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February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

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    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

    Two Wolves
    One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a
    battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son,
    The battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.

    One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret,
    greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment
    Inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.

    The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope,
    serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
    empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
    The grandson thought about it for a minute
    and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"

    The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

    So well put. Do we feed the addictive voice or the voice of reason and gratitude?

    Hey Lav, "Great minds think alike!"

    Cyn, Wow! You have really been through the ringer! I hope things have settled down for you and it's smooth sailing.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

    Good morning...

    First, weather report here. Snow, snow and more snow. Really, about 10 inches expected by tonight and more on the way. Sorry, I just have to vent, I am actually stronger from all the shoveling.

    Cyn, what a difficult time for you. Caretaker to two, trying to keep them separated. Not sleeping well does not help either. Hope you have a better week. Good to hear from you.

    Dill, sometimes we DO have to put up with unpleasant people and it is really hard. Sorry your DIL is so hard to get along are such a great grandmother to give the grandkids the stability and love they so desperately need. :h I liked the story and totally agree with it, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy. What we thing affects are feelings and behaviors. We get to choose. Did not make it to the library, sounds like you have plenty to read right now.

    Lav, I don't care about the Super Bowl really, but try to make it special for my husband who LOVES football so much. Plus, I am trying to get through this winter with new recipes, whatever I can to get through. We have at least another month of this harsh cold and blowy snow so I have to feed the cheerful wolf, right

    My son moved out successfully, it is done. Have a great day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

      Good morning February friends

      It's so nice to see a new month, I was really getting tired of the last one :H

      Dill, I've seen that quote somewhere along the line, makes perfect sense to me! Thanks for positing it today. I just wonder how is it that sometimes we actually forget that we always have a choice. The positive twin can be every bit as powerful as the evil twin

      Star, sorry about your weather. You have had one nasty winter!
      I hear there are 3 different storm systems working their way here next week, ugh!
      I will try to focus on the nice day that's here today & not worry ahead of time.
      Some of the recipes they are putting out there for Super Bowl Sunday are frightening to me I hope you find something kinder to try out

      I have to get lots & lots of odds & ends done today so I'll get going.
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

        Hi Fab Febbers!! Love our new name!!

        Cyn-OM word! What a week you have had! Glad it's getting somewhat back to normal. Continued health wishes for both mom and DH. Lav is right- take care of yourself too!

        Star-congrats on getting your son successfully moved out! I'm sure it was not easy during this weather! I am very concerned about the system moving in here on Tues nite/Wed morning. If more than 6 inches I will have trouble getting out of the driveway and driving my 40 min. It would have to be 12" or more for the school to close. I will be stressed to the max driving as well. I used to be such a stalwart New Englander! Would drive in any kind of weather in a 2 WD corolla!! Now I panic if it is the least bit bad out and I drive an 8 cyn 4 WD tank!! Must be age!! Also, I can no longer count on shoveling to help me get my exercise in :upset:.

        Dill-sorry you have to deal with such a negative person. Your GK are so lucky you are the balance at the other end of the seesaw!!

        Rusty- how is the great white north treating you? Please check in!!

        Well, first day back at the demo job is done! It was busy thank goodness. I was able to sit down periodically but it still kicked my arse to be "on" and active for 4 hours. I erred on the smart side and pulled my wheelie suitcase down from the attic and filled it up with my supplies instead of using the large bin I usually use. The suitcase was awkward tho to get in and out of once I was set up so I need to think of a different type of case on wheels. My new table was nice and light tho and I was still able to get most of my usual display on it. All in all a good day but super glad I don't have to repeat tomorrow!!! I will probably keep this job but only work a couple of days a month. I need to find a work from home gig to make up the difference. Wish I could get my embroidery machine up and running. Even a few projects to sell here and there on Etsy would help.

        I can't believe I've only had 700 Calories today and very little fat. Really don't want to eat half a days worth of food for dinner but I've got to get the nutrition in! This is getting hard! But I do love the fact I'm still losing. 17 lbs so far!

        Ok, time to rustle up some grub. Have a great nite all!

        Oh, yes, when I'm done with the heart wall hanging I will definitely post a pic!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

          Good morning to all...

          Had a busy day yesterday, at home. Lots to do, had a new chair delivered and rearranged my living room. I am very happy with the way it turned out. We got a lot of snow today, but I just ignored it by staying in except for the grocery store. Today I am making white chili in the crock pot, a new recipe. Hope it turns out.

          Pap, it IS scary driving in this crazy snowy weather. Especially if it is dark out. Sometimes the roads are hard to see and navigate. Glad your demo job turned out. Good call on one day only. Hope you have a restful lovely day today. Only 700 calories till dinner, huh. Wow, good job. I really admire the way you are such a fighter, have made so many changes and are doing all the right things. You are an amazing woman. :H

          Lav, any fun plans for Sunday? You have not talked about watching the grandkids as much so maybe a little time for yourself. I'm having some coffee right now and trying to wake up. I did so much the last two days I want to take it easier today. My husband said he would make a good breakfast, so I am all for it.

          Dill, I did make it to the library and started my new book. So far, it is good. Hope you get some reading time in.

          Hi Rusty, busy lady.

          To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

            Pap, I don't know why I put a laughing icon next to the smiling face. It kind of looks offensive, so sorry. No offense intended, I just goofed.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

              Hello Friends,
              Star, I'm making traditional chili in the crockpot today along with a variety of snacks for the super bowl viewing. I hope your new recipe turns out. Wow! A new chair and you are back to peace and quiet. I'm happy for you. :h I will get there one day!

              Papmom, what product do you demo? Somehow I missed out on knowing that. Maybe I was on hiatus. I've been curious about that for awhile now. Where do you set up? You finished that quilt hanging pronto! I actually set up my sewing machine yesterday for the first time in about a year. I was working on a roll-up wrench storage pouch for my hb. Should have been done in an afternoon but I messed up by using adhesive back velcro for the strap closure and tried to sew thru it. Duh! What what I thinking?!!

              Lav, definitely focus on today and not next week. Mr. D keeps me aprised of the weather and I heard him say the words "below zero" when speaking of the up-coming week. :upset:

              I have some furniture rearranging I would like to do today but I'm not sure if I can round up Mr. D and my son to help me. We shall see! Whatever I get up to today, it will be with a clear head.

              Oh, I forgot to mention, I am trying the 5 HTP (by Natrol). This brand does not contain valerian so I am not afraid to take it during the day. I feel as tho it is really helping me keep on an even keel and feel pretty good.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                Good morning friends & Happy Groundhog Day!

                Well, Pennsylvania's favorite rodent Punxsutawny Phil just predicted 6 more weeks of winter - yeah, no shit :H :H
                Pardon my early morning French, we do have snow predicted for tomorrow.
                Punxsutawney Phil Vs. The Farmers' Almanac: Whom Do You Trust? : The Two-Way : NPR

                papmom, great job on the weight loss lady!! :wd:
                Glad you are cognizant of not over doing it at work. Finding the right balance is difficult but you'll get there!

                Star, always nice to have a new piece of furniture to brighten up a room!
                My grandsons & their Mom are coming for dinner today, my son is on duty in DC until tomorrow morning. The boys haven't been here as much, the regular babysitter (who lives directly across the street from them) has been watching them more. I think it has to do with my son's raise in pay & that's OK with me. The sitter is a young woman with two school age girls - she has a lot more energy than I do

                Hi there Dill! Crazy weather this winter & there's no getting away from it, that's for sure. They're talking about 3 snow storms on the way this week - swell.

                Well, I wish everyone a great AF Sunday! YB decided he didn't want to go to that Outdoor Show after all today, just as well, I really wasn't interested.
                Enjoy the Super Bowl if you watch!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                  Good morning!!

                  Star-didn't even notice LOL!! Love new furniture! it's been a while for me but I remember when I got my new leather suite-I loved it then and still do. No vacuuming up cat/dog hair and it always looks new!

                  Dill-I've been a demo rep for a raw pet food company for about a year and a half. It's hard on the legs and back with all the standing but I LOVE meeting the people and their dogs. Plus I have a product I totally believe in to give out free!!! Yesterday was busy and a lady came in looking for help with a harness that her little dog kept getting out of. She looked so forlorn when I told her I didn't work for the store because there wasn't anyone immediately around to help her. I could have gone searching but I wasn't busy at the moment and her dog looked like she had papillon in her and was seriously scared! My heart melted and I asked to look at the harness. It was way too big but could be adjusted. After about 10 minutes we got it perfect (I was lucky I didn't get bit but the dog didn't use biting to show fear thank god). Then I looked at the seatbelt harness which was seriously too big and couldn't be adjusted anymore. I brought her over to where the store displayed different styles and chose one I really like. At that point I told her the dog had had it and to adjust it at home. If too small bring it back for the next size. Then we talked about using crates in the car instead of harnesses and I told her about the VarioCage which if I win the lottery will buy for my guys. It's over a 1000K but made in sweden and is the only crate that has successfully passed rigorous crash tests. I think she might actually look into it! Lucky dog. Then of course I brought her back to my table and gave her a bunch of samples and coupons. her dog seemed to like the food so I have no doubt she'll buy some next time in. I also talked a guy out of feeding his beautiful oversized papillon cat food! Had him buy a can of the store's food (I feed my guys their food-it's made well and inexpensive) and told him how dogs and cats have different nutritional needs. Hopefully his pap will like the new canned food if he slowly introduces it and he'll make the switch. This is what I love about the job. The connections I make, the help I'm able to give and of course it's the next best thing to spending all day with my guys (who of course can't believe the smells I come home with!). Plus I get my share of discounted food!
                  I've considered working at an independent retailer near by but now I can't as I can't lift the 50 lb bags of food anymore :upset: plus my hourly wage would be a fraction of what I get now and I would have to work 9 or 10 hours instead of 4. I'll keep it as long as I can!!

                  Lav-are you sad you don't see the boys as much? Is your daughter still spending one night a week with you? Bet the hens are LOVING this warmer weather! No superbowl for you and YB tonite?

                  I'm heading to the quilt shop to pick up the material for my neice's quilt which I'll start in a couple of weeks. Fabric is 25% off today so have to go. Tonite I'll head over to my sis's to watch at least half of the game and get some good eats. I'm going to try not to obsess about cholesterol, sodium ect at the same time stay away from the obvious no no's. I'll make a heart healthy cucumber dip.

                  Have a great sunday all!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                    Happy Sunday all!

                    Star - congrats on the move! Wow - you move fast, a new chair already. Hope that serenity follows quickly...

                    Dill - I first read that quote in a wonderful book 'The Chemistry of Calm', and I've tried to make it a part of my life - not so easy sometimes! Thanks for the reminder.

                    Lav - thanks for the link to the 'Emotional Freedom' site - can't wait to look at it.

                    Hope all have a good SBowl day today. HB has his last big job today, so no football for us, but secretly I'm happy - all the hype about the game is enough for me!

                    Happy AF day all -
                    to the light


                      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                      Good Afternoon, Friends!

                      I am happily at home, doing some work before heading to the gym for a workout and a soak in the hot tub. I had a lovely day yesterday with my mom and sister, but have picked up a cold. I will be back for the Stupor Bowl, and the only reason I am watching it Is for the commercials.

                      Dill-did you finish your roll-up wrench storage pouch for Mr. D? Your traditional chili for the Super Bowl sounds delicious! Were you able to get your son and husband to help you rearrange your furniture? I forgot to mention how I admire you for continue to manage your relationship with your DIL.:goodjob: without becoming co-dependent. Has she been allowed to have any visits with your grandchildren?

                      Pap-17 LBS!!! :goodjob:Wow, how long did it take to lose that weight? Has it been about 7 weeks? You sure are committed. I am glad your demo job went well yesterday, and yes, 1 day of doing demo work was plenty I would imagine, in this stage of your recovery. You would be excellent as a client relations specialist, or a patient advocate at a're a helping, nurturing kind of person. I'm just taking note of some of your special gifts and talents (as I sit here writing notes about you on a clipboard with my cheater glasses hanging off my nose) Ok, so I'm coming in March, so start writing down lists of topics/questions so we don't run out of things to say!:H

                      Lav-I don't pay attention to the Farmer's Almanac on Groundhog Day, but I live about a 1/2 hour from where "Groundhog Day' was filmed. It's a really cool town. My closest friend was at a party where the host invited the cast to stop by after filming for the day. He said Andie McDowell is a very classy and lovely person. Enjoy your time with your DIL and grandsons tonight.

                      Star-Do you actually watch the game with Mr. Star or do you pop in and out while you do other things? Is your son's apartment close by, or just far enough away to be a healthy distance so that he is forced to be more independent. Have fun with your new chair....always fun to get new furniture and rearrange things.

                      Cyn-I hope you and Mr. Tree have a peaceful day. I am sure you are glad to be done with that job. Are you in touch with any of your former co-workers?

                      I better get to the gym before it closes at 6. I'll be back tomorrow.


                        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                        Wow, am I the first one here this a.m.?:H

                        Good Morning Friends!

                        I did watch the Super Bowl last night and it was just heavenly sitting in front of the fire, relaxing.

                        I have lots of work to do today so I must get going.

                        Dill-check your inbox in about 15 min.

                        Pap-the same with you.

                        Hi to Lav, Star, Cyn, et. al. Happy AF Monday!!!


                          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                          Good morning friends,

                          Well, it's a good thing I made some pretty yummy snacks and chili for yesterday's superbowl. We needed the comfort food as we watched the slaughter. Yiikes! It was more like the superdud. At half time I was visiting with company and we had the TV muted. After a while my friend said the half time show was so annoying he couldn't even look at it with the sound down! LOL! I agreed, so we had to leave the room to enjoy our conversation. Are we old fogies or what?

                          Rusty, I make lists of topics too before I go visit a friend! I thought I was the only one that did that. I have a hard time thinking of the things I want to cover when I am with someone. I don't know why that is, but it is. So I cope with making a list. Sometimes it is even very short, but it is like a touchstone.

                          Cyn, I hope you have some nice down time now that Mr. Cyn is through.

                          No furniture moving yesterday. My son actually was feeling ill. He didn't even get to enjoy the superbowl snacks. I didn't finish the tool pouch as I put all my energy into snacks and running after grandkids. I should have time to myself today to work on the pouch.

                          Have a great AF Monday everyone!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                            Cross-post Rusty!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 1

                              Good morning to all...

                              Winter is not over, six more weeks, like none of us knew this. In the negatives here with snow tomorrow, yuck. February is a short month though.

                              Hey Rusty, nice you had a good visit with your family, sorry you picked up a cold. My husband did yesterday, and I do not want to get it. My son lives about 25-30 minutes away, and we are setting limits and boundaries, but it is hard as he is already lonely. I know, if you live alone you have to learn to be alone and not lonely. It will come, it is all an adjustment. I did watch some of the super bowl, liked the commercials, half time was good. Not super enthusiastic, the game was boring and sad. I don't like when a team gets trounced. But, it is symbolic in that winter is half way done. I.Hope.

                              Dill, I made a really good white chicken chili, it was soooo good. And in the crock pot as we had to be gone for a large part of the day. I will make it again. I did rearrange my furniture and it is nice, I am very happy with the changes. This will be a big month of changes as I will end my current job and begin a new one. So, I better get used to it. How are you doing? Is your son continuing to move forward? I hope so. I finished my book about Frank Lloyd Wright...what an ending and it is true! Hope you find some time to read.

                              Lav, how great for your daughter to have a babysitter close by, and nice for you. Any special plans this week? How are the chickens doing?

                              Pap, you are so active and busy, lots of interests. Finding balance is hard but key. Did you relax this weekend? I did Sunday afternoon. I needed it. Hope you have a good week.

                              Cyn, good to hear from you. Hope you get some routine and home time.

                              Have a good week.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus

