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February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

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    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

    Oh no, Lav, no power? That is sooooo hard and scary in cold weather. Thanks good ness for the generator. Take care of yourself and we will hear from you soon.

    Dill, you have certainly been busy, what a great grandma you are. Your poor little grandson. And son. Winter and sickness is the worst. I can't imagine how tired you must be taking care of little ones who are sick. Thanks goodness you are AF or it would be so much harder. Your friend's life sounds so sad. It really is an illness, no one but a sick person would do that to herself. How did she look? Aged? It is just so unnecessary, but we see it all the time. I was referring to famous people who get caught out publicly. We all know that you want to want to change and it is hard work. Prayers go out for her.

    Pap, we had another six inches, and now exteme cold. I called off as I did not want to drive in blizzard and blowing snow. So today is my last day and I will be soooo relieved. I can't shovel anymore, the drifts on the sides of our driveways are 4 ft. It is so crazy. I love how you visualize what you don't want to implement what you do want: AF and healthy weight. We do have to have the attitude no matter our age that it is never too late. I just look at my Dad with over 40 years of sobriety and have gratitude that he did this. His life has been filled with struggles like everyone else, but he is able to get through challenges with dignity and respect. Maybe that is one of the hardest things about drinking too much; losing respect for our selves.

    Hi Rusty, safe travels.

    Cyn, with Rusty gone for a few weeks, it would sure be great if you visited us a little more often, you have such interesting things to say.

    Does anybody like the Olympics? I love the winter games and will be watching and commenting in the next few weeks. Russia looks beautiful, let's hope no problems.

    Have a great Thursday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

      Dill, my second to last sentence was supposed to say, we know change is hard work. And it is.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

        Hello All,
        Lav, I hope your power is restored soon!

        Star, I enjoy hearing about your Dad. Forty years years sober! Wouldn't you love to be able to say that? He is living proof that it can be done. I'll never be able to claim 40 years of sobriety. That would put me over 100 years old and that is not likely to happen! I'll work towards it anyway. You never know... As far as the Olympics go, I will probaly watch some, but I don't get too enthralled with it generally.

        I have volunteer time at the food pantry this morning. I best get moving. Enjoy an AF Thursday everyone!

        I got sober. I stopped killing myself with alcohol. I began to think: 'Wait a minute - if I can stop doing this, what are the possibilities?' And slowly it dawned on me that it was maybe worth the risk.

        ~Craig Ferguson

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

          Good morning friends,

          The power came back just after 10 last night - yay!
          It's so nice to be able to make a pot of coffee this morning & flush a toilet too :H
          My camping days are long over, I need comfort at this stage of my life

          Dill, I hope everyone in your household gets better very soon!
          I've heard a 24 hr type stomach virus has been making the rounds, yuck.
          Hope your day out goes well

          Star, you get the prize for snowfall totals this winter
          Hope your last day goes well for you!

          papmom, saw your FB postings about your snow day yesterday!
          Glad you are safe & sound!

          I would love to get out to Curves this morning but I'll have to see if they're even open then hope the roads are not blocked with downed trees. Maybe I'll just stay here
          I'll have to wait for the weekend to do anything about the huge branch that came down on the roof of the chicken house. It's partly laying in their fenced yard as well. At least the girls seem to be OK!
          I have to go watch my grandsons for a few hours this afternoon so I may just hang out here at home until then.
          I am grateful not to be dealing with addictive behaviors thru all this winter madness! Life is much easier to manage without a monkey or two on your back!!!

          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

            oh Lav-poor girls!! Did the roof cave in? Hope not as they would not have any heat. I'm glad your power came back fairly quick-maybe the utility companies have finally learned their lesson!!

            Star-there was a winter not to long ago, maybe 3 years?, when the drifts on the side of the driveway were over 6 feet tall! No kidding. It snowed every day I swear. and not just an inch or two. No it was 3-6 each time, if not more. I didn't think that shite would ever melt :H. Hope your last day went ok. Did you heave a huge sigh of relief as you walked out the door?

            Dill-so sorry everyone is sick in your household. The stomach bug is making the rounds at school. God I can't catch this thing!! Hope everyone feels better soon!

            Nephew came over around 8pm last nite to shovel out the dog yard and clean up the inch or two that fell after all the snowblowing and shoveling were done. Me and da boyz are eternally grateful to him!! No more boots for the Mickster!!

            I ended up making oatmeal/applesauce muffins for my neighbors. I didn't think they came out all that great but she told me tonite they were very good. OK-not going to argue LOL!! I didn't do the DD card tho-didn't feel like driving.

            Did my 30 min on the treadmill plus my weights when I got home tonite. It really is the last thing I want to do but so far I'm not talking myself out of it. And I really do feel much better afterwards.

            This Saturday I'm taking Mick to a free doggie demo day at a facility a few towns away. It's a haul but he will love it. We'll do a little agility, nose work, maybe some free style. If he isn't in to any of that we'll just socialize. I really wanted to bring DD for the nose work and freestyle but they said friendly dogs only and he doesn't fit that category unfortunately. I'm also going to meet a friend who just started working at that training facility. She specialized in reactive dogs(as does the owner) and has been getting all sorts of certifications. I'm going to talk to her about doing some private training with DD and my dad so my dad can deal with him and not be worried about getting bit. He has expressed sadness that he can't be "friends" with Koby like he is with the other two. Now that he lives 2 minutes from me he is happy to take care of the boyz if I ever get sick or have to be away from home (quilting retreat in April comes to mind). I hope my friend can help us. I just don't know how to begin to get DD conditioned to my dad.
            Sunday is is a free day and I think I need to start my taxes. Hope I'm getting a refund!

            So what is everyone else up to tonite?
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

              I'm watching my two rambunctious grandsons tonight papmom - need I say any more? :H LH

              Glad you got snow removal help yesterday! The muffins sound good - a nice thank you

              OK, can't linger. They are insisting on goldfish crackers!!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                papmom I would love to get my doggies in agility but they are so would have to be on the ground....but I might little dachshund/puggle jumped up on the bed last night and I was really surprised..need an indoor activity while the ground is frozen solid...
                Watching TV tonight. Looking at a condo tomorrow then visit dad and a trip to Costco...full day for a change.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                  Good morning AF Friends,

                  :welcomeottieB!, I see you are also in Ohio, like me! I'm in the southwestern part of the state, how about you, if you don't mind sharing?

                  Papmom, the muffins were definitely a good thank you. We are all back to being fairly well here, with the exception of gson's continued cough. However, he is feeling better and his cough is improving. I will be interested to hear if you have any success training DD to get along better with your dad. Our dog, Tessa is 2 years old and has some bad habits from her former life. I wonder if I could train her to be a bit more welcoming to the mail carrier and UPS driver.

                  Hi Lav, we ran out of goldfish crackers AND cheezits here. Those are staples with the g-kids!:H Those, and cheesestix, too. I have to have those 3 items stocked.

                  Star, how did your last day go? You asked how my friend looks. She actually looks ok but she is very over weight and puffy around her eyes. She called me a week or so ago and was crying the entire time. I doubt she even remembers having called me. I think it was a case of drunk dialing. I thought about asking her if she recalled doing that, but I let it go.

                  Last night (in answer to your question, Papmom) I was watching TV. Sherlock Holmes and Doc Martin, to be specific. Love that Doc Martin! Today, I am meeting a GF for lunch. She told me about a new place she tried that has an awesome salmon sandwich.

                  Enjoy a great AF Friday everyone!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                    Good morning friends,

                    Frosty here but the sun is out

                    Dill, when I go to the outlets in Lancaster I always stop in the Pepperidge Farms store & load up on goldfish crackers. I seriously come out of there with a shopping bag full :H
                    I finished the Doc Martin series - miss watching the old curmudgeon. I hope you have a nice lunch out with your friend!

                    Well, YB once again has asked if I would go to the Outdoor show with him today. He's taken the day off so well will be heading to Harrisburg for the day. I still have no interest in this stuff but it is a day out :H
                    Tomorrow I will make sure he fires up the chain saw & removes the huge tree branch perched on top of the chicken house :H

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
                    The schools are still closed around here, some still have no power. What a week!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                      Hey Dottie-Welcome!! Any size dog can do agility! the bars start at 4" and if your dog can jump on the bed he can jump over a 4" bar. The key is to find a nearby class with a great trainer. You want to gradually introduce the obstacles so the dog doesn't get scared. There is also Teacup agility for those dogs under 17 inches tall. The obstacles are sized down for the smaller dogs (i.e. the tunnels are shorter and narrower, the teeters are shorter as are the A frames and dogwalks.
                      Here's a couple of links for you:
                      Teacup Agility Association: Teacup Dogs Agility Association
                      CPE:Welcome to Canine Performance Events, Inc. -this is the org I mostly trial in
                      Good luck!! And yes, once you've had a couple of classes under your belt you can set up jumps in the house using paint cans and broom sticks or dowls.

                      Dill-glad to hear everyone is on the mend!! Hope you can stock up on those goldfish soon LOL!!

                      Lav-hope you had fun at the outdoor show despite your lack of interest. Sometimes Dockdogs are set up at these shows and that is a hoot to watch!! Hope YB gets that branch off is good time tomorrow!

                      Not much to report. The day was pretty unproductive as the last 5 hours were spent in meetings. Ugh. On a friday no less!!

                      Splurged on a Lean Cuisine single serve pizza tonite. Ahhhhhhhh, it was good!! I know it was totally processed but I have nothing left in my freezer except turkey chili which I've had 3 times this week already plus I got home at 6:30. I'm expecting a call soon so it had to be quick. It does fit into my totals for the day so I don't feel too bad.

                      Hi to Star, Cyn and Rusty!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                        Good morning....

                        Really busy yesterday, ran around, tied up some loose ends, all in the freezing cold. No more snow till tonight and tomorrow. Watched the Olympics till I fell asleep. This cold weather knocks me out, I feel tired and cold. Ah, well, we must get through February.

                        Hello to Pap, Lav, Dill, Rusty, Cyn, and Dottie. Have a great Saturday.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                          Good morning all,
                          Star, yes the cold is wearing! I am so tired of winter clothes! You must tell us how it went your last day at work, at least how if felt to walk out for the last time. I remember the last day I worked. I was trying not to think about it really because it was so daunting to walk away from a 40 year career and 25 years with the organization. But they worked me hard right up to the last minute on that last day! I was exhausted and ready to head home. I got my things and headed toward the door without fanfare. As I was walking down the hall two of my favorite colleagues appeared and walked out with me, one on each side. One said with a sweet smile, "Well, this is it!". In that moment the emotions came flooding over me because I knew it was such a big momentoous change and that I would no longer share the daily work life with these dear friends. Of course that was a much different occasion and reason for leaving than yours is. Still, I would imagine you are still sorting your emotions. Change is hard.

                          Papmom, I had to chuckle when I read this:
                          Good luck!! And yes, once you've had a couple of classes under your belt you can set up jumps in the house using paint cans and broom sticks or dowls.
                          For some reason I substituted a "g" for the "c" in classes. Then I imagined someone constructing a course in their living room while completely drunk and then waking up the next morning trying to figure out what had happened the night before! LOL. How many times I had to look for clues in the morning to try to figure out what I had done the night before and what, if any, damage I had wrought. That's not really funny, but hey, I always say, it's laugh or cry.....

                          Hey Lav, Cyn, Rusty, Dottie, have a great AF Saturday!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                            oh Dill, that is hysterical!! What a visual and yes, I have done the same thing myself! I once found an item (can't remember what) in the freezer the next morning. I had NO idea why or how it got there!! Glad those days are over!!

                            Star-yes, please tell us how your last day was if you want to. Hope you are feeling relieved and ready to start a new chapter.
                            While sitting in a VERY boring meeting yesterday from 3 - 4 all I could think of was "get me out of here!!" I had no interest in the topic whatsoever but kept feeling guilty like I should have interest. Ack.

                            Work up to the sun this morning at 8am! Oh it felt good to sleep a solid 8 hours and wake up naturally!! Unfortunately it still cold as hell out there. Boyz refused to do their business (except for Mick who never fails no matter what). They whined and held their paws up and wouldn't even go off the deck. Sigh. Thank god for pee/poop pads and that they use them!!

                            Off to my busy day!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!

