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af Tuesday 28th ish

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    af Tuesday 28th ish

    Quick pop in when at work - have a bored meeting tonight - oops, that would be board meeting - I need an attitude adjustment.
    Likely home around 11pm, then have a meeting at 9am tomorrow, with at least a two hour commute - too much work!
    Det - I am over by the airport tonight, so maybe sharing the same air!!!
    Good you came in Pauly - I totally get how you feel about coming in here when being a bit bad, do the same myslef, but not sure that it is the best for me....
    See you later - if I survive this (and airport hotel dinner :upset
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      af Tuesday 28th ish

      ahoy ABerooooos!

      got in early to the hotel this eve which is nice. Drivers here are out of their freaking minds! ommmm ommmm.....

      looks like the Scots are taking over the world! wow. I didn't see the invention of the haggis on this list tho

      Scottish Lass, I'm very close to the San Mateo airport, same one? warning: don't eat at the bistro in the Holiday Inn! icky!

      my sobriety plan for tonight is NOT watching the state of the union address on telly.

      had fabulous lamb kabobs at my fav Afghani restaurant today, that was fun. wonder what adventure awaits me tonight....

      be well peeps, I'll be back later
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        af Tuesday 28th ish

        Afternoon all

        Mick the spider one made me LOL for real!

        Pauly ...sorry you had such a bad few days, as suggested keep a diary to see if any patterns emerge.

        TT that doco was scary but simply confirms that big business rules and alcohol abuse will only receive then attention it deserves when those thirty-something's are getting liver transplants. It is JUST like smoking...... Too little too late.


          af Tuesday 28th ish

          MAE ALL...thought I posted this morning but I guess not.

          Just home from work and am very tired. It's been a stressful couple of days with the boss double booking a room resulting in me trying to find someplace else for one of the renters to go.
          I think the boss should be dealing with this, not me. :stomper: (I always think of you KY when I get to use "stomper" lol)

          Det...sounding good and I like your sobriety plan for tonight, think I'll borrow it.

 am I glad I am done with those late night meetings. Well except for the community garden meetings but I get to set those times. Hope you get a restful sleep once you get home, you're going to need it.

          Narilly...not looking forward to tomorrows drop in temps and more snow on the way. :upset:

          Mick...going to print off the Scottish posting for bathroom reading material. :H

          TT...started to watch the video but didn't get through the slicing of the liver. Will have to try again when I'm not thinking of dinner.

          :hallo: to all I missed, will do better tomorrow. Dinner and an early bedtime for me....PPQP


            af Tuesday 28th ish

            Hi - trying to get enthusiasm, finding it easier to avoid!
            Ppq - my old cure was a glass of wine - one of the few times when I only had a glass or two, and it worked - need to find something else!
            Det - yup, in Burlingame - no choice where I eat, will be Hilton catered meal - fish or chicken no doubt! Lamb kebabs sounds wonderful ( have to get it spelt correctly thou!)
            I will need to check out that documentary later
            Ok - better get out of the car huh???
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              af Tuesday 28th ish

              scottish lass;1619816 wrote: Ok - better get out of the car huh???

              Hope you're not up too late tonight...:l


                af Tuesday 28th ish

                Hi Stomper:stomper: hope you get some well deserved rest.

                I closed my eyes when they sliced up the liver. I am not into visual images of body parts - healthy or diseased.:l


                  af Tuesday 28th ish

                  ah so... kebab, not kabab. noted!

                  have to share the fortune from my fortune cookie after a great black-bean fish dish I had:
                  'happiness is not pleasure, it's victory'

                  hmmmm I like that. I do maintain that it's also pleasant to be happy
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    af Tuesday 28th ish

                    Finally we have reached an agreement on food-faves.
                    Fish in Black bean sauce. Yumskins!


                      af Tuesday 28th ish

                      yeah...they forgot the vegemite
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

