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Newbies in need - Day 15!

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    Newbies in need - Day 15!

    Good Morning everyone out there, isn't this such a wonderful site with each and every one of us helping each other through each trying day without alcohol or trying to moderate it or whatever. I have never felt this incentive before and it is because all of you members are helping me so much each and every day, thank you so much for being there.

    Starting day 9 AF for me and still awaiting the package from the States and still haven't put temptation in my way yet. Congratulations to all those of you who have the temptation in front of them and can still get over it, WOW. Have not slept like this in years it is wonderful to have such a deep sleep, a reward in itself for not drinking.

    Janice I hope your Mum is maybe a bit better today and thank goodness her brain scan was clear. I hope that you are getting answers from the DRs and that the outlook will be good. This is such a terrible time for you and yet you are coping with so many other issues and doing so well and all at the same time. Well Done.

    Amanda, please don't beat yourself up, you have done and are still doing so very well, we will all slip up from time to time and as all your other friends are telling you, just jump back on the bandwagon, we are waiting for you. You have so much going on with the B&B, come back on the bandwagon even if it's in moderation.
    This is what we tend to do isn't it, we abstain, then we think we are safe so we start off at a few glasses and then all of a sudden it's taken hold and we can't get enough of the stuff. But it's never too late Amanda you know that don't you? Today is another day, we can do this together, whether it be in moderation or AF. If you do decide to drink tonight try putting the kettle on before you get to the point of no return, and have a cup of tea and a biscuit that might break the drinking rhythm, just try hard to make the psychological effort to put the kettle on. Good luck and speak to you later.

    Nancy, thanks for the info on the non-alco wine, it's interesting to see what methods we all have, I've never tried it but maybe will give it a go.

    Adaptable, Good Luck with your Drs check-up and congrats. for your day 6, Long may it continue.

    Bird - Congrats, I hope you don't feel too tired today and that you remember yours supps etc.

    Grooveroftheheart, you have a lot on your plate also and think it would be a great idea to seek out the less bingy friends at the w/e. Good luck.

    Can't mention everyone as we are soooooo many but we are all thinking of each and everyone of us. Good luck for today, Tuesday 15 May. Have a great day!

    Bluesky XX
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain

    Newbies in need - Day 15!

    I am on a new road today. Day one Af!!!!! I have been on this site for sometime now but have not spent much time reading the post and after reading them tonight I feel good like I am not so alone anymore. Thanks


      Newbies in need - Day 15!

      right on Bluesky and Luckyone, you ought to feel proud

      it's easy to forget how great good sleep is...sigh...getting sleepy just thinking about it!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)

