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AF Friday 7 Feb

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    AF Friday 7 Feb

    Well done PPQ! Thats just great - I can just see Mick doing this!!!! Great Friday evening giggle~~
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      AF Friday 7 Feb

      Hugs, SL! :l I hope you are feeling a little better by now, but it will pass. I'm sure there is probably something going on, but you may not understand for a bit. Life has to be lived forward, but we mostly understand it backward. Cut yourself some slack and try not to be too visibly cranky. Come here and bitch if you need to. Meanwhile, I have to giggle at Byrdie's moon!

      I sure do miss Mick's jokes, as well as Da Man himself.

      As they days go by, and there are STILL so many without power, I am more and more grateful that I didn't lose power from the ice storm. One of my clients came in today and had just gotten his power back an hour before he came in. Yikes! A lot of his neighborhood is still out.

      PPQP, that cartoon is just too hilarious! That could fit Mick to a "T" as well.

      I'm so glad to see that our California friends are getting some rain/snow at last.

      I know some people who have used Kuya's EFT and have had a lot of success with it in terms of getting past really intense feelings.

      I hope things get a little easier for you, pauly.

      Anyway, I'm off to bed soon. I'm reading a good book, non-fiction called [U]The History of Marriage[U] (I think). At first it seemed very scattered, but it is very interesting. I can't put it down. I am very ambivalent about watching the Olympics, because I read that they are rounding up all the stray dogs that have been living in the construction sites and "taking care" of them, meaning killing them. Don't like it at all. I will leave it at that and not climb on my soapbox and get started.

      Hugs to all!
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        AF Friday 7 Feb

        whew! a late Aloha Friday Aberoooos!

        still sickly but hanging in there. the larfs helped, thanks all.

        Scottish Lass, you aren't kidding! the windstorm here in my valley is freaky. I've already lost a large tree and worried the damn roof is going to come off. could be an interesting night.

        If I'm feeling up for it I may attend a bee-keeping seminar tomorrow that our local preppers group is putting on. a buddy of mine and I might delve into a hive or two and see how it goes.

        is EFT the same as 'tapping'? if so I hear good things about it. I followed along to a video from Mercola a few months ago then promptly forgot about it. that's my problem.... I have the attention span of a crack-smoking gnat. bzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

        stay warm, AF, and happy my friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Friday 7 Feb

          It is, Det. I think it would be cool if you kept bees. I can indulge my beekeeper fantasies vicariously. I hope you feel much better this weekend. I hope the wind dies down. The weather has been CRAZY!
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            AF Friday 7 Feb

            I have been an off and on beekeeper since I was in 4th grade. Got back into them when I got out of college, lost quite a few to disease, gave up and 2 years later a swarm came and settled in a old hive and I've kept them since. The mortality rate is pretty high and I feel the need to get re-educated on what going on with these little rascals. They are fascinating creatures. Of course the best part is the harvest and the honey comb! Have fun, tell us how it goes.
            Liberated 5/11/2013

