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Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

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    Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

    Hi Rusty,:l My friend has two grown children and one grandson. She is survived by her hb, too. He will be lost without her. So will her son. Thanks for the update on the HTP. I backed off taking mine because I mistakenly got some that had valerian mixed in it. That makes for a good mix at night and helps with sleep, but I don't want to be sleepy during the day! I'm going to look for another brand. BTW, you made me smile when you said, "Ooh la la". I haven't heard that in such a long time! Loved it.

    Happy AF Hump Day everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

      hello fellow Hump daysters!!

      Dill and Star-I do have VCR/DVD but am ashamed to admit (me the techie) I have no clue how to use it to record!! I'm thinking because I don't have cable or satellite the tv would probably have to stay on to record a program so that doesn't work. I'll live. Some of the programs are re televised over the weekend so I might just get lucky and catch them then. Not the end of the world, that's for sure!

      Rusty-hope going back to work and all that traveling goes well for you. I know you truly enjoyed the free time and made the most of it. Always a nice surprise to get unexpected free time!! I'm looking forward to seeing you in March!!

      Dill-Its going to be a sad week for you. i'm so sorry. :l:l:l. I hope Carol's memorial service is full of fond memories and smiles.

      Lav-how are the girls? The coworker who has a farm in a nearby town and who I was getting eggs regularly from says her hens are laying like crazy despite the cold weather!!

      Star-it's almost moving day!! I sure hope the temps rise just enough to make it not unbearable this weekend for you all. Of course they can rise even higher should they desire LOL!!

      It's been cold here but not nearly as cold as Star, Dill and Rusty!! We have probably gotten below zero with the windchill a few days this week but I've stopped checking. The boyz don't linger outside that's for sure! Today was a balmy 25 and I've heard rumors of the 50's for the weekend! That means potty yard cleanup-yuck!

      I have been going to bed and sleep around 10 pm the past 2 nights which gives me about 7.5 hours-IF I would stop waking up every 2 hours!! Not sure what that is all about. Usually the ambien lets me sleep through the night. Grrrr. I'll keep trying though. I might even request a sleep study. Talked to some girls had work who had it done and it turns out one of them has sleep apnea. She says the CPAP machine has done wonders for her even tho she can't stand how puffy her face/eyes are in the morning. I think I used to have sleep apnea but don't believe I do now that I'm AF. It might be worth it to find out if that's my problem however.

      I'm loving my CR and the team. I feel so good after working out no matter how tired I am when I start. Next week my treadmill will be going on an incline!! whoo hoo!! I love these people so much I decided to make a healthy eating/heart quilted wall hanging for them. Bought the material last nite. It's a super easy pattern so I shouldn't have a problem finishing it before I "graduate" in March.

      I've decided to get busy looking for another job again. This one just isn't the right fit. My boss is back to her old tricks of being passive aggressive, critical and snippy with me. I wish she could hear herself sometimes. I am so sick of this. I've endured this type of "management" for 10 years now with 3 different bosses. What is wrong with these people? One of them has gone on to be a VP at a small college. I feel so bad for her reports. She can be wicked nasty!!

      This weekend I start back at the demo job. No idea where I'm going, she hasn't sent the schedule yet. I'm glad I asked for only 1 day instead of 2.

      Dinner tonite was awful! I guess salmon doesn't freeze that well and grean beans are better steamed rather than sauteed. Oh well, live and learn!!

      Have a great nite all!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

        Good morning to all...

        Rusty, your time off sounded and pleasure. Interesting about the 5-HTP helping with your mood. I'll have to research it. Do you order it online? Thanks for our support regarding ending my current employment. It IS stressful finishing up, I hope to be done next week. Due to weather, I was unable to finish up this week so it is draaaagggging on.

        Dill, condolences on the loss of your friend. So hard on the family. I have been baking too to get through this cold snap.

        Pap, it is so hard to work for someone who is stable and has good manners. I think good manners goes a long way: consideration, courtesy, respect. I hate game playing. Just want to do my job with dignity. It sounds like you get good benefits though. Is this current job better than the last though? I have been thinking a lot about work culture as I will soon be starting a new position and it will be different. It always is and you never know what it is like till you are there for some time. So good you like rehab. My friend does too. That would be a great positive place to work.

        Lav, it is important to keep you mind positive and hands busy with productive work. Gratitude helps so much. Thanks for emphasizing the daily life skills that make life good. These are skills that I think we lose when alcohol is a part of our life. Chemically, our bodies tend towards depression the day after, and being positive is a skill that needs practice, probably over time changing the chemicals in our brain.

        Have a good day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

          Hello All,

          Papmom, I don't know how to use my DVD either! I suppose I could learn and if Mr. D wasn't already on top of it I would have to. I am hooked on several shows and would really miss them if I couldn't see them, Downton Abbey being one of them. Also Selfridge's, Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels, Blue Bloods, the Mentalist....I can't think of others right at the moment. I'm glad you are enjoying the rehab. I enjoyed PT when I went. The therapists were so freindly, helpful and supportive, you simply felt loved and cared for! That goes a long way toward recuperation, doesn't it. You are so sweet to make the quilt. Will you show us a pic when you finish please?

          Star, You have a lot of changes on your plate right now. I know you will pace yourself and take a wholesome approach to it all because you just seem to be a very centered person. You have often been a good role model to me in that area. But, just for good measure, I'm sending you hugs! :l:l:l I hope your new work environment turns out to be a good one. I must say tho that I have had many bad experiences with supervisors, especially female ones. They can make life absolutely miserable if you let them get to you. My approach is to be non-reactive and as even as I can be. I am very careful about what I say and how I say it. Those were my survival tools at work!

          Lav, I know you're coming soon! I hope you keep yourself and your hens warm and gather your eggs before they freeze and crack!:H It's actually supposed start to moderate some here today or tomorrow. The 30's will feel tropical!!!!:H

          Thank you everyone for your condolences. I will be making a fruit salad this morning for the family after the service and will gather with my friends to share memories. We had lots of good times together as a staff. (When the supervisors were not around!)

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

            Good morning friends,

            Yay, I see sunshine
            It's still only 9 degrees but oh well :H

            Dill, I retired the entire older flock 2 months ago so I have had no eggs. I have been buying supermarket eggs - just not the same
            I'm not expecting this flock to start laying until late next month although I have already found 4 of those tiny starter eggs - cute
            Hopefully the weather will be a bit milder by the time they start laying in earnest.
            I hope your gathering with friends brings you all some comfort.

            papmom, I actually used a Breathe Right nasal strip last night to see if it made any difference in my sleep quality. I think it did help a little but nothing seems to stop the awakenings (hot flash related or not). I think it's just something else I'm going to have to learn to deal with - nothing more.

            Rusty, glad you're happy with your supplement! Nice to feel like a normal person, don't you think? :H

            Star, I'm sure next week can't come soon enough for you! Hang in there!

            OK, there's some stuff that needs my attention so off I go.
            Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

              Needed a little refresher this week so I looked up one of my favorite spiritual helpers -
              Emotional Freedom Techniques by Dr. Friedemann Schaub
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                Star-you are so right! You just don't know how the culture will be until you get there. The culture at my current job is less inviting than my other job. I had/have good friends there but I think it was easier because when I started I was part of a huge implementation team. We all bonded. Even tho my daily tasks ended up being monotonous the last couple of years, I probably would have stayed if my boss hadn't been such a wing nut. Funny thing is, I would still work for him as a contractor if I could work from home. Something about our in person chemistry just was off but he's like that with everyone.

                At this present job, I am one of only 2 other people who implemented the new software (way smaller scale too). There are some very nice people but after a year I haven't gotten close to anyone and that is unusual for me. My daily tasks are markedly different and some I like better than others. I still wish I had more contact with the students (and I might yet as I am taking over the transfer credit evaluations for our veterans and active duty students-they prefer face to face communication I find), but I do enjoy the training I do with the staff and faculty and many of them have remarked at how good and patient I am. Again, its my boss who really stresses me out. I just feel like i can't do anything right-I don't read emails thoroughly enough, I don't write them correctly, I am not on top of certain things that I didn't even know I should be on top of. I could go on and on. Her tone of voice and the condescension and derisiveness really get under my skin. I try to keep my responses even and apologetic but inside I'm gritting my teeth. Grrrrr. It just doesn't seem worth the commute anymore. Have to do something but not sure what.
                Anyway, I do hope this new job suits you and allows you to do what you do best and receive respect and feel like you are making a difference. Hope the last days/weeks at the old job are tolerable. Please don't give anymore than is necessary!! And take care of yourself!

                Dill-thought of you today. Hope it wasn't too sad!
                What is it with supervisors? I think I am destined NOT to become one because I actually act like a human being and don't have any hidden agendas/ego problems. Glad you could retire when you did!!

                Lav-got up to 30 today!! Snow in our future tho. Hope not too much.
                I have no idea what is waking me up except for last nite. I can totally blame the dogs on the 12 am awakening!! LM had to go out and was insistent!! Grrr.

                I do need to get some food in me. I did my 20 min on the treadmill and tracked my meals so far. Only have 500 calories in me today. Not good.
                Have a great nite!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                  Good morning...

                  Big day, my son is moving out!! Whoo Whoo, I am enjoying it while I can. Up early, I will be here when the movers come as he as to be at the new place. Then off to drop off things in my car, a meeting, then he and I will shop. The peace, quiet, cleanliness. I have experienced it before and loved it, it is what should happen.

                  Pap, I liked my job for a time, but some things happened that I could not tolerate. I had interviewed previously, turned down the position, then called and it was still open. I am lucky. Scared too. But, moving forward and needing a little time off. Supervisors can make or break a job. I have no desire to manage, just want to do my job and do it well. I also love to be left alone, trusted to be professional, no nitpicking. Had that for 5 years, with a super great boss, then he left, I left and now it is continuing. The great thing is, as I leave, I am AF, feeling good, dignity, respect, doing the right things. It feel OK, even with the stress. I know you do a great job, hope you do get to interact with the students more.

                  Dill, hope things went well yesterday and you had a meaningful visit with your friends, some closure. I heard about a new author on NPR, Nancy Horan. Loving Frank is a book about Frank Lloyd Wright, but really about a woman in his life. Another new book is coming out in March and it is about Penny Osborne, the wife of Robert Louis Stevenson. Cool, books about men but from a woman's view and really about the women. I can barely wait to go to the library today, hope I have time.

                  Lav, will look up the new site you posted, thanks. I have been interested in the tapping techniques if that is what it is about. Doing anything for the Super Bowl? I love to make new snacking food, we never have people over as it is a Sunday night. Big drinking night and lots of domestic violence too. Lovely. It has warmed up here, a balmy 28 degrees. I love it!

                  Have a good Friday.

                  Hey, one more thing, tomorrow is February. New name ideas anyone?
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                    Good morning all!

                    Heading to 40 degrees today - yay!!!
                    I hope most of this ugly old snow disappears because I hear more is on the way next week. I can't wait until this winter is over, seriously!!

                    I really don't do the Superbowl thing Star, never have been interested in all that hoopla.
                    Happy moving day to you & your son - nice
                    Friedermann Schaub promotes redirecting your thinking - something that has helped me immensely! I purchased one of his programs years ago for YB. I still don't know if he ever used it, he said he did. Fear & anxiety will keep an individual in their cave - if you know what I mean

                    papmom, there are just some people I can't be around ~ for whatever reason
                    Anyone who leaves me feeling angry, stupid or unsure of myself is just not worth my time. That includes previous employers & so-called friends. Anyone who creates a hostile work environment is an a$$hole in my opinion, that behavior is crosses my boundaries & is not productive. I hope things smooth out for you at work

                    February names? Hmm, will think about that while I lift some weights at Curves.
                    Have a great AF Friday everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                      Hello All,

                      Star, let me know how you get on with the books. Currently I am listening to a Dean Koontz novel, Mr. Murder. When I finish that, I am going to listen to Lav's book suggestion by Daniel Amen, Change your Brain, Change Your Life. Listening to books is great, but it takes longer than actually reading. I enjoy it though because I can do it while doing other things like cleaning, baking, driving, etc.

                      Lav, did you come up with any February names? How about February Freedom Fighters? I agree with you about keeping difficult people out of one's life, but sometimes the difficult people are family members! Then it gets pretty tricky. My DIL is a very difficult person. I would have nothing to do with her if I could, but her children want contact with her, so I am sometimes on the hook to help make that happen. I wish I could just cut her off completely. All I can do is minimize contact.

                      Papmom, your boss sounds like a witch. My former supervisor is just like that. Very critical. Everyone dreads her coming to see them because it is always accompanied by some form of correction....'you could have tried x', 'have you heard of ...'. Never, 'wow, that was great!'

                      Superbowl: Somehow I never get interested enough to watch it, but I get into the foods! I think we will have lots of snacks, a pot of al though. Just soft drinks and water. I may watch the game this year, or some of it, because I really like Peyton Manning.

                      Rusty, where are you? Come out, come out where ever you are!!!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                        Hi all - sorry to be away for a week - it's been a wild ride. Tell you more later, but I arrived to HB just coming down with a terrible bronchial flu (with his big work time just ahead of him over the weekend). Trying to keep him away from my 86 year old mother, who had just flown in, was interesting. I felt so bad for her - all that hacking and hacking, not very relaxing. So Sunday we went to the beginning of a dinner party (that we had begged out of so that I could take care of HB), and just as we were leaving, Mom had an 'incident' (will explain more later), and we called the EMT, and visited the emergency room. Thankfully, she was released late that night, but sheesh. So I've had 2 patients for the last few days. Mom has flown home and is still doing HB and I left one city and now have checked into a hotel in a second city where HB (improved) will do his last bit or work over this weekend.

                        I escaped (my first bit of time alone in over a week) to the hotel lobby to read and catch up with you all.
                        Star - you are a brick to go through all of this, on top of the stuff with your son. So glad that you have been having good times with him - good luck with the move this weekend. Dill - so sorry to hear about your friend - you must be one of the best-est friends in the world - congrats on being AF. Pap, Lav - I am in the same boat with waking up all the time all night, grrr! Rusty - you sound terrific, I think you are the poster girl for 5-HTP!

                        OK, my little vacation is over - gotta go - miss everyone. The light is getting stronger, we are getting closer to spring -
                        to the light


                          Gentle January ~ Week 4 AF

                          Dill - you read my mind!!!
                          I actually had thought of 'February Freedom Fighters' - let's go with that
                          I've had more than my fair share of difficult family members, I understand your predicament with your daughter-in-law. Trying to work out reasonable plans with her is probably not easy. Just do the best you can do - you have been doing great! The kids will always know what you have done for them :l

                          cyn, wow!
                          Sounds like you could have used an extra pair of hands this week!
                          Glad to hear things are settling down for you. Take care of yourself too, OK?

                          Looking forward to a brand new month!!!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

