alternative therapy and she recommended it. I'm so glad I followed her advice. She's a great doctor to her patients (well, she WAS) but too bad she isn't a good boss to her employees. Her office is just now opening again (only part-time) because it's been "under reorganization."

                              I forgot to mention that I told my sister all about my participation in MWO. Like my mother and SIL, she was one of those people who thought the "standard" answer to AL problems was rehab and AA. I guess all of us here educated her, huh?

                              Now, I really MUST go. Big hellos to Pap, Cyn, DTD and anyone I missed!!!

