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February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

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    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

    The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.

    ~Abraham Lincoln

    February is such a short month, I thought I'd better start week two today, even though I already posted on the end of week 1.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

    Good morning freezing February friends!!!

    Dill, isn't it a good thing that February is such a short month? I'm afraid we'd all go nuts otherwise :H

    Yesterday's trip to Harrisburg for the Outdoor show was a huge waste of time. We got there & found no parking available anywhere in the city! We were directed to a mall that is nearly 45 minutes away from the venue where there was supposed to be a shuttle running back & forth. Nope, decided not to bother. So we had a nice lunch at Applebees then turned around & drove 80 miles back home, oh well! YB was a bit disappointed about missing the show but now he owes me an afternoon outside with the chain saw removing that fallen branch from the roof of the chicken house :H
    My niece's husband texted YB last evening from the show & said it was over crowded, food was expensive & everything was over priced so I think we didn't miss anything after all

    Greetings to Star, Papmom, Rusty, cyn (wherever you are), Dottie & everyone!
    Today is chore day so I'll get started. Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

      Good morning...

      Lav, what a irritating day, to drive so far and then not be able to get in. I bet it was wall to wall people, and hard to see the exhibits. I was at a boat and hunting show for something (I know, why, its a long story) and if there would have been crowds, it would have been even more boring. At least you had a decent lunch. I know around here people are tired of winter, just want something different to do, go to, see. More snow yesterday and yes, snowing right now. I am just worried about the amounts. Too much.

      My last day, thanks for asking. Well, there is a lot of turmoil there, so when I left with my car full of my things, I felt no regrets. Just kind of empty and relieved at the same time. So, no real drama and nothing like the way you felt Dill. How kind of your friends to walk you out.

      Pap, it is a relief to be done with all the drama and bullsh##. I just don't need it. Good to hear you slept well and have energy for your day. The lifestyle changes sound like they are really starting to make a difference, you are moving forward.

      Well, I have lots to do today, but it is 6 a.m. and I want to start a little later. Think I'll make some coffee. Have a great day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

        Good morning friends!

        Can't believe it's 8 am already & I'm just sitting here wrapped up in a blanket & drinking coffee
        Very cold here, waiting for this afternoon's snow to arrive, ho hum.

        I'm still waiting for help to remove that fallen branch. YB was here yesterday but apparently not up for the job. Man, he's getting old :H Glad I'm not the only one :H

        Star, you have some free time now before you start your new job?
        It would be nice to have a bit of time to 'reset' yourself

        Greetings to Dill, papmom, cyn, Rusty & everyone!
        Hope everyone has a great AF Sunday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

          "I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.... I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking."

          ?Og Mandino

          Anybody heard of Og Mandino? He wrote a book called A Better Way to Live, which I read, and a bunch of other books, and was a successful inspirational speaker. But before his success, he was a down and out drunk for many years and was inches from suicide. He lived from 1923-96.

          Busy day here today, but meeting today's challenges AF so life is good!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

            Good Afternoon Friends,

            All is well here so I thought I would pop in and say hello.:cheering. It's been a busy weekend, but a very fulfilling one. Yesterday my mom and I braved the bad weather and drove to Milwaukee for our monthly social with her deaf and blind clients. I am learning a few basic signs and my goal for April is to learn to finger spell so I can communicate better while volunteering. Several of the people are blind and not deaf, and very intelligent, so it's fun to talk with them, as they are very well-versed on current events, etc. They all make me feel so special and loved. Today I have the challenge of studying my environmental regulations as I have an environmental consulting day tomorrow, and I want to be as prepared as possible, and that will give me the needed confidence to do my job well. Alas, this is the week that kicks off the next 4 weeks of 3rd shift audits and 12-hr. on-site days, but I will survive, unhung, grateful to have a good job, and my good health. I am finding time to cook healthy meals and exercise, so it seems I have managed to reach a good balance.

            Dill-thank you for the great quotes:h. Absoutely, Abe Lincoln was right. I have never heard of Og Mandino but would love to read his success story.

            Lav-too bad about yesterday being a bust. Hopefully YB comes through for you on your list of chores that you want completed.

            Star-when do you start your new job? I hope your new job brings you a new group of great people to work with, a decent boss, and the satisfaction you need and deserve.

            Pap-a good night sleep is so priceless. You feel like you can take on the world if you sleep's like that for me anyway. Congratulations on the 19 lb. weight loss, too!:goodjob:

            Hello to Cyn, Dottie, and anyone else popping in. See you later in the week.


              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

              Good Morning Friends,

              Today I turned 53, and I don't know where the last year went as it sped by, but you all are high on my gratitude list today. :thanks::h Tonight a former client who is a dear friend is taking me out to dinner to celebrate my birthday. I hope you all have a lovely day!


                February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                Happy Birthday Rusty!!!!! Best wishes, have fun at dinner.

                I am starting my new job in a few weeks. I have many tasks to complete for this new job, so will be busy until it starts. I will also have time to take care of me. Starting a detox today, one day in duration, I need it so badly. Physically following detox, and want to take care of some exercise, mental detox, and spiritual. For me, lots of changes.

                Lav, so sorry you could not get the tree limb taken care of. What a pain.

                Dill, I read Og Mandino books in the past, did not realize he was a drinker. Very inspirational writer. Thanks for sharing.

                Hi Pap, have a good week.

                Off to start my day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                  Good morning friends,

                  Happy birthday Rusty
                  Enjoy your dinner!

                  I am happy to report that the tree branch has been removed from the chicken house roof, finally :H
                  YB finally found the energy, he's been extra sluggish lately. There were also quite a few branches broken in the row of white pines along the back end of property. We ended up with another 2-3 inches of snow last evening. Everything is opening 2 hours late around here but I do hope to get out to Curves.

                  Star, enjoy the detox, good the body & soul

                  I have not read Og Mandino. Just looked him up on Google. I just may read his book "Secrets for Success & Happiness".

                  I need to get moving, return some business emails, order some supplies & other busy work.
                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                    Hi everybody!

                    Finally back home. It was a wild time away, with waaaaaaaay too much people-intense time for me, everyday all day. Then came home just in time to do all the sheets and re-make the beds and have SD come for the weekend. I finally feel like I will have a productive day today, which I need since I was mostly out of internet the last 2 weeks, or was responsible for somebody!

                    Dill - I read last week's posts - how do you keep going with staying up with little ones all night? They are so lucky to have you. Is there any end-plan in sight for you?

                    Star - congrats on finishing that job. So glad to hear that you are able to take some 'you' time while you get ready for your next job. Hang in there with the winter and snow -- it's almost the middle of February, so the end is in (distant) sight.

                    Rusty - I hope you check back in and get my greetings! I've said it before and I'll say it again...I don't know how you do the traveling that you do. It totally saps me, and I feel out of place for a good 48 hours when I return home. Just today I'm starting to feel 'normal'. Good luck on all the long days - I know them well. I hope the work is rewarding - so glad that you have a good colleague to work with.

                    Pap - good job on all the life changes - wonderful.

                    Lav - we got that snow here too yesterday, just as we were driving up into western MA to meet some friends in need. Made it home OK though.

                    I am having the same sleep problems as some of you - hot flashes, waking up at 3 or 4 and unable to go back to sleep. Can't take benadryl; makes my legs super jumpy! I'm going to start with the pain-free regimen of your daughter's, Lav, and go from there.

                    Wishing all an AF, sunny, snow-free day!
                    to the light


                      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                      Oh Rusty, happiest of happy birthdays! Enjoy your dinner - and the year ahead!

                      Lav, Star, Dill, Pap, Cyn and other popper-innners - hope you have a wonderful week, without too much snow/ice/cold/rain/sleet/whatever else the weather gods may decide to throw at you (and that includes wayward branches)!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                        :groupluv::day5:Happy Birthday, dear Rusty!:bday2::groupluv::hallo:

                        Hello DTD, good to see you.

                        Star, Rusty and Lav, Og Mandino's book, A Better Way to Live is the book that tells his story of hitting bottom and then gives some principles to live by. It's the only book of his that I have read, but I know his others have been very inspirational too. I read it just after I joined MWO.

                        Cyn, yes, there is an end plan in sight for us, but no hard dates. The end plan is for our son to secure good and stable employment, get back on his feet and move out. (In this economy?) It is a process, coming back from addiction, as we all know. For him, two steps forward, one step back.... with two kids in tow. My son is a dear person, loyal to a fault. He joined the army after 9/11 to do his bit. I tried to talk him out of it, as have many mothers before me. It came close to killing him (IED attack and he lost close friends) physically and once he survived physically, the demons (PTSD) set in. I sometimes lose sight of all that and just want them away and on their own. But instead, we must take it one day at a time. On the plus side, he just got his 90 day NA key chain! I am so proud of him.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                          Happy Happy Day Rusty!! :day5::day4::bday3: :bday7:

                          Hope you're enjoying your birthday dinner!

                          Cyn-welcome home!! hope you get some much needed R&R!

                          Dill-I didn't realize how much your son has been through! What an accomplishment for him to get that 90 day chip! I pray with all my heart the demons will stay away and allow him to heal. You deserve alot of praise for being there for him and the kids. :h

                          Lav-so happy to hear the branch finally got removed! Ice storms are just amazing in their capability for damage-total contrast to how beautiful they can be! Did you get to curves?

                          Star-wow! 3 weeks off between jobs! You are my idol! I don't think I've ever taken time off between jobs but have promised myself never to do it that way again if there is a next time! Enjoy your detoxes. You will start this new job in the best shape, mentally and physically. :l

                          Today I hit the 20 lbs lost mark! Took exactly 2 months (8 weeks). I still have a long way to go but am confident I will reach my goal by next December if not sooner. I realize I will not continue to lose at the rate I have been-it's just the way it works.

                          Time to start the evening absolutions and hit the hay by 10pm.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                            Good morning to all...

                            Dill, really touched by your son's life story. It IS a long road to being independent, and then to have two small children to take care of on your own. He is more than lucky to have the support. It is so wonderful that you have moved forward on your AF journey and are able to understand his struggles. We are always there for our kids.

                            Lav, I am really discouraged as I am having swelling symptoms again. Some kind of allergy to food I think. I am trying to wait it out and hope the swelling goes away. I hate to go back on prednisone again. I made fajitas and used a packet of faijita mix, and I wonder if I was allergic to something in that. Darn, I hate having to go to the doctor. Any suggestions on how to get the allergen out of my system? Thanks. Glad your tree mess was cleaned up.

                            Cyn, nice to be home again. I don't know how you take care of so many and so much. Hope you feel more healthy soon. Are you talking about gluten free eating for less pain? I noticed the pain level is higher with the harsh cold dry weather. We need spring.

                            Pap, so proud of you. 20 pounds. I am jealous. Hey, the detox did not work, I felt so sick by the afternoon, that I had to break it. A headache and backache that were so intense I felt nauseous. That is not good. I think the way you are doing things regarding eating plan is so much better. As evidenced by your success. Good job.

                            So, today more computer time, an errand to run and I will make something for dinner. Plain and simple, that is for sure. OK, wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                              RUSTY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELATEDLY!!!!!! I hope that you swing by just to see that I haven't completely lost my mind -- though my concentration is not what it should be, obviously! Hope your dinner was great, and that this is a rewarding and wonderful year to come.

                              Dill - what a trial your son has been through. I believe that you are literally saving his life - and pulling his children's life back from the brink as well. Yours is truly an heroic journey - though I'm not sure if that helps the day to day exhaustion. (You too Star!)

                              Last week I took a 20 hour detour from HB's plans, and drove from LA to another CA city where I had some time with my nephew's wife and 4 kids. My nephew is deployed for 6 months, and though he has deployed before, this one was unexpected as he is rather senior in his field. He left 2 weeks ago, and I wasn't sure if my short visit would hinder or help, but I'm so glad that I went. It gave my niece time to have a little bit of 'me' time - I watched 2 kids (while she was at a soccer tourney with 2 others), made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, folded laundry, etc. Let me tell you for someone who has never had kids, this was a challenge! I was sweating when I couldn't get the DVD to work (finally figured it out!). I admire you grandparents out there - whew, what a job you do! Anyway, she got to take a quiet run the next morning, and told me as I left that it helped her 'get over the hump', so I'm so glad I did it.

                              Star - I hear you on the detox - I've never been able to do one that way. Baby steps! Maybe there was MSG in the fajita mix - that stuff is deadly for me. There's a site somewhere on the web which is a 100 day challenge to eat no processed foods. Maybe that would be an approach? Good luck - sorry you don't feel well.

                              Pap - wonderful on the weight loss, good luck as you go forward.

                              Lav - hope you escape any more branches. I think we are getting the midwest's cold air today, right?!

                              DTD - great to hear from you -- soak up the sun for us!

                              Happy AF day all --
                              to the light

