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thursday 30
thursday 30
mae all....just a quick jump in too start...this is done on my phone so scuse the spelling etc..wasnt going to go out today ..but decided that I would so on my jaunts at the moment .hope everyone is ok..coffeee avaiable if you want to share this flask ..have a great day cyaaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12Tags: None
thursday 30
Good morning Abbers!
Thanks for the coffee Mick but I think I need to make more
I hope you are careful, doing whatever you are doing - don't reinjure yourself!!!!
Sunny & 9 degrees here at the moment but I hear the temp is actually going ABOVE freezing for the next 3 days - yay! I hope all this snow melts, getting sick of looking at it, to be honest.
Greetings to everyone & I'm sure I'll stop in later.
Wishing a terrific AF Thursday for all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
thursday 30
MAE all! I am not quite the thread starter that Mick is, but I wish each and every one a good day or evening.
Happy to report that there has been NO DRAMA in my life for 36 hours now. :H I am sure enjoying it.
Oh, hi, Lav! It's about 6 degrees here! I am in complete agreement about the snow--time for it to get outta here! I'm sure your chickies would like some quality time outside as well.
So hey everyone, make it a good one!
YahYahAF as of August 5th, 2012
thursday 30
A chilly start but the sun is out and we're to be in the 30's today. The other day when it was 20 I thought it warm... I know to our northern friends, we just whining about nothing!
Have a good one everybody, see you on the flip side.Liberated 5/11/2013
thursday 30
MAE folks - posting this on Friday morning where Lav, Sam and Mick - it is sunny and warm! Daughter starts back at school today so morning chaos has returned - actually very calm today.
Haven't made the thistle soup or the blackberry muffins but daughter made chocolate brownies last night - she is my secret weapon to keep my cholesterol up!!:H:H:H
They were delicious.
thursday 30
Missed yesterdays thread - well done dear Narilly! Thats great...
exhausted - knackered today.
Also have caught Sam's blues - feeling really out of sorts...
No energy to chat, just so fed up of things...
My youngests birthday today, so have to try to put a cheer on...tis hard...
see you later...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
thursday 30
HIDEHI campers!
Beautiful morning here!
Am looking forward to a busy day and am actually glad that school is back as it gets me up and into the world early. Sunshine is so good for us!
Still a struggle with the business......regardless of gvt propaganda the recession is still biting......but heyho, can only do what I can do.
Have started a thread in 'just starting out' if any of you would care to add a few words.
thursday 30
Hello everyone,
Just finished a yoga class at lunch time and am back to work.
It is cold here in YYC (Calgary) but a beautiful sunny day. Everyone seems to be having some kind of crappy weather. Although Kuya, Sam and Lav, it is sunny where you are.
Mick- pretty good spelling with your phone. I use mine to type here all the time. It is a pain in the arse for sure.
I am 30 days today so that is good. And to celebrate I am giving myself a pat on the back. 'pat' 'pat' There we go! So now on to the next 30!
Have a great day.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
thursday 30
yeehah folks here I am...was out for a lot of the day was going to go then I wasnt then I was...twas very cold today...and its started snowing glad its sunny in the southern hemisphere ...grrr much prefer this cold weather here .not...
hi Lav ..bit late for a brew...but here you go ..not out of the flask!!!nope didnt injure myself,but was sore just sitting driving.
Hiya Kuya...wowee you sound like a happy bunny today..not for use in yer business :H
SL...cmon cheer up ..get that big smiley face on Jocks are world famous for running around with big happy faces onhope the birthday went well.
Narilly ....big well done on a three oh to you :wave::yougo::wave: youve put the effort in ...and the result speaks for itself...lets have a party ..could do with some sweeties !!
Hiya tt ...any spare choc brownies??for this sweet toothy peg?think my cholestoral is down too!! theres a thought ...thistle brownies
Hiya Sam..hows you today?well did the temp hit the 30s?...think today here was -2
Hiya yah...nae drama???no gossip no scandal...must we invent some?:H glad you enjoyed your day today.
right folks moscow..just made tea..a late one ..roast chicken with spicing with home made roast veg and see you in the morning..have a good evening /sleep /morning or anything in between!!!
aaargh just been nicked by the smiley cops ..need to lose a smiley!af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
thursday 30
Lav - you worte this yestrrday, and it struck home for me...
"Sam - you & Det both need to do what all the ladies do here. When a problem crops up just bitch it out, don't internalize it so it does damage"
So here goes.....I posted this on another thread, but I really feel that this is my "home" thread - so.....
I just read Lavs note about sharing in another thread ? and wrote a note to myself that I want to share.
I am sorry I am a downer ? I am not great at sharing and don?t want to share this with anyone else ? the anonymity of this thread is going to help me to really get a grip and move forward
January is not doing as well as I had planned and I need to work out why. It started in December ? I have looked forward to Dec 2013 for a while, it was when my divorce would become final and I thought that would be the last point in my ?old? life and I would be back on my feet.
I have been married 18 years ? I married a young man who stayed a young man and did not grow up. His lack of follow thru and commitment lost us our house and his business ? we were close to being homeless when I left the marriage.
I have worked since then (2010) to get financially stable, provide a home for my girls and get a divorce.
I was not aware but he did not submit any of the paperwork needed for the divorce this was the third time that he had not done it, and I had got a new lawyer that I thought was on top of it all.
I have been paying for everything and have the girl?s full time, so I am very short on money. We had a college girl that was helping with getting girls from school and ensuring they were doing homework. I had to let her go last year as I could no longer afford it. He had used her a couple of times when he was still having the girls over ? and I found out that he had not paid her, I could not tolerate that as she was putting herself thru school ? so I gave her the money he owed her. I just found out he has been dating her ? he is 50, she is 25 ? and he has told the girls who are disgusted.
So I am not divorced, am struggling to afford things and have two girls who don?t know which side is up.
I have chosen to work from home today as I can?t stop crying.
It is my youngest birthday ? and I think that has brought it all to a head. This is not the life I thought I was embarking on, and I worry so much as to the effect that it is having on two wonderful young women.
I hope and pray I will be divorced by the end of this year, I hope I can afford to get divorced and I hope I can be strong enough to give the girls what they need.
I have 24 AF days this month, not the 30 that I went into January hoping for. I drank last night and I know that is why I am sadder today than need to be, alcohol is not my friend and it does not help ? I have no idea why I have to keep proving this point.
Thank you for listening?.__________________“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
thursday 30
I just wrote you a note on the Loamer thread. 24 days is great! Just start again. Don't drink cause you will feel like crap tomorrow. Maybe go the over the tools thread, that helps me.
You know the crying, its good. Good to 'feel' the pain. After that you can brush yourself off and get on with it.
You are so strong. Its tough when you have to 'babysit' your husband. What a pain in the arse. It is like you have to be the husband and the wife.
WE are here for you SL. XO
Biggest hugs,Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
thursday 30
Narilly - Congrats to you
SL, I just put this link on another thread but I think you should look at it too - might help you a lot right now:l
Emotional Freedom Techniques by Dr. Friedemann SchaubAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
thursday 30
Thanks Lav - I wil look into the link.
Nar - yes, many people here have encouraged me on the therapy of a good cry...putting it down in writing helped to bring it to reality instead of trying to ignore things....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
thursday 30
whew! made it over the snowy mountains and I'm home and intact! yay. very tired but otherwise good.
Narilly, marvellous job on the 20+ days!
Scottish Lass, I just don't know what to say, that's terrible news and I'm glad you are looking after yourself.
sorry not really chatty atm, headache from snow driving and I might take a nap which is unusual.
be back....
be well peepsnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
thursday 30
Mick...don't you be jumping too quick now, remember the back. :H Glad you were able to get out today I could see "cabin fever" settling in. Why do they call it "cabin fever" I wonder. Dinner sounds lovely, having chicken myself tonight but there's nothing homemade about it. Hope you have a restful night. and me both about snow sickness. Wonder if that's a legitimate excuse to stay home from work. I'll be checking out the link you posted for SL after dinner.
Sam...we only hit -3 F here today so +30 sounds pretty good to me! Hope you had a great day.
TT...used to feed my "sweets" craving with AL. Without it I've discovered a whole host of sweets to have and chocolate brownies was at the top of the list.
SL :l....this is definitely home for both you and me. So glad you shared the rest of the details. Sometimes it feels like we just keep getting kicked when we're down. Took over 3 years to finalize my divorce with 2 lawyer changes along the way. 24 AF days is ACE! Stay close and keep posting. :angel:PPP:angel:
Narilly....:wd: CONGRATS ON 30 AF DAYS:wd: Seems like we met only yesterday! Stay warm out there.
Det...glad you made it home safe and sound. Nap sounds good to me.
Well off to start the chicken dinner but will check back later to see how everyone's doing....PPQP
p.s. I've got the day off tomorrow. YAY (like mick I ran out of smiles)