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February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

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    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

    Oh Good, you're both still here!

    Dill-give me a few more minutes. I'm still typing.:H
    Yiikes! It was more like the superdud.
    Oh, it was... I had to do other things whilst watching . I was futzing with some cool little LED lights I got for Christmas. You intertwine them in both fresh or artificial flower arrangements and it looks amazing. You can also put them in water. I had so much fun whilst watching. Dill-I make lists of things to tell my mother when I see her, and I actually think it's a wise idea because if you're only going to be with someone for a short time, you'll want to tell them everything that is better to discuss in person than over the phone. My sister, however, gives me a weird look when I pull my list out of my pocket. Now, let's be fair. This is a 58-year-old woman who refuses to learn how to use her cell phone correctly.:H

    Star-I re-read my post to you about your son, and geez, I sounded so cold and uncaring...when I said living alone would "force" him to be independent. I did NOT mean it to sound that way. I had forgotten to mention that you had previously said he had been going on some dating websites, and what I WANTED to say, but didn't, was that with being alone, and not living at home, he might be more apt to go out and make new friends, invite someone over, etc. I meant it as a good thing. Thank you for putting the positive spin on the Super Bowl being a sign that winter is halfway over. I liked some of the commercials, but there were some I didn't understand. Did you feel the same way. Star, you have an interest in Frank Lloyd Wright. Have you ever visited Taliesin? It's quite impressive. Good job on the furniture rearranging.

    Pap-We have to find a job for you where you can work out of your house. Hmm...let me think about this. Perhaps I will have a suggestion before I see you.

    Lav-what is on your agenda today?


      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

      Good morning friends,

      My plans for the day are changing ~ weather related!
      Icy rain falling now, changing over to snow. Roads must be bad, schools are closed so I guess I'll just stay put, oh well.

      The Super Bowl was pretty pathetic, I actually watched most of it & was not impressed at all.
      It's too big of a money waster in my opinion.
      I have no shortage of indoor projects waiting for my attention around here so I'll just hang out here.

      Rusty, have a good work from home day!

      Dill, I hope your son is feeling better soon! He's been through so much these past few months!
      I spent most of game time chasing grandkids too last night, just as well

      Star, I hope your son adjusts to his new digs very soon!
      Change is difficult but a necessary part of life!

      Well, it's now snowing, just as expected. Here we go again!!!!
      Have a great AF Monday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

        Evening Febsters!!

        Rusty-good to see you back! How was Canada? Nothing in my inbox
        I have no doubt that we will find plenty of things to talk about LOL!! I'm not a list person but sometimes I think I should be as I get off on a run and then forget something important. Looking forward to meeting you is going to make the next 6 weeks go by very fast. Yippee!! I sure hope this cold is short lived. I live in fear of catching one now!

        Star-It must be hard to know your son is lonely but it's only been a couple of days. He is funny and smart-he will make some nice friends. Might take a while but that just makes the friendships better. I have got to get busy and make a white chili!! I have a recipe from my brother and know I'll like it since he served it at the AFC championship game. Hope your hubby feels better!!

        Lav-one day I too will be able to make the choice not to go anywhere when the weather is bad. It was not a fun drive to cardiac rehab from work. Lots of hills and the roads were slippery. Now mind you, we were only supposed to get a "dusting" today. It's been snowing since 10 am. Not a lot of accumulation but enough to make it a huge PIA. Wednesday will be horrendous. I plan on taking a full sick day since I would have to leave work at 1pm anyway. The stress of driving in a blinding snow storm is just not worth it.

        Dill- hope your son is feeling better too! Gosh, lots of sickness going around. And here you thought you could actually sit and enjoy the game and company!! TGFG-thank god for Grannies!! You and Lav take first place in that category!!

        Spent the day yesterday picking out fabric for my neice's quilt. This is going to be one eye popping crazy quilt!! Then went over to my sister's for the travesty, I mean game. I had all the intentions of rooting for Seattle (based on uniform color!) but then I saw that gorgeous white horse lead the Bronco's out of the tunnel and it was so cool and exciting I just had to root for them! Bad choice :H We had fun tho(the rest of the family cheered for Seattle)-lots of laughs. I just knew it would be bad after that missed first snap!! The commercials were also a big disappointment. Except for Doberwawa!! I thought I would bust a gut laughing!!
        I allowed myself to splurge a little with the food. I hardly ate a thing all day which wasn't very smart. My blood sugar was seriously low I think. Had a few snacks-didn't go overboard and ate the steak and shrimp at dinner. Passed on the rice pilaf-had bread and salad instead. All in all I think I did pretty good even tho I couldn't actually track it all. I'm getting pretty good at estimating and I think the occasional splurge on non junk food is OK. My sis made Cauliflower Buffalo "wings" They were delish and even my niece and nephew like them!
        Today was the start of week 3 for work. I'm already planning a week off in Mid April!! :H
        In rehab today I was allowed to walk at 3 mph with an incline of 2%! WhooHoo!!
        Heard the plow a few minutes ago-scared to look out the window!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

          More snow & ICE headed here Wednesday morning papmom. I'm not the least bit happy about it either :H
          I had one car totaled in a snowstorm years ago, not wanting to go thru that again. People are pure idiots on snowy/icy roads

          Glad to hear you are progressing so well in rehab
          My younger friend went in for her cerebral aneurysm surgery today & initial reports are sounding good. That girl has massive heart & diabetes problems to deal with as well.
          My nephew's wife is posting on FB from rehab again so I guess she has stabilized.

          I hope the roads are clear enough to get out for a while tomorrow - this stinks!!!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

            Good morning...

            We have weather advisories for at least six inches of snow. We have so much there is no where to put it. Seriously. My husband had someone come out to plow our driveway as we can't shovel it anymore, the sides of snow are so high. I wonder how many more weeks of snow we will have.

            Rusty, I did not think you were cold at all. I realize that my son needed to move out, has deficits in being an adult (to put it mildly) and was not offended at all. I agree with all you said, he will have opportunity and need to get out and make his own friends and dates if he is on his own. It amazed me that my husband (a huge enabler) told me he HAS TO MOVE OUT. We both realize it is time and helping him too much is not helping him. It is a balance as a parent, you love them, but have to let them learn to deal with life. It is especially hard when they have special needs. A real learning experience, I will tell you. Actually it is good to discuss it and I thank you for your interest. I would love to see Taliesin someday. From what I read, it has amazing architecture, but a haunted past. So interesting. I like the list idea, I will try it. I already make lists with doctors, bosses, etc.

            Lav, sorry about the lousy weather. What a luxury to stay home. We are supposed to get big snow tonight and I have a long drive. Not looking forward to it.

            Pap, interesting about the snack food. Listen to this, I ate badly Superbowl night, salty chips, dips, cheeses, sour cream, etc. I weighed myself yesterday and today, and I lost 7 lbs by drinking lots of water and eating right. The salt has a huge effect on me, I felt heavy, groggy, lousy. Isn't that amazing, 7 lbs due to bad foods? I need to be vigilant and tell myself NO. You are learning every day what your body needs, losing weight, feeling stronger. I am glad you are going to stay home Wednesday and save yourself the stress. Thanks for your support about my son.

            Have a great day ladies.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

              Good morning friends,

              I am actually seeing sunshine - nice for a change
              But I'm already receiving storm warning texts for tomorrow. This is getting boring, no kidding.

              Star, I am grateful that I can choose not to go out on the road with the crazies in this harsh weather. I am still bitter about the idiot who totaled my car at midnight on my way home from work in a blizzard years ago. He pushed me clear thru an intersection when he hit me - I thought it was all over
              I do need to get out to do some stuff today, looks like tomorrow is going to be another weather disaster.

              Greetings to everyone, sending wishes for a terrific AF Tuesday for all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                Good Morning Friends,

                Star-thank you for replying back to me regarding my thoughts about your son.:l I am so delighted that your husband is the one who said he had to move out, because I remembered how frustrated you were that your husband was always taking your son's side (enabling) and you felt outnumbered and helpless. I know that situation was causing tension in your marriage, so I hope you and Mr. Star can have some peaceful days, weekends and nights together. (I'm a sappy romantic, sorry!). Also, regarding salty foods, I hear ya! Eating chips and dip, or my favorite, salted peanuts, will put 3 lbs. on me overnight, not to mention that awful bloated feeling in the morning. Good job on losing the 7 lbs.! You're a very special lady, Star. I admire and respect you on many levels.

                Lav-what kind of OTC sleep aid do you use? Ever since my doc decided not to refill my Flexeril, I cannot fall asleep at night. I was awake until 1:00 AM!!! I am so glad you survived that horrific car accident. Like you, I have decided to avoid driving and flying in this winter weather. For some reason in WI, the residential and county roads are not plowed the way they used to be, and when you live out in the boonies like I do...just driving to get to the interstates (which are plowed well) in good weather takes about 45 - 50 minutes. Good news about your younger friend's recovery from cerebral aneurysm surgery today & your nephew's wife's progress as well. Diabetes is just awful, isn't it, and yet preventable in many cases.

                Pap-you sound so happy having the time to work on your niece's quilt, enjoy time with your family, and are able to put the treadmill on an incline!!!:goodjob: I did not go to Canada or Atlanta last week because of the weather, so I was home most of last week. I am ready to go back to work on-site, though. One note of caution for you about working out of your house....unless you have a separate building for your work, like Lav does, it is VERY hard to just put your work away and forget about it. My office is right next to my bedroom, and the work (and the work thoughts) never end. That's why true vacations for me are when I leave my house.:H

                Dill-good luck with the tool pouch today. I am sure Mr. D. will love it.

                Cyn-hope you are having a great week.

                I just wanted to let everyone know here that the next 2 months for me work-wise will be absolutely insane....lots of traveling, and lots of 10-12 hr. days packed into if you don't hear from me often, that's why. I do love MWO but I do spend much too much time here, and I must change much as I love being around my close friends on this thread.

                Hugs to all of you, and thoughts for a peaceful AF Tuesday!


                  February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                  :H :H Rusty,
                  I take a handful of OTCs & hope to get some sleep at night.
                  I change up what I'm taking every few days because nothing ever works for more than a few night for me. I am a hardcore insomniac.
                  Currently I am taking 2 Alteril tablets, 2 Benadryl tablets & 1 or 2 Valerian :H
                  I still wake up briefly a few times but go right back to sleep. Of course there's still the hot flash issue. I am a basket case, just doing the best I can do.
                  I would have an even harder time sleeping if I was doing all the traveling you do - I think.
                  Happy travels to you & stay safe
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                    Currently I am taking 2 Alteril tablets, 2 Benadryl tablets & 1 or 2 Valerian
                    mg:danthin: Do you take these all at once, Lav????:H Any particular order? How can you wake up in the morning? Thank you for your quick answer. I have the Benadryl....and I suppose I will find the Alteril and Valerian on the internet? Anyways, thanks. I think I am ready to fall asleep as I have to be up at Rusty O'clock tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to my work the rest of this week. I am on a team of two with a dear friend whom I rarely work with anymore. He's still in the automotive industry (he passed the test the first time), and he is someone I care for very much. He's been AF for over 20 years, and he's just very humble and sweet....we were in a relationship for a while, but we have very little in common so we broke it off. We're remained friends so working together is not a problem.

                    Ahh....the Benadryl is kicking in.

                    Night friends!


                      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                      Good morning to everyone...

                      Rusty, I am up at Rusty O'clock today so greetings. I have to bring work home too, and until it is done, it is always on my mind. It sits there looking at me. Nothing wrong with spending time on MWO, there are worse habits as we know. I limit myself to the morning, look at whatever I feel is important to me on a particular day, and post, then done. It is almost like people on this thread are my coaches and friends. So important to remind myself, daily, what is important. Oh, as you mentioned it, my husband and I are enjoying being just the two of us. Sending you safe travels and luck on your business.

                      Lav, how tough to not be able to sleep. Benedryl is very helpful. I often wake up a lot at 3 or 4 and try to stay in bed till 5a.m. Today was one of those days. A cup of coffee and I am ready to start my day. Lovely to wake up feeling healthy and able to start the day with gratitude. I often wonder if I need that much sleep any more. I would like to be able to stay up and watch the Tonight Show, then go to bed, but can never make it. I too am tired of snow, we have at least another four inches this morning and it will continue till afternoon. Yuck. My last official day at work if I can make it in and then just cleaning out my office. Yayyyyyyy.

                      Hello to Pap, Dill, Cyn and any lurkers or stop byers. Have a great day, we will all make it through this winter, I promise.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                        And it begins!! Started at 4:40 this morning and about 5 inches already. Snow day for me at least for work. Kind of hoping Rehab is also cancelled as I really don't want to tackle the roads in the middle of the storm. If it is, I will do 30 min on the treadmill and my weights. You can all hold me to this!!
                        Also, if cancelled I will have to put a couple of hours of work in. Can't avoid it but I won't go crazy as it was supposed to be a half day for me anyway.
                        The pee/poop pads are down but I will also send the boyz out a few times with jackets. Only Mick will wear boots (the ones I bought for DD!! He bites me when I try to put them on. Might try a muzzle but might just give up. Mick figured out real quick that his feet don't freeze with them on. Smart boy.
                        I agree totally with you Star-waking up every morning unhung is addictive!! Every additional morning I do it strengthens my resolve to stay AF. Can't even imagine having just one glass of wine anymore-feel physically ill when I think about it. Kind of like how I feel about Big Macs or BK chicken sandwiches now. All I see is another night in CCU. Hope that image never goes away!!

                        Rusty-you've had a lot of time off and are about to embark on a crazy work schedule. I hope you can pace yourself and don't forget to take time to exercise and eat right. I know I don't have to tell you this-but it's the nurturer in me. Should have had kids LOL!!

                        I hope everyone stays safe and warm today if snow is in your schedule.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                          Hello Freedom Fighters, we live to fight another day!

                          Papmom, I forgot to congratulate you on your weight loss progress. Wow! 17 lbs. is awesome! You must be feeling like a "new woman" to some extent. Have you had to buy new clothes? I love your idea of keeping the mental image of the CCU to help you avoid the foods that are bad for you. Great idea!

                          Star, you mentioned that your son is not fully adult yet. Neither does mine seem to be. You'd think having kids would have made a big difference. I don't know what it is. I think partly it is my perception of him. He may be more adult like than I see because I still see him as my 'child'. That relationship is hard to let go of and seems to snap right back into play when an adult child moves back home.

                          Lav, I take Alteril, one tablet, every evening. I used to chase it with a benedryl, just one. But I had to eliminate the regular use of the benedryl because it seemed to be making my 'dry eye' condition much worse. I find that I sleep so much better AF than wine-soaked!:H I wish you had an easier time of it. Have you tried the 5 HTP? I wonder if that would help you.

                          Rusty, I did indeed finish the wrench organizer pouch and Mr. D was thrilled with it. He put it to use straight away! Now he's putting in a work order for a second one! What a slave driver.

                          I ended up having all night duty taking care of the g-kid night before last because my son was so ill. The 8 year old was easy, but a worry because he had developed a horrible cough and I was afraid we'd have to make a midnight run to the ER. Luckily, he held off until morning and we took him to urgent care. Asthma was the basic cause. The granddaughter is a much healthier child, but she did wake twice in the night and I had to get up with her for a couple diaper changes. I was pretty exhausted in the morning and that is why you didn't see me on here yesterday morning! Then the day got away from me.

                          I went to lunch with an old colleague who used to be a drinking buddy of mine. We had some really fun times together back in the day, often stopping at a favorite tavern after work. She and I both tried to quit a few times as time wore on and we would talk to each other at length about our shared dilemma trying to be a support to each other in our endeavors to quit. I haven't seen much of her in the last 3 years. Now we are both retired. Anyway, I asked her how she was doing yesterday and I'm afraid she is worse than ever. She is now diabetic and she tells me her "liver is shot". Her family shuns her because of her drinking and she is bitter about it. I could so easily have been in her shoes. She is divorced and lives alone. No children. She doesn't seem to even want to stop anymore. She knows she can't drink in public anymore because she won't be able to drive herself home, so she does what most of us did: drinks alone at home each and every night.

                          "There but for the grace of God go I."

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                            OH Dill-that is such a scary story!! THere but for the grace of God goes all of us!! I so remember those thoughts of "I can't do this" and how many times I just said "Feck it", "I'll just drink myself into a slow death because it is impossible to stop." Then I found MWO and you guys and slowly but surely I saw that it WAS possible to change. And then I couldn't quit the sugar and fast food no matter what. It was addiction all over again and I was spiraling out of control once more. Luckily I had the heart attack and when I was released, I thought back to how hard it was to stop drinking but I did it. I told myself that changing my eating habits was the same thing and I could do this too and I have!! I couldn't have done either without the support of this awesome group of people and MWO as a whole. I fervently hope that your friend will find her way out before it is too late, because it's never too late until you are dead. :l for you as I'm sure it was very very sad to her in her current state.

                            We got about a foot of snow here and now it's turned to sleet/ice. My neighbor's BF finally got out and spent about 3 hours using my snowblower and shoveling. I need to figure out a nice "Thank you" for them both. I might try to bake some muffins and also give them a DD card. Probably should get to the baking soon LOL!!

                            My cardiac rehab and school were both cancelled thank god! I did about 40 min on the treadmill while watching an agility video on my phone. Need to figure out how to hook my laptop up the the treadmill so I get a bigger screen LOL!!

                            I have a funny video of the boyz in the snow today and Mickey in boots. Enjoy!

                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                              Hey, Papmom, Thanks for the video. That was delightful to watch! It was a bit "glitchey" tho and I had to keep restarting it. Don't know why.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                                Just a quick check in for me!
                                Ice storm has knocked out over 500,000 customers - so says the electric company, including me
                                I can only use the generator for short periods of time, it uses up all my propane.

                                Greetings to everyone, stay warm!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

