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af Tuesday 28th ish

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    af Tuesday 28th ish

    mae all ...and how are we all today pre hump day..ok I hope ...right hands up anyone with sunny weather...for the rest of us tis rain and back is easing off and was going to go out ..but God having a shower has scuppered that present trying to work out how to connect my laptop to the telly, so that I can play you tube on to it ....there must be a video for everything on there!!!also found a load of back episodes from the television that I want to watch...see what a stressful life...anyway without further ado lets get the show on the road.

    oops t n cawfee here too

    Morning Lav are you today?theres another map if that ones no good...also if you cant print it let me know and I will send you it as an e-mail attachment ..job done.Did you get to curves, or are you back to arctic conditions? here you go warm yer hands on this mug of coffee.yep the soup one is gen.

    Mornin are you? glad the weekend went well for for the thistle soup....heres a recipe and info sheet from your part of the world ...enjoy .

    Alberta Native Plant Council || Publications

    Heres a take out brew for work!

    Morning are you today?my my another wordsmith in the pack? need to watch out else I ll get the sack!!any plans for today?

    Hiya Narilly..hey guess what ...its Tuesday and yep yet again no hangover!maybe you n ppqp can share some thistle soup!

    Theres always one isnt there?we are all moaning about the shit weather thank you very much ...and wham along comes tt with hi folks its lovely and sunny here..huh thats spoiled it ...we were havin such a lovely moan!! :H so how are you today tt..all that sunshine and a new panorama courtesy of your neighbour? ahemmmmm...the bloody would that be a literal bloody????
    for your perusal ...just a few more things the bloody Scots did :H

    hiya Sam...nice one in dealing with the drinky thoughts...dont seem to get them much now..but its just lie a fly landing on your head ..well it is if you have no hair ...irritates you till you act to get rid of it ..well done for the blues ..think we are all susceptible to them..irrespective of class creed wealth etc ..and thats when it spanks ya .. so get busy mate..pity I cant take my own advice sometimes!!!

    Hiya Yah .....nah you are better off out of it .:l stick to those that are close to can choose your friends but not your family..strange about the bees ..I had the same thought ..and yet mead never even crossed my mind was more nice sugary sweet honey...glad drink isnt an issue know where we are..just yell.

    Kuya hows you today?great analogy with the pic...and actually so true..from personal recall!as you say its just a case of reliving scenarios without the alignment to whats on the cards for you today?

    Hiya SL..hows you doing?ok?want to swap some dry roads for wet ones?any plans for today?

    Hiya sound well for the thistles reckon any will do....

    right peeps ..time to go so take care n have a good one

    I've just released my own fragrance.

    But no one on this bus seems to like it.

    Would you mind if I nicked some milk & sugar?" I asked my neighbour this morning.

    "Of course I'd mind," he replied, "I've only had this security job at Tesco for two days."

    I was listening to "Let It Go" by Demi Lovato when I farted. I think my body misunderstood the song.

    A bunch of random vowels and consonants got arrested last week for leaving a novel without the author's consent.

    They are all awaiting sentencing.

    I ran over to help a guy that had fallen over in his wheelchair outside the supermarket.

    It turned out to be a sick practical joke. Someone had just painted him on the ground.

    I opened up a store that sells nothing but beds for children a few weeks ago.

    But so far 'Kid Naps' hasn't seen much business for some reason.

    "Would you ever leave me for another woman?" Asked my wife.

    "Not likely love," I replied,"We're definitely meant for each other."

    "Thank you babe," she said," That makes me feel special."

    "Well it shouldn't ," I replied,"We're both fecking hideous."

    Watched Ringo Starr perform at the GRAMMYs.

    Would love to have seen the real star come on afterwards.

    Thomas the Tank Engine.

    I'm struggling to find a good way of telling my wife that she has bad breath.

    But my favourite so far was with a megaphone in a shopping centre.

    I own a very small building company.

    We specialise in houses for midgets.

    I had to take a 60-mile train journey for a simple operation.

    I'd hardly call that a local anaesthetic.

    A friend said I should try online dating, then I'll be able to find someone just like me.

    Personally, I don't want to date a fat, bald man.

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af Tuesday 28th ish

    had to put this list separate ..told me I had too many words here you go ...the bloody Scots :H:H:H

    Macadamised roads (the basis for, but not specifically, tarmac): John Loudon McAdam (1756?1836)
    The pedal bicycle: Attributed to both Kirkpatrick Macmillan (1813?1878) and Thomas McCall (1834?1904)
    The pneumatic tyre: Robert William Thomson and John Boyd Dunlop (1822?1873)
    The overhead valve engine: David Dunbar Buick (1854?1929)

    Tubular steel: Sir William Fairbairn (1789?1874)
    The Falkirk wheel: Initial designs by Nicoll Russell Studios, Architects and engineers Binnie Black and Veatch (Opened 2002)
    The patent slip for docking vessels: Thomas Morton (1781?1832)
    The Drummond Light: Thomas Drummond (1797?1840)
    Canal design: Thomas Telford (1757?1834)
    Dock design improvements: John Rennie (1761?1821)
    Crane design improvements: James Bremner (1784?1856)

    Aircraft design: Frank Barnwell (1910) Establishing the fundamentals of aircraft design at the University of Glasgow.

    Condensing steam engine improvements: James Watt (1736?1819)
    Thermodynamic cycle: William John Macquorn Rankine (1820?1872
    Coal-gas lighting: William Murdoch (1754?1839)
    The Stirling heat engine: Rev. Robert Stirling (1790?1878)
    Carbon brushes for dynamos: George Forbes (1849?1936)
    The Clerk cycle gas engine: Sir Dugald Clerk (1854?1932)
    The wave-powered electricity generator: by South African Engineer Stephen Salter in 1977
    The Pelamis Wave Energy Converter ("red sea snake" wave energy device): Richard Yemm, 1998

    Europe's first passenger steamboat: Henry Bell (1767?1830)
    The first iron-hulled steamship: Sir William Fairbairn (1789?1874)
    The first practical screw propeller: Robert Wilson (1803?1882)
    Marine engine innovations: James Howden (1832?1913)
    John Elder & Charles Randolph (Marine Compound expansion engine

    Lieutenant-General Sir David Henderson two areas:
    Field intelligence. Argued for the establishment of the Intelligence Corps. Wrote Field Intelligence: Its Principles and Practice (1904) and Reconnaissance (1907) on the tactical intelligence of modern warfare during World War I.
    Royal Air Force. Considered instrumental in the foundation of the British Royal Air Force.
    United States Navy. Created largely by John Paul Jones, who was born in Kirkcudbrightshire.
    Special forces: Founded by Sir David Stirling and other Scottish Royal Marines, the SAS was created in World War Two in the North Africa campaign to go behind enemy lines to destroy and disrupt the enemy. Since then it as been regarded as the most famous and influential special forces that has inspired other countries to form their own special forces too.

    Coal mining extraction in the sea on an artificial island by Sir George Bruce of Carnock (1575). Regarded as one of the industrial wonders of the late medieval period
    Making cast steel from wrought iron: David Mushet (1772?1847)
    Wrought iron sash bars for glass houses: John C. Loudon (1783?1865)
    The hot blast oven: James Beaumont Neilson (1792?1865)
    The steam hammer: James Nasmyth (1808?1890)
    Wire rope: Robert Stirling Newall (1812?1889)
    Steam engine improvements: William Mcnaught (1831?1881)
    The Fairlie, a narrow gauge, double-bogie railway engine: Robert Francis Fairlie (1831?1885)
    Cordite - Sir James Dewar, Sir Frederick Abel (1889)

    Threshing machine improvements: James Meikle (c.1690-c.1780) & Andrew Meikle (1719?1811)
    Hollow pipe drainage: Sir Hew Dalrymple, Lord Drummore (1700?1753)
    The Scotch plough: James Anderson of Hermiston (1739?1808)
    Deanstonisation soil-drainage system: James Smith (1789?1850)
    The mechanical reaping machine: Rev. Patrick Bell (1799?1869)
    The Fresno scraper: James Porteous (1848?1922)
    The Tuley tree shelter: Graham Tuley in 1979

    Print stereotyping: William Ged (1690?1749)
    Roller printing: Thomas Bell (patented 1783)
    The adhesive postage stamp and the postmark: James Chalmers (1782?1853)
    Universal Standard Time: Sir Sandford Fleming (1827?1915
    Light signalling between ships: Admiral Philip H. Colomb
    The telephone: Alexander Graham Bell (1847?1922)
    The teleprinter: Frederick G. Creed (1871?1957)
    The first working television, and colour television; John Logie Baird (1888?1946)
    Radar: Robert Watson-Watt (1892?1973)[
    The underlying principles of Radio - James Clerk Maxwell (1831?1879)
    The automated teller machine and Personal Identification Number system - James Goodfellow (born 1937)

    The first edition of the Encyclop?dia Britannica (1768?81)
    The first English textbook on surgery(1597)
    The first modern pharmacopaedia, William Cullen (1776). The book became 'Europe?s principal text on the classification and treatment of disease'. His ideas survive in the terms nervous energy and neuroses (a word that Cullen coined)
    The first postcards and picture postcards in the UK
    The first eBook from a UK administration (March 2012). Scottish Government publishes 'Your Scotland, Your Referendum'.
    The educational foundation of Ophthalmology: Stewart Duke-Elder in his ground breaking work including ?Textbook of Ophthalmology and fifteen volumes of System of Ophthalmology?

    Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie, born in Kirriemuir, Angus
    Long John Silver and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson
    John Bull: by John Arbuthnot although seen as a national personification of the United Kingdom in general, and England in particular,the character of John Bull was invented by Arbuthnot in 1712
    Logarithms: John Napier (1550?1617)[
    Modern Economics founded by Adam Smith (1776) 'The father of modern economics' with the publication of The Wealth of Nations.
    Modern Sociology: Adam Ferguson (1767) ?The Father of Modern Sociology? with his work An Essay on the History of Civil Society
    Hypnotism: James Braid (1795?1860) the Father of Hypnotherapy
    Tropical medicine: Sir Patrick Manson known as the father of Tropical Medicine
    Modern Geology: James Hutton ?The Founder of Modern Geology]
    The theory of Uniformitarianism: James Hutton (1788): a fundamental principle of Geology the features of the geologic time takes millions of years.]
    The theory of electromagnetism: James Clerk Maxwell (1831?1879
    The discovery of the Composition of Saturn?s Rings James Clerk Maxwell (1859): determined the rings of Saturn were composed of numerous small particles, all independently orbiting the planet. At the time it was generally thought the rings were solid. The Maxwell Ringlet and Maxwell Gap were named in his honor
    The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution by James Clerk Maxwell (1860): the basis of the kinetic theory of gases, that speeds of molecules in a gas will change at different temperatures. The original theory first hypothesised by Maxwell and confirmed later in conjunction with Ludwig Boltzmann.[
    Popularising the decimal point: John Napier (1550?1617)
    The first theory of the Higgs boson by Anglo-ScotPeter Higgs particle-physics theorist at the University of Edinburgh (1964) ]
    The Gregorian telescope: James Gregory (1638?1675)
    The discovery of Proxima Centauri, the closest known star to the Sun, by Robert Innes (1861?1933)
    One of the earliest measurements of distance to the Alpha Centauri star system, the closest such system outside of the Solar System, by Thomas Henderson (1798?1844)
    The discovery of Centaurus A, a well?known starburst galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus, by James Dunlop (1793?1848)
    The discovery of the Horsehead Nebula in the constellation of Orion, by Williamina Fleming (1857?1911)
    The world's first oil refinery and a process of extracting paraffin from coal laying the foundations for the modern oil industry: James Young (1811?1883
    The concept of latent heat: Joseph Black (1728?1799)
    Discovering the properties of Carbon dioxide: Joseph Black (1728?1799)
    The concept of Heat capacity: Joseph Black (1728?1799)
    The pyroscope, atmometer and aethrioscope scientific instruments: Sir John Leslie (1766?1832) [89]
    Identifying the nucleus in living cells: Robert Brown (1773?1858)
    Incandescent light bulb: James Bowman Lindsay (1799-1862)
    Colloid chemistry: Thomas Graham (1805?1869)
    The kelvin SI unit of temperature: William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824?1907)
    Devising the diagramatic system of representing chemical bonds: Alexander Crum Brown (1838?1922)
    Criminal fingerprinting: Henry Faulds (1843?1930)
    The noble gases: Sir William Ramsay (1852?1916)
    The cloud chamber recording of atoms: Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869?1959) [97][98]
    The discovery of the Wave of Translation, leading to the modern general theory of solitons by John Scott Russell (1808-1882)
    Statistical graphics: William Playfair founder of the first statistical line charts, bar charts, and pie charts in (1786) and (1801) known as a scientific ?milestone? in statistical graphs and data visualization[
    The Arithmetic mean density of the Earth: Nevil Maskelyne conducted the Schiehallion experiment conducted at the Scottish mountain of Schiehallion, Perthshire 1774[
    The first isolation of methylated sugars, trimethyl and tetramethyl glucose: James Irvine
    Discovery of the Japp?Klingemann reaction: to synthesize hydrazones from β-keto-acids (or β-keto-esters) and aryl diazonium salts 1887
    Pioneering work on nutrition and poverty: John Boyd Orr (1880?1971)
    Ferrocene synthetic substances: Peter Ludwig Pauson in 1955 ]
    The first cloned mammal (Dolly the Sheep): Was conducted in The Roslin Institute research centre in 1996
    The seismometer innovations thereof: James David Forbes
    Metaflex fabric innovations thereof: University of St. Andrews (2010) application of the first manufacturing fabrics that manipulate light in bending it around a subject. Before this such light manipulating atoms were fixed on flat hard surfaces. The team at St Andrews are the first to develop the concept to fabric.
    Tractor beam innovations thereof: St. Andrews University (2013) the worlds first to succeed in creating a functioning Tractor beam that pulls objects on a microscopic level
    Macaulayite: Dr. Jeff Wilson of the Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen.
    several modern athletics events, i.e. shot put and the hammer throw,derive from Highland Games and earlier 12th century Scotland
    Gaelic handball The modern game of handball is first recorded in Scotland in 1427, when King James I an ardent handball player had his men block up a cellar window in his palace courtyard that was interfering with his game.
    Cycling, invention of the pedal-cycle
    Golf (see Golf in Scotland)
    Shinty The history of Shinty as a non-standardised sport pre-dates Scotland the Nation. The rules were standardised in the 19th century by Archibald Chisholm
    Rugby sevens: Ned Haig and David Sanderson (1883) [119]manin the 1920s

    Pioneering the use of surgical anaesthesia with Chloroform: Sir James Young Simpson (1811?1870)
    The hypodermic syringe: Alexander Wood (1817?1884)
    Transplant rejection: Professor Thomas Gibson (1940s) the first medical doctor to understand the relationship between donor graft tissue and host tissue rejection and tissue transplantation by his work on aviation burns victims during World War II.
    The ultrasound scanner: Ian Donald (1910?1987) [
    The MRI body scanner: John Mallard and James Huchinson from (1974?1980) [
    Discovery of hypnotism (November 1841): James Braid (1795?1860) [
    Identifying the mosquito as the carrier of malaria: Sir Ronald Ross (1857?1932)
    Identifying the cause of brucellosis: Sir David Bruce (1855?1931)
    Discovering the vaccine for typhoid fever: Sir William B. Leishman (1865?1926)
    Discovering the Human papillomavirus vaccine Ian Frazer (2006): the second cancer preventing vaccine, and the world?s first vaccine designed to prevent a cancer[
    Discovering insulin: John J R Macleod (1876?1935) with others [
    Penicillin: Sir Alexander Fleming (1881?1955)
    General anaesthetic - Pionered by Scotsman James Young Simpson and Englishman John Snow
    The establishment of standardized Ophthalmology University College London: Stewart Duke-Elder a pioneering Ophthalmologist[
    The first hospital Radiation therapy unit John Macintyre (1902): to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries and illness at Glasgow Royal Infirmary
    Pioneering of X-ray cinematography by John Macintyre (1896): the first moving real time X-ray image and the first KUB X-ray diagnostic image of a kidney stone in situ[131][132][133]
    The Haldane effect a property of hemoglobin first described by John Scott Haldane (1907)
    Oxygen Therapy John Scott Haldane (1922): with the publication of ?The Theraputic Administration of Oxygen Therapy? beginning the modern era of Oxygen therapy
    Ambulight PDT: light-emitting sticking plaster used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) for treating non-melanoma skin cancer. Developed by Ambicare Dundee's Ninewells Hospital and St Andrews University. (2010)[
    Discovering an effective tuberculosis treatment: Sir John Crofton in the 1950s
    Primary creator of the artificial kidney (Professor Kenneth Lowe - Later Queen's physician in Scotland)
    Developing the first beta-blocker drugs: Sir James W. Black in 1964
    Developing modern asthma therapy based both on bronchodilation (salbutamol) and anti-inflammatory steroids (beclomethasone dipropionate) : Sir David Jack in 1972
    Glasgow coma scale: Graham Teasdale and Bryan J. Jennett (1974)
    Glasgow Anxiety Scale J.Mindham and C.A Espie (2003)
    Glasgow Depression Scale Fiona Cuthill (2003): the first accurate self-report scale to measure the levels of depression in people with learning disabilities
    EKG [Electrocardiography]: Alexander Muirhead (1911)
    The first Decompression tables John Scott Haldane (1908): to calculate the safe return of deep-sea divers to surface atmospheric pressure

    The television John Logie Baird (1923)
    The British Broadcasting Corporation BBC: John Reith, 1st Baron Reith (1922) its founder, first general manager and Director-general of the British Broadcasting Corporation[145]
    The refrigerator: William Cullen (1748) [146]
    The first electric bread toaster: Alan MacMasters (1893)
    The flush toilet: Alexander Cummings (1775)
    The Dewar flask: Sir James Dewar (1847?1932)
    The first distiller to triple distill Irish whiskey:]John Jameson (Whisky distiller)
    The piano footpedal: John Broadwood (1732?1812) [150]
    The first automated can-filling machine John West (1809?1888)
    The waterproof macintosh: Charles Macintosh (1766?1843)
    The kaleidoscope: Sir David Brewster (1781?1868)
    Keiller's marmalade Janet Keiller (1797) - The first recipe of rind suspended marmalade or Dundee marmalade produced in Dundee.
    The modern lawnmower: Alexander Shanks (1801?1845)
    The Lucifer friction match: Sir Isaac Holden (1807?1897)
    The self filling pen: Robert Thomson (1822?1873)
    Cotton-reel thread: J & J Clark of Paisley [
    Lime cordial: Lauchlan Rose in 1867
    Bovril beef extract: John Lawson Johnston in 1874
    The electric clock: Alexander Bain (1840)
    Chemical Telegraph (Automatic Telegraphy) Alexander Bain (1846) In England Bain's telegraph was used on the wires of the Electric Telegraph Company to a limited extent, and in 1850 it was used in America.
    Weapons innovations

    The carronade cannon: Robert Melville (1723?1809)
    The Ferguson rifle: Patrick Ferguson in 1770 or 1776
    The Lee bolt system as used in the Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield series rifles: James Paris Lee
    The Ghillie suit
    The percussion cap: invented by Scottish Presbyterian clergyman Alexander Forsyth
    Boys' Brigade
    Bank of England devised by William Paterson
    Bank of France devised by John Law
    The industrialisation and modernisation of Japan by Thomas Blake Glover
    Kirin Brewing Company founded by Thomas Blake Glover
    Colour photography: the first known permanent colour photograph was taken by James Clerk Maxwell (1831?1879)
    Safetray invented by Alison Grieve
    Buick Motor Company by David Dunbar Buick
    New York Herald newspaper by James Gordon Bennett, Sr.
    Pinkerton National Detective Agency by Allan Pinkerton
    Forbes Magazine by B. C. Forbes]

    The establishment of modern Indian educational institutions: Alexander Duff the establishment of mass Hindu education thereof[
    The establishment of a standardized botanical institute: Isaac Bayley Balfour major reform, development of botanical science, the concept of garden infrastructure therein improving scientific facilities
    London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine: founded by Sir Patrick Manson in 1899

    oops didnt think the list was going to be as long
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af Tuesday 28th ish

      Morning MIck. Yes that is an impressive list!

      I am watching a doco called
      Alcohol Will Kill You. It's free on YouTube

      Bloody good - about the AL industry in the UK and Europe and also about liver damage. I think it's a new doco. Well worth looking at


        af Tuesday 28th ish

        will have look at it tt
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af Tuesday 28th ish

          Morning all, a quick pop in... saw that Pete Seeger died.

          Liberated 5/11/2013


            af Tuesday 28th ish

            Good morning Abbers!

            Mick, have you read everything on that list yet? :H
            Looks like the Scots have been busy - how did they find time to drink??
            Haven't tried printing the map yet, that's on today's todo list.
            I did get to Curves yesterday, skipping today because I have work awaiting. Still freezing cold, the sun is trying to make an appearance

            Sam, sorry yesterday was so rough for you. I just mentioned on another thread that I don't like being left alone with my thoughts.....can be dangerous. This time of the year is especially difficult I think. I have to pull out all stops to keep myself from 'living in my head'. That includes a healthy eating plan, exercise, an herbal mood stabilizer & getting myself out & about with other living, breathing human beings. I am fortunate to have access to the beautiful Longwood Gardens. My membership is my gift to myself for being such a good girl these past 5 years
            RIP Pete Seeger! Saw him many times back in my college days.

            YahYah, we have a lot in common including mentally ill relatives. Disconnecting ourselves from them is certainly difficult but a necessity. No good ever comes from being dragged into their deranged thinking. It's especially harsh when there are kids involved, I really feel sorry for them.
            I flat out refuse to be dragged into anyone's drama ever again. I can't fix them so I'm not even going to try.

            Greetings TT - Moosewood cookbooks
            Mollie Katzen

            Greetings Det, PQ, narilly, kuya, NS, SL & everyone!
            Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Tuesday 28th ish

              Mae everybody,i havent been around in a bit because ive been bad! dunno why,just was,i love and respecteverybody on this thread and you all live happily sober,i dont want to be the annoying,drunk relative who keeps showing up at your home,so ive kept my distance,you guys are wonderful though,have a good tuesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                af Tuesday 28th ish

                Samstone - too bad about Pete Seeger the folk music community has lost another great one.


                  af Tuesday 28th ish

                  Lav - the Scots invented the word 'functioning alcoholic' - don't tell the Irish!


                    af Tuesday 28th ish

                    Sorry about Pete Seger.

                    Here's the link to the new UK documentary on the AL industry

          [/video]]Alcohol Will Kill You - Full Documentary [UNDISPUTED TRUTH] - YouTube

                    I also did a rant/review under the general discussion thread.

                    Its Wed here already but I won't start the thread yet.

                    Good to see you back Pauly - as Lav and I have suggested - there do seem to be patterns in your binge drinking - hormonal, family/emotional pressures - have you written down a diary to plot the timing? It can just be short-hand.


                      af Tuesday 28th ish

                      Morning everyone,
                      TT, I will check that out.
                      Functioning alcoholic, ya I thought I was one of those....

                      I guess it depends on what your definition of "Functioning" is!

                      Pauly, glad you posted.

                      Mick, the dog picture was funny.

                      Lav, how are you doing with the weather? Don't let it scare you away from exercise!

                      Take it easy everyone.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        af Tuesday 28th ish

                        Narilly ...heres another one

                        that was an interesting vid tt ...that size of glass that woman had of wine.....just over 2 glasses to the bottle!!!

                        as for the jocks and whisky....

                        The first distiller to triple distill Irish whiskey:]John Jameson (Whisky distiller)

                        Yeeees !!!!!!!!!!!!

                        hiya Pauly ...whats going on mate?
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          af Tuesday 28th ish

                          Mick, Hahaha, that is good.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            af Tuesday 28th ish

                            Cleaning out a cupboard and discovered old poems I wrote decades ago. Some I have kept but others so clearly the ramblings of a drunk, tortured young woman. Tossed them out. Don't want them found after my funeral!


                              af Tuesday 28th ish

                              TT, I watched that video. What an eye opener. I wish I would have watched it a long time ago. Thank you for that.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014

