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Tuesday May 15th

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    Tuesday May 15th

    Good Morning.
    I've got five minutes before I go to work.
    I'll not have access to a comp until I get back on Friday, so enjoy the week everyone.

    Tuesday May 15th

    Gday Paul,

    Good to read you. I'm pretty stressed out all this week, too. Will only post sporadically this week.

    Hey guys, what's happening to the GUY'S group? Is that a LAME DUCK GROUP or what? Betty Boop is dead right with saying it should be renamed!

    Stay safe!
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Tuesday May 15th

      good morning all, have a good tuesday. Love, Bella xxx


        Tuesday May 15th

        Good Morning everyone! - craaazy day today - huge project at school finally being staged this afternoon/evening so 2 months of stress coming to a head - wondering what to do tonight rather than hitting the bottle of wine, as this is a time I would definitely have at least one, if not 2 lined up - A nice cup of tea just doesn't hack it somehow! At least Thursday and Friday are off (well no kids at school at least so will have time for marking, reports, planning, etc.).

        Have a great one everyone - hope all's well in absville! :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          Tuesday May 15th

          Hello all. I just checked outside where thunderstorms are starting up. It smells so good. Hope the day is a good one for all.

          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            Tuesday May 15th

            Morning All!

            Pop~already said it-will miss you.

            Paddy-that's one thing from me....I don't set foot in the Guy's section-a man's gotta have another sacred place besides the thrown in the washroom.....

            Hi Bella-nice to see you

            Hey Arial-I just survived my stressful 2 weeks (my worst drinking triggers included) AF where I WOULD of drank in the past. And knowing I made it AF has made me feel empowered. I can do anything now. Here's sending you positive vibes!

            hi bear-oh I love that smell! One of my favs after freshly cut lawns.

            Aah, everything has finally calmed down in the Breezy residence. I do have my nehew's Communion on Saturdarday but it' no biggie. Off to mow my parent's lawn. Happy Tuesday everyone.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Tuesday May 15th

              Happy Tuesday AB-landers.
              had a super workout last night...even have a big scuff on my face...looks like I've been in a fight. First hard workout since before my trip so it's SORE city for it!

              Arial, lot's of great treats for celebrating....going out for ice cream/sorbe` or some nicer restaurants will have freshly squeezed juices that are a real treat (if you're going out) it's much easier for me at home because I can be creative and mix fruit juices with sparkling water etc.

              miss you Popeye...

              Bella XXX

              Happy lighting storm MD

              Paddy, I'm going to cruise over to guys group today and see if I can stir something up.

              be well everyone!!!!!!!!!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tuesday May 15th

                Hey everybody..going a little nuts today. It shouldn't matter, but it's driving me crazy that I feel like I have to justify my quitting my job to my family, in particular. My husband and I have a plan and are excited...and prepared...but everyone is giving me that 'look' I should stay for the 'benefits' and the 'retirement' plan...ARGH! As if that hasn't been the reason I've stayed as long as I have, and as if I haven't thought about it...I'm very well aware of the risk I'm taking...I really don't need those little voices jabbing at me...what they don't know is that I'm willing to take the risk instead of living the rest of my working life out in 'drone'sville' with all the other unhappy campers.

                OK, exhaling's a bit scary..I've had my buttons pushed since I got up this morning..a drink sounds good, but I'm NOT going there.

                Thank goodness for people here who have said, 'go for it'!!!!


                  Tuesday May 15th

                  Hello, have only 1 real day off this week and that's tomorrow! Looking forward to relaxing, this was very busy and my whole body is TIRED! Started a new diet ... will give it a week to click, if not, fine I'll just be proud to be AF for 16 days!
                  "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                    Tuesday May 15th


                    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! - Just came in from my school evening which went brilliantly so I had justified to myself opening a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate - had it in the freezer chilling and came on here while I waited - now instead I have a lovely bowl of ice cream beside me, taken the bottle out of the freezer and will start checking out the fruit juices! You're right - there are so many other ways to celebrate, so thanks for the reminders - Breez, I'll hopefully feel as good tomorrow as you and D I'll let you know if I find any exciting concoctions...!

                    Dilayne - so glad to hear you're going ahead with your plans - don't worry about other people. Having lived internationally for many years you get used to people not understanding the ability to walk away from the easy path, to walk away from that pension etc. It takes courage which you obviously have - there's a great quote I read which I'll mis-quote here about not following a ready made path, but having the courage to make a new track for others to follow - that's what you're doing now and I so admire you for it!

                    Take care all, and thanks again - got to go finish my icecream before it melts!
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Tuesday May 15th

                      Thank you Arial! REALLY! Enjoy your ice cream! I can't think of a better way to celebrate! :0)


                        Tuesday May 15th

                        Lady Di, it's your life and you gotta live it. I am very proud of your decision to fly on your own. Maybe you won't make as much money, but you will be happier. You will have more time to care for yourself. This sturggle with sobriety takes time, and effort. I am behind you 100%.
                        Hugs to you girlfriend.


                          Tuesday May 15th

                          Hey Di~

                          I did something similar to you - I left a good paying state job. Everyone thought I was crazy & probably still do as I am still trying to work towards a new career. I had my reasons. I also had a husband who supported my craziness.
                          It's your life & you will only live it once. I say: Kudos to you!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Tuesday May 15th

                            Thanks Mona and Breeze! I feel good about it 99.9% of the time...and .1% is just dealing with other people's negative and non trusting attitudes..but I think I'm past that. Counting down now. Besides, there is a good chance I'll make more money once I set my mind to it and have more fun..but for now, I'm going to try to just 'be' for a little least for June!
                            thanks again!


                              Tuesday May 15th

                              Hey Di.......I lkie that.....just "Be"!
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

