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mon 3rd

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    mon 3rd

    well folks I am ...the bad penny has turned up are yizall? ok I hope....decent day pour moi yesterday,wee bit cold,but the sun...yes the sun even showed its face..

    so Monday again ...another day another dollar..tea and coffee on the go.

    evenin tt ..yes Im are you today?so you get an anti booze month as well?maybe other countries do it too....and then perhaps one day they will join them all up..and someone will think ..mmm lot of people protesting here ..maybe there is something wrong with drinking ...yeh then I woke up!!!too much revenue involved as well as major corporations...
    Thank you for your kind thoughts re the poor wee sowels in winter...I can feel the sincerity ooozing out of the puter!!

    morning are you?sociable or unsociable today?Im not completely sold on the disease idea either....but what box would you put it in?its not a fad,nor just a phase of life, we all or the majority of the western world drink al at one how come it picks its victims ..are some people more susceptible than others..are there genetic trends?lots of questions......and yet in the main we still put up this oh they enjoy a good drink sort of jolly attitude when we see people especially those we know full of booze......that is until the start to invade our personal space and upset our lifestyle/just reading your post gave me lots or questions etc.....just a pity I cant put them down in any sort of format...ever tried brainstorming at 6.30 am?that second post of yours is good ..sums it all up..but think the one part missing is complacency ..I remember after a while being af ..thinking no probs ..bring it on I can handle booze now..fortunately I never took up the challenge ..I would have lost question

    hiya Sam..well how did the football go?better than Scotland at the rugby I hope!!! Interesting you say you dont subscribe to the disease probs like I said to SF ...neither am I........what I did find interesting was your use of the word opposed to answer,solution or other such words.

    hiya Lav..groundhog day..remember that as a heavy metal group as a kid!!or similar ..that is the name ..not me bein a kid so whats on the cards for you today then...snow..and guess what just found a new series over here ...breaking Amish Las Vegas..just started on one of the catch up channels last night..not in Levis class but hey!!you take it easy if that snow comes more repetitions of the last time...sliding around the garden on your bum!!have a brew to welcome in the day.really bugging me what to do with this garden the plans in my involves moving a well established laurel bush ..boarding out the 2 veg plots to make one,putting in at least another ton of soil..and making the back fencing completely rabbit proof ..all with a dodgy back..need to make decision quick ..this is the start of the planting season.

    hiya are you ?hadnt even read your post when I wrote about the for booze to the troops..again it has always been socially accepted ..even in my time as a soldier we had free beer and what have you been up to this weekend?

    Hi SL are you today?thats an interesting slant that are you and the af doing ...are we on target for a 30 day Feb?

    Narilly ..morning to you...did you enjoy the game ..more to the point the nacho chips with salsa ...was it a hot salsa?

    hiya Kuya..and hows you today? Similar to you I hear the bins getting filled every morning with the you a wee smug feeling ..dont know why..I should be livid ..not getting full use of the bin service I pay for through council tax :H
    have a good one mate

    Hiya NS......I was probably better at drinking than riding a bike ..kept falling off!!how are you today?

    Pauly ..hi hows things with you?what are you up to?

    right peeps ..time to go as time marches on..take care and have a great day.

    Apparently there has been a huge cut in the number of people who are having plastic surgery.

    Surely that's the whole idea.

    After going to see 12 Years A Slave at my local cinema, I now understand how it feels to be exploited and robbed of your dignity by ruthless, mercenary overseers.

    ?4.20 for a Pepsi Max...thats crap.

    I came across a guy about to jump off a bridge. Noticing his wedding ring I said, "Think about your wife."

    Oh well, I'm guessing she was problem.

    The labour party have plans to allow recognised union members to join their party for just ?3.

    Thanks, but I think I'll just help an abandoned dog instead.

    My blonde wife came home after going to the Doctor's today. She told me that the man was very nice and even gave her a free prostate exam.

    Mum and I are getting along a lot better these days. There was a lot of tension for a long time between us but that seems to be behind us now. I can understand her point of view though, as having a forty-six year old stranger move in and start calling you Mum takes a bit of getting used to.

    I was in a relationship with this girl when she told me,

    "I did not want to scare you off by telling you this but it's only right you should know. I was married and I run away from my husband because of the constant beatings, I could never endure that again."

    "You have absolutely nothing to worry about with me," I replied, "I have no intention of marrying you."

    My cellmate said, "So what are you in for?"

    I said, "I stole a bus with fifty passengers on it."

    He said, "Oh yeah, I read about that in the paper. Hold on, wasn't it twenty-five passengers?"

    I replied, "Twenty-five, yeah, after the low bridge."

    I just got back from the doctors and am devastated to find out I've been infertile since birth.

    I have no idea how I'm going to break the news to the wife and kids.

    It is Chinese Year of the Horse, or as McDonalds calls it, Year of the Big Mac.

    These jump leads are shit.

    I've been skipping for an hour now and my car still hasn't started.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    mon 3rd

    Mae everybody,actually just Mick right now,im such an early bird,but i wanted to get some exercise in before work,afternoon sweating is not for me! plus when i get home i really dont feel like it so up early with a nice coffee/coconut oil buzz and mwo,superbowl was boring but i loved the halftime show,except red hot chili peppers was always my go to drinking music,but i still love 'em,well off to shower and get ready to face monday,luv ya guys
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      mon 3rd

      Good morning Abbers!

      Snow is falling once again, ho hum!
      It started out as an icy rain then changed over. I hear the schools are closed so that tells me the roads are in bad shape. I'll be staying put with plenty of things to keep me occupied here

      Mick, I'm garden dreaming too but planting time is way off around here!
      I never did get my raised beds last year but I'm still hopeful for this year. The Amish guy who runs the saw mill knows that we're still waiting. I honestly think they don't have any sense of time at all.
      Save your back Mick - you'll need it for future projects

      I have bills waiting to be paid, tax stuff for my business to be gathered & I think a pot of mushroom soup on my agenda for today

      Wishing everyone a great AF Monday! Be careful out there everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        mon 3rd

        Morning Mick, Pauly and Lav....

        Well it's 8 F here and not looking forward to heading out. At least it's going to be bright and sunny.

        Will be interesting to see what the workload looks like after taking Friday off.

        Will pop in later. Have a great AF Monday all and all to come....PPQP


          mon 3rd

          morning everyone, rainy day here to add to the mud. Lots of snow for you Lav?
          think you might have misunderstood... kinda on the fence on whether it is a disease or not. I have trouble calling it a disease, yet I see a connection that it could be. Cure may equal answer. Still I see what you're saying.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            mon 3rd

            Morning everyone!

            Just jumping in to say hi.
            Had butter chicken pizza last night, 10 teenagers were over and pretty well devoured it! So much for nachos and salsa!

            So many beer commercials at the Superbowl eh? Crazy. In Canada, we had a Budweizer commercial which played on our emotions about Hockey. It just pissed me off. Hockey and Beer, they just seem to go together and that is because of all of the marketing we are subjected to.
            F'n beverage companies!

            Back to work.
            Have a great AF day!

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              mon 3rd

              Hi all, happy unhungover Monday!
              Yup Mick, on track for my 30 days in Feb - aren't there 31??
              Doing good here.....
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                mon 3rd

                Morning everyone - except its Tuesday here already. We even had the Superbowl here - well it was on the news that is. For about 20 seconds. I am not a fan of big concerts or events - never have been.
                I'm the woman sitting in the cupboard with the book:H

                Pauly - I don't like all of the music I used to listen too when I was drinking - maybe its also me getting older. Some of it is music associated with a stage in my life or a relationship - and I don't dwell on the past anymore.

                More bad weather Lav - it will end soon. Drizzle here today.

                Mick - look after that back - you have to be fit for your trip to Vietnam.

                Good to see you posting SF - and all the others. I am still half asleep - had broken sleep due to thinking about all sorts of things I have to organise and do - and a very weak bladder:l


                  mon 3rd

                  2:30 pm & still snowing here Sam......
                  Wet, heavy, break your back kinda snow

                  Greetings PQ, narilly, SL & TT once again
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    mon 3rd

                    Mick....glad you didn't try things out. Al always wins. Promising to be your best friend, then stabs you in the back. This thing is so odd. A disease that only you can diagnose? I call it a self inflicted injury. Anyways life is better without it.

                    As far as beer commercials....the Budweiser was in. I will note that Miller Lite was not in there. They clearly could not afford an ad after i stopped drinking:H

                    Everyone at work was talking about the soldier ad until I pointed out that it really irritated me that any company would use our military to foster goodwill towards themselves to sell more product. It was a misuse of respect to our military. Using a man who risked his life for their own agenda.


                      mon 3rd

                      Alcohol served a escape our internal self.

                      No matter how we looked to the world, our internalised self was not a good place to be. So we ran away.

                      Bearing in mind some of our ghastly childhoods this is no surprise.

                      Getting, and remaining, sober involves embracing the REAL me. The perfect, loveable me, that has survived and found the bravery to face 'IT'.....whatever 'IT' may be.


                        mon 3rd

                        Narilly,please tell us what buter chicken pizza is,sounds naughty
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          mon 3rd

                          Oh so naughty Pauly!

                          Butter chicken on a pizza crust WITH CHEESE!! So ultra delish! 0 Calories of course

                          Our pizza place down the street (which is an Indian restaurant too) makes butter chicken pizza. I get thin crust and it is Yummy.
                          Any Indian place should be able to make it. East Indian restaurants make Naan bread all the time so Pizza is a no brainer. My grandma used to make pizza all the time and she came to Canada when she was 56.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            mon 3rd

                            happy Un-hung Monday ABeroooos!

                            sunny, yet still frozen day here in the high desert. with no hangover I can deal with whatever life/work/weather throws my way.

                            Mick, Sat I was shooting my Accuracy International MKII .308 which is made over in your neighborhood. I think you'd call it an L96A1.

                            Pauly, glad you had a sober superbowl and enjoying the day.

                            Dx and I just made some plans to visit Nashville and Memphis this July where her family will be on vacation. Yee har! I don't do western very well but I guess it's time to learn

                            back to work for me

                            be well
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              mon 3rd

                              Mae, all.

                              I came back home to this community on this day of loss - a wonderful actor, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, dead from a heroine overdose after 23 years of sobriety. Makes me shudder. We are never beyond this, it seems. I know for me that is true.

                              Kuya, it was so good to read the words, we need to love ourselves in our fullness. That has been under fire of late. I almost forgot it is a fundamental lesson/step we take if we are to leave AL behind. Thank you.

                              I have missed you all. Love and Hugs.

                              "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                              AF since Oct 2, 2012

