oops t n cawfee here too
Morning Lav ..how are you today?theres another map if that ones no good...also if you cant print it let me know and I will send you it as an e-mail attachment ..job done.Did you get to curves, or are you back to arctic conditions? here you go warm yer hands on this mug of coffee.yep the soup one is gen.
Mornin ppqp..how are you? glad the weekend went well for you..as for the thistle soup....heres a recipe and info sheet from your part of the world ...enjoy .
Alberta Native Plant Council || Publications
Heres a take out brew for work!
Morning NS....how are you today?my my another wordsmith in the pack? need to watch out else I ll get the sack!!any plans for today?
Hiya Narilly..hey guess what ...its Tuesday and yep yet again no hangover!maybe you n ppqp can share some thistle soup!
Theres always one isnt there?we are all moaning about the shit weather thank you very much ...and wham along comes tt with hi folks its lovely and sunny here..huh thats spoiled it ...we were havin such a lovely moan!! :H so how are you today tt..all that sunshine and a new panorama courtesy of your neighbour? ahemmmmm...the bloody Scots..now would that be a literal bloody????
for your perusal ...just a few more things the bloody Scots did :H
hiya Sam...nice one in dealing with the drinky thoughts...dont seem to get them much now..but its just lie a fly landing on your head ..well it is if you have no hair ...irritates you till you act to get rid of it ..well done mate...as for the blues ..think we are all susceptible to them..irrespective of class creed wealth etc ..and thats when it spanks ya .. so get busy mate..pity I cant take my own advice sometimes!!!
Hiya Yah .....nah you are better off out of it .:l stick to those that are close to you...you can choose your friends but not your family..strange about the bees ..I had the same thought ..and yet mead never even crossed my mind ..it was more nice sugary sweet honey...glad drink isnt an issue ..you know where we are..just yell.
Kuya hows you today?great analogy with the pic...and actually so true..from personal recall!as you say its just a case of reliving scenarios without the alignment to booze...so whats on the cards for you today?
Hiya SL..hows you doing?ok?want to swap some dry roads for wet ones?any plans for today?
Hiya Det..you sound well mate.....as for the thistles reckon any will do....
right peeps ..time to go so take care n have a good one
I've just released my own fragrance.
But no one on this bus seems to like it.
Would you mind if I nicked some milk & sugar?" I asked my neighbour this morning.
"Of course I'd mind," he replied, "I've only had this security job at Tesco for two days."
I was listening to "Let It Go" by Demi Lovato when I farted. I think my body misunderstood the song.
A bunch of random vowels and consonants got arrested last week for leaving a novel without the author's consent.
They are all awaiting sentencing.
I ran over to help a guy that had fallen over in his wheelchair outside the supermarket.
It turned out to be a sick practical joke. Someone had just painted him on the ground.
I opened up a store that sells nothing but beds for children a few weeks ago.
But so far 'Kid Naps' hasn't seen much business for some reason.
"Would you ever leave me for another woman?" Asked my wife.
"Not likely love," I replied,"We're definitely meant for each other."
"Thank you babe," she said," That makes me feel special."
"Well it shouldn't ," I replied,"We're both fecking hideous."
Watched Ringo Starr perform at the GRAMMYs.
Would love to have seen the real star come on afterwards.
Thomas the Tank Engine.
I'm struggling to find a good way of telling my wife that she has bad breath.
But my favourite so far was with a megaphone in a shopping centre.
I own a very small building company.
We specialise in houses for midgets.
I had to take a 60-mile train journey for a simple operation.
I'd hardly call that a local anaesthetic.
A friend said I should try online dating, then I'll be able to find someone just like me.
Personally, I don't want to date a fat, bald man.
